Heart Secret

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Authors: Robin D. Owens

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“I keep telling myself that she just can't get much better, but with every book she amazes and surprises me!” —
The Best Reviews

Praise for the futuristic fantasy of

Robin D. Owens

Heart Search

“Will have readers on the edge of their seats . . . Another terrific tale from the brilliant mind of Robin D. Owens. Don't miss it.”

Romance Reviews Today

“A taut mixture of suspense and action . . . that leaves you stunned.”

Smexy Books

“Thank you, Ms. Owens, for this wonderful series.”

Night Owl Reviews

Heart Journey

“Sexy, emotionally intense, and laced with humor . . . Draws readers into one of the more imaginative otherworldly cultures.”

Library Journal

“[A] skillfully crafted read for any lover of futuristic or light paranormal romance.”

Fresh Fiction

“It is no secret that I love Ms. Owens's Heart series . . . [A] wonderful piece of fantasy, science fiction, romance, and a dash of mystery.
Heart Journey
is no different, a delight to read.”

Night Owl Reviews

Heart Change

“The story accelerates as new dangers to Avellana crop up, and the relationship between Signet and Cratag develops, making for a satisfying read.”


“Each story is as fresh and new as the first one was. I am always delighted when a new Heart book is published!”

Fresh Fiction

“A satisfying return to an intriguing world. Cratag and Signet will leave you wanting more.”

The Romance Reader

Heart Fate

“A true delight to read, and it should garner new fans for this unique and enjoyable series.”


“[This] emotionally rich tale blends paranormal abilities, family dynamics, and politics; adds a serious dash of violence; and dusts it all with humor and whimsy.”

Library Journal

“A wonderfully delightful story . . . The author's creativity shines.”

Darque Reviews

Heart Dance

“[A] superior series.”

The Best Reviews

“I look forward to my yearly holiday in Celta, always a dangerous and fascinating trip.”

Fresh Fiction

“Sensual, riveting, and filled with the wonderful cast of characters from previous books, as well as some new ones,
Heart Dance
is exquisite in its presentation.”

Romance Reviews Today

Heart Choice

“The romance is passionate, the characters engaging, and the society and setting exquisitely crafted.”


“Maintaining the ‘world building' for science fiction and character driven plot for romance is near impossible. Owens does it brilliantly.”

The Romance Readers Connection

“Well-written, humor-laced, intellectually and emotionally involving story, which explores the true meaning of family and love.”

Library Journal

Heart Duel

“[A] sexy story . . . Readers will enjoy revisiting this fantasy-like world filled with paranormal talents.”


Heart Thief

“I loved
Heart Thief
! This is what futuristic romance is all about. Robin D. Owens writes the kind of futuristic romance we've all been waiting to read; certainly the kind that I've been waiting for. She provides a wonderful, gripping mix of passion, exotic futuristic settings, and edgy suspense. If you've been waiting for someone to do futuristic romance right, you're in luck, Robin D. Owens is the author for you.”

—Jayne Castle


Winner of the 2002 RITA Award for Best Paranormal Romance by the Romance Writers of America

“Engaging characters, effortless world building, and a sizzling romance make this a novel that's almost impossible to put down.”

The Romance Reader

“Fantasy romance with a touch of mystery . . . Readers from the different genres will want Ms. Owens to return to Celta for more tales of HeartMates.”

—Midwest Book Review

is a dazzling debut novel. Robin D. Owens paints a world filled with characters who sweep readers into an unforgettable adventure with every delicious word, every breath, every beat of their hearts. Brava!”

—Deb Stover, award-winning author of
The Gift

“A gem of a story . . . Sure to tickle your fancy.”

—Anne Avery, author of
A Distant Star

Titles by Robin D. Owens














(with Sherrilyn Kenyon and Rebecca York)


Heart Secret

Robin D. Owens


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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / August 2012

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Owens, Robin D.

