The Fertility Bundle

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Authors: Tiffany Madison

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The Fertility Bundle
Tiffany Madison


The Fertility Bundle

by Tiffany Madison

Published by Tiffany Madison, 2014.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. January 5, 2014.

Copyright © 2014 Tiffany Madison.

Written by Tiffany Madison.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

My Buddy’s Fertile Sister

Our Fertile Foreign Exchange Student

The Fertile Library Assistant

Producing The Billionaire’s Heir

Check out my other stories!


All characters in these stories are 18 years of age or older.

My Buddy’s Fertile Sister

y roommate and I had spent all day cleaning the house. We even picked up the back yard, knowing that there were going to be a lot of people at the party that night. We didn’t host parties too often, mostly because we were a little bit older and more mature. I guess had we gotten over getting drunk until you throw up and making stupid mistakes that you regret the next morning.

But this night was a celebration. Steven, my roommate, had just landed an awesome job at a recording studio. It was his dream job ever since he was a kid.

I remember growing up with him and playing at his house when we were younger. He said, “Dustin, if I can’t be a famous rock star when I grow up, then I at least want to record their music.”

And so, almost 20 years later, his wish came true.

Steven and I had been best friends since first grade. I saw him getting picked on by one of the bullies in school and I decided to stand up for him. I ended up taking a right hook to the face, causing a black eye that lasted two weeks. Ever since that, we were best buds, always looking out for each other.

“Dude, don’t forget to mow the lawn. We want our place looking good for tonight,” Steven said.

I shook my head at him. “Man, you’re still a bossy little shit, aren’t you?” I responded, jokingly.

The house we were living in was really nice and there was no way that I could have afforded it on my own. I was in my early 30’s and my career was just starting to take off, so money was still a bit tight for me. I was glad to have Steven around to help me pay some of the bills. Plus, I enjoyed getting to hang out with my best friend all of the time.

“So, who is going to be coming to the party?” I asked Steven.

I watched as he walked to the closet in the hall and pulled out the vacuum.

“Let’s see...James, Curtis, Mandy, Tiffany, everybody from my old job,” he said. “Oh, Jenny’s coming too.”

I raised my eyebrows quizzically and asked, “Jenny, your little sister? I haven’t seen her in years. I’m pretty sure that the last time I saw her she was in middle school.”

Steven responded, “Yeah, well, she’s 18 now. In fact, her birthday was just last week. She’ll be excited to see you. I’m sure she’ll barely recognize you with that beard you have going on these days.”

I stroked my hand over my dark beard. I had never grown one before but I liked it. I didn’t want to look like Grizzly Adams or anything so I kept it short and well trimmed. It made me look more mature, which was nice, because I felt like I was starting to attract more mature women because of it.

“Hey, don’t make fun of the beard,” I said, joking back. “Ladies love it.”

I started picking up some of the books that were scattered about. I walked over to put them back on the bookshelf and took a second to look at one of Steven’s pictures on the mantel next to it. It was a picture of Steven, his parents and most importantly, Jenny.

I wasn’t sure exactly when the picture was taken, but it must have been within a couple of years. Jenny was wearing her high school cheerleading uniform in it. Her blonde hair was tied loosely back in a ponytail. The blue uniform made her baby blue eyes look even brighter and for the first time, I noticed how tan and flawless her skin was.

“Hey, Dustin,” Steven said, startling me.

I hope he didn’t see me looking at this picture,
I thought.

“Hey, are you ever going to mow the lawn? Or do you want me to do it?” he asked.

I finished putting the books up on the shelf and turned towards him.

“Could you do it for me, man? I still need to run to the store to pick up beer. We only have an hour before the party and I want to make sure that we’re stocked,” I said.

Steven laughed and said jokingly, “Jesus, you’re fucking lazy. It’s cool, I’ll do all of the hard work.”

Then he headed out to the garage. I heard a few pulls of the lawn mower. It wasn’t starting.

“Piece of shit!” Steven yelled at the mower. I could hear him from inside of the house.

A few more pulls and the lawn mower came to life. I turned once again to look at the picture of Jenny.

I said quietly.

She really was a cutie. I had never thought much about her growing up but for some reason I was really excited that she was going to be coming to the party.

I finished picking up the house and then hopped in the car to run to the liquor store.


fter getting home with all of the liquor and beer, I took one last look around the house to make sure we were ready for the celebration.

All set,
I thought.

Steven walked over to the fridge and cracked open a beer. Then he tossed one to me and I sipped on at as I relaxed on the couch, waiting for people to show up.

I looked up at one of the cheesy banners that was hanging from the ceiling. In big bold letters it said, “Congratulations!” I thought it looked stupid, but Steven had his heart set on using it. We had some other random decorations hanging around, but it was clear that we were just a couple of bachelors trying to make our house look more fancy than it actually was.

I decided I had better throw on some decent clothes, so I got up and went to my bedroom. I stripped down to my boxers and looked in the mirror. Steven and I had been very serious about going to the gym over the previous few years, and it was clear it was starting to pay off. My chest and shoulders had gotten big and my abs looked ripped. It was nice to see the progress.

I dug through my closet and found a nice white button down shirt. I decided to wear some dark jeans with it and some black shoes. The outfit was casual, but looked good on me.

