Pack Balance (5 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Balance
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No, I have to do this now.
She hadn’t expected to run into Cooper yet, but now that she had seen him, she needed to explain things. To apologize and tell him how wrong she’d been. Even if he was with someone else, Julie needed to set things straight between them. She’d been wrong, and Cooper deserved to hear her say the words. Even if there was a chance he could break her heart by dismissing her. It wasn’t like it wouldn’t be justified after what she’d done.

Her cell rang, causing her to jump. Julie had to dig through her purse to find the small device. Seeing her brother’s name on the screen calmed her. He knew her schedule so his calling was a pretty regular thing.

“Hey, Garrett,” she greeted.

“How’s it going?” Garrett replied. “You get your man back yet?”

Julie had come clean to her brother. Had told him every detail of why she’d left Cooper. Garrett had surprised her by taking Cooper’s side. Even before the shifters had come out publicly, Garrett had known all about them. He’d explained that he’d known a few from working at the firehouse. They were good guys and once he’d learned about their abilities, he’d never thought of them any differently than the other guys he worked with.

Julie had been shocked. But the two men that Garrett had told her about had been willing to talk to her about being able to shift. They’d probably helped her with her feelings for Cooper more than anyone else. She was lucky to have been able to speak with Tom and Steve so freely.

“I saw him tonight,” she told her brother.

“How’d that go?”

“Well, it was unexpected. I was out on a call and the guy was one of Cooper’s suspects. I didn’t know until I came face-to-face with him. I wasn’t ready,” she admitted.

Garret’s sigh spoke volumes.

“I’m at his house now,” she said, before he could speak.

“Why didn’t you tell me that first? I’ll let you go.”

“I’m not… I mean…” She didn’t really want to confess she hadn’t gotten up the nerve to see if he was home or not.

“You’re sitting in your car?” he guessed.

Yeah, her brother knew her well. “Yes.”

“Julie,” Garret said softly. “You made the decision to return and try to get him back. You love Cooper, right?”

“I do.”

“You’re going to have to take a chance and talk to him,” Garrett said. “You should have done it the minute you got back.”

“I know,” she replied. “It’s just…”

“You think he’ll still be angry?”

“I would be,” she responded.

“Cooper’s not you. You’ll only find out if you actually talk to him, though. What’d he say when you ran into each other?” he asked.

“Nothing, he looked shocked and then his partner came up and Cooper left. He looked like he’d seen a ghost,” she explained. “I could see the hurt in his eyes, though. I don’t know if he’ll forgive me.”

“Maybe he won’t,” Garrett told her gently. “You can’t know until you try.”

“You’re right,” she admitted.

“So why don’t you take a deep breath and go knock on his door?” he suggested.

“I will,” she promised. “Did you need something?”

“No I just wanted to check on you,” Garrett said quickly.

Too quickly. “Garrett?”

“Tom was hurt in a fire. He’s in the hospital,” Garrett said.

“Oh God! Is he going to be okay?”

“Yes but it still scared me,” Garrett answered. “I’m not sure why, but for some reason, I thought that if anything happened to him since he was a shifter, he’d just be able to shift and be fine. Too many movies, I guess. But he’s hurt bad. Steve is staying with him at the hospital. I feel so helpless.”

Her brother had such a kind heart. He was a strong man and his job was hard, but Garrett was one of the firemen who truly believed in what he did. It would be hard for him to deal with a friend being so hurt. “I could come back for a few days,” she offered. “Tom was very nice to me and I consider him a friend.”

“No,” Garrett said. “I want you to stay and talk to Cooper. Tom isn’t even awake and he wouldn’t want you to stop what you’re trying to do.”

“If you’re sure,” she stated with concern.

“I am,” Garrett assured her. “I just left the hospital and needed to hear your voice. I was outside when the roof collapsed and I’ll admit that I have never been so damn terrified in my life.”

“Oh, Garrett.” Her heart broke for him. “Maybe you could come here? Get away for a few days?”

She held her breath at the silence on the other side of the phone.

“I think I’d like that,” Garrett finally said.

