Playing for Keeps (7 page)

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Authors: Glenda Horsfall

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #BDSM, #Romance

BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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“Cassie – I said play with your beads. Don’t make me repeat myself or I will punish you.” He had to struggle to keep himself from grinning as her pupils dilated further. The idea of punishment obviously excited her; it was the second time today she had shown the same response. He was going to have to think up a punishment they would both enjoy.

Cassie couldn’t believe she had agreed to go along with this; but shit, it was her own fault – she had told him she wanted to try role-play. She was so turned on. She wished he would get off that damn couch and get down on the cushions with her. After their earlier episode in the bathroom, she had an idea where he was going with this command – and she didn’t want to stop him – she just wanted him to join her. Cassie knew he was as aroused as she was; the evidence was plain to see. His trousers were tented with his erection and a damp spot revealed the extent of his arousal. She stared at his crotch, deliberately licked her lips and was delighted to see his cock twitch. It was time to tease him a little after all he had put her through today.

Slowly her hands travelled between her thighs. Her folds were so damp, and she was feeling so close to the edge, that she didn’t think she would last very long if she touched herself too much. She tried to pull the beads from within her sensitive folds so she could run her fingers over them – well whatever turned him on.

“Now with the beads, slave – play with them – rub them over your clit, kitten!” His voice sounded deeper and huskier than usual. More dominant.

Oh hell! She could feel herself flushing. She was embarrassed, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of quitting. She was determined to get her reward. She couldn’t look at him as her hands travelled between her legs. Her fingers plucked at the pearl beads of the thong as she slid them up and down, up and down, against her very wet, very swollen clitoris.

“Open your legs wider, spread yourself for my pleasure.” His voice was nothing but a hoarse rasp as she slowly spread her legs further and raised her knees to give him a better view.

Cassie threw her head back against the cushions, her fingers now working faster and faster, stroking herself into frenzy. She couldn’t think about Matt watching her. She closed her eyes and fantasized, pretended it was Matt playing with her. The clamps on her nipples were now causing her nipples to throb and she was desperate for release. She wanted Matt to pull her nipples into his mouth and moisten them with his tongue, to suck and pull on them. She wanted him to get off that bloody divan and fuck her. Fuck her, hard.

Her fingers were now moving faster, harder, deeper within her folds. She slipped a couple of fingers inside her vagina, imagining that it was Matt’s hand between her legs; she rubbed frantically against her clitoris. She was so near the edge, so near, oh God… She was going to come. Her legs started to tremble and jerk as her head thrashed side to side. Any minute, any minute now… Oh God, it felt so good. She was so near.

“Stop – you are not allowed to come unless I say you can come!”

Anger washed over her. He had to be frigging joking. Surely, he wasn’t going to deny her the release she needed, not after he had stoked and fed that need for what felt like hours. She was too far gone; too near the edge and nothing, nothing he said was going to stop her going for the finish line. She kept her eyes closed, blocking him out as she continued to rub herself faster and faster... yes, oh yes, “Oh God ……..yesss!” She screamed as her climax rushed over her. She gave into the sensation as her body bucked. Complete at last, she laid panting and writhing on the mass of silk cushions.

Oh, shit. She was so mortified she didn’t dare look at him. She could hardly believe she had just played herself to a climax in front of him again. Oh God, it had felt so good. Her body was still trembling and the feel of the silk cushions against her back and bottom felt so sensual, she wriggled a bit more, enjoying the caress of the silk. She was sure Matt would have enjoyed her little display; he had encouraged her earlier after all.

Now it was his turn to achieve satisfaction; she was finally going to get her hands on him – she licked her lips in anticipation of taking his cock in her mouth. She opened her eyes to look at him, and was surprised to see he didn’t look pleased. Oh, oh. That wasn’t what she was expecting at all. Hang on, this was meant to be fun. This was role-play. He was taking it all a bit too seriously. Surely he was just acting.

