Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (33 page)

BOOK: Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Now go to the piggy pen.”

“The piggy pen?”

Judging by the speed Sparkle achieved running to the end of the yard it was her favorite spot. There was a small fenced area with a large black tub in it. The sides were low, only a few inches, but Sparkle was already in it and rooting and sliding down onto her side, grunting happily in about eight inches of mud.

“Oh my!” Piper exclaimed as they stood at the fence and watched the happy pig enjoy her beauty treatment. “This is terrific! Oh, Merck, you are wonderful!” She threw herself into their lover’s arms. The two men smiled at each other over her head. “You worked so hard and Sparkle is so happy! How did you get it all done so quickly?”

“A couple of my men helped, but mostly it was my family. By the way, they’ll be back over for a picnic on Sunday.”

Jace was looking forward to that. He’d met them several times already, but he couldn’t get enough of them. He loved the large families in the area and hoped Piper would want children eventually. As far as his own family went it was just his brother, their mother, and him. His brother was also single and childless.

“That’ll be fun. It’ll be a good way to relax.” She was frowning as she looked around. “Do we have enough tables and chairs? What will we feed them? I should probably invite my parents, too.”

They discussed the particulars as they watched Sparkle all but bury herself in the mud, her mud-caked snout about all that could be seen. When it was time to go in Merck called her out. She moved reluctantly, trotting across the yard. He turned on the hose and squirted her off, chasing her with the stream of water as she began playing again.

“I’m glad I don’t have a pig,” Mink said, lifting his huge rabbit from where it had been at his feet cropping the grass off and chewing enthusiastically. He shuddered. “That’s just too much mud. Who knew a pig could be so high maintenance? I suppose you’ll be doing her nails next,” he teased.

Piper ignored his teasing. She looked at his rabbit. “Have you named him yet?”


“Why Stormy?”

Slender shoulders shrugged. “It’s a good name for a bunny. And I like it.”

Jace laughed at his fierce expression. “Do you even know if it is a

Mink gave him a blank look. Then he blushed. “Well, I just kinda assumed it was a male.”

“Anyone here know how to sex a rabbit?” he asked.

Everyone looked expectantly at the tall rancher. “Well, it’s been a while, but I can tell.”

He lifted Stormy by the scruff, which instantly got him a scolding from Mink. “It’s the right way to lift a rabbit. Now watch.” He turned the rabbit over and pushed through the fur between the rear legs. With an expert twitch of his fingers he was parting and exposing what was definitely girlie parts. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but Stormy is a female.” He ran his hand over her stomach, pressing gently, and then grinned. “I believe you’re going to be a grandfather soon. We’ll have to get a proper hutch made. She won’t want to be messed with much. And she definitely will want her babies where she believes they’ll be safe, otherwise she could kill them.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

Merck shrugged. “That’s the way things are. You don’t want to stress her out. We’ll build the hutch on Sunday. It can be a family project.”

“Can it be a nice big one?”

“Yes, of course. She’s probably going to have a dozen babies. They’ll need room.”

Mink went from terribly excited to stark raving mad with excitement in two point three seconds. “Really? A dozen babies? I’m going to have thirteen rabbits?”

“Well, it could be more. It could be less.” Merck handed Stormy over to the excited man. “Just don’t be surprised if she gets grouchy and doesn’t want to be handled too much. We really do have to get that hutch made for her.”

“Maybe we should have Rafe…I mean Dr. McNeil look at her,” Mink said, blushing to a bright red. He was looking everywhere but at them. The ground at his feet was particularly interesting.

“That would be a good idea,” Piper said soothingly.

They began to make their way into the house, only to discover Sparkle had slipped away. She was back in the piggy pen, muddying herself all up. They laughed as Piper ran to get her, securing the gate this time.

Pets were put away and they had all washed up, now eager to eat the food Merck’s mothers had cooked for them.