“Good,” Julie told him. “You can come whenever you get a chance. I’ll be able to show you around. I really love it here. I think you will too.”

“Maybe I’ll even get to meet Cooper,” he said.

“I get it,” she replied. “I’m hanging up.”

“I love you,” Garrett said.

“Me too, big brother. Me too.” She ended the call, hoping that he really would visit. She missed him already and it had only been a week. While she’d always respected and loved Garrett, she now considered him one of her best friends. The only downside of moving back to Clear Creek was being away from her brother.

She knew she’d put off going to Cooper’s door long enough. It had taken her a lot of courage to make it this far and if she had to come back, she knew her nerves would be worse. Okay, it was time to take the first step of trying to win him back.

She exited her Jeep and started forward. Not only were there no lights in the front but she couldn’t see any farther in the house. His truck could be in the garage, so that didn’t tell her anything. She passed the beautiful flowers she’d thought about earlier. Three steps up and she was on the porch. She could do this.

Cooper had the same white wicker furniture off to the side of the deck. Many nights they’d sat nursing a beer and just holding hands. Tears built in her eyes as she wondered if they’d ever have the opportunity to do it again. With determination coursing through her, she stomped up to the front door and knocked.

After a few minutes she pounded harder. “Come on,” she mumbled under her breath.

Just as she fisted her hand for the third time she heard the sound of a vehicle approaching. Headlights washed over her as a Mercedes pulled up behind her.
Whose car is that? Cooper’s new girlfriend’s?

Julie narrowed her eyes as she leaned forward to try to make out the occupants in the car.


“Looks like you have company,” Mike said beside Cooper.

Looking at Julie standing on his front porch, Cooper wasn’t sure he could get out of the car. He’d expected he’d have to track her down before they saw each other again. He was shocked to see her waiting for him.

“Go!” Mike pushed his shoulder.

Cooper glanced over at his buddy.

“You can’t tell me you weren’t going to track her down,” Mike said.

“I was,” he admitted. “I just…”

“If you don’t go to her, you might lose your chance,” Mike pointed out. “Again.”

Cooper growled. “I’m going.” His heart was pounding and his hands were damp with sweat. He jerked the handle of the car and pushed it open. Julie had started down the steps but paused when he stepped out of the car.

“Good to see you again, Julie,” Mike called out.

Cooper peered over his shoulder into the car. Mike was leaning into the passenger seat to look out at Julie.

“Hi, Mike.” Julie waved.

“Go home,” Cooper ordered Mike before slamming the car door closed.

Mike honked before the vehicle took off. Cooper stood staring at Julie. Her light brown hair fell in front of her eyes and she brushed it back. Cooper’s fingers itched to feel the soft strands once again.

“Cooper,” she said softly, but he still heard it as clear as anything else.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, surprised at the huskiness he could hear in his own voice.

“Can we talk?” she asked.

He nodded. He strolled forward until he was directly in front of her. “Let’s go inside.”

Her smile was strained. “Okay.”

It took every ounce of his control not to touch her when he passed by. If she was a shifter, there was no doubt that she’d be able to hear his blood pumping in anticipation. He pulled his keys from his pocket as he hurried forward. Julie followed behind him at a slower pace. He unlocked his door and pushed it open before he stepped aside to allow her to enter first.

She walked into his home, and Cooper vowed that one day she would be walking into their shared home. He flicked on the entry light so that she would be able to see, since he didn’t actually need it. It was just something he’d always done for her. As Julie strolled farther into the house, he closed the front door and trailed behind her. She knew his place well, but she still looked back and forth like she was searching for something. Instead of asking questions, he continued to watch her. Julie walked all the way into the living room before spinning around.

“It looks the same,” she commented.

He nodded, at a loss for words.

“I don’t know why I expected your place to look different,” she said.

“Why would I change anything,” he finally spoke. “It’s still my home.”

“Right,” she replied before she rubbed her hands on her jeans. “Can we sit?”

“Please.” He waved to the couch. “Do you want something to drink?”

“No thank you.”

He sat in the chair across from her.

