Passion in the Sky (2 page)

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Authors: Diane Thorne

BOOK: Passion in the Sky
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Gwen’s temperature rose as his gaze travelled up the length of her body. She looked away from him in an effort to calm her stimulated hormones. The blonde had finally secured the handle on her luggage. While she bent over, as if she planned to lift it, an ache in Gwen’s shoulder signalled she’d held her heavy bag far too long. Gwen slowly slid the straps down her arm while she held her purse. The blonde straightened abruptly, hefted her luggage up and swung it to her side. She bumped Gwen’s carry-on with enough force that it and Gwen’s purse fell straight to the ground. Both items crashed and thudded on the floor in front of the handsome man’s feet.

Gwen stood frozen in time as her belongings spilt onto the floor. Lipstick rolled from her purse and her wallet shot out halfway. Her notebook slid from her large bag, taking with it a shirt, pair of red bikini panties and jeans. Seeing the lace trim of her panties ignited a rush of heat to her face.
Dear lord.
Her underwear was on display in front of the man who stirred her inner desire.

The gorgeous man leant forward and snatched the tube of lip-gloss.

Gwen crouched near his feet. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” She collected her purse and set it upright.

“Accidents happen,” the dark-haired stranger said with a smile and handed her the lipstick.

With her face burning as if she were on fire, she stared into his blue eyes and slipped into a hypnotic trance. The smooth tone of his voice along with curve of his lips captivated her. He possessed a seductive lure and the tranquil colour of his eyes strengthened it. The underwear she currently wore quickly dampened.

“Thank you,” Gwen said as she collected the lipstick.

“My pleasure.”

As she tossed the tube in her purse, he reached for the items that had slipped out of her baggage. The red lace underwear lay partially exposed between the shirt and folded jeans. He picked up her notebook with the folded clothes on top. The shirt slid from the pile and her bikini panties became available for all to see.

“I’ll take those.” She quickly took the items from his hand, but in her haste, the underwear fell to the floor, on top of her shirt.

Could she be any more embarrassed?

“These are sexy.” He rubbed his fingers over her red panties as she shoved her notebook and jeans into her bag. “I bet you look nice in them.”

His soft voice sent tingles skating through her body. “Yes. I…uh…yes.” Those few words were the only ones that came to mind as she gathered the underwear and shirt.

“A beautiful woman should always wear sexy underwear.”

Again, his soft voice roused a need buried deep within her. Years had passed since the last time she’d had sex with a man. She’d focused on taking care of and supporting her children. To quench her desires she turned to her trusty vibrator. Although it had satisfied her enough, she longed to have a real cock fill her again, slide deep and bring her multiple orgasms. Yes, she couldn’t wait for that day.

Avoiding his gaze, she stuffed the items in her bag and stood. “Thank you.”

She glanced over her shoulder to find the blonde stowing her luggage in the overhead compartment. Finally, Gwen could pass by to get to her seat.

“It’s a long flight,” said the man who roused her carnal appetite.

She looked at him and found him holding a small business card between his fingers.

“If you’d welcome conversation, please send me a message.” He dropped the card into her bag.

Gwen’s tongue decided not to move. She didn’t know what to say. The sexiest man she’d seen in a long time had touched a pair of her underwear, called her a beautiful woman and given her his calling card. What kind of appropriate response could she give?

Holding her purse in one hand and the heavy bag in the other, she smiled and said, “Thank you. I will.”

He gave her a wide smile and her inner woman cheered. Men typically didn’t hit on Gwen, nor did she pursue them since she’d focused her priorities on her children. But she was free now and on vacation. Time to live a little and make the most out of life. Time to give up the vibrator for a real cock. With joy and desire coursing through her veins, she passed behind the blonde and proceeded down the aisle and away from the first class section.

Gwen stopped at row sixteen with the empty seat at the end. An older couple, both with white hair occupied the other two seats. The woman wore gold loop earrings and pastel coloured clothes. Sitting near the window, the man had dressed in a light-blue polo and khakis. They greeted her with a smile.