Matt had to close his eyes when he saw her licking her lips. Just the thought of her pink tongue curling around his cock was enough to make him blow his load. He couldn’t look at her anymore; sure he would disgrace himself any minute. Deep breaths, take deep breaths. He fought for control. Shit, seeing her losing her inhibitions like that was the sexiest thing he had ever witnessed.

However, he reasoned with himself, she had disobeyed his direct command. He had told her she wasn’t allowed to come. She had deliberately disobeyed his command. He surveyed her as she lay writhing around on the cushions in front of him, enjoying the death throws of her orgasm.

She would have to be punished!

“Willful disobedience.” He shook his head in mock disgust. “That was pure disobedience. I told you not to come.” He was ablaze with indignation. “Now you will have to be punished.”

She giggled. Matt tensed. She wasn’t taking him seriously.

“Assume the position,” he told her, “while I decide what punishment you shall have.”

He pointed to the side of the divan. She rose fluidly and moved to kneel at the foot of the divan, her posture as submissive as earlier. She looked more excited than he had seen her for a long time. She was not taking him or the roles they were playing seriously and that pissed him off. She was the one who had wanted to play games. It was time to remind her who was boss. If she wanted to continue to play, she had to obey the rules. He decided that he would give her a firm reminder.

Matt got up and paced around the tent, pondering the options open to him. He knew she expected a spanking, but he also knew that that was what she wanted. No bloody way was she going to top him from the bottom. She needed to learn to obey her Master.

Christ, listen to yourself, this is a game! His thoughts were in turmoil. He felt irritated because she had disobeyed his command and annoyed that she had not followed the rules of the game. He didn’t want to be too hard on her, but, he was determined that if they were going to play, then they would play by the rules. Her flagrant disregard and lack of respect had adrenaline pumping through his body. His muscles felt tense. He inhaled deeply several times as he struggled to bring himself back under control. He needed to be able to think clearly if he was going to resolve their issues. She wanted domination, he reminded himself. He was determined that she wasn’t going to find him lacking, that meant… he would have to up his game.

She sat there looking like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, her eyes downcast, but with a silly little grin on her face as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. He was determined to take that grin away. No way would he allow her to get the upper hand with him.


Chapter 5

Cassie watched as Matt crossed the room to pick up the wall phone. He kept his back to her, as he gave instructions to someone on the other end of the line. After replacing the handset, he returned to sit on the divan a couple of feet away from her.

“Look at me.” He didn’t sound happy. She raised her head to look directly into his eyes. She knew he was disappointed that she had disobeyed his command, but she didn’t feel the least remorseful. “Do you trust me not to hurt you?”

He looked so serious and she guessed he was going to punish her for her earlier infraction. “Yes Master.” Her insides quivered with excitement at the thought of being punished. She had wanted him to spank her for months. It now looked like she was finally going to get her way and she struggled to hide her glee. He probably expected her to feel penitent, when in reality all she felt was excitement.

“You can use your safe word at any time.” Matt reminded her.

“Yes Master.” she couldn’t contain her grin. She was going to be spanked and her cunt was already thrumming with anticipation. Her first spanking!

She nearly jumped out of her skin when the door to the tent was thrust open and the two male attendants from earlier in the evening entered. They were carrying what looked like a sloping stool and a small satchel.

She was going to kill him. What the hell was he thinking of calling for them to return? She would die of embarrassment. She sat wearing nothing but the pearl thong and nipple clamps. She bowed her head in shame, turning her back on them. Christ… She didn’t know where to look. She had never been so embarrassed in her life, her face felt like it was on fire.

“Do you accept your punishment?”

Oh God, what could she say? She stole a furtive glance over her shoulder at the two Doms who stood in the middle of the room, and swiveled round sharply to look at Matt. What was he planning? Surely, he wasn’t going to let these goons spank her.

She was trembling, fear making her bite down on her lip, all desire and excitement had now fled. Her breathing became erratic in her panic – she couldn’t answer him, she felt helpless and very close to tears.

“If you accept your need to be punished,” he said firmly, “I will administer your punishment.”

Her eyes locked onto his and she held her breath as he continued. “If you don’t accept the need to be punished, when you truly deserve it for your earlier disobedience, then my friends over there,” he nodded behind her back, “will administer said punishment.”

