Pack Balance (12 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

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“Well if you do, at least you’ll have trained professionals,” Garrett called as he joined them. They all laughed.

“Good to see you again,” Julie said to Tom and Steve. “Let me introduce you to Josiah and Cammi. Josiah is Cooper’s partner.”

Garrett slung an arm around her shoulder. “So you have to put up with Coop all day?” he asked Josiah.

Josiah grinned. “Yep.”

“I bet you know all his secrets,” Garrett said. “We should talk.”

“No.” Cooper pushed Josiah to the side. “You can help me with the grill, Mr. Fireman,” he joked.

Julie took Cammi through the house on a quick tour so she’d know where the restroom and kitchen was in case she needed anything. They’d just returned to the deck to get a drink when Shawn popped his head through the open doorway. “The fun has arrived!”

Julie waved her partner out. “Where are the kids?”

“Here!” Two small boys ran out yelling and hugged her. Shawn’s wife was a nurse at the hospital and had to work, but Julie was glad the rest of the family could come.

Introductions were made quickly and loudly and the boys hollered and sprinted to Cooper.

Julie loved watching him with the boys. He was a natural nurturer and it showed how much he cared by the way he bent down and talked to them.

“Help me with the coolers?” she asked Shawn.

He nodded, and they headed back inside. It took several trips but once they were done they both grabbed a cold bottle. She glanced around at the backyard full of friends and family. The weather was perfect. Cooper stood at the grill talking with Garrett and Steve. Shawn’s kids were running around kicking a soccer ball while Josiah and his new girlfriend cheered them on from the lounge chairs. Julie was so happy, watching the people she loved most in the world.

“Nice party,” Shelby said, as she joined Julie at the large picnic table.

“It is. I’m glad you could make it. You don’t usually,” Julie replied.

“My boss was so impressed with my report on the mayor’s arrest and the follow up pieces on his corruption that I have a week off.”

“That’s great,” Julie told her. It had only been a couple of days but Julie could already see how the take down of the mayor had relaxed Cooper. He’d told her the entire story about the drugs, pay offs and threats that Jensen would be convicted of. The Bradley cousins had tried to make a deal, but the district attorney wasn’t buying it. No one needed the Bradleys to talk. They had enough evidence on Jensen to make sure they all went away for a long time.

“So I’m going to take a few days to catch up on some reading and just relax before I go visit my parents,” Shelby said.

Julie leaned over and grabbed a beer from the cooler at the end of the table. She passed it to Shelby as she spotted Mike coming through the gate. She waved at him and he returned the gesture as he headed over to Cooper.

“And who is that fine specimen of a man?” Shelby practically purred.

Julie rolled her eyes. “That’s Cooper’s old college roommate, Mike Riley.”

“The criminal lawyer?” Shelby asked, with something close to disgust in her tone.

Julie turned to her friend surprised. “Yes, why?”

“I’ve done some reports on clients of his. He’s good at what he does,” Shelby stated. “Even when they should be in jail.”

Since she didn’t know much about law, Julie couldn’t really say whether or not what Mike did was wrong. She did know that Mike was a great guy and she couldn’t see him defending anyone for something horrible. She’d have to ask Cooper.

“Anyway”—Shelby made it a point to turn her back to where Mike stood—“did the files that I sent help?”

Shelby’s reaction to Mike was very suspicious. Julie would have to see about getting them together to watch the fireworks. She couldn’t think of a more perfect match for her friend. Something was off with Shelby’s attitude toward him.
This might get really interesting.
She wanted to see her friend happy. Shelby didn’t date a lot, always blaming her busy schedule, and from what Cooper had told her about Mike, they had that in common.

“Julie.” Shelby waved her hand in front of Julie’s face. “The files?”

True to her word, Shelby had forwarded everything she had on shifters. The night before, Julie had been reading through some of it when Cooper had got home. He’d taken the laptop from her and set it on the coffee table before drawing her into his arms. He’d wanted to talk to her if she had any questions. He claimed the news still didn’t have everything right and he’d rather she knew for sure. Julie had to admit that what Cooper had said made a lot of sense. She’d promised him she’d always go to him first. “Yes, but Cooper and I decided to talk about my concerns first.”

