Outside Hell (27 page)

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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As Kaine had awoken in the German cell
slumped by his chains, he didn’t need a second to come around and
remember that his life partner was gone, it was engrained into his
mind the whole tragic affair. Even though his eyes were shut, he’d
been thinking about her for hours and his inner being was now lost,
trapped heinously within the walls of vampirism, suffering the
deepest torment.


Kaine had absolutely no care that he was in a
cell and probably awaiting execution, he was just hanging there
with his mind disconnected from his eyes that were transfixed on
the floor. In his thoughts, the zone where he was in, Regina was
alive again and smiling back at him.


The deep pain that was going through him had
his whole muscular body shivering, and in his shattered soul, he’d
felt completely destroyed by her death. He’d absolutely adored her
and in the hundreds of years that they’d been together as husband
and wife, he’d never once had a cross word with her. They were
meant to be together, and for all that time he couldn’t believe how
lucky he was to be spending an eternity with the most beautiful
woman in the world.


Only in truth, and one day with lots of love
from his best friend Laouse who’d quit his scientific studies to
care for him, maybe he’d come to terms with the fact that she was


Kaine’s cellmate had also been drugged some
days previously, only as he was much smaller than him, the effects
had lasted much longer. He was still flicking in and out of
consciousness like he’d the flu because of it. One minute he’d be
awake and then suddenly he’d pass out again.


Only one time when he’d struggled to open his
eyes, he’d faintly heard the sound of human voices outside his
cell. He could just hear them but it was difficult because
constantly in the background, he could hear the demonic sounds of
his own species screaming.


The language they’d been talking in wasn’t in
his own tongue, and even though his villagers didn’t understand it
themselves, when he was a child his father had sent him to the next
village to learn a foreign language. The language that he’d learnt
was German, and from it as he was strapped in the same posture as
his cell mate, he’d been able to understand some of what the humans
in the shallow distance had been talking about.


They’d sounded scared and mentioned that
they’d dissected two Godly sized vampire security guards, and that
they’d known as they were hacking off their limbs with a rusty saw,
that the answers to immortality wouldn’t be found. They’d argued
and said that their boss, someone called Adolf was expecting


The humans had said that they’d lied to him
some time before, and told him that they’d needed godly sized
vampires for testing, as all the other vampires from Romania and
Bavaria were too malnourished to get any positive tests from. They
were saying that if they didn’t lie again and then create some drug
and say to Adolf that it was immortality, that soon he’d realise
that they’d lied to him about the godly sized vampires, and then
execute them all because of it.


They’d also agreed that they wouldn’t tell
their boss anything yet, and that they’d delay him when he’d asked
for the results from the two security guards that they’d cut up
with rusty saws. They’d tell him that it was too early to read them
positively and to make sense of the findings. They’d tell him that
before they could truly understand them too, that they’d need the
results back from the other two godly sized vampires that they
hadn’t dissected yet.


Kaine’s cell mate had also heard one of them
in a whispering tone say that because they hadn’t even kidnapped
the fourth vampire yet, that they’d plenty of time too. He’d told
the other human that Adolf soldiers would have to find him first,
and that the human had done something that morning to make it so
difficult that it would be almost impossible for their boss Adolf
to find the fourth vampire.


Then he’d heard the other human who was also
keeping his voice down saying that he’d disagree’d. He reckoned
that it wouldn’t take long to track the fourth vampire down because
Adolf had the vampire Heir Volkerdauphine looking for him. The
vampire was telling Adolf their whereabouts, to save his own mother
that Adolf had on death row in the cells.


The other human had then laughed and even
though it had seemed like he didn’t want to tell him, he’d then
said not to worry about it because he’d said that he’d thought the
same thing and taken care of that little problem himself. He’d said
that he’d already gone into Heir Volkerdauphine’s mother’s cell
that morning and ended her immortality with a lethal dose of MX1.
He’d then added that he’d only done it because he’d heard that Heir
Volkerdauphine wouldn’t track anymore vampires until Adolf had kept
his part of the deal. Heir Volkerdauphine had told him that he’d
been counting the vampires that he’d given Adolf, and realized that
he’d supplied the two hundred vampires that Adolf and him had
agreed many years before would get his mother released from the
cells. He’d told Adolf that unless his mother was free’d straight
away, then he wouldn’t find him any more. So now that the mothers
dead finding the godly sized vampire will mean that Adolf will have
to try finding the beast himself, giving them at least a few months
to escape.


When the other human had heard this, his
scared voice had suddenly picked up a few beats and he’d laughed.
Only the other human had shushed him quickly suggesting that they
were obviously meeting to discuss this news in secret.


Only they’d still sounded concerned though
and what he’d heard them say next, made Kaine’s cell mate also
laugh too. They were pathetic these humans and he’d hoped they did
get killed by the third vampire.


The humans had said though that they’d
expected Adolf to be furious with the recent list of things that
had happened, and had to be careful else something might go wrong
with their plans.


They’d said that since Adolf had lost another
chopper and a cargo of vampires, plus his only friend Heinrich,
their leader had been a changed man. They’d said he’d turned so
evil that they were sure he’d execute people daily, and for the
foreseeable future too, hoping it would calm him and placate his

The humans had also said that they believed
that when Adolf hears that Heir Volkerdauphine’s mother is also
dead, and then through his sick mind realises what that alone will
mean to his future chances of finding vampires, he’ll go absolutely
crazy. Only even though he’ll be like a time bomb waiting to
explode, both the humans then agreed that killing the mother was
necessary to delay him, and because of the delay, soon they’ll
escape the evil fucker and be free.