“Hello,” Gwen said.

“First trip to London?” the woman asked.

“Yes. It’s my first trip out of the States.” Gwen pushed her carry-on and purse under the seat in front of her before settling into her assigned spot.

“Ours too. I’m Wynona and this is my husband, Henry.”

He smiled and gave a nod. “Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Gwen. Nice to meet both of you.”

Wynona opened her mouth to speak, but an announcement came over the intercom before she could get a word out. The flight attendant informed them of their destination and estimated arrival time, and encouraged them to secure all bags prior to departure. By the time the attendant finished, Gwen had calmed from her run-in with Mr Sexy.

Wynona leaned towards Gwen. “Did you bring a book or something to pass the time? It’s such a long flight.”

“Yes, I have my Kindle.” And now she had a man to occupy her thoughts. Better yet, she had his calling card. But could she send him a message? What would she say?

“Me too.” The older woman smiled. “I just love it. I take it with me everywhere.”

As Gwen nodded, a door at the front of the plane thudded. Another announcement from the intercom informed them they were preparing for departure and requested travellers to turn off all electronic devices. Gwen suddenly realised she’d left her phone in her purse and it was on.

She reached for her bags under the seat in front of her. Hurrying, she dug inside her purse and found her phone. While she held the button to turn the power off, she decided to search for the card Mr Sexy had dropped in her bag. She pried the opening wide and spotted the little card lying on top of her clothes. Smiling, she picked it up. A glimpse at the darkened screen on her cell indicated it had shut down, so she left it inside the purse.

The glossy card gave a name, Phillip Connor, and personal details such as his business and personal number, and his email address. According to the card, he was the owner of Connor Industries. The company name sounded familiar to her.

As she relaxed in her seat, she recalled hearing the name mentioned repeatedly in the news. Connor Industries was the leading medical manufacturing company for prosthetic limbs as well as medical instruments, implant devices and machines. They owned several mid and small sized supply chains too. Connor Industries ranked in the billions and their stocks turned over profits annually.

Gwen’s gaze lowered to the card between her fingers. She read his title again to make sure her eyes hadn’t deceived her. Holy cow, Mr Sexy was the owner. But why would he ride a regular plane instead of a corporate jet?

One of the attendants appeared in the aisle a few rows ahead and instructed travellers what to do in an emergency. Gwen welcomed the distraction to calm her growing anxiety. Although she’d heard a similar spiel when she was a kid and had taken plane rides to visit family, she still listened to the directions. After all, she’d never flown over an ocean and never been in a plane for more than three hours. A drop dead gorgeous and wealthy man had never hit her on before either. God, she couldn’t get him out of her head, especially now that she knew his name and what he did for a living. Her vacation had started with a touch of embarrassment, but it had quickly transformed into a world of possibilities.

The plane gently backed away from the terminal. Two female flight attendants walked along the aisle, checking seat belts, under seats, and securing the overhead cabinet doors. Gwen hid Phillip’s card under her thighs, then clasped her hands together. When the attendant finally made it to her row, she glanced at their laps and feet. She gave them a smile and continued forward. Gwen didn’t move an inch until the pilot came on the intercom and attendants disappeared. She slipped the card out from under her skirt and held it above her lap.

“Afraid of flying?” Wynona asked softly, diverting Gwen’s attention.

She lowered the card on her leg to hide the wording. “No. I’ve flown on planes when I was a kid.”

Wynona’s gaze lowered to Gwen’s lap. Before she had a chance to say anything more, her husband claimed hold of her hand. She looked away and stared out the oval window with Henry while the plane’s engines revved.

The plane accelerated and Gwen turned to gaze out of the windows across the aisle. Other passengers watched too as everything rushed by during the race down the runway. The nose lifted first and the plane shook gently. Then suddenly they were above the ground and climbing in the sky.

She lifted the card and saw Phillip’s email address. Mr Sexy had given her permission to send him a message. He’d acted as if he wanted her to. Hell, he’d touched her underwear. Did he really find her attractive? Did he really want to have a conversation with her? Although she didn’t have a clue what to say, she had to send some kind of communication to him. He’d offered—no, he’d invited her to a conversation. Refusing would be rude, and she couldn’t allow him to think that.