Bastard! Relief washed through her, and she saw that he understood her fear of the other Doms.

“I accept my punishment, Master,” she said quickly, quietly, so that only he would hear.

“Stand up.”

He rose from the divan and held out his hand to help her stand. Oh, shit! She had tried to make herself as small as possible to hide from the other Doms in the room, but he was intent on taking that small comfort away from her too. Humiliation swept through her. She had never been so aware of her own body and wondered what they were thinking. Did they find her situation amusing, or were they looking at her and finding her lacking? Her skin erupted in goose bumps. Although the room was warm, she shivered. He had told her to stand up and she did not dare oppose him, just in case he handed her over to the others. What the hell had happened to him? She had thought they were playing, but he was obviously taking it far more seriously. She thought about using her ‘safe’ word, but discounted the idea almost immediately. He’d told her if she used it he would stop whatever they were doing and take her home. She didn’t want to go home. She’d waited too long for this.

She swallowed her pride and stood as he asked. She kept her back to the room and the other Doms. “Put your arms out to the side at shoulder height; open your legs to shoulder width. Do not move. Do not talk.”

Her shivers intensified as she wondered what he was planning next. She looked away. Her legs were trembling, panic was building inside. Her chest felt tight, and she could hardly breathe.

“Look at me.” He sounded gentle, caring.

Hearing his voice sounding so calm soothed her frayed emotions. She raised her head and was relieved to see his wide, reassuring smile.


Her breath exhaled on a ‘whoosh’ and she felt lightheaded as he cupped her chin and raised her head, forcing her to look directly into his eyes. “Breathe slowly, don’t panic, kitten. Trust me,” he whispered. “You know I would never hurt you.”

Oh thank you, thank you, God. Cassie was so relieved. She really had not been sure that he wasn’t going to get the other Doms, to administer her punishment. She trusted Matt not to hurt her. Maybe this would turn out all right after all. He was probably going to spank her – and hell that was what she had wanted! She smiled to herself thinking about the spanking to come, that thought alone caused moisture to pool within her folds.

He kept his hold on her chin, forcing her to look at him and nowhere else as he looked over her shoulder and issued instructions to the other Doms.

“Manacle her – hands and feet.” Her heart lurched in panic; she couldn’t turn around to see what they were doing, but silently prayed that Matt would not let them touch her.

A Dom appeared on either side of her, Matt was at her front, and Cassie had no escape. She closed her eyes, feeling mortified. She didn’t know where to look! The touch of the Doms was impersonal as they attached leather cuffs to each wrist and ankle before stepping back. She heard them moving about and what sounded like chains being taken out of a bag. Her heart was thudding so hard she could hardly hear above the sound of her own heartbeat, as she tried to figure out what they were doing.

“Tie her in position!” Matt bit out. He saw the panic flare in her eyes, but had to admire her nerve when she didn’t try to run and didn’t use her safe word.

She had agreed too quickly to her punishment. Did she think that by getting rid of the others he would relent and go easy on her? Not a chance baby! Not that he would let anyone touch her, but he wasn’t opposed to playing with her head a little to reinforce that he was in charge.

Dean and Jake, Doms he had met when he had been researching the BDSM scene, and who had now become quite good friends, grinned at him as they came up behind her. He knew they wouldn’t hurt her, that they wouldn’t touch her sexually; but she didn’t. Each grabbed a wrist, and guided her, over to the spanking stool.

She stood staring straight ahead, as if she was too embarrassed to look at either of her captors. She shrieked when they suddenly lifted her off her feet and laid her face down on the sloping and padded stool. The manacles around her wrists where fastened to eyes at the base of the front of the stool. Her legs were spread wide and the manacles around her ankles were fastened to hooks at the sides of the back of the stool. Her backside was positioned on the edge, raised in the air and ripe for his attention. A leather strap was fasted across her middle, pinning her, ass up, face down and unable to move. Her chest was pressed tight against the leather padding of the stool and he was sure the nipple clamps were making themselves felt.

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