“I’m—” she started before faltering.

Cooper didn’t help her out. He needed to hear what she had to say before he could begin to convince her that she belonged with him.

Julie scooted up to the edge of the couch and gripped her hands together. Her head was bowed, but when she lifted her gaze and he saw the tears pooling in her eyes he gasped.

He started to rise to comfort her, but she smiled and held up a hand. “Cooper?”


“I’m sorry.”

He blinked and blinked again. For so long he’d prayed to hear those words when she’d first left him. “You’re sorry?” He didn’t know why he repeated her words.

“I was wrong, Cooper,” she said. “And I am so very sorry that I hurt you.”

Julie’s words whirled around in his head, repeating over and over until he couldn’t believe that he’d heard her correctly.

“I was scared and I said things that I didn’t mean, and I ran away. I’ve never regretted anything more in my life.”

“You were gone almost a year,” he pointed out.

“But I’m back now,” she replied.

“To stay?” he asked.

She nodded. “To show you that I still care.”

He couldn’t stay seated any longer. He paced away, taking his time to choose his words carefully. Could it really be this easy? Julie had come back for him? He reached the window and looked out into the back yard. His hands were shaking so he stuffed them into his jeans. He didn’t want to mess up this opportunity.

“I know I don’t have any right to ask this, but I was hoping you would forgive me,” Julie said.

Cooper closed his eyes. Happiness spread through him.

“I’ll do anything to get you to give me another chance,” she continued.

“Stop,” he ordered as he turned toward her.

She’d also risen and stood next to the couch. Her eyes had filled with unshed tears which make his heart ache.

“I forgave you the minute you returned. You don’t have anything to make up for because I don’t want anything from you.”

“Oh.” She stepped away.

He shook his head. “That’s not completely true.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I do want things from you,” he told her. “I want you to accept my wolf. I want to hold you in my arms again and kiss your sweet lips. I want you to love me like you did before, but this time forever. I don’t want you to walk away ever again.” He was out of breath when he finished.

The tears that threatened to fall dropped down her cheeks. “You do?”

“I never stopped loving you, Julie,” he admitted.

“Me either,” she whispered.

He moved quickly until he had his arm around her and was holding her tight. With his free hand, he brushed away the wetness from her face. “Then stay,” he murmured to her. “We’ll work everything else out but don’t leave me again.”

“I want to stay,” she told him.

Cooper lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently. She opened for him and her familiar taste exploded on his tongue. She tasted like dark chocolate and vanilla. He tightened his hold, pulling her chest flat with his.

Julie moaned into his mouth, and he swallowed the sweet sound. He gripped her waist and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around him. They’d been in this position before and Cooper would never tire of it.

“I want you,” she whispered to him.

Cooper took several steps forward to the couch. He lowered Julie down and lay on top of her. He settled in between her legs, rubbing his hard cock against her.

“Yes,” she hissed.

He pressed harder, loving the sounds he pulled from her. She moaned, long and low. He felt the sound all the way to his toes. He shuddered before he sat up and yanked his shirt over his head. She smiled as she ran her hand over his chest where the tattoo was that covered his heart, the small Celtic symbol for strength. She lifted her lips to trail kisses over the ink.

Cooper gripped the back of her head to hold her to him. She used her tongue to drive him crazy until his wolf was close to the surface and he was growling. He’d never been so near to losing control around Julie before. He wouldn’t have dared to show any part of his wolf before, but now she knew what he was.

“I want all of you,” Julie told him. “Don’t hide the wolf from me—I accept him, accept you.”

He was so in tune with his body that he thought he could feel his blood rushing through his veins. He grabbed hold of her shirt and pulled her up. She helped him tug it over her head. They frantically began to shed clothes, rolling off the couch, with her landing on top of him, naked. She straddled his waist and placed her hands on his chest. She reached back to grasp his erection.

Cooper groaned as her hot hand encircled his flesh. He pushed into her hold.

“Patience,” she teased. She lifted up, positioning him at her damp pussy. All she had to do was lower herself and he would once again feel what it was like to be inside her.

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