Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2) (18 page)

BOOK: Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2)
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Initially I selected the leather paddle and weighed it in my hand. The leather made a satisfyingly loud noise and although it tended to redden flesh initially, it didn’t leave bruises. Not if you knew how to use it properly anyway, and I prided myself on my skill with these toys. My eyes flicked back to the contents of drawer; perhaps tonight I could use something just a little different, Stella had asked to be punished after all.

Kicking the drawer shut once I had selected an appropriate tool, I stalked back around to Stella’s prone form and with no warning at all slapped her firmly across the backside with a suede flogger. This one was a particular favourite of mine: 13 suede strips hung from the handle and each had a tiny little knot tied in the end to add a little extra bite if you so chose. Tonight I wanted it to.

The slapping noise was louder than expected and seemed to reverberate off the walls. Perhaps I’d gone a little hard with that first strike, but as Stella arched her back and gripped the duvet in fisted hands she let out a cry that was definitely pleasure induced. Watching in satisfaction, I saw the faint lines begin to appear on her left buttock as the blood rushed to the surface, leaving it glowing a soft pink colour. Unable to resist I reached down and rubbed it gently with my hand, loving how Stella pushed herself into my touch.

As distracting as her warm buttock was I needed to stay focused on my objective. Swallowing, I calmed myself again.
I am in control.
‘I’ll ask you that question again, Stella. Are you going to make me wait in future?’

‘It depends how busy work is, Sir.’ she answered between gasped breaths.

Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes. She was always so fucking honest! The things this woman did to me! Deep down I knew this was her way of taking a tiny bit of control by deliberately trying to rouse me, and it worked every time. God, the effect she had on me when she was defiant like this! It just made me want to fuck her into submission until she begged me to stop. Delicious images of me buried balls deep in Stella filled my mind, but I pushed them aside; there would be plenty of time for that later.

The flogger travelled almost silently through the air as I brought it down on Stella’s other buttock, landing with the same satisfying sound. Stella threw her head back and let out a soft mewling sound that made my groin tighten instantly as I recognised her purr as a sign that she was enjoying herself. I couldn’t help but grin to myself – she really was delightfully kinky – we were such a good match. Regardless of how great a pairing we made, Stella was still deliberately winding me up, which pissed me off, so I made sure that the next two strokes I landed were harder than the first, using those little knots to my advantage to add some extra sting for her.

Standing back, I admired my handiwork for a second before leaning over her back so my lips were brushing her ear lobe.

‘It may have come to your notice that I don’t like the answers that you are giving me, Stella. It makes me angry that you think so little of my rules. I’ll ask you one more time.’ With deliberate slowness, I ran my teeth around the rim of her ear, teasing the sensitive flesh with my tongue until I felt her shudder and lean into my touch. ‘Will you ever be late arriving here again?’

‘I will try my best not to be, Sir.’ Her voice was breathy now and I guessed that she was loving every minute of this little scene just like I was. We really were so compatible in the bedroom.

‘Oh dear, Stella. That really wasn’t the answer I wanted,’ I breathed harshly next to her ear before sitting myself on the bed and dragging her across my lap. Her red arse was just too tempting to waste on a flogger now; I needed skin-to-skin contact with it.

Using the heel of my hand in between her shoulder blades, I pressed until Stella’s chest and face were against the duvet, stilling her, and then placed my free hand on her behind. A groan escaped my lips, it was so hot to touch that I very nearly flipped her onto the bed and took her there and then. Dragging breaths in through my nose I struggled for a second or two to calm myself.
I am in control.

A quick countdown from 5 to 0 focused me enough to continue. ‘You will not be late for me again, understand?’ I demanded.

‘I’ll try,’ she whispered against the cotton duvet. Still the wrong answer, she really was being a little temptress tonight. My hand rose up and then slapped down on her naked bottom hard enough to make Stella yelp and tense up across my lap. Beneath her my cock had leapt to full attention and was painfully constricted by my trousers, only adding to the overall sensation of this experience.

‘You will not be late,’ I stated again. ‘Do you understand?’ I was grinding the words out between gritted teeth now, half loving this little game while at the same time realising that Stella’s deliberate provocation was seriously pushing me towards losing it completely.