“I haven’t seen Rafe since he got back,” Merck said as he filled a large soup bowl with chicken and dumplings. “I’ll have to give him a call. Maybe we can have a guys’ night out. Mink can go with us.”

Obviously Merck had noticed how their soon-to-be brother-in-law had all but gone up in flames at the mention of the handsome veterinarian.

“Oh, I don’t need to go along. I’m good staying home. Besides, I might have to work at the Chicken Palace that night.”

Jace chuckled. “I’m sure we can arrange it for a night you don’t have to work there.”

A slender hand waved in their direction. “No. No. Really. I’m not much for all that ball-scratching, belching, and drinking beer stuff.”


* * * *


Piper watched and listened as her men teased her brother. It was the beginning of their family group and she couldn’t have been happier. She ate the dumplings and chicken, smiling to herself, feeling very happy inside. She couldn’t remember the last time, if ever, having felt it.

The knowledge that she was finally getting to know her parents was another huge bonus. It seemed like she was getting what she had always wanted. Sighing with contentment she finished her supper and leaned back in the chair.

Merck and Jace had finally stopped teasing Mink. Merck was now explaining exactly what Stormy’s new hutch would need to make her a happy mommy bunny. Mink hung on every word. He looked like he wanted to take notes, but she knew he wouldn’t forget a thing.

Once the meal was over he disappeared upstairs to look at his new room. Merck and a couple of men would take trucks in to pick up the rest of his belongings, which included a couple of pieces of furniture belonging to his mother. The rest he would donate, having agreed to live at the ranch indefinitely. She was glad he had done so. It would give her a chance to really get to know her brother and would help him feel as if he truly belonged to a family now.

Charm was on the back of the couch when they joined Mink in the living room. The cat was staring at Stormy, as if she was wondering if it was worth the risk to tease the rabbit. Mindy went to Merck and curled up on his lap. Sparkle also wanted to be on the couch. Jace lifted her up and she stretched out on an afghan. Piper smiled and shook her head. Even she had never allowed Sparkle on the furniture. The pig was going to be spoiled rotten. She was still amazed at how much Merck had accomplished in training her pet in the matter of a couple of days. Obviously food was a huge motivator.

“How did your lunch with our father go?” she asked, sitting between Mink and Sparkle.

Mink nodded. “It went okay. He’s a lot different than I thought he would be. He’s pretty nice.”

Piper nodded. “I’m learning that, too. We’re going to get to know him together.”

“He said I could call him Doug or Dad. It was up to me.” Mink stroked a hand over Stormy’s back. “It feels weird to me, but I’ll probably go with Dad. He’s got a lot of plans for his new electronics factory. He told me all about them. He’ll be doing the whole green thing. It’s going to mean jobs for Silver. Can’t have too many of those, can you?”

As they talked Jace turned on the TV and turned down a few of the lights. They settled in for a quiet evening of relaxation, something Piper soaked up like a sponge. A glance at her brother told her he was enjoying it as well. Though they hadn’t discussed it she didn’t think he had much of a social life. With the loss of his mother he would have been all alone.

Now they were making a family of their own and repairing the breaks with parents. Piper just prayed it all went well. She had found her men. She hoped Mink would find that special someone, or someones, soon. If his reaction to Rafe McNeil was anything to go by, her brother wasn’t indifferent to the handsome man. There was a few years difference in their ages, but she didn’t believe it was enough to be a problem. It was probably another reason why they didn’t know each other well, if at all. Rafe would have been a grown man by the time Mink was in his teens. They wouldn’t have been in school at the same time, or even in the same social circles.

One thing was certain, Rafe had very obviously taken an interest in her brother. Piper would keep an eye on that one and sent up another prayer that she had done the right thing in stirring up an interest between the two men.

As they were heading to bed a few hours later Mink, pausing at the bottom of the stairs, told his sister, “Don’t worry about waking me up. Jace gave me a pair of earplugs.”

