Payce's Passions (24 page)

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Authors: Piper Kay

BOOK: Payce's Passions
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“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise,” he moans on his way to my mouth. “You’re good, so damn tight for me, it’s unbelievable. I can’t wait to feel you around my cock, Payce.”

“I should be tight, it only happened once, with you.”

His finger crooks inside me, pressing against my prostate.

“Brax, oh, baby.” Stinging spasms shred through my ass. My body quivers.

Brax grins at me and continues working his fingers inside me, twisting and turning them. His eyes glaze over in lust and passion, he licks his lips watching me. He’s enjoying this so much. I know the thrill he’s getting right now, causing me to squirm around for him on my own bed. He’s damn sure earning it.

“I need you wider for me. I’ll go slowly until you are. I feel his fingers spreading apart, as he scissors inside of me until the muscles are stretched. He winds his hand in a circle, cranking and prying me. I’ll never be able to walk again. I finally feel myself give way. He rolls a condom over himself, squirting lube on his cock, and me again. “Ready, baby?”

I nod and Brax hurries back to my mouth. His kiss is hungry and grateful, so tender, then commanding as he inserts his fingers back inside me.

The pressure’s so intense and piercing, my eyes roll back. “Holy fuckeness! Mmmm…you feel so good this time.” My body breaks out in a sweat and involuntary shakes take over.

Brax loses himself in my moans. “Fuckkk. Oh yesss…Payce, that was so damn hot watching you.” He buries his tongue in my mouth one more time, then he’s back down between my legs, taking care of me.

I’m busy trying to breathe and make myself stay focused on him, that I end up all over the place with my thoughts.
Fucking hell.
  He takes my dick in his hand, fingers still filling me.
Oh my God
. He’s driving me nuts watching him.

Brax, completely naked, looking so fucking hot, and he’s ready. He rims me with his swollen head. I know he has to pass the band of sphincter muscles inside, then things will feel better. It’s going to sting a little, burn against my skin as he stretches me.

“Easy, Brax, go slow.” This is where the trust with your partner runs deep.

“Payce, you tell me if it’s too much because I’ll stop or slow, it’s your call, baby. I love you.”

The warm thick tip of his dick presses against my hole, causing me to tense. Brax squirts a little more lube just to be safe, then tries to squeeze through. The pressure starts to build. I’m very thankful that it’s Brax and no one else. This is huge, a stepping stone for us and I didn’t know that until now.

“You okay, baby? Payce?” His rubs across my stomach.

“Mmmm…” I hiss, nodding okay to him.

“If you’re okay, I’m going to pull back and then push in, a little harder and a bit further. I’ll ease into it.”

He slips out then glides back in, a little further. The pressure from him feels like I’m being split in two. He’s just like he promised to be, attentive, tender and gentle. I’m so full, he’s got to be all the way in or as much as he can be.

“You’re doing great, my baby. I’m going to thrust forward, a little faster this time. I can’t wait to be inside of you, all the way. I love you.”

I pull my legs back and hold them with my hand as he pumps forward, swift and steady right into me. “Holy fucking shit.” My eyes almost spring from their sockets and I feel him gliding in and out. “Oh God…Brax.” I let out a moan that could cause an avalanche.

“Mmmm…” He licks over his lips, tracing them with his tongue. “Payyyce, you feel amazing all around me, this is love.” He bites into his bottom lip. As he withdraws, he bends his elbows lowering his body down, then swoops up, thrusting his perfect cock inside of me, grinding his hips in slow circles, causing him to push harder.

He wiggles his hips against me, sweat forming on his face, and his breaths get shorter. He looks up to me with the most sultry-seductive expression I’ve ever seen. He continues to pump and grind into me, his hips swivel around me.

“Oh…God, don’t stop, please don’t you ever stop.” My body shakes, and he moans, licking across those beautiful lips of his. I can’t control myself, and roll with him wanting to feel everything about him for as long as I can.

“You’re perfect, so hot and tight, baby. I’m ready to come right now, but I want you with me, want you to feel good too. You’re taking it all out of me feeling this damn good.”

I grab my dick in my hand and jerk, fast and hard. I’m going to come so fast, I won’t be able to stop myself.

