Outside Hell

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

BOOK: Outside Hell
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Outside Hell

by milo spires


Please note that this book is purely the work
of fiction, and the happenings plus those named in the book
excluding Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himler, were simply created by
myself to bring you this story. Some of the information regarding
the German army were in fact true, such as the signing of the
devil’s alliance between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, only they
may not have been under the mind control of someone named Raffious
at the time though? With Regards Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himler
I’m sure when I say this that I highly doubt that they will take a
grievance with me from the afterlife over portraying them as evil
villains, because they were just that, sadistic and deeply
disturbed evil villains.


This book Outside Hell is copyrighted and I
do not allow reproduction of this story, or copying it in anyway
without my prior written consent. That being said though, should
you be a movie star offering me billions for the rights, then maybe
we can talk about it.


The shack up in the mountains featured in
this book does truly exist, and I found myself stumbling upon it
once when I was on a snowboarding holiday with my brother. It was
in the middle of nowhere and covered in deep snow, whilst being
surrounded by a foreboding and seriously bleak pine forest. It did
also have the Hugh Hefner’s playboy rabbit’s head that as I had
approached, was faintly glowing back at me, and there were bikini
women inside offering their services of sex for cash in their
bedrooms; only it was in Bulgaria and not Romania.



Hello everyone I would just like to take this
moment to tell you all why I decided to write this series of books,
and to include priest’s, dragons, magic and Satan into them.


As a child and at public school with our own
priest, I had always relished deeply in medieval war stories,
movies and sorcery. Then as I was growing up and with visiting Rome
and having a passionate moment with a lady that had lasted a week
out there, I realized the place was powerful. The beautiful
statues, love in the air and the message of God was literally
everywhere. Then after visiting the Vatican and coupled with my
childhood interests, I created an idea that vampires were formed
from those Roman’s who’d been directly responsible for Christ’s


I have also an interest in the Second World
War, and the twisted dark happenings that went on behind the lines
under the control of Adolf himself. The rumors that he might have
evaded death and could have been living somewhere in secret, whilst
still carrying out his sadistic experiments had caught my
curiosity. Then with it and my love for vampires and magic, plus
medieval times, with their impressive castles and fortified
ramparts, plus the gladiator Spartacus and his rise to power, plus
the might of the Roman legions with their battle formations, these
books were formed.


I hope you enjoy them and look forward to
writing the next in the series too.


Milo Spires






William Pattison, aka Eric

Author of The Camp Crystal Lake Novels

and Psychotic State: The Novel



I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance
of Milo Spires when my book editor Kathy Ree invited me to join
Milo’s Facebook group, The Crypt.

Soon after Milo did me the honor of allowing
me a free preview of his first novel, Vampire Uprising. It was upon
reading that first book of his that I was introduced to the
fantastic and dark world Milo has created. There have been plenty
of books about vampires and werewolves at war with each other, but
Milo expands upon this and adds the forces of magic, Heaven and
Hell, and even modified Nazi supermen to this vast arena.

He has created an epic tale that spans
centuries and realms of reality that continues in his sequel book,
Entering Hell, and will be further expanded in this current
installment, Outside Hell. This book series is a hybrid that
combines horror, fantasy, and science fiction, and does so

I have not seen this caliber of writing since
Brian Lumley’s Necroscope and Blood Brothers series of books. This
is the type of series that you jump into with a bestial, primal
hunger only to find yourself wanting more. Be ready for twists and
turns that will make you dizzy with excitement. This is a ride you
don’t want to miss…

I will leave you now in the hands of Milo
Spires and his incredible creations.


Outside Hell

by milo spires


Chapter 1 – Eldor in The
Valstrath Realm

Dracus the bowman, a title that befell him
later in life, was from a planet called Eldor, a place that’s five
thousand light passes away, and only reachable using magic portals,
due to it being an equal distance, to five trillion light years
away from The Earth.


Surrounding it and so close that you could
see the inhabitants on the other worlds by looking up through a
pale blue sizzling atmosphere, three other planets circled its


Those planets were Roal, Trius and Sarhl. All
of similar size to Eldor, and exactly the same in their marvelous
and stunningly divine beauty.


The history of the planets was that they’d
been created by a god called Lianor and she’d left them to exist
and grow plentifully from the extreme cold, and encroaching
darkness of space.


Eldor was ruled by king Rasviult and his
beautiful wife queen Siarui who ensured that through their ruling,
the people were always happy, and in turn always looked after their
world, that Lianor had entrusted to them.


