Payce's Passions (20 page)

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Authors: Piper Kay

BOOK: Payce's Passions
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I grin. “Same here.”

I slide my tongue between his lips, anxious to taste him. Slowly, he curls around mine and our tongues thrash in foreplay. I tug on his bottom lip and suck it into my mouth. He lets out a moan, then stands straight up.

“Salty.” He smacks his lips together.

“Sorry.” I jerk him back down to my mouth, teasing his lips with my tongue. “Beer.” I laugh, leaning back.

Brax tosses a leg across her, and sits down on the bike, his back to the handle bars. He pushes me in the chest with both hands, laying me all the way back, as he twirls his pinky around my nipple making it hard.

Ah hell yeah, shit!

“Fuck you’re hot, Payce. I can’t keep my hands off of you.” He lays across me, resting his head on my bare chest.

I reach up and stroke both hands through his hair, then he leans back up in front of me. He puts his hands on my thighs and slides them underneath the leg in my shorts, gliding up to my cock. Fingertips lightly glide over me, sending adrenaline surges straight to my dick. I start feeling constricted and engorged, blood rushing straight to my nuts and they tighten.
Shit, I need to touch him.

I lean forward and unbutton his shirt. We gaze into each other’s eyes, it’s almost like mind reading. Right now, I know he’s horny as hell and being playful, trying not to rush it. It’s intimate, something just between us and that makes it sexy.

I grin and he bites into his lip. I lick mine and push his shirt half way over his shoulder in one swift movement, leaving it hanging on his biceps. I push into his mouth, churning my tongue around his, then pull back out.

The intensity in his eyes keeps me focused on them. I slide my fingers down to his waistband, and unbuckle his belt, pulling it through the loops. I move back to his button to undo him and he slides his hands further up in my shorts able to press my dick between them. He massages me up and down, as I unzip him.

“I want you so bad.”

I pull his dick up, out of his pants, and begin massaging with my fingertips on his head, feeling the piercing. “Pull your pants down.”

He stands up, lowering them to his knees then sits back down.

I arch my ass up, pressing my head on the bike seat and lift. He guides them down as far as they will go, then I bend my knee. Pulling one foot out, I push my shorts down, lowering to my foot and kick it off. He takes me in his hand and slides up and down me.

“You…” I stop and lean forward, kissing him.


I pull back from his lips, and lean into his neck, and lick my way up to his earlobe. “You make me so fucking horny, I don’t know how I survived without you.”

“I wonder the same thing, Payce. I’ve only ever felt this way about you.” He pumps his hand a little faster on me.

“You’re just trying to boost my ego now.” I grin and lean back up to his mouth, biting his lip, then tracing my tongue along it.

“No, I think your ego is big enough. I’m sure you’ve been in some kind of relationship over the last seven years.” He pulls loose from my teeth.

“I haven’t. Getting laid and a relationship are two different things. I’ve never even had anyone stay over.”

“We can change that anytime you want.” He smiles at me.

“Yes we can, starting tonight.”

“We can indeed.” He tightens his grip again.

I put my hand on his, feeling him as he rubs up and down on me. “Fuck me, you feel good. Take your pants off, Brax.”

He stands, dipping back down to slide his tongue in my mouth, then pulls back getting off the bike. I take myself in my hand, as I watch him get undressed.

First he pulls the shirt off, next come the pants and underwear. He standing in my garage, buck naked, with his cock jutting upwards, hard as a rock.

“I can’t get enough of you. Get over here now.” I lay back on the motorcycle.

Brax walks up to the side, standing beside me. “Um, now what?”

“Closer, come right here to my mouth.” He steps sideways as I turn my head.

I suck him in, hard and tight and he gasps. Licking over the tip, I lap my tongue in circles around him, then reach for his ass. Taking him in my hand, I pull him closer, forcing him deeper inside me. I almost gag and he laughs, pulling out. He straddles the bike again.