I walked into my bathroom and trimmed up my beard. I took a closer look in the mirror and noticed a couple of tiny little wrinkles on the outside of my eyes.

I thought.

The years of hard work and partying were finally starting to catch up with me. I didn’t let it upset me too much, though. I still had thick black hair and a full beard. Plus, girls always loved me for my blue eyes anyway, which weren’t going to change as I got older.

I sprayed on some cologne that an ex-girlfriend had given me the year before for my birthday. She said it turned her on whenever she smelled it, so I would always wear it for her. This night, though, I was wearing it for any girl that might be interested in me. I was freshly single, and ready to get myself back out there.

I walked back out to the living room and finished my beer. Then I heard some voices outside and people walking up the steps to the house. I immediately got excited. It was that old familiar sound of a party about to start and it reminded me of being in college. It was the sound of possibility. You never know what is going to happen at a party.

Steven ran up to the door as soon as the doorbell rang.

“Congratulations!!!” some voices rang out loudly.

It was some of Steven’s friends from his old job. There were two guys and two girls, all of whom I had met at some point, but couldn’t recall their names.

I walked up and said hello, reintroducing myself.

The girls were pretty, but not really my type. I was really excited to see Steven’s sister again, so I wasn’t paying too much attention to those girls.

A few minutes passed, and the doorbell rang again. This time it was some of my old buddies from college, Jack and Clayton.

“What’s up!” they yelled, as they strolled inside, drinks already opened in their hands. They hadn’t changed a bit.

We exchanged handshakes and said an old fashioned cheers while we clicked our beer bottles together.

“Clits, tits and baseball mitts. May your hands always be on one of them.”

It was a stupid cheers and a bit immature, but it always made people chuckle.

Every couple of minutes the doorbell would ring, and in would pour another slew of people. The house was getting full and everyone was having a blast. I made my way through the house, saying hi to everybody.

Hours passed, and although I was having a lot of fun, there was still no sign of Jenny. The more time that passed, the more disappointed I felt. I didn’t want to ask Steven about it either, because then he would wonder why I cared so much to see her.

I sat down on the couch next to some girl. It was one of Steven’s friends, and in fact, most of the people at the party were friends of his.

“Hi, you must be Dustin!” she said, slurring her words a bit. “Steven has told me a lot about you.

I smiled at her and said, “Yes, that would be me. The one and only.”

I was pretty much just humoring her. I didn’t really have any interest in her, so I got up and moved to another circle of Steven’s friends. I was even considering just calling it a night and going to bed.

Before I got too far, though. I heard the doorbell ring again. I looked at the clock and it was almost 11.

Who shows up to a party that’s almost over?
I asked myself.

Everyone at the party was drunk and I think I was the only one that even heard the doorbell ring. I made my way to the door and opened it.

I whispered under my breath.

When I saw the girl that was standing before me, I could barely believe my eyes. She had blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and lightly tanned skin. It was cold outside, so she was wearing a light brown leather jacket. It was unbuttoned, though, and underneath it she was wearing a small white tube top. Her cleavage was pushing out of the top of it, making it hard not to stare. She was wearing tight jeans and brown cowgirl boots.

I thought.

She had changed so much since the last time I had seen her. Her hips had gotten wider and her chest was voluptuous. She looked so much like a woman that I barely even recognized her as the girl that I used to know.

“Oh my gosh,” she said, staring at me. “Dustin?”

I smiled at her and shook my head in affirmation. My heart was racing and I was immediately glad that I had decided not to go to bed early.

“Jenny. Wow, it’s been a long time,” I said.

She held open her arms, beckoning me in for a hug.

“Well, can I get a hug or something?” she said.

She was so cute in how she spoke and I could tell she was still very immature. There was something about it that turned me on, though.

I went in for a hug. She put her arms up around my neck, causing her hair to brush up into my face. The smell of her sweet, fruity perfume was intoxicating. She held on for a long hug and I let my hands drop to the lower part of her back.

She pulled back from the hug and looked me in the eyes.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” she said. “Well, except for the beard.”

Then she ran her hands over my beard.

“You were always such a little nerd. I hated you growing up because I thought that you were going to turn my brother into a dork like you were,” she said.

Well, fuck you too,
I thought.

Apparently she didn’t remember me the same way that I remembered her.

“Well, clearly people change,” I said.

I wasn’t going to let her snide remark get to me. She was young and stupid and I knew I just had to be patient with her.

“People do change, that’s true. You’re a lot cuter than you used to be. Now, where’s Steven?” she asked. “Let’s get this party started!”

I opened the door for her and she stepped inside. Immediately, everyone turned to look at her. There was no doubt that she was beautiful.

I watched as she bounced around the house, excitedly introducing herself to everyone who was there. There was something so pure and innocent about her. It was something that I couldn’t describe, but I liked it.

Steven came out of his bedroom. I was pretty sure had been busy hooking up with some girl from his old job. When he saw Jenny, you could see the surprise in his eyes.

“You actually showed up!” he said, as he ran up to give her a hug. “I’m kind of surprised that Mom let you come.”

I heard her giggle and say, “Well, I had to sneak out of the house after Mom and Dad went to sleep. That’s why I’m so late.”

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