Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas) (22 page)

BOOK: Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas)
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“How about I pick you up around seven and I can meet your mom too? You can text me your address.”

“Sounds like a good plan. See you on Friday.” Elena shut the phone and then jumped up and down on the sidewalk.

“I have an official date,” she told one passer-by who was staring at her. Her mom would be thrilled he wanted to meet her. She got back on her phone.

I did what you said and guess what?”


“We are going on our first real date on Friday! See, he does want me.”

“That’s great!”

“Will you help me get ready? I’ve never been on a date before

“Sure, I’ll be there at five.”


Wow! Her first date ever and with someone like Jay! She skipped home. Summer was looking up.




That Friday night, Elena was determined to look her best. She had Veronika play with her hair so that it looked less unruly. From deep within her clos
t, she found a simple yellow dress that tied up behind her neck and flowed freely from the waist.
She was relieved it still fit. She even let Veronika put some light makeup on her face.

“I think that’s it

“Yeah, all done,” she said as she surveyed her finished work.

Elena went to the living room and swirled around for her mother.

“You look beautiful
Really beautiful.”

“Mom, are you crying?”

“No, of course not,” she said and sniffed.

m, do not embarrass me okay?” Elena shifted her feet from side to side. “It’s only a date, not my high school prom.”

“You know you weren’t allowed to start dating

til you were sixteen.”

“It’s barely five months away, Mom, and this really means a lot to me.”

You’re usually pretty sensible and I know you would never lie to me, so I will trust you on this.” 

Elena gulped, but avoided further conversation with the sound of the
It was
seven sharp
They were on the first floor, so Jay was at the front door in seconds. When Elena opened the door, she took in everything at once. Jay looked absolutely delicious in his fitted jeans and white long-sleeved shirt. He’d left a couple of buttons undone to reveal the top of his toned chest.  Elena could feel herself blush as she looked down and stepped away from the door to let Jay in.

“You look amazing,
” he said as he gave her a slow kiss on the cheek. She flushed deeper.

“Thanks,” she murmured.

Her mother coughed loudly to draw attention to herself.

“Mom, I would like you to meet Jeremiah Washington, or Jay as everyone calls him.”

“How do you do Ms. Martinez?” he said and shook her hand. “I will take good care of your daughter.”

“I hear you’re a songwriter and producer, Jay?”

“Yes I am
ma’am. I hope to be publishing my first songs this year. My mom is in the industry, so it may help me get my start.”

“And do you have a back-up plan?” She moved pillows around the sofa as she spoke, her lips pursed.

“Mom, we’re not getting married! You’re interrogating him!”

Jay was unperturbed. “Not at this point
Ms. Martinez, but I believe that I will make it as a songwriter and I will definitely devote myself to that for now.”

“Okay, we’re going now Mom,” Elena said as she grabbed Jay’s hand and lead him out, before her mother asked if there was any history of genetic diseases in the family.

“Home by midnight,” Elena’s mom called out after them.

“Yes, Mom.
And thanks,
,” she said as she waved to them, ignoring the look of concern on her



The night went like a dream. From her apartment, Jay drove her to a cozy pizza place. It was a small place in Greenwich Village with outdoor seating.

“This place is amazing

“My family used to come here all the time. I love it too

Silence followed and Elena stared down at the table. Everything felt so formal here.

“I’m sorry about my mom.”

“She was just being a mom. It didn’t bother me,” he said. He smiled and placed his hand on her arm and caressed it gently. “It was worth it.” He gazed into her eyes and Elena gulped. Why did she ever think she was ready for this?

Thankfully, Jay didn’t seem to notice. Or if he did, he hid it well. By the time they ordered, Elena started to relax a little. She was able to talk more freely instead of like a robot. That was, until he touched her. Then she would lose concentration and stutter.

She excused herself and went to the bathroom, where she washed her face slowly. If she didn’t pull it together, he was going to think she was an idiot. She took a deep breath, adjusted her dress and left the bathroom with determination.

By the time she had returned, Jay had paid the bill and was standing waiting for her.

“Ready for the movie?” he said and he smiled at her.

Elena nodded as he grabbed her hand and led her out.
So much for holding it together.

“Did you have a preference?”

” Elena said, looking at the options. There was a romantic comedy or an action movie. The action movie was more sensible
considering her reaction to everything he did.

“Do you mind if we watch the one with Kate Hudson?”