The flight would last eight hours. Surely, she could find something to talk about with him during such a long flight. She thought about what to send in her message and remembered when he had handed her the notebook and had touched her underwear. He didn’t have a ring on his finger. She was a single woman, and if she guessed right, he was single too. The shared detail wasn’t much, but it gave her something to work with. He had liked her panties after all. Maybe he’d like to see her wearing them.

The thought brought a smile to her face. Eight hours trapped in a plane with a sexy and single billionaire inviting her to talk to him. How could she resist? She couldn’t. The time had come for her to live life to the fullest and take advantage of all the opportunities available to her. As soon as the pilot gave the okay to switch on electronic devices, she’d send him a message. And if he asked to see her in the red lace bikini, she’d find a way to appease his request.

Chapter Two




The plane levelled out above the clouds, thousands of feet above the ground. Gwen’s ears had popped a few times due to the pressure change. Henry and Wynona held hands while staring out of their small window. Like them, many continued to gaze outside and marvel at the changing sky. The sun was setting and shades of pink and orange coloured the horizon. Gwen caught glimpses, but her focus remained on the seatbelt sign above their heads. She hoped it would disappear soon and the pilot would make an announcement so she could fire off a message to Phillip. With her anxiety high and patience running thin, she tapped her fingers on her lap in rapid succession as if she were playing a piano.

Several more long minutes passed before the seatbelt sign flickered then disappeared with two soft dings. Gwen lifted her leg and fished for her Kindle. It was the latest with high definition colour, Wi-Fi, a fast processor for games and movies and a ton of memory. Her Kindle could even take pictures. The fancy e-reader was one of the best gifts her daughters had given to her.

The pilot came on the intercom and informed passengers it was safe to turn on electronics and move around on the plane. Overjoyed with the pilot’s update, Gwen pressed the button on the rectangular device. She waited for the Wi-Fi icon to appear, then entered her personal and financial details to pay for the connection. Once she had Internet access, she logged into her email account then she lifted the small card she’d held during the plane’s ascension. Although she’d practically memorised Phillip’s email address, she reviewed it again on the business card he’d given to her. After she entered his information in the ‘to’ box, she prepared a message to send to him.


Mr Connor, thank you for your special care with my…clothes. I apologise for intruding in your space. I hope you are having a pleasant flight. Do you typically fly on regular airlines instead of a company or private plane? Sincerely, Gwen.


Her finger rested over the send button on her touch screen. She felt awkward asking why he was on a regular flight, but curiosity got the better of her. A man of his status could easily afford a private flight to any destination. For another matter, she considered if she should specify red panties or did she have enough details for him to know who she was? She moved her curser after the word
, erased it, and inserted
red garment
. Satisfied with the message, she pressed send.

Sighing with relief, she lowered the card and her Kindle. She’d initiated a conversation. Now, would he respond?

Wynona asked her something, but since Gwen’s thoughts were on Phillip, she’d missed the question and had only heard the last word. “Excuse me?” Gwen said.

“Do you have children?”

“Oh, yes. Two daughters.”

Wynona glanced at the e-reader in Gwen’s hand. “Are you sending them messages with your pad?”

Nosy woman.
“Oh, yes.”

“We have one son and he’s married. We told him we’d call him after we arrived in London.”

“This is my first trip away from my girls.”

“Oh dear, you must miss them already.”

“I do. I like to stay in touch with them, so you may see me typing on my Kindle a lot.” The excuse was a good one. In the event Mr Sexy responded, her nosy neighbour would think Gwen was communicating with her daughters.

A new message appeared in Gwen’s inbox. Her heart gained a beat when she recognised the sender’s name. She tapped the screen to read the communication.


Please, call me Phillip. No intrusion at all. I’d gladly care for your red lace panties any time, especially removing them from you with my teeth. With warmest regards, Phillip.

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