Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (35 page)

BOOK: Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Piper found herself in the back seat of the car when she came to. Her hands were bound behind her back and her mouth was covered with what she suspected was duct tape.

Keeping quiet, she turned her head slightly to the right to see her kidnapper behind the wheel. It was Dennis Howell, the man her father had fired for trying to kiss her. She shuddered with revulsion as she recalled the message on the wall of the doggie spa. He believed she was his. And now he had her.

Closing her eyes she pretended to still be unconscious to give herself more time to think, to plan. She tested the bonds on her wrists. More tape? Rope? Whatever it was, she wasn’t going to get out of it. At least not easily or anytime soon.

Pushing down her rising panic Piper tried to decide what her options were. Various scenarios went through her head, none of which seemed too likely in this situation. Being trapped in a car with the creep cut down the options significantly, she reasoned, her jaw clenching.

Piper was growing angrier by the second, but forced herself to breathe normally and to keep her body relaxed. The ride went on for what seemed like hours. It was nearly dark when Howell slowed down and turned in to what was obviously a fueling station for diesel trucks. She could hear several of them running and she guessed he was parking away from where passenger cars would normally park closer to the building. She thought he was taking a very big risk by being in such a public place. Every cop would be on the lookout for the car, for him Was he really so foolish? She wasn’t about to point out the risk to him if he couldn’t see it for himself.

She nearly jumped when something was thrown over her body. She relaxed when she realized it was a blanket.

“Be sure to keep quiet back there. No one will hear you over these trucks idling and we’re far enough away that no one can see you. If I see you’ve moved when I come back, you’ll discover just what kind of punishment I can mete out.”

So, she hadn’t fooled him. Piper swallowed hard and kept still. She was terrified, of course. Actually, she was beyond terrified. But she had news for him. There was no way she was going to go quietly. She wasn’t letting the bastard do one more thing to her. He wasn’t going to hurt her. He wasn’t going to kill her. He wasn’t going to take away the future she had planned for herself.

Dennis Howell was about to learn what he had gotten himself into by kidnapping Piper.

With her jaw set she wriggled around under the blanket until she could sit up. The blanket fell and she saw that he had indeed parked away from the activity of the truck stop. Anyone seeing the car parked away from everything would assume that the driver wanted to get some sleep.

There was no sign of anyone, including Howell. Beginning to squirm, she lifted her bottom up and worked her bound wrists under it. Her heart was pounding and sweat beaded and ran down her face. Breathing hard through her nose she moaned in frustration as she tried to get her body positioned just right to get her hands to slip from beneath her. A cry of triumph and a puffing laugh against the tape escaped her as she got her wrists down along her legs and past her feet.

Reaching up Piper ripped the tape off her mouth, ignoring the pain, and took great breaths of air into her lungs. Tears ran down her cheeks as she pushed the seat forward and reached for the door handle. As she did so she saw Howell leaving the building across the parking lot. She pushed the door open and all but fell out of the car. Pushing up off her knees she ran toward the long row of parked semi-trucks, screaming at the top of her lungs as he dropped what he was carrying and ran to intercept her.


* * * *


Jace and Merck followed the three cruisers into the parking area of the truck stop. Several others had entered from the other side, their intent to surround the plaza and search for Dennis Howell.

There had been reports of a woman screaming and gunshots. A truck driver had been shot. There was no sign of the woman or the shooter. They had missed them by mere minutes.

While they prayed for Piper’s safety, they both knew that Howell would be very desperate now, which would make him even more dangerous. He had already shot one man. There would be nothing to stop him from killing Piper if he was cornered.

When the parking lot was searched the police found no sign of Howell’s car. They hadn’t expected to do so. The man wasn’t about to just sit and wait for them. Jace felt the panic rise. He and Merck swore at the same time, furious and terrified. They had promised to protect Piper and they had failed to do so. Jace slammed his fist down on the hood of his truck as he and Merck waited impatiently for Grayson to tell them what the next step was. As much as he wanted to go searching for their woman, he knew it would be better to wait to see what the sheriff and his counterparts would do next.

“We’ll find her,” Merck said, wrapping an arm around him, holding him close to his side. “And she’ll be okay.”

“I hope so. But who knows what that sick bastard will do now.”

Grayson was on the radio speaking with someone when he motioned for them to get into their truck. Jace’s heart pounded in his chest as he climbed up into it and slammed the door. Merck followed him in, strapping the seat belt across his chest before he quickly joined the stream of police cruisers out of the truck plaza.


* * * *


Merck fought down his fear for Piper’s safety as they drove at high speed along the winding roads. He was only slightly familiar with the area, but if his memory served, he believed this road would circle around and meet the highway. Hopefully Howell wouldn’t get that far before the police trapped him.

That would be the moment when Piper would be in the most danger. He only prayed that the man would do the decent thing and let her go. If he hurt her…Merck couldn’t even finish the thought. There was no way he and Jace were going to lose the woman they loved to some madman. They had a future together, years of loving to achieve, as well as the occasional discord. He wasn’t a fool. He knew there would be times when there would be arguments. But he didn’t care. They would get through the rough times and be all the stronger for it.

But they had to get their woman back first. Then they would do whatever it took to make Piper happy for the rest of their lives.


* * * *


Piper’s heart was in her throat as she stared out the windshield. Howell was driving like a madman as he tried to get away from the police who would be on their trail soon enough.

