Passion in the Sky (7 page)

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Authors: Diane Thorne

BOOK: Passion in the Sky
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“Fuck me, Phillip. Tease me later.”

Finding her entrance, he slid just barely inside, then removed his hand. “Tell me if it hurts, and I’ll slow down.”

Was he crazy? Regardless if there was a little pain, she wanted him to stretch and fill her. Damn it, she’d waited long enough for a living, breathing, sexy-as-hell man with a large cock.

She started a new kiss as he slowly pushed his erection inside her. Her insides stretched to accommodate him. Slight stings crawled within her, but she ignored them while she played with his tongue. He withdrew then slid his solid member back inside her. The tiny bit of discomfort disappeared fast. In little time, their bodies found a fluid and smooth rhythm where they worked together to fulfil their needs. He grabbed hold of her ass and lifted her. She wrapped her other leg around him. With her arms coiled around his neck and her back pressed against the door, she held onto him. His thrusts increased and his rigid shaft slid deeper. The electricity flowed to every nerve in her body as he filled her. Soon, she approached another orgasm. Was it possible? So soon? Hell fucking yes. She was about to come.

“Oh, God. Don’t stop.”

His fingers dug into her skin as he pumped harder. The grinding motion of their bodies escalated their need. He pounded inside her and hit her G-spot over and over again. She clawed at his back as the tension became unbearable. In and out. In and out. When he nipped her earlobe, an erotic signal shot straight south and ignited her orgasm. Her muscles tightened and gripped his massive member.

“Ah, fuck me, Gwen.”

He continued driving into her but with more fervour. His warm breath brushed over her neck. He grunted with a few hard and deep penetrations. When his orgasm finally came, he froze and let out a deep, throaty groan. His erection beat vibrantly within her.

Gwen rested her head against the side of his. A calming wave flowed through her body with each quiver of her orgasm, which seemed to lengthen thanks to Phillip’s throbbing cock. They remained immobile for a while, heated bodies together, pulsing and cooling. All the fear she’d briefly felt earlier became a distant memory. She’d had sex with a hot man who had a giant rod, in a bathroom thousands of feet above the ground. And it felt fucking awesome.

Phillip lifted his head and met her gaze. “Damn, that was good.”

She lifted her brows. “Just good?”

He chuckled, then kissed her lips. “Honey, I can’t wait to get you to my hotel room.”

She raked her nails along his scalp. “So you can spank me, tie me up and have your way with me.”

He stuck out his tongue and licked her lips. “You better believe it. Be ready.”

Once again, the thought of his plans set her body on fire. Good God, she’d just had sex and came twice. Was she still so horny?

“I’m ready for you now,” she said with a grin.

“Oh, I believe it. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be good to go again.”

She curled her bottom lip under her top teeth. Should they have sex again? Her instant mental response was,
why not

A light tap on the door quickly transformed their joyous faces into expressions of ‘oh shit’.

“Excuse me. Is everything okay in there?”

Gwen silently chuckled. She suspected the soft, feminine voice probably belonged to one of the flight attendants.

“Everything’s fine,” Phillip answered in a calm tone, though his face reflected anything but.

“Sir, if there is someone with you, I must ask one of you exit immediately or I will have to notify the captain.”

Gwen’s heart began to pump faster. She lowered one leg at a time. It seemed their aspirations of trying to get a third orgasm would have to wait for another time.

“No problem. I’ll be out in a minute,” Phillip said as he slowly withdrew his cock.

Gwen’s legs shook as she stood. As she leaned against the counter to steady herself, Phillip removed his condom. He grabbed a paper towel and disposed of the rubber.

“You okay?” he asked with scrunched brows indicating concern.

“Yeah. It’s just…been a while.” She let go of the counter and started fastening her buttons. Her legs quivered slightly.

He took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. “You’re an amazing woman.”

“Mm…you are one incredible man.”

“Incredible man wants to do naughty things to amazing woman.” He kissed her again.

“Amazing woman would like incredible man to do naughty things. But he has to catch her first.”

