Outside Hell (10 page)

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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Ordering the scientists with this new
information to carry out tests to find out how they were immortal,
and without going anywhere near the main doors of his hanger just
in case Raffious’ voice found him again, he’d sat back and dreamt
up twisted plans for world domination. He’d thought of how and what
he could do if his scientists did unlock the key to immortality,
and just how many countries he could invade and kill the people
living in them too.


He’d realized that apart from living forever,
he could make his soldiers the elite unstoppable machine, and then
with them bulletproof, he could go back out into the world and
restart the war, only this time win.


A little time had passed and then as the
vampires in the cells were about to be operated on, one of them had
made a deal with Adolph. His name had been Heir Volkerdauphine and
the other one, an old woman who was quite feeble from living for
thousands of years, had been his mother.


The deal made with Adolf was that Heir
Volkerdauphine would be released only if he fed back the locations
of where other vampires lived, so they could be caught for his
scientists to study from. Then after a couple hundred vampires were
caught, he’d be free and his mother would be released too.


The scientists were equipped with sharp
scalpels and top quality saws, but Adolf had insisted that they’d
deserved more pain for who they were. He’d ordered dissection of
Satan’s children to be done when they were awake, and only by using
rusty saws.


Then as time ticked past with the scientists
forever delaying him with rubbish excuses as to why they still
hadn’t unlocked the key to immortality, Adolf tried the fear tactic
to improve results. He’d ordered that all the less intelligent ones
be led out into the open and then using his snipers, he’d had all
twenty of them shot in the head. The plan had worked and then as
the rest of them had feared for their lives, they’d worked with no
sleep for weeks till finally, and just before more deaths were
planned, they’d saved themselves by producing a serum called DD10.
It wasn’t immortality but it was derived from the species bone
marrow found only in their left leg. The serum enhanced their
strength, and virtually stopped their aging too.


In the year 1980 and after a stunt double had
tricked the Americans into thinking that he’d killed himself at the
end of WW2, Adolph and his soldiers were now in their late eighties
because of DD10, and they still looked like men in their early


The scientists also excelled themselves and
in their wisdom they’d developed a drug called MX1, which was a
vampire anesthetic. It allowed his soldiers to catch vampires
without them being torn to pieces. Two darts full of MX1 consumed
the vampire as the liquid flowed into their veins, and knocked them
out for six hours prior to them waking up on the operating


Adolph for once was happy, only the search
for immortality was not over and that pained him.


Then hearing from his scientists that they’d
needed bigger vampires because they’d believed, that the country
vampires were too malnourished for positive testing; he’d ordered
the vampire Heir Volkerdauphine to set up a party in Paris, and
invite godly sized vampires to it. Heir Volkerdauphine had tried to
refuse for fear that his species would realize his involvement in
the kidnappings, but then to prove that he’d meant it, Adolf had
cut off another finger from Heir Volkerdauphine’s mother’s hand.
It’d worked as Adolf had known it would, and then the vampire was
left with no choice but to arrange the party in the Palace de


Only there was a problem that no one saw
coming in the size of an 8 feet tall horned beast, with hideously
distended veins and a violently lashing tail, that had arrived from
HELL. Satan and his entourage of demons had gate crashed the party


At the Palace they’d had a great mini musical
copying that of the Phantom of the Opera, and the singers as they’d
forsaken their fears and limitations with their vocal boundaries,
had made the theatrical scenes breathtakingly special. Then not
long afterwards and as the female vampires had just finished
twirling in their beautiful dresses whilst holding up face masks on
sticks, and the crowds had only just tasted the gorgeous French
wine called Chateau Margaux, that was when Satan had appeared in
flames with his hordes of demons too.


Out of ten heavily armed genetically modified
soldiers, only three escaped to tell the tale of Satan’s arrival.
They’d also said as they’d stumbled back into Adolf’s base that
they’d seen an angel at the Palace de Versailles too. The angel had
appeared with his gleaming chain and the key to the bottomless pit
to save humanity from seeing The Prince of Darkness. Satan had
taken one look at it in the angel’s hands and then after realizing
that it was meant for him, and swallowing deeply, he’d fled back
beneath the ground and took his demons with him too.


Adolph had been furious that the mission had
failed, and then as the loyal survivors had stood there before him
with theirs heads down, hoping that he’d forgive them for
disobeying his orders, he’d taken out his luger and shot them
several times in the head.




Now a few days later and as Adolph stormed up
the steel stairs in the base in Hungary, and headed along the
gangway into the mission control room, he was adamant as he’d
approached his second team of soldiers who were going to Romania
tomorrow night, that they weren’t going to fail him too.


Heir Volkerdauphine had told Adolph the
previous week that there was a shack high up in the Carpathian
Mountains of Romania full of vampires. He’d said to him that they
were mostly all women in the place, and that there’d be at least
five male vampires up there that were godly in size too. He’d also
said that a vampire called Sorchek had asked him to help up there
in a weeks time, because a vampire called Kaine was going up there
looking for revenge. They’d tricked him and were going to kill his
wife Regina, and then after drugging him they were going to leave
the godly sized vampire to come around next to his dead wife on the
floor. Heir Volkerdauphine had said to Adolf that he thought he
knew Kaine too.


When asked he’d explained to Adolph that he
knew someone himself called Laouse Gerhard. He then said that if
this guy Kaine was the same dude that he was thinking about, then
he’d met him through Laouse at the Palace de Versailles on the same
night that Adolph’s soldiers had been killed.