‘I don’t want to lie to you Sir, I can’t guarantee that I’ll never be late.’ Fuck, her honesty at times like this was incredibly endearing, even if it was downright frustrating, I thought with a shake of my head.

Finally letting the tightly wound spring inside me snap I let Stella have a further six hard slaps across her behind, leaving me almost as breathless as she was. I could feel her chest heaving against my thighs from the exhilaration and felt the palm of my hand beginning to burn. Looking at my reddened hand my cock pulsed again and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer with Stella’s naked, well-spanked body lying across me.

‘You have one more chance to answer correctly, Stella,’ I murmured ominously, rubbing across her backside with gentle fingers this time. The calm before the storm.

Between jagged breaths, Stella turned her head towards me. ‘I won’t be late again, I promise, Sir!’ she cried in a breathy tone. Apparently, she’d understood that I had taken about as much teasing as I could cope with. Thank fuck for that because I was seriously at breaking point now.

‘Good girl.’ I let out a relieved sigh. Soothing her glowing buttocks with my palm, I ran my fingers in a teasing trail down and around her thighs to relax her, before finally slipping them between her slightly parted legs to reach around and see if she was wet for me. Christ, she was sopping. I closed my eyes and drew in a breath through flared nostrils as I shook my head in disbelief, the woman had just taken a serious spanking from me and she was dripping wet from it.

‘Ahhhh …’ Stella let out a sigh as my finger made contact with her clit. Then, pressing her elbows into the mattress, she tilted her hips backwards to increase the pressure on her sweet spot. A smile curved my lips, she always surprised me with just how keen she was in the bedroom. God she was so refreshingly insatiable.

Seeing as Stella had pleased me by taking her punishment so well I decided to reciprocate with just a bit of pleasure back. Increasing the pressure and speed of my fingers, I brought Stella close enough to a climax that I felt her body begin to tense before I stopped abruptly and flipped her onto her back.

Flushed cheeks and wide needy eyes greeted me, her frustration visible in the way she squirmed below me, arching her hips off the mattress and moaning softly, but still she remained silent with her eyes averted as I always requested.
I am in control.
But only just; at this moment, with Stella writhing with need below me, it was the hardest thing not to plunge inside her welcoming warmth, but I didn’t.

iving her body just enough time to come down from her near orgasm I then replaced my fingers with my mouth and began my sensual torture all over again, licking up and down her moist folds, circling my tongue around her swollen clitoris before finally taking it in between my teeth and tugging gently until I felt her building to a release, before once again stopping.

I was being such a git tonight. Standing back, I watched as Stella’s hands contorted in the duvet gripping it and bunching it up around her, as her eyes squeezed shut in frustration. ‘Please … Sir,’ she begged.

Ah, Stella begging, the sound was like music to my ears. Not that I’d give in to it, but it was still fucking satisfying to know I had so much power. Several seconds later, when she had once again dropped away from her climax, I began my attentions again. After mere minutes, just like the last time, I abruptly stopped my ministrations and glanced up at her. From my position between her legs, I caught her down turned gaze and treated her frustrated and flushed face to a wicked, dark smile. ‘Seeing as you made me wait earlier I decided I should make you wait for your orgasm just a little longer, Stella. Kneel on the floor,’ I demanded softly, rising from the bed and stepping back to give her room.

Watching in amusement, I noticed that Stella was flushed from head to foot and struggling to stand on her apparently wobbly legs. It never failed to make me feel smug when I saw how much I could affect her. The thought that she had a similar effect on me fleetingly entered my head, but seeing as it wasn’t particularly pleasant to consider my personal weaknesses, I briskly pushed it aside.

‘On your knees,’ I reminded her again as she swayed unsteadily in front of me. Without further prompting, I watched as Stella sank to her knees in front of me and joined her hands in her lap to indicate she was ready for her next instructions. Stella, submissive, ready and kneeling in front of me – this was my favourite view

‘Fuck me with your mouth,’ I instructed crisply, knowing I wouldn’t last long in my current state, but not caring any more. I was dragged from my selfish thoughts but the surprising sight of a small smile tilting the corners of Stella mouth as she immediately reached for the button of my trousers. Wow, I knew Stella enjoyed giving me blowjobs, she’d shared this much with me in the past, but I was surprised by her pleased reaction today given how frustrated she must be feeling at her own lack of release.

