Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances (51 page)

BOOK: Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances
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As I approach the mound, Grey looks up at me with anxious eyes. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Jace…you don’t have to stick around.”

I scoff and shake my head. “No worries, dude. I don’t have anywhere to be. Besides, I can help you with that screwball you just threw.”

Grey scrunches his nose, looking confused. “Screwball?”

“Yeah, that’s what you were going for, right?”

Grey stands there puzzled for a second then lifts his head. “Um…yeah, totally.”

I tousle his hair and take the ball out of his mitt. “Alright. It looked like you had the right movement, but your fingers should be more like this.” I demonstrate how to hold the ball and he mocks what I do. After a few pitches, he finally makes it in Sam’s glove and the kid cheers for his friend. We work on a few other pitches before I call Sam to the mound.

Sam jogs tentatively, unsure what I’m about to say. With a hand on each of their shoulders, I look down at them. “You guys make a pretty good pair. I’d like to try you out as a catcher, Sam. You do a good job keeping Grey in check and not letting him get too worked up. That’s one of the key components of being a catcher.” Sam’s eyes go wide and he nods with enthusiasm. “Now, we need to figure out some signs. I can signal to Sam from the dugout and then he’ll show you, Grey. You two have to learn to work together to read the batter and have a conversation without talking.”

The boys stare at me intently and I squat to their level as we discuss potential signs. Once we all agree, I use my finger to draw in the dirt, explaining how to read a batter and when it’s best to use certain pitches. Sam and Grey ask questions excitedly, wanting to know more of the game, and I find myself sharing the same frenzy to share my knowledge as much as they want to gain it.

“Hey…sorry I’m late!”

The three of us turn our head and a breathless Laurel stands behind us wearing pale pink scrubs this time and giving off the same scent of toothpaste as before. I stand up and feel myself stirring in my pants. Quickly, I shift my weight to hide any effect she’s having on me.

“Mom! You have to watch this!” Grey shouts and Sam runs to his position.

“Jace, go in the dugout and let’s practice the signals!” Sam calls as he squats down and pulls on the catcher’s mask.

Laughing, I motion toward the dugout in Laurel’s direction. “After you.”

Her cheeks glow and she walks ahead of me. I wait just a second, getting a good look at her perfectly round ass and I have to stifle a moan. Laurel reaches the fence and turns around, almost catching me checking her out. I jog in her direction and turn back to the boys, squatting down and sending them a sign. Laurel stands directly behind me and the fabric from her pants brush against my leg. My skin ignites at the mere touch of her fabric and I close my eyes. I need to get laid if I’m going to have to see this temptress at every game.




Every time, it never fails, whenever I need Adam to help me out, he’s always “busy.” Needless to say, when it comes to my kid, I’ll do everything in my power to take care of him, but unfortunately, times come up at work when I just can’t get away. It’s Wednesday which means that Ashley is playing taxi to her kids and I knew she wouldn’t have time to wait. Typically, I have the coach’s phone number if I’m running a few minutes late, but of course, since I technically haven’t formally introduced myself, I don’t even think Jace has my number, much less my name.

I was both relieved when I saw him and the boys huddled together on the field and shocked at the same time that he didn’t appear to be fuming at my tardiness. Grey throws a few pitches and surprisingly, he actually makes it over the plate with as much control of the ball as a ten-year-old can muster. I love the way Sam encourages him, the two are adorable and it makes my heart break even more that I may not be able to keep them together.

A breeze runs through the air and the mixture of perspiration and sandalwood hits my nose. I glance down at Jace balancing on the balls of his feet, intent on watching Grey pitch. Each time the ball hits Sam’s glove, he gives both of them praise or pointers, not sounding demanding or rude at all, instead he’s completely calm and patient.

Lightly, I touch his shoulder and he turns his head to look up at me. “I’m really sorry about being late. I got stuck at work.”

Jace’s gaze moves to my hand touching him before he shrugs. “No problem, the boys got in some extra practice. It’s all good.”

He moves his attention back to Grey, telling him to get his fingers right on the ball. I pull my hand back and sigh, knowing I need to apologize to him for my rude remarks last time I saw him. “My ex hates when we’re late. It’s not a habit, but sometimes I get caught up with a patient at work…” I’m rambling, when I’m nervous, I can’t stop talking. It’s the worst case of word diarrhea and I never know when to stop.

Jace rises for his squatting position and stands at his full height, at least six inches or more taller than me. His baby blues stare down at me and he’s right, I have read up about him, but the man in front of me looks nothing like the pictures I’ve seen on the Internet. Right now, in this moment, there’s a softness to him and he looks…genuine.

“Well, sounds like your ex is an asshole. Life happens, sometimes you get stuck at work. It’s… no… big... deal.” The last sentence comes out slowly and deliberately as his eyes stay fixed on mine.

My face burns bright red because I accused him of not having the common courtesy to show up on time and here I’ve done the same. I lower my gaze, staring directly at his chest which is probably worse than looking him in the eyes because now in addition to my embarrassment, my hormones are waking up and making my word vomit even worse.

“I, I also wanted to apologize about…well, my entire attitude toward you. You’re right, I don’t know you and I shouldn’t have said the things I did. My ex
an asshole and he just dropped a huge bomb on me. Unfortunately, you were the first person to cross my path so I let it all out on you and I’m sorry. I’m not normally such a bit—”

He reaches out and squeezes my hand, a smile adorning his face. “You always ramble when you’re nervous?” My already red cheeks are now almost on fire and I bite the inside of my mouth. Still searching for the right words to say, Jace lifts my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. “You know, you’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”

Oh…my…fuckin’....god. Please Earth, open up and swallow me whole right now.
I fully understand the term pantymelting right now. Good thing I’ve apologized because now I can focus on keeping my panties as far away as possible from Jace Richards.











