Passion in the Sky (4 page)

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Authors: Diane Thorne

BOOK: Passion in the Sky
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Good. You are a beautiful woman and I like your attitude. I’d like to know more about you. Now, if you’d kindly take a stroll up here…


Again, she smiled as she stared at the screen. Then, she typed a reply.


Perhaps I will…later.


Gwen pondered his request after she sent the text. What would he do if she did pass by him? Would he try to touch her, or would he ignore her? An hour hadn’t even passed from their initial meeting. Yet, she was hornier than ever because of his messages. Maybe she should take a chance and find out how he’d respond to her walking by.

“May I leave my cup with you while I pay a visit to the ladies room?” Gwen asked Wynona.

“Certainly,” the older woman said.

Gwen set her clear cup on the tray, then pushed hers back into the upright position. She grabbed her purse and stuffed the calling card inside. After she slid her arm through the strap of her bag, she rose from her seat and left the Kindle on it for her return. Excitement stirred within her and she chewed on her lip as she walked towards the curtain. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Mr Sexy’s face when she strolled by him.

Chapter Three




Gwen clutched the strap of her purse as she approached the curtain separating the first class from the rest of the passengers. Anxiety coursed through her as she wondered what Phillip would do when he noticed her. She hoped to surprise him in a good way and bring a smile to his face. And maybe she’d get a peek at his groin and see if he truly had a hard-on. The thought of seeing a man’s erection instantly brought heat to her cheeks. She hadn’t seen one in so long, hadn’t touched or sucked one. Dear lord, she’d sent him a message about giving a blow job. Could she handle the task if the opportunity became available?

She stopped in front of the blue curtain. Panic tightened her gut. What if she couldn’t handle a real cock? She considered turning back, but then shook the crazy notion from her head. For cripes sake, sucking dick couldn’t have changed since the last time she did it. She worried for no good reason. With a deep breath, she tugged the cloth aside and stepped into the first class area.

Her inflamed hormones quickly died as she surveyed the section. The two women on the left were chatting. One stopped talking and looked at Gwen. The other quickly did the same. As the two stared at her, Gwen suddenly had a feeling she didn’t belong in the section. Ignoring the two snobs, Gwen turned her gaze to the other side of the aisle. The white haired man on the right had his head tilted forward and the seat next to him was empty. Where was Phillip? She proceeded towards the lavatories and noticed a laptop lying in his seat. Perhaps he was in one of the bathroom units taking care of his hard-on. In an instant, blood rushed to her head. She’d given the billion-dollar man a woody and he was masturbating in the plane’s bathroom. What kind of person did that make her?

She hurried to one of the units, opened the door and slipped inside. She slid the lever until it clicked and locked the door in place. Leaning her back against the door, she pushed thoughts of Phillip away and focused on the here-and-now.

The small bathroom had a florescent light above the mirror. The stainless steel sink, fixture and toilet appeared tidy and spotless. A light soap scent lingered in the air. Considering it was a small, commonly used public facility, it appeared clean.

Gwen set her purse on the cabinet next to the paper towels, then looked at the mirror. Waves of honey brown hair hung around her head and shoulders. She’d considered pinning her hair up before leaving her house but decided at the last minute to let her hair flow freely just in case she decided to nap during the flight. Leaning closer to her reflection, she noticed her lips were a light pink, indicating her lip-gloss had worn off. She dug inside her purse and found her lipstick. As she held it in her hand, Phillip popped back into her mind. He’d caught the tube and delivered it to her. He’d been so kind, helping her collect her spilt items. What were the odds a billionaire would be on the same flight as her and she’d drop her bags in front of him? And what were the odds he’d even take notice of her? Maybe the time had come for her to play the lottery.

After applying a little colour to her lips, she pressed them together and returned the lipstick to her purse. Her blouse and skirt appeared neat, but she smoothed her hands over both anyway. Opting to reveal a little more of her neck and still keep her boobs covered, she unfastened the second and third buttons. Unless someone tall looked down at her chest, the person wouldn’t see much cleavage.