Before I knew it, Stella had freed my straining erection and was palming it in her soft hand. Christ, that felt good. My head dropped back for a second and I closed my eyes before forcing myself to get control and watch her. I loved watching her pleasure me.

Lowering her mouth, Stella twirled her tongue around the tip of my penis like it was a lollipop before dragging her lips down to the base and back up again in a tortuously slow movement. God she was so damn good at this. Finally, when I thought I was going to grab her head and shove it against me, she took me fully into her mouth and her warmth and suction nearly made me lose it there and then.

Stella slipped her free hand around the base of my erection and began squeezing at the same time as sucking me in a hard demanding beat, her cheeks hollowing out as she seemed to pleasure me almost greedily. Fuck, the sight of Stella clearly enjoying herself made me lose my last thread of control and I let out a groan as I came in her mouth in huge hot spurts that felt like they would go on forever.

Remaining in a kneeling position at my feet, Stella continued to massage my spent cock gently for several more seconds easing me down from my climax before finally releasing me and sitting on her heels expectantly. Jesus, even after such an explosive climax I was still half-erect and practically ready to go again.

Trying to regain control of myself after such an incredible experience I pushed my needy cock back into my trousers ignoring how much it wanted me to push Stella back and take her, then I did up my zip and reached forwards to stroke the top of her hair.

‘Lay on the bed, you may get under the covers if you’re cold,’ I instructed softly while tucking my shirt back in. ‘I have a small amount of work to do, I may come back to give you some release if I have time. Don’t touch yourself, when you climax it will be because I make you. Do you understand?’

‘Yes Sir.’ Stella murmured climbing into bed and pulling the duvet around herself.

Stepping towards the bed, I tucked the duvet tightly around her before gripping her chin and pulling her face up to meet mine. ‘Why am I making you wait for your orgasms, Stella?’ I asked quietly.

‘Because I was late and made you wait, Sir,’ she replied softly, a hint of her frustration evident in the remaining flush on her cheeks and the small frown creasing her delicate brows. Good, my technique was working, she’d think twice before being late for me again.

‘Exactly. Next time there’s a chance that you’re going to be late, remember this,’ I advised before forcing myself to leave the room.

I was being particularly harsh on Stella tonight. I knew this much, but I wasn’t entirely sure of the reasons why. Striding into the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of red wine and took a sip of its smoothness. My eyebrows tweaked together into a frown as I tried to remember the last time I’d managed to exercise such control over the urge to take a woman. Jesus, I had desperately wanted to fuck Stella just now, so much so that even the amazing blowjob she’d given me hadn’t taken the edge off my need and even now, my erection still pulsed inside my trousers as if to prove the point.

Sipping my wine, I wandered through to the lounge and selected an armchair near the panoramic windows. Leaning back, I let out a sigh as I gazed out across the dimming London skyline. I’d lied to Stella, I didn’t have any work to do tonight, I had just wanted to make her wait a little bit longer before I went back in there and screwed her brains out. Fuck, I was such an arsehole. Trying to work out why I was being so irrationally harsh I laid my head back and closed my eyes. The only reason I could think of was my recent stress. That and her deliberate teasing of me that had wound me up no end. In fact, I was now suspicious that she’d even been late on purpose just to torment me. Christ, I was getting paranoid.

Normally I liked her teasing and mild defiance, she never pushed it too far and was always careful to respect my dominance, but tonight for some reason it had irritated me.

Pondering this for a few minutes the only other reason I could come up with for my mood was that perhaps I was still harbouring a lingering annoyance from my call with Nicholas earlier. Repeatedly running the conversation through my mind I still couldn’t get over how stupid he was being. Blinking back from my thoughts and realising that my conversation with my brother was probably the main reason for my irritable state I glanced guiltily at the clock and saw that I’d been sitting drinking for nearly 45 minutes. Chewing on the inside of my lip, I grimaced: that meant I’d made poor Stella wait for three-quarters of an hour. Shaking my head, I saw the sun had now completely set over London and lights were flicking on across the city as night began. It had been long enough. Standing up I refilled my glass before pouring one for Stella and making my way back to her bedroom.

BOOK: Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2)
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