Pay Any Price (40 page)

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Authors: James Risen

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army procurement, and auditors,

army procurement, and military contractor audits,

Arrigo, Jean Maria,

Ashcroft, John,

Asimos, Michael: government contracts and,
; illegal business deals and,
; intelligence operations and,
; investigative work and,

assassinations, of terrorist suspects,


audits, of outside contractors for U.S. military,


Babar, Major,

Bachmann, Michele,

Baginski, Maureen,

Bagram Prison,

Barko, Harry,

Bayes, Malcolm,

beaureacrats' postretirement employment,

behavioral scientists, and enhanced interrogation methods,

Behnke, Stephen,

Benevolence International,

Bergstrom, Rod,

Bin Laden, Osama,

Binney, Bill,

Black, Bill,


Blanchard, Paul,

Blixseth, Edra,

Blixseth, Tim,

Bloomberg, Michael,

Blue, Linden,

Blue, Neal,


Boston marathon bombing,

Bowen, Stuart,

Brachman, Jarrett,

Bradbury, Steven,

Brandon, Susan,

Bremer, Paul,

Brennan, John,

bribery scandals, and military contractors,

Brin, Sergey,

Brisard, Jean-Charles,

Brito, Jerry,

Brooke, Francis,

Bucci, Steven,

Bureau of Investigative Journalism,

Burnett, Deena,

Burnett, Tom,

Burnett et al.
. Al Baraka et al.:
overview of,
; defendants in,
; judge in,
; lawyers in,
; plaintiffs in,
In re Terrorist Attacks
case and,
See also
investigative work, and
case; 9/11 terrorist attacks

burn pits, as health hazards,

Burr, Richard,

Bush, George W.: counterterrorism policies of,
; drones and,
; enemy combatant status and,
; enhanced interrogation methods and,
; intelligence operations and,
; launches criminal leak investigations after
State of War
; military war-zone services and,
; national security policies of,
; 9/11 lawsuits and,
; secret software and,
; warrantless wiretapping and,
See also
cash, and postwar Iraq


CACI defense contractor,

Canadian border,

cash, and postwar Iraq: air force and,
; CERP money and,
; Congress and,
; corruption and,
; CPA and,
; economic assistance for Iraq and,
; economic assistance to Kurds and,
; government organizations and,
; IG and,
; Iraqi Central Bank and,
; Iraq's overseas accounts and,
; political agenda of U.S. and,
; storage of stolen,
; storehouse for,
; theft of,
; transport of,
; U.S. soldiers' theft of,
; U.S. soldiers' theft of CERP money and,
See also

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): Afghan drug lord relations with,
; contractors as employed by,
; drones and,
; enhanced interrogation methods and,
; intelligence operations of,
; national security policies and,
; 9/11 terrorist attacks and,
; power/abuse of power and,
; secret software and,
; theft and storage of cash from U.S. and,
; waterboarding and,
; weapons of mass destruction and,

Chalabi, Ahmed,

Cheney, Dick,
; power/abuse of power and,

Chertoff, Michael,

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

civilian casualties , and drone program,

Clarke, Hansen,

Clarke, Richard,

Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA),

Collins, Susan,

Comey, James,

Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP) money,

commercial flights, grounded,


Congress: anti-Muslim hearings and,
; burn pits investigations and,
; cash from U.S. in postwar Iraq and,
; corruption and,
; counterterrorism and,
; enhanced interrogation methods and,
; money for counterterrorism and,
; NSA and,
; politics of counterterrorism and,
; secret software and,

contractors (outside contractors): overview of,
; cybersecurity and,
; drone contracts and,
; interrogators as,
; NSA and,
; police training contracts and,
See also
military war-zone services

corruption: political leaders and,
; in postwar Iraq,
; secrecy and,

Corsetti, Damien,

Coughlin, Steven,

Counter Terror Expo of 2012,

counterterrorism (war on terror): Bush administration policies on,
; Congress and,
; cost estimates for,
; drones and,
; end of,
; greed and,
; Obama administration and,
; politics and,
; power/abuse of power and,
See also
endless war; Homeland Security Department; homeland security-industrial complex; national security policies

courts-martial, of interrogators,


cyber-industrial complex,

cybersecurity: deception detection methods and,
; government money for,
; Homeland Security and,
; NSA and,
; Pentagon and,


Daniels, George B.,

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