Pack Balance (11 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Balance
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“Alpha,” she repeated. She’d not gotten there yet.

“Relax.” Shelby pushed Julie’s beer toward her. “Take a drink.”

Julie followed Shelby’s advice. The cold brew was refreshing and gave her time to get her thoughts in order.

“Just take things one step at a time. Cooper is a patient man—obviously, after waiting for you this long. He’ll help you through learning everything you need to,” Shelby assured her.

“I know,” Julie agreed. “But after tonight? Watching someone take a shot at him… I want to be able to protect him. I need to be more informed so I can make sure no one tries to hurt him again.”

“He’s a cop. That’s part of his job, but I understand. I’ll get you the links tonight. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

“I promise to talk to Cooper about anything serious, but I just want to know more,” Julie said. She drank more of her beer, finally feeling more relaxed.

“Loving Cooper will only make you stronger. From everything I’ve seen, the Pack is just one extended family. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone there wouldn’t also be willing to speak with you,” Shelby said.

“I get nervous when I think about meeting them,” Julie confessed.

“You’re going to have to accept the shifters. Otherwise, it won’t work between you and Cooper,” Shelby told her.

“It’s not that.” Julie waved her hand. “I’m scared they won’t think I’m good enough. I love him but if his Pack doesn’t accept me, I don’t know what will happen.”

“They’ll accept you. You were meant for Cooper. Even I can see that and I don’t have any special abilities. I can see you and Cooper being together for a long time.”

“Thanks.” Julie smiled. She sure hoped so. “Let me ask you one question, though.”

“Shoot,” Shelby replied.

“When we have children… Will they be shifters?” she questioned.

“Does it matter?” Shelby responded quickly.

Julie nodded. “Yes, but not for the reason you probably think. I would love them either way. But will I be able to keep them safe if they are? Would it be better if Cooper was with another shifter?”

Shelby grasped her hand. “That’s where you’re lucky. You have awesome friends and family and will have an entire Pack that will have your back. Any children of yours would be treasured and looked after.”

Julie took a deep breath. She hoped Cooper’s people were as accepting as her friend.

“To answer your question, I’m not really sure. The wolf shifters haven’t discussed that with me. They are very protective about their kids. That is going to be a question for Cooper,” Shelby said.

Julie laughed. “If it doesn’t scare him away.”

“I think you and Cooper are pretty much on the same page when it comes to family. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”

Shelby’s phone rang before Julie could reply. She backed off to give her friend the opportunity to answer the call. Just the little time she’d spent talking to Shelby had helped her feel better. Julie knew she’d done the right thing confiding in her.

“Hello?” Shelby spoke into her cell.

Julie could only hear her part of the conversation but she didn’t miss the excitement in Shelby’s eyes.

“Thanks! I’ll be there!” Julie jumped off her stool before she hung up.

“What’s going on?” Julie asked.

“That was one of my contacts from the police department. They just informed me that the mayor is about to be taken into custody—right in the middle of his very important fundraiser,” Shelby answered.

“What? Why?”

“I didn’t get that, but I will once I get there. I don’t have time to change but, oh well. I have to go.” Shelby hugged her quickly.

Julie thought Shelby looked just as put together as she always did. Her expensive tan suit complemented her dark skin beautifully. She’d never seen Shelby look anything but perfect. “Go. You look fine.”

“There is no way I would miss this,” Shelby said, as she headed toward the door.

Now that Shelby mentioned it, Julie found it strange that the star reporter hadn’t been at the event already. “Why weren’t you there tonight?”

Shelby grimaced. “I refuse to cover anything with the mayor. He is the most bigoted, hateful man I’ve ever met.”

“The mayor?” Julie questioned.

“You missed a lot being gone these last few months,” Shelby said as she pulled open the door. “The mayor is a horrible man and if he’s being taken down tonight, I want to be there.”

“Go!” Julie waved her on. “Good luck.”

Shelby grinned. “
going to need the luck.” She jogged down the steps, and Julie had to shake her head. She wondered about the mayor and what he was being busted for. She’d take a quick shower then turn on the local channel. It might be fun to watch.


