Outside Hell (39 page)

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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This dark lord from the world of fires and
flames beneath was in his element, and knew that he was
unstoppable. Then running forwards as he’d seen the square mile of
icy tarmac ahead, and as the soldiers swallowed deeply and
concentrated everything that they had on him, suddenly Satan


Tanks had been pumping their heavy rounds at
him, whilst the mortar bomb soldiers abandoned Adolf’s orders to
stay blasting the whole expanse of the forest and instead swung
their launchers around, and were fully loading Satan with
devastatingly powerful bombs. The sound of the intense firing and
the hundreds of bombs exploding upon hundreds of bombs was
unbelievable. The soldiers with their MG42 sub machine guns that
were filled with silver rounds let loose into the forest, alongside
their brothers that were holding small arms too. There were
literally millions of bullets streaming across the square mile of
icy tarmac, and heading into the woods that now had fires and
flames pouring out of them.


The demons in pursuit of the bowman sensed
their master’s trouble and then coupled with all the other demons
that were rushing in all directions through the shadows, they’d
retreated to save him.


Satan hadn’t seen the German traps just by
the edge of the tree line, and walked onto the loose covering that
was above one. The prince of darkness like a fool had fallen
through and then disappeared into a spike filled pit beneath him.
Only as he’d fallen towards the lethal spikes, the heat coming off
him had simply vaporized them. The remains of the poles had turned
to glowing red embers and then still smoldering, they’d continued
to smolder down deep into the earth beneath him. The netting with
its silver lace and trigger mechanism turned like wire with too
many amps through it, and then as a second passed after glowing red
it vanished. The rope that would have hoisted the vampire prey up
fifty feet into the air, simply flung up with the tail of it in

The prince of darkness was so furious that
Dracus had killed Rex, and that he’d missed him up at the shack
only to loose him ten minutes later in the village because of the
white horse, and that mysterious blue light. His anger had been
tremendous, and the souls that were already in the fires below,
suffering their tormentous hell, had felt it too. Whilst being
chained in flames and suffering the most extreme pain he’d turned
it up a level and their screaming because of it, was so loud that
meteorologist’s had caught it coming back at them on a microphone
from a deep hole in Serbia. Now though as Satan put his flaming
pitchfork up out of the ten feet deep hole, and then climbed on out
himself, his rage surpassed anything that he’d felt before.


Satan forgetting about the bowman and with
clouds of demons surrounding him then stormed forwards onto the icy
tarmac, and straight out into the intense barrage of silver bullets
that were coming back at him. The soldiers kept their eyes to their
sights and the mortar bombers realigned their launchers for the
last time before and unable to fire mortars so close to them,
they’d no choice but to drop their rocket pipes and make a dash for
their machine guns instead.


The tanks that consisted of mainly Tiger
tanks with their massive armor piercing rounds, and their gunners
that were full of the deepest levels of animosity towards any enemy
foreign or domestic, were shitting themselves. Each round that
they’d blasted out of their heavy turret had passed across the
tarmac at a rate of a thousand meters per second; only every shell
had liquefied fifty meters before it hit him. Everything they’d
fired had literally melted and did nothing to placate his already
demonic views towards them, but enraged him even further. Then with
both hands down low he’d pulled up a wave of flames ‘like a
tsunami’ from the ground beneath him. It spanned both directions as
far as the eye could see, and then with a devilishly evil gleam in
his eye, he’d thrust it forwards at them.


The rolling inferno of great magnitude had
spiraled as it tore into the first line of soldiers, and then like
in the Roman days with fire on the battlefield, sixty men that
couldn’t get behind the tanks or armored cars in time, suddenly
burst into flames.


The eagles that were
watching down from the safety of their nest looked upon them with
wide rapidly blinking eyes, as if to say,
“So where are your superhuman strengths now


Then as Satan had finally made it across the
bubbling tarmac with flames roaring hundreds of feet from his arms,
he’d vaporized the rest of the foot soldiers within seconds.


The turret guns stayed pointing down at him
from above the huge rock doorway though, and pommelled him
throughout his entrance. Then oblivious to their attempts to harm
him, the prince of darkness turned his attention to the awesomely
powerful tiger tanks.


Boom after boom they’d kept firing their high
velocity armor piercing rounds at him, whilst from the speakers
inside the tanks, they were also consumed with the unearthly sound
of Adolf’s voice that was ordering them not to retreat. Only
fearing hell more than Adolf’s old Roman punishments of
‘Decimation,’ some of them had stopped firing and then tried to
flee. They’d leapt up and opened the tank hatches and tried to leap
out but Satan with a grin thought otherwise, and sucked theirs
souls out of their bodies before their feet had hit the tarmac
beneath them. Their uniformed bodies turned orange for a millionth
of a second, and then the shapes of their souls appeared looking
back at the corpses. The demons instantly swarmed them in their
intensity, and dragged them off into the ground screaming.


Satan and with one massive fireball, then
simply liquefied all the tanks.


Seventy tones of steel with their Henschel
turrets were reduced to nothing, but massive pools of molten


Adolf had been controlling the turret guns
throughout the whole invasion and after seeing the tanks vaporized,
he’d had enough of thinking that he might win this one and fled.
He’d leapt over the corpses of more dead operatives in the control
room that had annoyed him, and then surrounded by scientists that
were shaking with extreme fear, they’d gone with the second plan of
his and ran out the back to his private chopper.