Shelby grinned. “I thought he would.”

“Burgers are ready!” Cooper yelled.

Julie and Shelby strolled over to the grill. She kept her eyes on her man as she walked toward him. He looked damn hot in his faded jeans and tank top. She loved it when he showed off his muscular arms. He grinned at her as she approached.

“Having fun?” he asked.

Julie nodded. “We need to do this more often.”

“Maybe next time we can invite my Alpha?”

Julie paused in reaching for a plate. She hadn’t even thought of that. “We should. I want to get to know your Pack.”

“I want that too. They’re really good people. I’d like you to meet Alpha Jeremy and his family first,” Cooper told her.

Julie could see how much his request meant to Cooper. “I wish you’d have said something sooner.”

“I thought it would be better just to have our friends this weekend. But when we’re both off next, I think it’s time you got to know my family. That’s what my Pack is, and I want you to look at them like that.”

“I will,” she assured him. She had faith that Cooper’s Pack would mean as much to her as they did to him. All she needed to do was to learn how to open herself to the new world that Cooper was opening up to her. She’d learned an important lesson, to give her trust to Cooper. She’d never make a mistake like she had done when she’d run. She’d balance her human beliefs with what she needed to do to support Cooper. No matter what they had to deal with in the future, she knew that having him at her side made her a very lucky woman.



Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:


Shifter Chronicles: Coyote’s Kiss

Crissy Smith




Chapter One



Luca Perez grinned behind his mask as he heard Jamie Ward curse. A billow of smoke and ash rose from the training field, making the clear blue day seem drab and dreary.

“Damn it, Perez!” Jamie’s growl could be heard across their headsets.

The big tough Coalition agent probably hadn’t expected Luca to detonate the charge with Jamie’s team still so close to the site. Luca was an expert, though, and he knew when and how to make an explosion. His years with the ATF had been productive. Not only did he specialize in undercover work, but he also knew how to make and disarm all types of bomb.

Today’s exercise was supposed to help Luca and his partner Abilene Fox, along with the Coalition teams, bond and learn to work as a team. Luca had been excited when it had finally been his turn in the four-week series of drills to show off what he could do.

“That wasn’t nice.” Abilene bumped his shoulder as she crouched next to him.

Luca laughed before glancing at her. She was trying, he knew, but her lips twitched as she attempted not to join him in amusement.

“Oh come on,” he teased.

“You’re lucky it’s not Zak on that side,” she said.

She was correct. Zak Lewis wouldn’t hesitate to beat Luca’s ass. Of course then the strong tiger shifter would help him up. He’d become good friends with Zak when they’d both been undercover trying to take down a group of shifters that wanted to start a human and shifter war. Neither he nor Zak had known that the other was an agent but they’d formed a tight bond. Zak had saved his life so he would be forever grateful. Still, that wasn’t the only reason he kept his pranks away from Zak. He didn’t want Abilene to kill him.

His partner was fierce when someone she loved was in danger. She’d been seeing Zak for a month and already there was no doubt that they were in love. She spent almost every night with him, although she insisted that she and Zak didn’t live together. Abilene paid her half of the rent for the apartment Luca and she had leased while on loan to the Coalition. However, he still went home to an empty place night after night.

“You better run, little coyote,” Jamie’s voice broke through his conversation, capturing his attention.

“You have to find me first, you big dumb bear,” Luca taunted. They had to press the button to turn on the mic to talk to each other, and by keeping Jamie busy verbally sparring with him, Luca could take advantage and really mess with the Coalition.

Jamie growled again.

“Stop antagonizing him,” Abilene whispered.

He just shook his head. Jamie’s team was too far away to find where he and Abilene were holed up. He’d run these kind of training missions before with the ATF, but working with the Shifter Coalition was different. When Luca was attempting to educate humans, he could afford to be a little lax on the trail he left behind when moving during the mission. With the Coalition his job was more difficult. Since every member in the teams was some sort of shifter they could use their superior senses to discover where he and Abilene were hiding.

“Oh, I’ll find you,” Jamie promised.