“Put your legs on top of mine Brax, and come closer to me.”

“I like this, sort of freaky.” He laughs again. “I like watching you. I love the way your hands wander over my body as we kiss. There’s something hot and sexy about it.”

I tug him tighter to me and grab his dick. “Mmmm…so good.”

“Shit, Payce, you keep doing that and we’re going to make a mess on this bike.” He jerks harder and faster.

My breath hitches in my throat and all I can do is swallow deep, gulping. “You keep talking like that and you’re right.”

I feel my eyes roll back in my head getting lost in him. “Does that feel good, baby?” he asks.

“Mmmm…hmmm.” I lean up feeling forceful. “I like your hands anywhere on me, especially the way your warm body feels against me, with you pressing into my stomach like that. Shit, you’re about to make me come, Braxton.”

He leans an arm back, bracing himself, lifting a little. I reach under him, taking his ass cheek in my hands. “Oh Payce, fuck.”

“Let yourself go with me, come for me, Brax.” I guide him toward me, until he crawls his way up me. “Wrap your legs around my back.”

He tightens around me. “Oh God, Paaayce.”

“Yesss, baby, just like that.” I let go of his ass and reach for his head. “Look at me when you come, I want to see your face.”

Brax looks down at me, and we kiss. Our tongues heavy and hard, slip around each other, then he growls into my mouth.

“You’re fucking beautiful.” I watch him lose himself in the orgasm, clenching his ass cheeks together.

I release at the same time he does, both of us moan so loud, we probably woke the neighborhood up.

Out of breath, we begin to relax against each other. We wrap our arms around each other, hugging.

“It’s a wonder we didn’t tip the bike over.” He laughs.

“I have long and strong legs or we would have.” I pull back from the hug.

“Crap, Payce, I’m sorry.” He slides away from me and crawls off the bike.

“It’s all good, chill. “ I grin at him. “I could use a shower though.”

“You and me both.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” I wink at him. “You’re staying with me tonight, right?”

“Yes, if it’s okay. I know you said you had to be in early tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about that, Brax. Just stay with me.”

“Who knew your garage could be so interesting.”

He grins and we walk into the house together. I kill the light switch and shut the door behind us.

I’m definitely getting used to this.


Chapter Twenty Two



Lunch and dinner rush were insane today and I’m worn out. At least last night I got some rest. After Payce and I took a shower, we climbed in bed. Last thing I remember is him wrapping his arm around me, tucking me in close to him and I was out like a light.

When I woke up this morning, the alarm clock was going off. I tapped it off and climbed out to see if Payce was still home, but he wasn’t. He’d left a note next to the coffee pot saying:


‘Have a great day baby. Thank you for not giving up on me.

Here’s a key for you to keep if you want too. Let yourself out and lock up.

I’ll be thinking about you today. Talk soon.’


Right after the lunch rush earlier, he called and asked if I could leave work early, he wants to take me somewhere. After talking it over with Ash, he agrees to close up for me. It’s only an hour and a half early. Payce should be here any minute.

I walk out of my office, and through the doors to the main floor carrying a backpack. I see Payce pulling up on his bike out front. Ash spots me and comes up to me.

“Headed out?” he asks.

“Yes, I just saw Payce ride up. You have everything under control here?” I turn hearing the front door open. Payce is dressed in black jeans and a button down shirt, he looks good.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Brax.” He winks at me, and a shit-eating grin spreads over his face.

“Funny. Make sure you lock up as soon as the last customer leaves and don’t go outside by yourself.” I point my finger at him.

“Go have fun and quit worrying.” Ash waves to Payce, and I turn, strolling toward him.

“All set? You look nice.” Payce looks me up and down, then leans in. “You smell good too.”

“Thank you and yes I’m out of here. I ran home this morning on the way to work, and picked up a change of clothes. Figured it couldn’t hurt to have an extra set around.” I nudge him in the side with my elbow.