Then once inside the leader of men had
frantically flicked down all the switches to start the engines, and
watched in horror as the rotors above him had slowly started to
turn. All the time he and his scientists were looking behind them
at the roaring flames that they could see just peaking above the


Then as a second past with the engines
picking up speed and the rotors now smashing their way through the
arctic air above him, Adolf heard a voice that no one else


“Hello again you little bastard, remember


The scientists had been warned of the issues
that Adolf been facing that morning, and apart from the odd strange
looks hearing about it, they’d been ready. Then as soon as he’d
gone strange in the pilots seat, they’d slammed a crash helmet on
him that was lined with lead.


As soon as they did, instantly the voice of
Raffious was masked out and faded away.


Then with a quick check of the dashboard to
make sure the thing was ready Adolf pulled back on the control
sticks and the bird, full of scientist’s and gold lifted up from
the helipad and flew away.


Raffious meanwhile was furious. He’d just
reconnected in Adolf’s mind after nearly forty years of loosing the
connection, and only said one sentence then he’d lost the
connection again. The old boy was already furious with Dracus for
shooting him earlier but now having just lost his werewolves to
Satan, and again loosing connection to Adolf, he went crazy. The
bowman was only there in the woods because of the priest, he’d seen
them in the chopper earlier from his third eye spell, and they were
going to save Kaine and probably try ruining more of his plans in
the future too. That was it in his mind Satan would pay, he was a
sorcerer and a mighty powerful one too.


The old boy stepped out from the pine trees
on the edge of the tarmac and then forgetting about the impending
threat of the angels dragging him before God, he’d rolled his
sleeves back with magic sizzling and dancing from his fingertips,
whilst he’d prepared to battle the old serpent himself.

Chapter 36 – The

Walking forwards a mile away from Satan who
was outside the huge rock sliding door and relishing in his
destruction of the soldiers and armoured vehicles, Raffious
summoned his first spell.


From a far the old boy held his hands above
his head and the clouds suddenly turned jet black and gathered over
Satan’s head. Then as thunder could be heard racking its way
through everything, forked lightening suddenly shot down from the
sky straight into Satan.


As it had hit him the lightening had simply
merged with the extreme heat coming from him and seemed to do
nothing but make the flames more aggressive and powerful.


Satan feeling the power surge turned to look
across at him in the distance and laughed.


In response the prince of darkness then held
his arm out pointing at Raffious’ and closed his fingers into a
tight grip and a huge force suddenly took hold of the old boy, and
sucked him fast with his sandals sliding fast across the bubbling
tarmac towards him.


Raffious responded by bringing his arms down
diagonally from centrally above his head and smiled inwardly as the
force was broken.


Feeling confident that he had the skills to
battle this fool, Raffious then clicked his fingers and the dark
clouds above suddenly poured out rain. It wasn’t drips or spits, it
was the same as what Noah experienced when his ark was finished.
Tonnes of water poured down from the heavens onto Satan, only
everything instantly turned to steam. Not one drop had any effect
on the evil bastard.


Satan laughed as Raffious clenched his teeth
and started to think of other spells that he knew.


Raffious had considered such things as
hundreds of werewolves or warriors with huge swords, but
considering how his werewolves had been vaporised from twenty feet
away, he didn’t bother.


Satan figured that if he enraged Raffious
maybe the old boy might actually surprise him, because so far his
magic was rubbish.


Staring him in the face, Satan told Raffious
that all the years he’d been trying to kill Rex seeking revenge for
his love Adina’s death, had been wasted. He’d then said as Raffious
started to look furious, that it was him who’d ordered her brutal
torture and death and Rex only carried it out.


Raffious tried to not let it affect him but
he was powerless to resist these comments. The old boys rage
metastasized and almost threatened to consume him as he’d heard
Satan mention Adina’s name.


Satan then added that she was a whore and she
worked for him. He laughed with fire bursting from his mouth and
also told him that she was paid to trick Christ and so she could
get close to him, she pretended to fall in love with Raffious.


The old boy was already feeling consumed by
his rage but as he’d heard this, sadness also burrowed itsway
through him too.


Satan saw his face and realized he was having
a hard time of hearing it so added, Adina wanted more money and if
she didn’t get it she was going to tell Christ so Satan had her


He also said that Raffious had fallen for the
second part of the trap too, by killing millions of people through
wars and famine just to get his revenge against Rex. Satan thanked
him for all the souls that the old boy had sent him, and then
laughed demonically in his face.


Tears were welling up in Raffious’ eyes now
because the thought that Adina truly never loved him and was just
using him, had hurt him to the core of his being. Then to also find
out that Satan had killed her and lured him from Heaven by doing so
and that the angels were chasing him too because of it, made him
experience anger from a different dimension.


The old boy instantly shape shifted into a
massive creature that was fifty feet long and full of armour plates
scales with huge claws and massive teeth and blood red eyes that
breathed fire. Then from its back huge wings sprouted that were
fifteen feet each side also with sharp spikes along the leading


Satan took one look as a black forked tongue
lashed out from its mouth and a deep sound of fire building inside
could be heard booming up it throat, and laughed.


The beast of Raffious then leapt up fifteen
feet into the air whilst beating its massive wings to keep it there
and poured white hot flames down onto the old serpent.


Satan held his arms up and as the flames hit
him, he grinned and then turned around to let them flow across his
already flaming back.


Raffious was furious inside and then swooped
down and tried to grab Satan with his now massive claws. Only as
the claws touched him, they’d melted to nothing and the armour
plated scales down his huge legs also caught fire.


The winged beast sensing failure again then
tried to turn and fly back to somewhere safe but Satan grabbed it
tail and swung it exceptionally hard into the huge rock door.


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