Piper lunged for him, laughing. Mink stuck his tongue out at her and dashed up the stairs. “You know, I haven’t been upstairs yet. Maybe I could take a quick peek?”

“Tomorrow,” Merck said, pulling her into his arms so he could nuzzle on her neck. “I have plans for you right now.”

Jace pressed against her back, making a Piper sandwich. She loved it, her body echoing her thoughts with a powerful shudder of desire. Her nipples perked up, becoming hard under her shirt, while her pussy began preparing itself for some serious loving by her men.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she asked in a purr, “And what would those plans involve, my darling man?”

“Well, we thought it was about time we made love to you at the same time.”

Piper knew what they were talking about without being told. Her heart began to pound in her chest and her breath quickened from between her lips. “That sounds like a good plan to me. I love being in the middle.” She rubbed herself against them as best she could.

Male growls of appreciation made her shiver. Big hands slid between the two of them. Jace caressed her small breasts through her clothing, molding her flesh, finding and tugging at her small nipples. Trembling, barely able to stand, Piper did the only thing she could. She held on. Merck bent and lifted her, which meant the hands on her breasts had to leave them. Moaning in protest, she squirmed in his arms as he carried her to their bedroom.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Jace said with a chuckle. “We’re going to do a lot more touching before the night’s over.”

As the heat between the three of them increased they locked themselves away in the bedroom. Jace pulled her into his arms and kissed her until her toes curled and she was out of breath. When he released her she sagged weakly against him, gasping, and forcing herself to release the death grip she had on his shoulders.

The moment Piper’s clothes began to be removed she was nearly lost. Anticipation was zinging through her body. Her nipples were as hard as stones and aching. Her pussy was throbbing and she knew if she checked her clit would be demanding attention from two very skilled lovers.

It wasn’t until she was standing naked in the center of the room that she realized there was a fire in the fireplace and there was the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. Merck had been very busy while Jace distracted her with a mind-blowing kiss. Candles were lit and placed around the room. The lamps were out. It was all very soft and romantic. When sexy music filled the room she smiled. Her men knew just how to completely seduce her.

As if they needed it. Piper was theirs from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. She knew it and they knew it.

Chapter Eighteen


Merck came up behind Piper, his hands sliding around her naked body. He loved the feel of her warm, silken skin. There were times he felt almost guilty for touching her with hands hard and callused from years of working on the ranch. Almost, but not completely. Besides, she seemed to love it when he stroked her from head to toe. The woman had no complaints about his hands. Instead she encouraged his caresses by moving against each and every one he gave her.

Like now. A purr of pleasure reached Merck’s ears as he stroked up Piper’s sides to cup her small breasts for a moment. Taking her nipples between thumb and forefinger he rolled them then gave them a gentle tug.

“Oh, yes! I love when you do that!”

Jace smiled at him. Leaning toward one another above her head they shared a brief kiss.

“I love when you do that, too,” the silvery sweet voice said between them. “But I have to get out. I’m getting smooshed.”

They gave her room, and then Merck was sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her into the bathroom. They had shared several showers but had yet to take a bath together. The tub was huge, more than large enough to accommodate the three of them. Jace got in first, his cock now encased in latex and ready to go. Merck chuckled as Piper all but leapt over the side and onto their lover. Strong arms slid around her, pulling her down onto his chest as she straddled Jace’s groin. With some wiggling their tiny beauty was impaling herself on his rigid flesh. The three of them moaned in unison as she sank slowly down the length of him, the water rising around her thighs. He hadn’t put too much water in. He wanted to have fun, not a lengthy mop up session afterward.

Taking a moment to open a foil packet he rolled the condom down over his cock then reached for the waterproof lube. Piper and Jace were kissing passionately, her body pressed tightly to their lover’s water-slick torso, her arms wound around his neck. Merck’s gaze raked over her, admiring her back and the wet silver curls clinging to it, and the heart-shaped curves of her ass. Her creamy skin glowed in the candlelight.

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