He arched a brow. “I’m fast. I’ll catch her.”

“Hmm…we’ll see.” She grinned.

He leaned to give her another kiss, but another tap at the door interrupted them.

“I’m coming,” he spat.

Gwen glanced down. Phillip’s rigid cock did appear ready for another round of sex. She sighed. “Sadly, you won’t be coming with me.”

As he pulled up his pants and tucked in his shirt, Gwen leaned against the counter and carefully slid her underwear on. Phillip helped her button her blouse while she straightened it inside her skirt. They kissed a few times before he finished. In less than two minutes, she stepped from the bathroom with her purse in hand.

A female flight attendant stood nearby with her arms crossed and a frown on her face. Gwen turned away from her without a word and walked down the aisle. Behind her, she heard Phillip apologise to the attendant and the door click shut. When she reached the curtain, she stopped and glanced over her shoulder.

Phillip stood near his seat, holding his jacket and staring at her. Gleaming blue eyes and a slight curl to his lips indicated contentment. He bent and swiftly lifted a leather bag from under his seat. After he flipped the top over, he removed a laptop and held it up to her. She understood the silent message and gave him a nod. Then, she stepped around the curtain.

Gwen returned to her seat unnoticed by any of the sleeping passengers. She stretched out her weary legs and relaxed. But she couldn’t doze off. Unlike the travellers around her, she had no desire to rest. The sex in the bathroom had given her energy and filled her with a new sense of life and passion. She wanted to do something fun and exciting. Sadly, all she had was her notebook and Kindle.

With a deep, cleansing sigh she noted how her vacation had started poorly, but quickly changed. Dropping her bag in front of a sexy man had embarrassed the hell out of her. As it turned out, he had an interest in her. She’d pursued that interest and discovered an incredible man with a big cock. During her first vacation day, she’d had two amazing orgasms and had received a promise of more hot sex after they landed. What a fucking blessed day. She needed to remember it always. Moreover, she needed to free herself more often and take full advantage of all the opportunities available to her. The day had turned out remarkably wonderful because she’d given up her restraints and lived in the moment. Now, how could she remind herself to do it again?

With the thought thriving in her head, she dug inside her bag for her notebook. She grabbed it and took a pen and the Kindle from her purse. Leaving the e-reader in her lap, she lowered the tray from the back of the seat in front of her. A quick glance at her neighbours indicated her movements hadn’t disturbed them. She placed the notebook on the tray and opened it to the first blank page. In the upper right corner, she jotted the date in small digits. To fill up the big space above the lines, she wrote
Diary of a Free Woman
, and underneath she penned,
Journal Entry One

Smiling, she continued to write the events of her day. If she was lucky, maybe she’d fill the notebook with more exciting adventures.

Chapter Six




Days Later


I’ll be down in a few minutes, after I clean up.


Gwen sat on a stool at the bar of Phillip’s hotel with a glass of white wine in front of her. The screen of her phone had illuminated when his message arrived. Her spirit had come to life too and she smiled. With her heart beating faster, she took a sip to try to calm her excitement. Her insides were warming and her pants were already getting wet. Damn, she couldn’t wait to be with him. She returned the drink to the counter, then lifted her cell.


I’m eyeing all the man candy. There’s quite a selection tonight. Perhaps I’ll find a new lollipop to suck on.


She hit the ‘send message’ with a wide grin on her face. Teasing him was so much fun.

Gwen placed her phone on the counter and inhaled a deep breath. The last several days had been some of the best in her life. While Phillip attended his meetings, she explored London on her own and had a good time visiting various museums and taking in different sights. But when he was with her, he took the meaning of fun to the next level. Kissing and making out on the London Eye had been exhilarating. Sadly, there hadn’t been enough time for sex on the spinning Ferris wheel. Perhaps it was for the best. She didn’t want to be caught with her panties down and legs wrapped around a billionaire. The public show would embarrass her for life.

Her phone vibrated, catching her attention. The screen displayed a text from Phillip.


Eager to suck on something? I have just what you need. I have a hard lollipop ready for your moist lips.


