Read Paradise Online

Authors: Eileen Ann Brennan

Paradise (26 page)

BOOK: Paradise
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Finally, his mouth took hers. Possessive. Demanding rights she hadn’t realized she’d already relinquished, yet had no wish to take back.

Their tongues and lips battled fiercely to take more, to give more. As if by silent agreement or an unknown signal, they broke the kiss. His harsh breathing echoed in her ear as she made a desperate attempt to squeeze some air into her lungs.

His mouth found that tender spot at the base of her neck.

“You keep doing that and I’m going to end up with a permanent hickey.”

His lips nibbled upward to her ear. “Want me to stop?”

She cupped his head and directed his mouth lower. “Maybe in an hour or two.”

“Works for me,” came his mumbled reply.

“Do that again,” she whispered when his mouth tugged at her swollen nipple.

“Like this?”

“Yes,” she sighed, cradling his head and offering more of her breast.

The onslaught continued. His fingers ambled to the waistband of her shorts. He had them unzipped and down her legs in seconds. Her panties followed. Bracing herself against the door, she kicked them away. Slowly, his mouth inched its way to her belly.

Time stopped. He drew back. A numbing anticipation threatened to explode into frustration if he didn’t continue. She tried to draw him closer by tugging his hair, but he wouldn’t budge. Then, she realized his intent. He was memorizing her -- her look, her feel, her scent -- as a wild beast memorizes its mate.

Her legs crumpled. He caught her hips and braced her against the door. “Tell me what you want, babe,” came the harsh whisper.

His hands massaged her hips, waiting. Pulling his hair had no effect. Didn’t this guy understand body language? How much plainer did she have to get? She tugged his head again, but he ignored her.

Her muzzy brain slowly focused. Sound. Of course. Eddie responded to sound. She needed to arouse him with her voice, her words.

“Don’t stop, Eddie,” she gasped. “Please…kiss me…lick me. I want to feel your mouth on me.”

With a deep growl, he lifted her thigh over his shoulder and complied with her request. His tongue was everywhere, pleasuring her, exciting her. Her climax came quickly, hurling her into the night with Eddie as her only grounding point. Somewhere in the abyss, she heard a zipper. He stood, sliding her leg to his waist.

“Wrap your legs around me, babe.” The aftershocks of her orgasm hadn’t receded when his hard thrust brought her back to the present. He entered her swiftly and surely. A man who knows his woman is ready for him. She locked her legs behind him and clung to his shoulders, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

“Don’t stop, Eddie,” she mumbled. Somewhere between the world of sensation and excitement, she remembered to vocalize her feelings and thoughts. His pleasure must mirror the pleasure he gave her.

His movements were deep and consuming. When Eddie made love, he became the center of her universe. The tension rose; the tightening in her pelvis was a sweet agony. He thrust deeply again and again. She exploded in a blaze with her second climax, gasping, each of her senses rocketing to new heights. The dim light from the streetlamp was now blinding. The sound of the rain, of Eddie’s labored breathing echoed throughout the room. Eddie shuddered, then roared his satisfaction. In her fog, she heard her name shouted over and over as he spilled himself into her. Each spasm, each thrust left her wanting more and she arched into him.

* * * * *

The rain continued to hammer down as Eddie slowly regained his focus. He didn’t think it possible, but making love to her tonight was better than this morning -- and this morning had been damned good.

“That was incredible, babe. You’re incredible.” Gently, he eased himself from her, placing her legs on the floor. His mouth found hers for another searing kiss.
Damn! Can this woman kiss.

“Spend the night with me,” he groaned, burying his face in her hair. “You can’t drive home tonight. It’s like a hurricane out there. Stay with me?” When she didn’t answer, he leaned back.

The pros and cons of his request played across her face. At last, a small curve touched her lips. “Yes. Yes, I’d like that.”

“Great! Come on, I’ve got something I want to show you. I’ll bet you’ve never seen one like it before.” Grabbing their backpacks and her hand, he led her up the second flight of stairs.

“Well, I don’t want to disappoint you, Tarzan, but I have seen several before yours.” She paused. “It’s just that I’ve never seen one used quite as well as yours before.”

“Get your mind out of the gutter, woman. That’s not what I’m talking about,” he said, flashing her a warm smile. “But thanks for the compliment.”

The stairway led to a hardwood hallway with a number of darkened doorways on either side. A small nightlight in a baseboard outlet cast a rosy hue, inviting them down the hall. He stopped in front of the last door on the left, opened it and pulled her into his bedroom.

“Sorry to disappoint you again, but I have seen these before, too.”

“Not yet,” he said impatiently, tugging her through another door. He turned a switch. A crystal and brass chandelier high on the vaulted ceiling illuminated an oversized black and white tiled bathroom.

There, centered on the opposite wall, was a massive oval, claw footed bathtub, the 1920s version of a hot tub. The exposed brass plumbing added to the earlier century feeling of the room.


He lowered the dimmer switch so that shadows danced about as Robbie wandered around the cavernous bathroom.