The closing of another door outside shifted her attention. She wondered if Phillip had returned to his seat or if another passenger occupied one of the other bathrooms. Regardless, at some point she had to leave. Would she see him? There was only one way to find out. She lifted her purse and unlocked the door. Two steps past the facility, she came to a quick stop in the empty passage way.

Phillip sat in his seat with the laptop propped open in his lap. He wore a thin pair of glasses and his gaze pointed at his computer screen. The man looked just as sexy as she remembered, even behind his lenses.

Staring at him, Gwen debated what to do. Should she pass him without saying a word? Should she bump him? Before she drew attention to herself, she slid the strap of her purse over her arm.

Oh no. Too late.

Phillip glanced up from his laptop and met Gwen’s eyes. A smile emerged on his face and his eyebrows slowly rose. Gwen stepped towards him, heading down the aisle. His gaze never left her and she never looked away from him as she walked by without saying a word. When she reached the curtain, she stopped. The temptation to glance back consumed her every thought. Was he still watching her? She longed to know.

An idea came to her. She looked down at her shoes and pretended to see a mark on one of them. She bent down and made sure to keep her butt in the air in a teasing way in case he was looking. While she rubbed her fingers over the tip of her black shoe, she sneaked a peek behind her. Phillip faced her with his head slanted. He stared at her from above the rim of his glasses.

A rush of pure desire shot through her body, warming her and driving her crazy with lust. She straightened and for a few seconds she pondered if she should say something to him. But what would she say? They had several hours of flight time left. She couldn’t spend it all in his lap. Well, not on a public flight.

Pushing aside the curtain, she stepped forward. She headed for her seat and congratulated herself for resisting Phillip’s sexy lure. It had been difficult, but she’d done it. Although she was hornier than a teenager, she didn’t want it to show. If he truly wanted her, then he’d continue to pursue her. The wicked girl in her curiously longed to discover how far he would go for her.

Back at her seat, she found her e-reader waiting for her. She lifted it before she sat.

“Thank you for holding my drink while I was gone,” Gwen said as she stowed her purse in the usual area. Then, she lowered the tray in front of her and placed the Kindle on it.

“Not a problem. Everything all right?”

Gwen took her cup of water from Wynona’s table. “Yes. Everything is fine.”

She took a sip of her drink and nearly choked when Phillip walked slowly down the aisle. His glasses were gone and he swept his gaze swept over the rows as if he were searching for someone. When he looked her way, a mischievous crooked grin formed on his face. Her pulse quickened along with his steps. Was he going to stop to speak to her?

She gained the answer as he passed her without pausing. The thud of his feet grew softer on the carpeted walkway. Every nerve in her body urged her to turn around and watch him. But that’s what he wanted. She was certain of it. She’d teased him with her ass in the air and now he wanted to get even. Well, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction he wanted.

With a deep breath, she set her cup down and waited for him to pass by again. He’d have to in order to return to his seat. Through the whispering voices, she tried to listen for the patter of feet. Time ticked by and she clasped her hands together tightly under the tray, waiting for a clue indicating he would soon walk by. Her anxiety skyrocketed, but she held her position facing forward. She stiffened when she finally heard the soft thuds from the floor.

Phillip magically appeared at her side, smiling. He held a cup of water with ice in his hand.

“For you, should you need to cool down,” he said softly as he set the drink on her tray. “It’s a long flight. You don’t want to overheat.”

The smooth sound of his voice and his flirtatious nature set her body on fire. Or maybe it was just her face burning. Either way, she thought she’d burst into flames at any second.

He rested his hand on her shoulder and leaned towards her ear. “I enjoyed the view very much.”

His hand touched her for not even a minute, then he removed it and straightened with a naughty grin.

Gwen took hold of the cup he’d delivered and lifted it. “You are a man with a big heart.” She gave him a light-hearted smile.