* * * *


Cooper stood next to Josiah, Fisher and Turner in front of his captain. Other officers were fanned out behind them as they gathered on the front steps of the mayor’s mansion.

“We will serve Mayor Jensen the arrest warrant then proceed on with the search of his office. Follow all procedures and do your jobs well,” Captain Martinez said.

Cooper rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He couldn’t wait to see Jensen’s face when he was finally taken down.

“Let’s go,” Captain Martinez ordered.

Fisher and Turner fell in line behind the captain and he and Josiah after them. It was only right that the four of them were the ones who took down the mayor for drug trafficking. They’d worked hard on this case and it was time for someone to pay.

The security guard at the door didn’t try to stop them from entering the crowded event. Cooper glanced around, trying to spot his target.

“Fisher, Turner, go right,” Captain Martinez said. “Burns, Grainger, left. Let’s find him and get this taken care of quickly.”

“Yes, sir,” Cooper acknowledged.

He broke off with Josiah, passing partygoers, who looked surprised to see them. They didn’t fit in with the expensive tuxes and gowns in their jeans and T-shirts. Cooper patted the weapon at his side, reassuring himself that he was prepared if anyone gave him trouble.

He spotted the mayor standing in the center of a large room laughing and clinking glasses with one of the city council members. He nudged Josiah toward Jensen.

“Got him,” Josiah murmured.

Cooper crossed the room with long strides until he was in front of the mayor. “Mayor Jensen,” he called.

The mayor turned toward him. Cooper was amused to see his fake smile slip into a sneer. “What are you doing here?” Jensen asked. “I know I didn’t invite any of your kind.”

Oh yeah, the mayor knew who he was. “Mayor Jensen,” Cooper said loudly and clearly. “You are under arrest for drug trafficking.”

“What?” Jensen shouted.

Cooper reached back and grabbed the handcuffs from his belt. He strolled forward and clamped a hand down on the mayor’s shoulder.

“What is the meaning of this?” Jensen yelled.

“Mayor Jensen,” Captain Martinez appeared in front of them. “This is a warrant for your arrest.”

“You can’t do this!” Jensen hollered. He looked around, and Cooper followed suit, preparing for trouble.

It didn’t seem like the mayor had many supporters now. The people that the mayor had just been talking to were quickly putting distance between themselves and Jensen.

Josiah took the warrant from the captain and held it up to Jensen. As his partner started to read Jensen his Miranda rights, Cooper finished securing him. The final snick of the cuffs and Cooper felt lighter than he had in months.

“Do you understand your rights?” Josiah asked Jensen.

Since Cooper couldn’t understand much of what the mayor screamed, he just pushed the man forward to escort him from the party. He took Jensen’s right arm, allowing Josiah to take the left.

Captain Martinez led the way, which wasn’t too difficult since people were rushing to clear a path. At the front door, Cooper spotted a news cameraman and reporter. He recognized Shelby from when he’d met her previously. It appeared that the mayor was going to get his fifteen minutes of fame and more. Cooper was proud to be involved.

Even as Shelby shouted questions at Jensen, the mayor continued to cuss and threaten the officers. Cooper grinned, making sure to pass right in front of the camera.

It was good to be a cop and stand up for what was right.


Chapter Seven




Cooper grinned as he walked into the kitchen and spotted Julie bent over, pulling containers out of the bottom cabinet. He wasn’t sure what she was looking for or even if she’d find anything in the mess of plastic, but he sure enjoyed the view. He crept forward silently until he was right behind her.

She screamed when he grabbed her around the waist and yanked her back.

“Look what I found,” he whispered into her ear. He trailed his fingers down her neck and inside her tank top.

“What are you doing?” Julie asked, as she pressed back into him.

The pressure on his cock was just what he wanted.

“If I have to explain it to you, I must be doing something wrong,” he teased. He cupped her breast before he rubbed his thumb over her hard nipple.

“We have guests that will be here soon,” she clearly tried to sound stern but failed, since she was still pushing her ass against his erection. His wolf itched as he fought to the surface intent of claiming Julie again.