Its lands had beautiful breathtaking snow
capped mountains to the west of their castle, and also rich
pasturelands and lush meadows down in the valleys, that the
villagers grew crops in.


The king and queens’ castle, called
Leanorisque Castle, looked like Machu Picchu, the lost city of the
Incas when it appears to simply float there shrouded in deep mist,
only and by King Rasviult’s extreme magic, a gift from Lianor, the
castle with its impressive towers, armed guards, massive draw
bridges and heavily fortified ramparts, did.


Then a mile below the
brightly burning huge rock asteroid
was parked out in space by Lianor
so that life
could exist,
Changalk people in numerous
timber villages lived.


By day a spell would be cast and then a huge
set of stone steps would appear rolling downwards, carved into deep
rock for the people to come and go by.


Then to the rear and as the
huge portcullis opened, a steep pathway would also appear that the
gallant knights living in the castle with their breathtaking
, would use to charge their
trusty steeds down into the forests to hunt from.


The daily food usually, and
if they were successful in their search through the woods for it,
would consist of wild Boar, Biodorph beasts, or Cryotiercks. The
meat from these creatures when it was hung on a spit in an open
fire tasted divine, and was worth the risks because it was utterly
mouthwatering. Only to catch these Rhino sized creatures took a
magnitude of extreme balls, and then from their vicious tusks that
were several inches in length,
and their
segmented and razor sharp
that were
harder than rock, an armored knight
had to be careful. He
could easily find himself failing to kill the beast,
in return for his
receiving a heinous death


Then across to the side of
the castle
on a separate mountain
high up
and away from the broad base of the
villager’s homes,
hidden in its craggy
, a cave sat, that was home to
the forty feet tall Jahunti witches.


Their history was always shrouded in mist
too, and even the king and queen had trouble through their
ancestral writings of locating the exact time when they’d


These witches were seriously scary to look at though
and had
blank veiny heads that had no eyes, and their
arms were ten feet in length
with four sets of eyes
in them. The first being
in the top of their bony hands, that just looking
at it induced
extreme vomiting, whilst the
others were further up the arms and usually covered by


average life of a person in
Eldor was of a thousand years, and through
people’s experiences, in that time the witches were hardly ever
seen, let alone caused any problems.


This was the reason that
the king who
shared a word with them
once every
fifty or so years, had decided as they
seemed to
be no threat to his ruling, that he’d leave them be.


Only one day, Queen Siarui had fallen out
with them in a big way.


She’d reason to pay them a
visit as
her people
below the castle were growing sick with a strange disease,
and no matter what the spells were that either she or the king had
summoned, they’d been strangely powerless to make it


So taking fifty knights
with her and by magic, she’
flown across to the
witches mountain to discuss if they might have knowledge of the
diseases origin, but was grossly and extremely ungraciously

The witches had furiously stormed out of
their cave in their bluish grey rags that were flapping violently
even though there was absolutely no wind, and then as their
unearthly shrill screams had oscillated past her, tearing into the
valley and shaking the windows of the castle a mile away, they’d
blasted her with magic.


As the force had blown into her, she’d been
sent sprawling backwards over the edge of the cliff and found
herself hurtling downwards into the village below.


Then as she’d seen that within seconds she was about to be
impaled upon timber posts
, Queen Siarui who was wild with fury, then thrust
her hands out in front of herself, and forced an extreme shaft of
lightening into the ground beneath. Afterwards she’d raised herself
up from the force of the lightening, until she was level again with
the cave entrance.


Only as she’d reached it
, she’d found to her horror that her
knights who were standing there with her only moments before, were
now on their knees and clutching their throats, having great
difficulty to breath.


Queen Siarui
in response
tried blasting the witches with an
intense force of lightening, but they’d laughed and as they’d
opened their massive arms consuming its energy, they’d closed them
again and reversed it back at her.


Then as she’d ducked its
extreme force, the mountain had rumbled and huge rocks had suddenly
from above that were
charging down
its face towards her.


A moment had past and then
as she’d dived out of the way, she’d again been racked with horror
that day, because one of the villages had been
in the boulders paths.


So waving her hand about her waist, her magic
had exploded the rocks into fine dust, but the witches had expected
this and beforehand they’d cursed the rocks.


The queen had been unaware that the dust as
it had fallen softly onto the village beneath, would then a day
later be responsible for the deaths of everyone in it. They’d
breathed in the dust and were racked with massive pain before
spurting out blood and dying before her.


The knights had succumbed to the Jahunti
witches lethal powers too, and even by queen Siarui’s magic, they’d
never reached the sanctity of the castle walls before their final
death rattles had begun.

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