For a brief second he appeared flushed, but he quickly turned and walked away before Gwen could be certain. He paused near the first class curtain, glanced back and pierced her with his gaze. The naughty grin he’d given her hadn’t faded one bit. He winked, then disappeared behind the fabric section divider.

Gwen sipped on the drink he’d given her and silently laughed at his playful tactics. What an incredible man—sexy, flirtatious, smart, respectful and owner of a major company. And he found her interesting. She’d be a fool not to give him what he wanted.

“Do you know him?” Wynona asked.

Gwen set the cup down. “Um, a little.”

“He’s very handsome. Looks like a smart man.”

“He is both,” Gwen said with a nod.

Gwen powered on her Kindle sitting on the tray while she held her cup. Knowing how playful Phillip seemed, she expected to see a message from him. After her screen illuminated, she went to her inbox and discovered she’d guessed right about him.


A big heart is not the only BIG thing I have. How are you feeling now?


Gwen typed her response.


I didn’t get a chance to see if you had something else big. Perhaps you can show me sometime. Thanks to you, I’m feeling quite hot, but the water and ice are helping. How are


I would gladly show you how big my something else is if you venture this way again. Only hot? How about wet? As for me…I’m hard and ready to explore your gorgeous body. I couldn’t take my eyes off your ass when you bent over. A woman should never tempt a man with her ass, especially when it is as divine as yours is. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. By the way, I sneaked a peek down your blouse. You have a mole on your right breast.


Gwen glanced down at her chest. Sure enough, she could see the mole down her shirt since she’d unfastened the top couple of buttons. He must have looked when he whispered in her ear. Crazy, sexy devil.

She prepared her next email.


So you glanced at my breasts. I hope you enjoyed your peek. As for my ass, I will tempt you with it whenever I feel like it.


She drank more water as she waited for his reply. Like many other times, it arrived fast.


You are such a tease. I love it. Be warned, my hand will come in contact with your luscious ass if you continue to tempt me with it. As for the quick view of your breasts…I enjoyed the view and seek a full one without your shirt on. Do you have a red bra packed to match those red panties? PS—You missed my questions.


She couldn’t help but smile while she shook her head. The man drove her wild with need every time he mentioned spanking her. She’d never had a man play with her in such a way. Was she crazy to find his flirtations appealing? No, she was horny and he wanted to give her exactly what she yearned for. Damn wonderful and wicked man.

She scrolled to the prior message and reviewed it to answer his questions.


Hot and wet adequately describe the way I feel, thanks to you. My red bra is packed in my other bag, which is stored under the plane. You’ll just have to wait until we are in London to see me in my red undergarments. As for my ass, I’m shaking it at you now.


Smiling, she relaxed in her seat and glanced out of the window. Darkness engulfed the sky. Gwen had been so focused on her conversation she’d lost track of time.

When the next email arrived, she quickly tapped the screen.


I will hold you to those words and look forward to seeing you in those red garments. Glad to hear I’m rousing your interest and keeping you moist. You should know my tongue longs to dive into your pussy and taste you. I will take great pleasure in caressing your clit. I’ll lavish it with my tongue over and over again until you climax. And don’t worry, I’ll suck on those lovely breasts too. I’ll make sure your nipples are exquisitely hard. Still shaking that ass?


Sweat formed above her brow. Her panties seemed wetter too. She read the message again and squeezed her thighs together. The man was insatiable talking about how he’d give her an orgasm with his tongue. She practically wanted to climax from his words. But he’d said them to tease her because she’d taunted him with her ass. Oh, he was the devil.

She prepared her reply.


I have stopped shaking it and have bent over so you can see my shaved pussy. Tell me do you like the view? PS—My mouth sure feels dry. I could use something hard to suck. I’m all out of ice.


Her inner demon rooted for her. She hoped his cock ached from the build-up of pressure.


Come up here and I will provide you with something hard to suck. PS-Shaved?

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