Only they’d also said that Adolf would
probably then demand that the testing on third vampire be carried
out immediately. The humans voices had changed at this point to
utter fear just talking about the third vampire, and said that they
had to delay his execution at all costs, because of the immense
risk to their safety.


Kaine’s cell mate at that point, and still
not looking around himself to realise that he’d a cell mate, was
wondering who was the third vampire was. He’d thought that the
third vampire must be in another cell somewhere, and that the
German fuckers might even be keeping him deep underground, until
such times as they were ready.


The humans had said that apart from the third
vampire being massive, and also much bigger than they’d ever seen
before, they’d a deep sinister feeling that his mind had somehow
resisted the MX1 drug that he’d been given. They’d said that they’d
been watching him through the flap in the cell door, and where all
the other vampires under the in house developed drug MX1 were
always out cold, the third vampire clearly wasn’t. They’d seen his
eyelids twitching, and felt sure that because of this, it meant his
mind was still active. They’d believed that if his mind could
resist the drug where all the other vampires couldn’t, then he
might not be asleep either, he might be there to infiltrate them
and just waiting to pounce.


They’d said that if that was the case, then
when he was awake for the dissection as all the vampires in the
past few years had to be to yield readable findings, he might break
the restraints and then kill them all.


Then just before the humans had stopped
talking, he’d heard them say that they’d give the third vampire
another blast of MX1 right now. Only as they’d said it, then
suddenly he’d heard footsteps outside his cell door and his flap
was opened.


Then as a second had past a long black funnel
shaped thing was pointed in. The cell mate of Kaine through his
groggy state had then looked in horror as his cell was instantly
consumed with deep white gas that blasted out from it, and another
second later as he’d breathed it in, he’d past out from the gas


Only as the scientists had then peered
through the flap and saw the clouds of noxious white gas vanishing
before them, they were horrified. The third vampire that they were
petrified of was Kaine, and his eyelids even after another heavy
blast of MX1 were still twitching.

Chapter 23 – The White

Unsure of safety yet Dracus steamed down into
the village of Fagarus, a thousand feet below the shack where
Regina had died. It was the early hours of the morning and as
expected the lights were all off in the main street except one.


The building at the end of
the short street in front of him
with its old
timber beams that were barely showing through its mostly white
façade, and that dominated the others in size, was staring back
down the cobbled street at him. This building even though it was
boarded up, he could tell from the cracks in the timber that it had
its lights on.


Then as the bowman slowed to a walking pace,
he’d reached behind himself and took his bow off his back and
slipped his fingers down into the quiver on his side, pulling out a
cursed arrow.


In his mind and through the magic that was flowing within
something about this village gave him
a strange feeling, and with it he wasn’t sure if the demons weren’t
already in it, waiting for him.


The street was tiny like
that of what you’d find in London through the period when the great
fire had ravaged itself through it, and the side alleys were even
tinier. The narrow buildings were also leaning in various
positions, and the windows had heavy
external timber shuttering
across them.


Apart from the snow that
hadn’t fully melted yet from the waters
that were now gushing
in to the village from Satan’s wrath melting the
snow drifts at the peak of the mountain
there was still mud and slush underfoot. Then as he’d cautiously
walked forwards, and with every
in the slippery stuff that
taken, his eyes were scanning the shadows for the slightest bit of


A creak
ing sound
from behind and to the left that
reverberated through the still night air sent him spinning,
and as he’d swung around with his bow string taught pointing the
deathly sharp arrow at what had made the sound, he’d seen a
creature and
sharpened his aim even
tighter. A stray or mangy old farm cat had stepped out from the
shadows and
approaching him with his
tail up in some sort of mesmerizing dance. Then as it had stepped
to the side like a horse in a dressage competition with its feet
almost walking side wards, and purring so loud that it threatened
by its volume to give him away, he’d fired.
The arrow blasted down through the cat’s forehead and pinned
the creature to the floor
with its legs splayed out in all
parted its skull with a bone cracking sound
that was
not to dissimilar to that of a branch snapping underfoot in
the forest. Then as he’d expected, and as
crimson coppery blood welled out from the body and seeped
through the
into the street all about it, suddenly
a deeply ominous black cloud roared out from the body and took the
three dimensional shape of a demon. Spinning around, Dracus knew
that the chase was far from over
and that the
village wasn’t safe for him to stay
another moment


Dracus charged forwards
meters in his stride as he’
d traversed
up the
cobbled street, keeping his head down low and daring not to look
behind. Then as the demon flew after him and started screaming in
its high pitched deafening tone to alert more demons, Dracus looked
all about him for a way to escape.


A second passed if that and
then as the dark shadows from outside the houses and the
passageways came alive with sinister shapes, the
thought that he might be
and that there was no way to
crossed his mind.
demons from hell had heard the demonic calling
and were instantly appearing from the rapidly lengthening shadows,
taking three-dimensional shape as they’d floated across the ice and
snow towards him.
Then from the distance
and through the chill of the night air, he’d heard the feint sound
of a horse as it had neighed, and also screams coming from inside
the building that was in front of him.

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