“We have plenty of time,” he assured her. He spun her around before lifting her to sit on the counter. Julie laughed, reaching for him as he quickly moved in between her legs before he lowered his mouth to hers. She kissed him with passion and enthusiasm. He would never tire of her taste or the feel of her under him. They were just starting their life together. Today was the first step, bringing their loved friends and family closer—to make sure that the inner circle around them was strong.

“I really don’t think we should do this,” she gave a token protest. “Someone could arrive early.”

He hummed in response as he slowly lifted her top over her head. She raised her arms to help. He knew she didn’t really mind taking a break from getting the party ready. “Not one of our friends are the early bird type.”

“Still…” She reached for his T-shirt. “We should hurry.”

“Yes,” he agreed. They twisted, tugged and removed each article until they were both naked. It wasn’t easy with her still seated on the marble countertop, but they made do.

He pushed her to lie back before he gripped her hips and pulled her to the edge of the counter. Cooper laid his palms on her inner thighs and began to spread her legs. He dipped a finger into her moist pussy. She bucked silently, demanding more.

Cooper chuckled. “Maybe you’re right. We might not have time,” he taunted.

She growled—a sound very much like a wolf, even though she was human—before she raised herself up and grabbed his shoulder. “Don’t make me hurt you,” she warned.

“Never,” he promised. He added a second digit, relishing every soft sound that came from Julie’s mouth.

“Please,” she begged.

He peered down at her, taking in the way she had thrown her head back and clenched eyes closed. “Look at me,” he demanded.

She opened her eyes, and he could see that passion clouded her vision. He grasped his erection until he was poised at her entrance.

“Cooper,” she pleaded.

He pressed forward. Julie sighed as he filled her. Cooper kept his gaze on hers. Inside, his wolf calmed to let his human side enjoy being with her. He pumped his hips with long, deliberate strides. Julie scratched her nails into the counter, and he had a fleeting wonder whether or not she’d leave marks behind.

“More… Please, more,” she chanted, lifting her hips trying to get him deeper and faster. “More.”

He could never have resisted her pleas. He slammed himself in hard. Julie cried out with pleasure. He drew back then plunged again, over and over until sweat trickled down his neck and Julie’s voice echoed through the kitchen, bouncing off the walls. Cooper groaned as her inner muscles tightened around his cock and he yelled as he came. Julie shuddered as she went over the edge herself.


* * * *


“Everything is ready,” Cooper said as he joined her on the back deck. “I told you we would have plenty of time.”

Even if they hadn’t been able to finish setting up, it would have been worth it. She ran her hand over his ass then squeezed. “We’ll have even more after everyone leaves,” she taunted.

“Maybe then we can also discuss you moving in?” he asked.

There hadn’t been much time to talk about their relationship with Cooper working with the district attorney in putting the mayor away for good. Julie turned in Cooper’s arms, wrapping hers around his neck. “I think we can probably even talk my brother into helping.” Garrett, Tom and Steve had driven in the night before and were staying at her house.

“I like him,” Cooper said.

She hadn’t been worried about her brother and lover getting along. They were good, honest and kind. They had a lot in common and Julie knew they would be great friends. “I’m glad.”

“Now.” He gripped her hips. “How much time do we have?”

“Not enough for whatever you’re thinking about doing,” Josiah said behind her.

Julie spun around. Josiah stood at the sliding glass door leading from the house with a case of beer. A very pretty redhead was at his side, holding what looked like a pie.

“Perfect timing, as usual,” Julie teased. She tried to get loose from Cooper but he only tightened his hold.

“It’s good to see you again, Cammi,” Cooper greeted the woman.

“Hi, and you must be Julie. I brought one of my mom’s pecan pies. She makes the best I’ve ever tasted.”

“Thank her for us.” Julie smiled. “And make yourself at home.” She turned to Cooper. “Are you going to let me go?”

“No,” he replied.

She elbowed him, and he chuckled. He did release her, though. She rose to her tiptoes and kissed him quickly before walking over to Cammi. Cooper had already told her that Josiah would be bringing the woman he’d started to date. Julie was happy to see Josiah settling down. She hoped the two of them made each other happy. “Let me show you around,” she told Cammi. “You”—she pointed at Josiah—“help your partner light the grill. And don’t catch anything on fire!”

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