“Our grandparents left us the house and I bought out Nick’s share when his clan outgrew it. Fran had redecorated everything. She wanted to make it as authentic as possible, without going back to wooden tubs in front of the fireplace.”

“This certainly explains the five kids.” She shook her head. “All this right here and I used bushes all week.”

Ignoring her comment, he twisted on the ceramic water taps and dropped the chained plug into the drain. “Care to join me?”

The glow in her cheeks told him better than words that his invitation was accepted.

“Do you still have that bar of soap you used on the trip?” he asked, climbing into the tub. The water sloshed as he sat and leaned against the back.

“I think so.” She bent and dug into the backpack he’d dropped by the door and produced the lavender cake. The view of her naked butt brought a twitch to his cock and the slow heat signaling the beginning of an erection. My God, he’d just come. This was great.

“Good,” he growled. “Come here.” He indicated the spot between his bent knees. She climbed in and nestled her back to his chest, her ass to his swollen shaft.

“Is that for me or are you this ready for any woman who hops into your tub?”

Momentarily taken aback by her blunt question, he hesitated before lifting her hair and placing soft kisses on the back of her neck. Such a candid question deserved an equally candid answer.

“No woman has ever made me so hard, so fast as you have. I’ve spent a week adjusting my pants every time I look at you. No, make that every time I think of you.”

She sighed and wiggled against him. Yeah, he’d called that one right. The truth was the way to go.

Taking the soap, he smoothed it down her throat. He released her hair, allowing the ends to float on the water. Slowly, with all the control he could muster, he washed her shoulders. Bending her forward, he massaged the bar down her spine, his hands spreading the lather to cover her before pulling her back to him. The sensation of her rubbing against him brought him closer and closer to the edge.

“You better stay away from rough bars and men’s gyms.” She giggled. “You’re going to smell awfully sissy. Real men don’t smell like flowers, you know.”

He chuckled. “No, I guess they don’t, but real men do get turned on by the scent of their woman.” He stroked his hands over her breasts, memorizing the shape, the smooth texture.

Their woman?
Did he really say that out loud?

She started. “Huh?”

“Nothing, nothing, settle down.”

She leaned her head back, searching for his lips. He didn’t disappoint her. He covered her mouth with a craving, consuming kiss, all the while circling his hands lower. He found her soft curls and kneaded her mons, catching her gasp in his mouth.

After a long, searing kiss, he released her mouth to nibble his way down her throat.

“You like that, don’t you?” he asked. She quivered as he slowly dipped his fingers lower, spreading her. “So do I.”

She shuddered. He released her folds and moved his fingers to her hips. “Not yet, baby,” he murmured, nuzzling her before moving on to suck her earlobe. His hands cautiously circled the top of her thighs, experimenting, probing.

“Eddie. Please!”

He withdrew to massage her hips again. “Too soon. Let’s get you calmed down a little.” His fingers slowly retraced their path back to her abdomen, toying with her navel before stroking their way to her breasts again. He dropped the soap, letting it slide and rest between her legs. He soothed her and petted her until she languished against him.

“If you think this is calming me down, Tarzan, think again.”

She lazily reached an arm over her head to tangle her fingers in his hair. Tugging gently, she brought his lips to hers. “Just remember,” she whispered against his mouth, “paybacks are hell and you’re going to get yours.”

He smiled into her lips. “I sure hope I do. In fact, I’m counting on it.”

Robbie lay against him in a state of total relaxation. Aroused, but for the moment contented with his caresses. He knew he could stroke her like that for the rest of the night, and he’d have one happy little camper.

“Umm, that feels wonderful.”

He looked down at the woman in his arms. She was blissful and way too comfortable now. Although he’d said he wanted her calmed down, he really needed to relax for a moment.

When she settled her butt against his erection, he was ready to take her again, but what really did him in was the scent of her soap. It brought back flashes of the past nights with her snuggled against him.

The longing he’d felt to have her overwhelmed him. He’d already attacked her once tonight when she walked through his door. He couldn’t have her thinking he was some clod with no consideration for his partner.

And yet, at his first intimate touch, she’d practically exploded in his arms. She was on fire, but he didn’t want to rush this time. His initial lust had been satiated, now he wanted more than hot sex. He wanted to make love with her.

“You look way too relaxed,” he whispered into her hair. “Time to kick it up a notch.”

She grinned up at him. “I didn’t realize we were cooking.”

“Oh yeah, we’re going to start cooking right now.” He reached between her legs with both hands to retrieve the lavender soap, brushing his fingers against her wet curls.

She gasped as he stroked lower, spreading her again. He kissed her throat and slid his fingers over her silken passage.


“What, baby?” He gently sucked her neck, just below her jaw. “Do you like that?” He moved his thumb to stroke her clit.

Robbie arched against his hand. Oh yeah, that’s how he wanted her.

“I can’t hear you,” he murmured.

“Oh Eddie, yes…yes…don’t stop.”

“Keep talking to me.”

Her breathing accelerated as he slipped two fingers inside her. Drawing them in and out, simulating what another part of his anatomy would be doing to her very soon.

BOOK: Paradise
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