When Adolph had heard about Kaine being
massive, and that he’d been in Paris when Adolf’s soldiers were
savagely killed, he’d immediately given the mission a green light
for go and scheduled it in. Two teams of genetically modified
soldiers with two attack choppers were going to be heading to this
little shack high up in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania to raid
the place. The soldiers were going to be armed with modified CS gas
that affected vampires, tranquilizer guns, and MP5 submachine guns
with live rounds, just in case the situation didn’t go their way
and became volatile.

Chapter 10 –

(24th December 1980, the night that the
German soldiers have planned their raid.)


High up in the Carpathian Mountains of
Romania Kaine and Regina had landed on a craggy mountain slope,
after flying down from five thousand feet through a deeply
oppressive blanket of freezing fog. They’d flown there from their
home in Devil’s dyke with one thing in mind, revenge. They were
going to kill the vampire that had killed Kaine’s parents hundreds
of years before.


Only after being caught out in sub zero
conditions and not wanting to remain like iced statues on the
mountain side until the summer months, they’d pushed on through
blizzard conditions and severely howling artic wind, following the
directions to a shack that had a Hugh Hefner rabbit head glowing on
the front door.


The weather had been terrible and Kaine had
pulled Regina close to him then wrapped his huge wings in a cocoon
style around the pair of them, desperate to block out the
horrendous wind and to keep her warm.


Then after having to stop several times to
thaw their finger fingers out, and also to stamp their feet that
had almost stopped working due the cold, finally they’d arrived.
The light that they could faintly see glowing back at them through
the pine trees up at the peak of the mountain, was in the shape of
Hugh Hefner’s rabbit’s head.


As they’d approached the shack, they could
hear loud music that was pumping with a fat bass line, resonating
through the surrounding trees. They could also hear loud voices
coming from inside the old timber building too. Then after making a
quick scout around the shack, they’d found that the only entrance
to the place was the front door. The shack had two floors and was
made from old weathered planks of timber that were nailed
horizontally across to form the walls. Downstairs the space for the
windows had been boarded over by newer boards, and the upstairs was
set back some way with seven windows that were only a few feet
apart with their blinds down.


As Kaine and Regina had looked up at the
windows, they’d also noticed with a grin that the shapes that they
could see behind the tall thin blinds were of people in varying
raunchy positions, that were obviously having sex because the
silhouettes were holding each other, and also moving back and forth
rapidly too.

Preparing them selves for a gun battle, Kaine
who could feel the vampires energy booming back at him from inside
the joint, then suddenly flicked the safety catches of his MP5
machine guns that were hidden underneath his black trench coat, and
they’d gone in. All the bullets inside his guns were solid silver,
and because of it any vampire they’d hit would die an agonizing
death too.


The informant that had tipped Kaine off about
the shack in his savage voice had said that its occupants were
mostly chicks in bikini’s, and then the customers were local humans
that were on snowboarding holidays, plus the odd vampire too. Kaine
had been told that the vampire he was looking for would be in
another room that they used as the main bar area. This room was the
second room at the rear of the place; connected to the front room
by a small passageway that had a smaller bar to get drinks in
called the relief bar.


After they’d gone in to the shack keeping
their guns hidden, and then after downing a few drinks to thaw out
at the relief bar, pausing to savor the taste of the pungent fluid,
and appreciating its burn as it trickled down their throats, they’d
gone through into the back room expecting war. Only within seconds
it had all gone terribly wrong and Kaine’s life partner, his
gorgeous wife Regina, was savagely killed.


Then after the bullet had blown her head off,
Kaine was so full of shock having just seen his wife brutally
murdered and her spaghetti like brains blasted against the wall,
that his paleolithic vampire fangs never ejected. The shock was so
great that it had even suppressed the anger that should have be
there. Then as the shock had coursed its way through his veins,
suddenly the rage appeared and his fingers firmly locked around the
triggers of his MP5 machine guns. The line of heavy firepower that
came out of their barrels then roared up into the vampire’s chest,
tearing massive fist sized holes straight through and out the other
side. The vampire had died almost instantly from the silver bullets
but not before copious amounts of thick blood and veins, had
sprayed onto the bar and ceiling behind.


For Kaine, in that moment no one else in the
room had mattered. Not even Sorchek whom he’d waited hundreds of
bitter years to get revenge upon. Even his own life now that he was
alone and trapped within the walls of vampirism, was meaningless

This vampire had just killed his wife and he
would make him pay.


Kaine had had assiduous beliefs towards his
relationship lasting forever with Regina, and had always said that
should anyone ever try to come between them; then their blood would
be spilt in rivers and not gallons. Even his best friend Laouse
would succumb to an ignominious punishment, before he would see one
hair unsettled upon her gorgeous head.


As his bullets were tearing fist-sized
chunks of meat out of the vampire’s chest, Kaine’s eyes had glassed
over, and tears had formed in his soul.


His jovial good self had gone and the
vicious vampire that he’d fought so hard to keep suppressed within
himself was instantly given free reign, and allowed to come out
into the open. The shock that he’d been experiencing moments before
was expelled from his body, banished and warned by his sheer anger
never to come back.


Kaine snarled and his already dark eyes had
turned a hell shade of grey as he’d kept his sub machine guns
blasting, royally into the vampire’s chest. Then just as he was
going to turn the guns on a different target and shoot the vampire
who’d killed his parents, suddenly he’d felt an agonizing pain in
the back of his neck. One of the vampires had stabbed him with a
huge metal syringe that looked like it was intended for horses. The
shaft had gone in so far that as it had hit the bone in his neck,
the tip of it had sheered off within him. Then the drug that flowed
into him afterwards had the most devastating of effects.


Instantly Kaine’s mind began to glass over
and he’d felt his arms and legs tightening. Then as his anger had
metastasized into a furious rage, he’d tried to resist it but
clearly he couldn’t because he his fingers went rigid, and his legs
paralyzed looking like columns of stone.

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