“Let go, Brax.” I continue jerking up and down on my rod. “Braxton, you feel so fucking fabulous, but right now I want you put your hands on my hips and pull me to you. You showed me how it feels making love and it’s unbelievable. But now I want you to fuck me, pound me harder.”

He slams that hard cock of his straight in my ass shredding me in a way I can’t even explain, but it’s completely raw and lustful, dangerous and it feels so damn good. After several hard thrusts into me, he leans over me, his sweat dripping down on me. Brax makes me feel so fucking naughty and bad, but loved and adored, all at the same time. It’s one wicked ass feeling. My nuts tighten…my cock throbs so hard it aches and needs this release. My ass clenches tight as he thrusts and pumps into me. Shooting tingles spurt through my body and I’m ready, the muscles spasm over and over and he moans as they tighten around him and he buries his thick cock inside me.

“I’m gonna come, baby, now…” My cock blasts spraying uncontrollable streams of milky white juices all over him and me too…“Oh…fuck, Braxxxxxx!” My body convulses hard and Brax hammers inside me, his eyes fluttering wildly, then he opens again just as I squirt again.

His body quivers, his mouth drops and he tries to talk. “God… Oh… Payce. It’s. Shit, so much. Oh my baby.” He pumps forward, grinding his hips against me, hard, then rotates himself around, groaning so deep. “Where did all of it come from, Christ.”

“Shit! No idea, oh fuck, Brax, that was all you causing that. I’ve never hurt so damn good, baby.” I lick across my bottom lip.

Brax slips in and out of me several more times, and then slouches over me, his mouth meeting mine. Our tongues thrash out to each other, swirling around each other as he thrusts in again, pumping into me, so hard and fast. We’re both lost in each other. The emotions, feelings and expressions are almost too much to take as he comes into my tight ass, his whole body losing muscle control.

“Yessss…hell yes, baby,” he yells.

“God, you’re fucking sexy right now, baby.”

Brax puts his arms on each side of my chest, straddling my upper body, and stares down at me. He grins, then bends his elbows, lowering to me.

I arch my back up to meet his lips, and we kiss. Puckering against each other, I massage up his arms, then help him lower himself to me, without crushing me.

“Come here.” I wink at him as he glides down on top of me, our bodies press against one another.

I wrap around him and flip him onto his back, rolling with him until I’m on top. I kiss him again, smiling to myself. Our eyes meet and there is no denying anything, he’s always going to be my first love, my only love.

“I love you.” He closes his eyes for a minute then opens again.

I lean over and nip at his swollen lips. “You want to hear something stupid?”

“Yes, and it won’t be stupid, Payce.” He wipes the sweat off my forehead with his hand.

“When I was in prison that year, they sent us to all these counseling places on the inside. Everyone thought they could fix us. I was pissed off, and wanted to be left alone with no contact, it was bad for a long time with me. I disconnected from everything. Anyway, I had one lady always asking me what my passion in life was, what my goals were, along with my hopes and dreams…they all resulted in the same answer. You, Braxton.”

He locks his hands behind my neck, pulling me to him, and kisses me. He’s more loving and passionate than even a few minutes ago. “I’m Payce’s Passion, huh? I can live with that.”

“Yeah, you are. I always knew the only way I’d ever have any peace or happiness in my life, would be if it came from you. The feeling is just as intense and strong now, as it was all those years ago. I love you, Braxton. And I swear if you ever tell anyone about the whole Payce’s Passion stuff, I’ll deny it, then come to your house and pound that ass. Got it?”

Braxton laughs and rolls from under me and off to the side of the bed, snatching up his jeans from the floor. He turns around holding his keys in the air, pulling the copy of my house key out. It’s the one I left him by the coffee pot that morning.

Hell yes.

“I’ll save you trip, you can just pound my ass right here in our bed. Several times a day if you want, Payce.”



The End




As always, my girls. You’re the best and I couldn’t do this without you. You know who you are and I love you.

For a special set of ladies: Eva King, Valerie Degorge, and Jeannette Joyal. You girls are an amazing part of this and your support has been overwhelming. It has seriously blown me away and I can’t thank you enough. Sue Bowden, the Playhouse group and The Passion Series pages are awesome. Thank you for thinking of me and beginning them. Pamela Ebeler, all I can say is whew. You have one hellacious hug coming if we ever meet face to face. Le’Mon Moonpie, you have the patience of a saint. Thanks for the Harley lessons and breakdowns, and especially for not laughing at me, too hard.