A screech came over the mic.

“Shit! Cody’s team is shifting,” Abilene cried, grabbing at his arm.

Luca was prepared for that, though. Cody Johnson ran the birds of prey unit. The dark canopy over his and Abilene’s heads blended in perfectly so that even from the air they wouldn’t be seen. “Just don’t move around. We’ll be good.”

She huffed, causing him to bite back another laugh. There were four squads searching for him and his partner but Luca was certain he’d be the victor of this round. “Where’s Zak?” he asked Abilene.

“He’s coming up on the north side of the field,” Abilene answered quietly. “But they aren’t on our path.” She lowered her binoculars.

Great, now he could have some fun with the felines. “Here, kitty, kitty,” Luca goaded.

“I’m not Jamie,” Zak replied, his deep voice full of confidence. “I won’t give you a chance to run.”

Luca was having so much fun. “Keep a watch out for the felines and wolves while I watch for the bears and birds. If we have to run, remember to keep low to the ground and under cover,” he told Abilene.

“Maybe we should shift?” she suggested.

He shook his head. He’d hold off on changing forms for now. Abilene would be able to get away easily enough. Her cheetah form would make it difficult for anyone to catch her speed. As a small coyote, Luca didn’t have much chance of running away from the others. But he did have a few tricks up his sleeve. “Tell me when Zak’s group reaches section four. I have another surprise for them.”

He raised his own pair of binoculars to watch for Jamie. He should soon be reaching the curve next to the dry creek bed where Luca had placed a few smoke containers. He wouldn’t risk actually hurting anyone, but the smoke would screw with their shifters senses. Make it harder to zero in on his location.

Movement caught his eye. Jamie stepped out from between two large trees while tilting his head back. He was still in human form, but Luca could tell that he was sniffing the area. Almost…to the traps.

Jamie waved at the team behind him, and Luca could hardly hold back his glee. Five steps and Jamie stepped on the release.

Three popping sounds alerted the bears before the canisters opened, filling the area with green smoke. Luca chuckled, and Jamie darted back under cover.

“Nice one,” Jamie muttered. Luca couldn’t have agreed more.

“They’re almost to the fence,” Abilene whispered to him.

Grabbing the right remote, Luca prepared for the shock and awe. He needed the felines to clear the area before all hell broke loose behind them. “Tell me when,” he ordered.

As she waited, Abilene was chewing on her bottom lip. He knew she enjoyed this game just as much as he did, although Abilene was always more cautious than him. “Just about…” she murmured.

He rubbed his hand over the green button.

“Now,” Abilene said.

He hit the charge. The bang was loud and beautiful. Most people didn’t know that the ATF was also in charge of regulating fireworks since they were considered explosives. Because of his job, he’d been able to secure some large firework displays to use. The sky filled with colorful streaks as the eruption occurred.

“That was just cool,” Jamie praised over the headset. Of course he wasn’t the one closet to that detonation so Luca suspected that had a lot to do with his enjoyment.

The roar that carried across the training field was long, loud and pissed off. Zak’s tiger roar echoed and Luca had to suppress his instinct to cower down to the more dominant shifter. Luca’s job was to make this exercise as difficult as possible. He needed to keep the shifters on their toes.

“Damn it, Luca,” Abilene groused. “Now you’ve done it.”

It wasn’t easy making the very solid and calm Zak Lewis lose control. Luca prided himself on his accomplishment.

“We got you now,” Jamie told him.

“I don’t think so,” Luca quipped back. But Jamie’s confidence did worry him a little. He glanced over at Abilene, and she shrugged.

“Abilene, darling,” Jamie drawled. “Why don’t you get out of there while we teach your partner a lesson?”

“How about you get back to your mission? I don’t have all night to wait for you. I do have other plans, you know,” she replied.

Luca grinned—that was his girl. She always had his back.

“Fine, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Jamie said.

“Watch closely,” Luca murmured. “They’re up to something.”

“Got it. I can’t see Zak or the wolves,” she told him.

Luca had lost sight of his targets, too. He squinted, hoping to pick up some sort of movement. He couldn’t let himself forget that these were trained agents he was up against.

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