The man in blue behind the plate points to his left and yells, “Strike!” and the stands erupt in cheers. It’s the first game of the season and we managed to pull off a win thanks to Grey’s six strikeouts. Trying to show some dignity, instead of jumping up and down and doing a happy dance, I clap my hands while the boys celebrate before lining up to high-five the other team. As we line up, I let my eyes drift to the bleachers so I can see Laurel’s reaction.

She’s there, sitting on the top row, but I already knew that. I’ve been glancing in her direction between innings, hoping for any sign of her approval. Somehow, I went from wanting nothing to do with her from not being able to get her off my mind. Granted, she was already invading my dreams previously, but when she finally let her guard down, I saw the sweet, kind woman that Coach was talking about and I desperately want more of that. I should keep my distance though, I always end up hurting women and Laurel seems like she’s already experienced enough heartache from her ex-husband.

She stands up, clapping her hands slowly and our eyes lock. I should look away before it gets awkward but when she lifts her lips, smiling softly, I can’t bear to turn away from her. Her dark hair is pulled back into a low ponytail that cascades over her fitted t-shirt that shows off her body much better than the scrubs I’ve seen her in. Her tight, low-rise jeans that she wears hugs her curves and immediately I’m tingling. Her lips move, mouthing “good job.” I nod, acknowledging her praise although inside I’m fuckin’ elated at her two words.

After shaking hands with the other team, my players huddle around me and I give them a pep talk before we put our hands in and chant our team name. The kids all start to disperse as I pick up the equipment and put it away.

“Hey there, ‘Coach.’ Nice game!”

I look up and see the original Coach smiling at me as he hands me a bat. Extending my hand, I shake his and laugh. “Thanks, I couldn’t have done it without you.” Over his shoulder, I see Laurel talking to Grey, a huge smile on her face despite the dark haired man standing over her shoulder, staring at his phone. I don’t take my eyes off them until Coach clears his throat.

“Laurel told me she apologized.”

I quickly look away although I continue to glance in that direction. “It’s no big deal. Trust me, I’ve dealt with much more vicious females.”

I snap the bag closed and Coach slaps my back with his deep belly laugh. “I can only imagine. Now, come on, a W always calls for pizza.”

My heart picks up speed. “You and me…or the whole team?”

A wicked grin takes over his face and he squeezes my shoulder. “The whole team… including Grey’s mom.” He winks as he says that last part. Suddenly, I find myself blushing like Laurel and then I laugh. Somehow my wing-man went from baseball players in their twenties to a sixty-year-old grandfather.




“No more soda, Grey.”

I try to make my voice stern but Grey’s a momma’s boy and he knows he can get away with anything. However, instead of arguing, he kisses my cheek and runs off with the rest of his teammates to play video games. Ashley rams her elbow in my side.

“Is it me or did I notice you and Jace Richards making googly faces at each other during the game?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, hoping to fight off the blush. “What are you talking about? I looked in the dugout a few times to check on Grey, that’s it.”

Ashley tosses her napkin on the table. “Oh yeah? And what’s his excuse?”

Standing up, I pick up our plates and walk toward the trash can but Ashley doesn’t give up as she follows me.

“You’ll have to ask him.” I shrug my shoulders, trying to be coy.

“Oh come on, Laur! You promised me that if you ever got with a baseball god, you’d tell me every last detail.”

I can feel my cheeks heating up. “I didn’t ‘get’ with anyone. I apologized for being such a bitch to him and now we’re cool. Well, I mean, we just…have an understanding…as in I’m going to stay as far away from him as possible…” I’m doing it again, blah blah blah.

Ashley laughs and puts her arm around my neck. “Yeah, whatever, keep telling yourself that. Now, do both of you a favor and go talk to him before he gives himself whiplash.”

She gives me a shove in the direction of his table that he was sharing with my father, who is now busy trying to outshoot the boys in a basketball game. His back has been to me the whole time and I have noticed him glancing over his shoulder from time to time but I just figured he was looking at the T.V. Clearly stalling, I clear off a few more tables until I get to his.

“You done with this?” I point to his empty plate.

“Yeah, but I can get it.” His baby blues try to focus on mine, but I notice them roaming up and down my body.

“No, it’s fine—”

Our hands reach for the plate at the same time. When they touch, electricity jumps from his hand to mine. Quickly, I pull mine back and Jace lets out a low laugh. He takes my hand again and nods at the seat across from him.

“Sit down for a bit. Your dad’s watching the boys.”

Nervously, I take a seat, pulling my hand back and putting them both in my lap. “Thanks for working with Grey. I really appreciate it. His father used to play baseball in high school, but he’s always too busy to work with him now.”

“Well, other than work and the team, I don’t have too much going on so any time he wants to practice, let me know.” He leans back in his seat, his t-shirt stretching tight over his chest muscles and the material is begging for relief around his biceps.

“I appreciate that. Don’t tell Grey or he’ll want to spend every free second he has with you.”

Jace nods. “No problem, bring Sam along. Those two make a dynamite duo.”

I stare into Jace’s eyes, my heart is overjoyed by his words and all I can do is nod. Both of these boys need a positive male role model and I never thought Jace Richards would be that.

“So, Laurel, what do you do for a living? I have to know who is lucky enough to watch you in scrubs all day long.” His eyes glint with humor and his voice is flirtatious.

Narrowing my eyes, I lean forward and drop my voice. “Scrubs are sexy, don’t deny it.”

Jace leans forward, our foreheads just a few inches away. “That they are, especially with you in them.”

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