Pay Any Price (44 page)

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Authors: James Risen

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PENS (Psychological Ethics National Security) task force,

Pentagon: burn pits as health hazards and,
; cash in postwar Iraq and,
; cybersecurity and,
; drones and,
; enhanced interrogation methods and,
; intelligence operations for SOCOM and,
; investigative work for
case and,
; military contractors audits and,
; national security policies and,
; outside contractors employed by,
; police training contracts and,
; secret software and,
; status within,

Perfect Citizen,

personnel issues, and NSA,

Petraeus, David,

plaintiffs, in

police training contracts,

political agenda of U.S., in postwar Iraq,

politics, of counterterrorism,

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),

postwar Iraq.
cash, and postwar Iraq

Potenza, Vito,

power/abuse of power,

Prangley, Kim,

press investigations: enhanced interrogation methods and,
; homeland security and,
; intelligence operations and,
; investigative work and,
; NSA and,

Prim, Wayne,

Prince, Erik,

privacy rights of citizens,

psychiatrists, and enhanced interrogation methods,

Psychological Ethics National Security (PENS) task force,

psychologists: DOD,
; enhanced interrogation methods and,
; status for,
; U.S. military,

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder),


Rahel, Ansar,

Ravich, Samantha,

religious objects, and illicit markets,

religious objects sales,

Republican Party, and national security,

Rice, Joseph,

rights of citizens,

Rizzo, John,

Roark, Diane,

Robertson, Chip,

Robertson, James,

Rohde, David,

Rosetta Research and Consulting LLC,

Roy, Buzz,

Rumsfeld, Donald,


SAE Productions,


Sample, Tim,

sanctions violations, and intelligence operations for SOCOM,

SARC (Sigint Automation Research Center or skunk works),

SEALs, the navy,


secret software: overview of,
; air force and,
; Al Jazeera broadcasts of al Qaeda codes and,
; Blxware and,
; commercial flights grounded and,
; Congress and,
; corruption allegations among political leaders and,
; drones and,
; eTreppid and,
; executive branch and,
; France and,
; government money for,
; government organizations and,
; object/facial recognition software and,
; power/abuse of power and,
; SOCOM and,
; state secrets privilege and,
See also

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),

security zones/procedures,

Seel, Ted,

Seligman, Martin,

Sennett, Richard,

, 2001, terrorist attacks, See
Burnett et al.
. Al Baraka et al.;
9/11 terrorist attacks

SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) program,

Shabibi, Sinan al-,

Sheehy, Mike,

Sigint Automation Research Center (SARC or skunk works),

Sison, Michele,

skunk works (Sigint Automation Research Center or SARC),

Smith, Charles,

Smith, Ged,

Snowden, Edward,

Special Operations Command (SOCOM): secret software and,
; status within Pentagon and,
; waterboarding and,
See also
intelligence operations, and SOCOM

spousal abuse, by interrogators,

spying/domestic surveillance program,

State Department: police training contracts and,

State of War
; attempts to block publication,
; triggers national debate,

state secrets privilege,

status: counterterrorism and,
; intelligence operations and,
; interrogator methods and,
; for psychologists,

Stefanowicz, Steven,

Stellar Wind,

Stonegarden Operation,

stress position techniques,

Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) program,

Sweden, and Rosetta,

Szema, Anthony,


Taguba, Antonio,

See also

Taxi to the Dark Side

Taylor, John,

telecommunications companies,

Tenet, George,

Terrorist Financing Operations Section (TFOS),

Thin Thread,

Timmerman, Kenneth,

Titan contractor,

Todd, Chuck,

torture, and interrogator methods,

Townsend, Fran,


training, for interrogator methods,

Transportation Security Administration (TSA),

Trepp, Warren,

true/false information, and enhanced interrogation methods,


United States Congress.

United States military: air force,
; drones and,
; humane treatment of prisoners and,
; the navy SEALs,
; personnel as interrogators and,
; psychologists and,
; secret software and,
; SERE program,
; theft of CERP money by,
; transport of cash from U.S. by,
See also
military war-zone services

unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV),
See also

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,

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