Thinking of the truck driver Howell had shot, Piper was struck by guilt. If she hadn’t been screaming for help the man would have stayed in his truck. Howell had grabbed her when she’d stopped to stare in shock and horror at the still figure of the man on the ground. As he yanked her back toward his car she had prayed the man wasn’t dead.

Now they were traveling at such an unsafe speed Piper knew it was only a matter of time before he lost control of the car and killed them both. He had already told her that he would shoot her if he saw the police.

Choices. Piper had them. She could sit there like a wimp or she could do something to take back control. She might die, but it wouldn’t be by his hand. Stealing herself for what she was about to do, she waited for the right moment. When a sign appeared marking a curve ahead and a reduction in speed, she knew this was it. He would have to slow down. There was no ignoring it, unless he wanted to wreck the car.

The moment Howell slowed, which wasn’t nearly slow enough for the curve, Piper lunged across and grabbed the steering wheel, yanking it sharply to the right.


* * * *


Merck jumped out of the truck even as it skidded to a stop behind Grayson’s cruiser. Jace was on his heels as they ran toward the wrecked car. Sirens blared and lights flashed as they tried to push their way between the dozen or so officers surrounding the mangled car. Headlights illuminated it. The front had been sheared off when it had left the road. It had then rolled and was now on its side.

Grayson was there with them as one officer pulled the smashed windshield, clearing the way to the interior. Another had his pistol trained on the unmoving driver.

But he and Jace cared nothing about Howell’s condition. All they were interested in was Piper. Had she survived the crash?

“She’s alive. I’ve got a good, strong pulse,” an officer said as he leaned in to check. “We won’t move her unless it’s necessary. The ambulance is only about five minutes out.”

It was the longest five minutes Merck had ever experienced. But during that time they had the satisfaction of learning that Howell was dead. That was the end of that. They would never have to deal with the man again. There would be no arrest, no charges, no hearings, or trial.

Merck thanked God then began praying feverishly that Piper would be okay. He grabbed Jace’s hand and held it tightly as the prayer left his lips.


* * * *


Jace held Merck’s hand as they waited impatiently to hear how Piper was doing. She had regained consciousness on the way to the hospital. They were told that she had a head wound but she was coherent and able to answer the questions put to her. It was an overwhelming relief. Now they wanted to see her to reassure themselves that she was okay.

But there were tests to be done and it would take time before Piper would be taken to a private room upstairs. They waited nearly an hour before the doctor came out to tell them that other than a few cuts and contusions, she had miraculously avoided breaking any bones, or suffering any internal injuries when the car crashed. The many airbags in the car had saved her.

It was another half hour before they were told what room Piper was now in. Jace and Merck were about to go up when her parents, brother, and Colt Redford entered through the emergency room doors.

After reassuring everyone that Piper was doing fine, relaying the information the doctor had given them, Jace and Merck hurried upstairs to see their woman, leaving the others to follow.

Huge gray eyes turned in their direction when they entered the room. A nurse was in the process of hooking machines up to her. Jace looked over her poor bruised face, the swelling and the cuts, and thought he’d never seen such a beautiful sight in his life.

When Piper burst into tears, Jace and Merck were there to comfort her, letting her sob out her fears in the security of their arms.


* * * *


Piper stared at her future brother-in-law. Caleb Hunter, a blond hunk of manhood, had been given the job of babysitting her for the day while Merck and Jace did their share of the wedding arrangements. He had just finished telling her that if she tried to go upstairs one more time he would tie her to her chair until Jace and Merck got home. She told him that was
not happening. He stared back with a smirk on his handsome face.

The man was just as stubborn as her men and refused to let her do anything for herself. He even stood outside the bathroom when she needed to use it. If she didn’t like him so darned much she would have been tempted to sic Sparkle on him. As it was she grudgingly accepted the fact that everyone was determined to treat her like an invalid until they were finally reassured that she had suffered no lasting damage from the kidnapping and crash.

Piper was still somewhat in disbelief that she had survived. Howell had not and she couldn’t bring herself to feel bad about that yet, if she ever would. The therapist she was seeing was helping a lot in getting her to cope with what had happened. As the days turned into weeks she was less given to panic attacks and the nightmares were lessening.

The one thing she really missed was the lovemaking. The men had instituted a hands-off policy and they were sticking to it. Even though she told them that she was perfectly fine and ready to make love, they refused to give in just yet. The cuddling at night was very nice, but by morning she was left aching and needy and more than a little grumpy.

“So, you’re gay,” Piper said, looking him over again, trying to think of something other than her lack of a sex life.

Caleb looked up from the magazine he was reading. The one corner of his mouth quirked upward with humor at the question. “I was the last time I checked. Why’s that?”

“Oh, I was just curious. I hope you don’t mind me asking.”

“Not at all. I’m quite open about it. And you’re family. We need to get to know each other.”

They smiled at one another and she felt she was really beginning to bond with the man.

They went back to a companionable silence as Piper checked over her many lists. But as she did so she thought how perfect Caleb would be as a third for Mink and Rafe, if those two could ever get it together, she thought with a wry twist to her lips. She loved her brother and wanted to see him as happy as she was with her men.

As the days had passed the one thing that kept Piper from running to the top of a mountain and screaming her head off was the love of her men. They were there for her. Merck and Jace were incredible. Devoted and loving, they saw to her every wish and whim before she could even voice it. They loved her unconditionally, as she loved them.

When they had asked her to marry them while Piper was still in the hospital, she had promptly burst into tears. Mink had appeared out of nowhere to hand her a tissue, before disappearing again. Obviously he was listening somewhere close by.

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