Heart secret / Robin D. Owens.—Berkley Sensation trade paperback ed.

p. cm .

ISBN 978-1-101-61067-1

1. Life on other planets—Fiction. 1. Title.

PS3615.W478H475 2012 2012015839


To those who enjoy visiting Celta.
Thank you.


The Mugworts:

Artemisia Mugwort
SecondLevel Healer assigned temporarily to Primary HealingHall, who caretakes and lives in the secret sanctuary of Druida City that only lets in the desperate, BalmHeal estate.

Tiana Mugwort
Younger sister of Artemisia and good friend of Camellia Darjeeling D'Hawthorn (heroine of
Heart Search
), a FirstLevel Priestess at GreatCircle Temple.

Sinjin Mugwort
Artemisia's father, ex–GraceLord Mugwort, ex-judge, author of legal treatises, caretaker of BalmHeal estate/FirstGrove.

Quina Mugwort
Artemisia's mother, a SecondLevel Healer and caretaker of BalmHeal estate/FirstGrove.

Artemisia's Fam.

Garrett Primross
Private investigator and owner of Prime Investigations. Sole survivor of the first people infected with the dreaded Iasc sickness.

Garrett's Fam.

Garrett's feral Fam informants are not listed here by name since their numbers are always in flux, but include a gang of cats, at least two dogs, foxes, and the occasional housefluff (rabbit).

The Hawthorns, Garrett's Friends:

GreatLord Huathe Laev T'Hawthorn
Entrepreneur and Garrett's best friend. Laev is nephew to Lark Hawthorn Holly, a FirstLevel Healer (
Heart Search

Camellia Darjeeling D'Hawthorn
Wife of Laev, friend of Tiana and Artemisia. Owner of Darjeeling's Teahouse and Darjeeling's HouseHeart. (
Heart Search

Laev's Familiar Companion, a young long-haired black cat.

The Healers:

FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather
Head of the Primary HealingHall.

FirstLevel Healer Lark Hawthorn Holly
Works at Primary HealingHall and All Class HealingHall, niece to Ura Heather (
Heart Duel

GrandLord T'Heather
Retired head of Primary HealingHall, patriarch, father of Ura, MotherSire (grandfather) of Lark Hawthorn Holly.

The Guards:

Captain Black Ilex Winterberry
Captain of the Druida City guards, liaison with the FirstFamilies, wed to Trif Clover Winterberry (
Heart Quest
). He handled the original investigation of the Black Magic Cult.

Fol Berberis
A guard who investigated the original Black Magic Cult.

Rosa Milkweed
A guard who investigated the original Black Magic Cult.


GreatLord Muin T'Vine (Vinni)
The prophet of Celta, who has a Fam (Flora) who was nearly sacrificed by the Black Magic Cult.

Avellana Hazel
Mural artist and prodigy. She has a Fam (Rhyz) who was nearly sacrificed by the Black Magic Cult.

GreatLady Danith Mallow D'Ash
HeartMate of T'Ash, an animal Healer. (

A. Gwydion Ash
Second son of GreatLord T'Ash and D'Ash, an animal Healer.

Straif T'Blackthorn
GrandLord T'Blackthorn, FirstFamilies GrandLord, best tracker on Celta, married to Mitchella Clover D'Blackthorn. (
Heart Choice

Trif Clover Winterberry
Wife of Captain Black Ilex Winterberry, surviving victim of the Black Magic Cult. (
Heart Quest

Dufleur D'Thyme D'Willow
Wife of GreatLord Saille T'Willow, surviving victim of the Black Magic Cult (
Heart Dance
), cousin to Captain Black Ilex Winterberry.

Sedwy Grove D'Clover
Wife of GrandLord Walker Clover (“Noble Heart” in
Hearts and Swords
), dupe of the Black Magic Cult.

Barton Clover
Brother of GrandLord Walker Clover, head of security of Clover Compound.

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