Karrie Jax, where do I even begin with you? My go to girl for everything. I think I’ve been educated in areas I never even imagined possible. We have had more off the wall conversations, than the law probably allows. You are a riot. I’m still not sure how I survived this long without you. Thank you for it all, you rock.

Special thanks:

Cover Artist: Rue Volley. The covers you design are incredible. You are one mega talented woman and a treasure to know. I love and appreciate everything about you. What you do as a writer, an artist and as a friend, you just blow me away.

Cover Model: Justin Fellers. Thanks so much for allowing me to use your images for my for my book cover. It’s gorgeous.

Editor: Elizabeth Lance. Thank you for making it shine. I appreciate what you do, especially knowing what it looked like when you got it. I’m not sure how you do it, but grateful you do.

Publisher: SJ Davis. There’s just not enough words. You have a heart of gold, and I love you for that. What an awesome ride it’s been with you, and more to come. I wouldn’t be anywhere else. Thank you for always being there and for everything you do. You are one very special lady.

My incredible lit family at Hot Ink Press/CHBB: You are truly an amazing family. The love and support that comes from this house is insane, and I’m very blessed to be a part of it. #onehouseunited

Read on for a Sneak Peek at the next book: Passions Pride


Epilogue included.

Book Three of The Passion Series: Passions Pride


Epilogue: Passions Pride



Balls out. It’s been eight months today and we’re having a little get together to celebrate. I’m even going all Betty Crocker on him and baking a cake. He thinks it’s silly, but I’ll play it off, like I do with a lot of things.

I do this once a month for us, so that we all stay in touch. It’s like having my own family, we’ve all gotten pretty close. I guess having some sort of connection with that whack-job, Aaron, had something to do with it, I don’t much care. I’m just grateful.

Everyone should be here soon. The only thing left to do is frost the cake and wait for the festivities to begin.

The bedroom door squeaks and heavy footsteps come down the hallway. I turn to greet Ash.

“There’s my hunkalicious.” I wink, then pounce, climbing him like a tree. I lock my legs around his waist.

“Serge, you’re going to break my back doing that one day.” Ash laughs.

“A big strong man like you, I doubt it.”

“Happy ‘whatever’ anniversary, Serge.” He tosses his head back and I kiss him. “What do we call this anyway? With us?”

“A weekend pass at an amusement park?” I grin and crawl off of him.

“I’m serious, Serge. I keep asking you to move in with me, but you won’t and I don’t know why. You tell me you don’t want anyone else, so why not?”

I smirk, it’s not easy for me to explain it to him. I’m just not there yet. The knock on the door comes and it couldn’t have been better timing.

“Saved by the bell.” I dart off to answer it.

“Sparky, my man.” He grabs me in a big hug, practically crushing my bones.

“Payce, you handsome devil you.” I pat him on the back. “Where’s the boss man?”

“Oh please, quit fucking with me. Brax told me all about your promotion to manager the other day.” He slaps me on the shoulder, nearly knocking me into the wall. “Congratulations. You should have called me.”

“I know, thanks. Braxton only wants a tough guy like me on the payroll, just in case someone gets out of hand. You know, someone to rough em’ up a bit.” I laugh.

“You’re my personal bodyguard, Serge.” Ash walks up behind me, a hand on my waist and reaches out to Payce.

“Ash.” Payce shakes his hand.

We gather in my living room. The tension between Ash and Payce has always been a little thick, but I’m not sure why.

“I’ll be right back. I heard Dax and Damien ride up.”

I swing the door open and Dax starts laughing.

“Damn, chill dude.” Dax does his hands in some kind of fighting motion. “Don’t be Karate chopping anyone now.”

“Not someone as cute as you, come on in. Payce just got here.” I hold the door open for them.

“You doing alright, Serge?” Damien reaches out to shake my hand.

“Never been better, Damien. How’s work?” I ask him, following behind him.

“Same shit, different day.” He shrugs following Dax.

“Trill, everyone’s in the living room. I’ll grab a few beers and be back in a flash.”

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