“Not at all.
I love romantic comedies.”

They sat in the
and Jay’s arm immediately wrapped around her shoulder to pull her close. She
her head against his
his intoxicating aftershave. All she wanted to do was touch him. But she didn’t dare.

When he laughed, Elena felt his chest move. She loved his laugh. It came from the depths of his soul. Every so often he would look down at Elena and give her a soft kiss. It was like drinking water in the desert. The movie finished
but Elena didn’t remember much of it.

“Did you like it?” he asked.


“Ready to go home?”

“I guess,” she said and sighed. He squeezed her shoulder as he led her back to the car.

When they arrived back at her apartment, he walked with her to the building’s entrance.

“So I guess this is good night?” he said.

She nodded as she looked down and swayed slightly from side to side, twisting the handle of her

“Can I kiss you good night?”

Elena looked up at him. Was he kidding? Of course he could!

He stood on the step below and leaned in, brushed her lips first and then kissed her gently. And then again, ’til Elena thought she was going to faint.

“Good night, Elena,” he whispered. Elena couldn’t speak. She stood where she was and watched him get in his car and drive away but all she wanted to do was beg him to come back. As he left, Elena looked up and saw her mom was watching from upstairs. By the time she got up to the apartment, her mom resumed her planned position, reading a book on the sofa.

Was it a g


“Did he kiss you good night?”

,” she answered and floated to her room.



The next day, Elena answered her phone to hear his voice.

“Hey Elena.
Did you sleep well?”


“Did you have a good time last night?”

What was with the monosyllables?

“Are you free on Tuesday? I thought we could go this jazz place I know.”

“Sounds great, Jay.”

“I will see you then, cutie.”

but nice.



Tuesday’s date was just as perfect. Elena didn’t want to wear the same dress, so she opted for black trousers and a red strapless top.
She grabbed her favorite
chiffon scarf and
wrapped it around her shoulders like a
habit, she
rubbed her fingers along the
rough stitching
initials Sebastian had sewn on for her himself when he’d
given it to her for her fourteenth birthday.
It always made her smile. She glanced at herself in the mirror and nodded
enough for a jazz club.
agree. As soon as he saw her, he pulled her close, traced her shoulders over the chiffon and kissed her lightly on the lips. Would she ever get sick of his touch? They arrived at the club and
were led to a
at the back of the venue, where they sat side by side to watch
the band
playing on stage.

“You have great taste in music
Jay. This band is amazing!”

“I’m a producer and composer. I would hope I would have some idea!” he said and

The night passed quickly as several bands performed and Jay held her closely to him, always caressing her
on her thigh, her shoulder, her neck, her waist. By the end of the night, her body was ready to explode with desire.

they sat in the car about to drive home, he kissed her tentatively. Then he leaned in and kissed her with more intensity,
pulling down her wrap and
caressing her bare shoulders and collarbone.  She heard a groan and tried to determine where it came from. He pulled away and looked down at her. Oh God, she was the one that groaned. Did she have no control? She felt her face burning from embarrassment.  “Time to get you home I think.”

She panicked. She had ruined it. Idiot!

“What’s up, Elena? You’re so quiet.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mess it up.”

Elena slumped in her seat as he furrowed his brows.

“You didn’t think…
I pulled away because I was afraid I would get carried away. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Oh I thought
you know
because…” Thank God it was dark in the car or they would be using her face for a stop sign.

He placed his hand over hers.

“Hey, you are incredibly sexy
and I am very attracted to you. But I also want to take it slow. You didn’t do anything wrong, OK?

Elena nodded, relieved but not totally convinced.

This time as he dropped her off, he stayed in the car and kissed her lightly once. That
it? She

d been looking forward to that good night kiss all night. She opened the car door and waved to him as he drove off, dragging herself to her apartment. He was upset after all.

But early the next morning she received a text from him, asking her to meet him at his apartment for another songwriting session.

Dressed back in jeans, Elena went uncertain of what to expect.

When she saw him, Jay was his usual friendly self, acting as he always did.

“I’m so glad you came. I have a few songs I really need to finish for my demo CD.”

“Of course!”
Three weeks of dating and they were back to this.

They followed their usual routine, working through songs and lyrics. He never touched her once, not even when she sat beside him. Elena tried to keep her focus but inside, everything seemed tumultuous. How could he be so normal after they had been dating for three weeks?

BOOK: Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas)
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