Sounds delicious. I’m a sucker for hard candy.

She laid her cell on the counter and took another drink of wine. The chatter of voices drowned the soft jazz music that was playing. Most men and women were dressed in business attire. Men wore suits and ties while women donned skirts and dressy blouses. Gwen fit right in with her knee-length skirt and pressed top. The clean clothes were the same ones she’d worn when she’d met Phillip on the plane. Since this was their last night together, she wanted it to be similar to the first. And as a special treat, she’d put on the red lace underwear that had spilled near Phillip’s feet on the plane. She felt certain he’d enjoy her wearing them for him.

The vibration of her phone on the counter called to her. She set her glass down and tapped the screen to read the communication.


Then I’m your man.


Better hurry,
she replied.


“Mind if I sit here?”

Gwen turned and found a man with brown hair, standing next to the stool at her side. He was dressed in business clothes like everyone one else and had his hand on the seat.

“Not at all,” she said.

“Thank you.” He smiled as he sat. Within seconds, a bartender stood in front of him. The stranger gave his drink order, then faced Gwen. “Are you here for business?”

“No. I’m visiting.”

“You’re American.” He dug inside his suit jacket and withdrew his wallet.


The bartender set a glass of liquor on the counter as the patron at her side handed his credit card to him. The bartender took it and disappeared.

“How long are you visiting?” the fellow next to her asked.

“This is my last night. I’m here with someone.”

Although the gentleman appeared well groomed, polite, handsome and yeah, someone she’d date, she didn’t want him to think she was available.

He lifted his glass in a toast to her. “Enjoy your evening.”

“Am I too late?”

Gwen heard Phillip’s voice and spun to face him. She couldn’t stop the wide smile forming on her face. He wore a black button-down tucked inside grey pants. His blue eyes gleamed as she stared into them.

“Not at all,” she said as she stood. “That was fast.”

“The meeting finished early. I was already cleaned up when I sent you the message.” His gaze travelled down her body.

Gwen bit her lip. Her insides quickly heated from his presence and the way he surveyed her.

She took a step towards him. “I wanted our last night to seem like our first.”

The corner of his lips curved. “I like the way you think.”

She moved closer. “And I’m wearing something red. Something you said you’d remove with your teeth.”

He stepped to her side and slid his arm around her waist. Leaning towards her ear, he said, “Your lollipop is ready.”

Her heart accelerated as he escorted her towards the exit. He kept his arm wrapped around her and his body close. She smelt the soft scent of his musky perfume and tingles of desire coursed through her. He wanted her. She wanted him. Nothing else mattered.

They left the bar and headed for the elevators, her shoes clacking on the hard wood floor. Men and women with luggage stood at the check-in desk while a few others sat in the waiting area. Phillip slid his hand lower and came to rest over her ass. The strings of need playing music within her grew livelier. When they reached the elevators, he leant forward and hit the call button.

“I hope I’m not interrupting any plans you had for this evening,” she said.

He met her gaze. “My plans were for us to have dinner and spend the rest of the night having sex. I’m going to eat you, after you suck on your lollipop, then fuck you. There’s no interruption.”

Gwen’s pulse quickened. Had she heard him right? Of course she had, and she liked it. His playful nature always excited her.

of the elevator distracted them. The doors parted and she followed Phillip inside. She leaned against the back wall while he withdrew his key card from his pocket and flashed it in front of the card reader. He pressed the button for his floor, then the doors closed.

Phillip twisted to face her. His wicked smile was one she’d seen before. “Do you know how incredibly sexy you are?” He came to stand inches in front of her.

She swallowed. “I look like all the other women in the bar.”

He placed his palms on her cheeks. “You’re glowing with beauty. You’re a woman with a gorgeous smile, one that is genuine. And you have an incredible body with all the right curves. Any man can take one look and see you are a slice of heaven.”

She licked her lips while her heart pounded. His hands were so warm and his words made her feel attractive—made her confident. She was a free woman ready to experience life’s pleasures.

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