“Did you now? Smart thinking. Maybe I should do the same.” Payce grins and we walk out. “Want to take the bike?”

“How far are we going? Where are we going anyway, you never said?”

“About ten minutes from here. I want you to meet someone.”

“Let’s take the truck, I want to toss this in it anyways, plus stop and get gas for in the morning before it gets too late.”

Payce follows me to the truck. I toss my bag in the back and get in. I click the locks for Payce to get in on his side.

“Thanks. Oh this is nice inside, even for a guzzler.” He turns sideways trying to hide his the grin.

“Spill it now, who am I meeting exactly?” I start the truck. “Which way?”

“Hang a right. I want you to meet Damien and Dax. I do a lot of work for Damien, he’s cool as hell, Dax is too. You’ll like them.” He fastens his seatbelt.

“Damien, the one Aaron has all this shit going on with?”

He nods.

“Great. Do they know our past with him?”

“Why do you think they called me to find him, cops couldn’t spare the time to track him down I guess. Plus, I’ve run into Aaron once or twice over the years. I just watch who he’s running with, we haven’t even talked.” He looks out the window.

“Really? He never offered an apology or anything? Figures. Does Damien even know who I am?” I grab the pack of cigarettes from the seat and pull one out.

“Might have mentioned you once or twice, can’t remember.” He smiles at me.

“They’ll probably think I’m one of your fuck buddy’s or something.” I shake my head.

“Turn left on that street. It’s his neighborhood.” Payce points to the road.

We wind around a couple curves, and he points down the road they live on. I thump my butt out the window and roll it up again.

“Here we are.” He shows me the driveway and I turn in. “Ready?” He leans over giving me a kiss. “Or we could stay right here kissing. I love the way you taste in my mouth.”

“Your mouth is delicious.” We continue kissing, then he pulls back.

“We need to stop. Come on.”

As we approach the door, a really tall blond answers. “Come on in guys.” He steps out of the way.

“How’s it going, Dax?” They shake hands. “This is Braxton.”

“Nice to meet you, finally.” We shake hands.

“You too.” I follow behind Payce as we walk in this mansion size home.

Another man stands behind the bar in the living room. “Hey there, I’m Damien, and you’re Brax. Heard a lot about you.”

Payce heads straight for the bar, and Dax sits down next to me. “Since Payce didn’t ask you, I will. Anything to drink?”

“Um, dirty martini.”

“You got it, Damien loves playing bartender, he just showing off.” He rolls his eyes back in his head. “Ignore Payce, he’s just nervous. We always give him a hard time.” He waves his hand, like he’s brushing off Payce.

“Give him a hard time about what?”
Curiosity has me now.

“Well, Damien and Payce have known each other a couple years through work. From what Damien says, he’s never seen Payce with anyone. No companion, family or anything. Says he flies solo, so of course we always pick on him about bringing someone by with him. You’re the first.” Dax turns to Damien.

“Get this man a dirty martini, bartender.” Dax yells across the room.

Damien nods, and Payce turns to me, smiling.
He’s adorable when he’s nervous.
I wink at him, and he starts to blush.

Dax and I watch as Damien makes the drink, then nods his head toward us. Payce and Damien walk over to us.

“Here you go, sir. Sorry, it took me a minute. Dax drinks beer as his choice of adult beverage. I’m trying to culture him a little, show him there’s other options.” Damien hands me the martini.

“Oh shut up, Damien, you’re just showing off.” Payce starts laughing.

“He’s right, I can’t help it. What’s the point in having a wet bar if you don’t use it every so often, right?” Damien laughs and walks over to Dax putting his hand on his shoulder.

“Notice how he talks all prim and proper too when company comes to visit. Any other time, he’d be cursing like a freaking sailor.” Dax puts his hand on Damien’s.

“That’s the truth, you should see him on the job.” Payce burst out laughing.

“Well screw both of you, dickfucks.” Damien starts laughing.

“See, told you.” Payce elbows me in the arm.

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