Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2)
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‘You will receive eight in total. Two for making me wait. I detest lateness, Stella, you know this and yet you still push me. If I say come to me in five minutes, I mean five fucking minutes,’ he growled. Blimey, he really had his knickers in a twist today, and I wondered what the hell had happened to make him so grouchy. Perhaps it was still the work issues he’d mentioned last weekend.

My mind was brought back from its wanderings when with no further warning Nathan stepped back and landed a hard slap on my left buttock before repeating the treatment to my right one. The impact from his contact made me yelp softly as my body swayed forwards and backwards like a giant, half-naked, human pendulum. As weird as it was I couldn’t help but watch everything in the mirror and to be honest the bizarre scene unravelling in front of me was really rather arousing. This was so peculiar, but somehow such a turn on at the same time.

Leaning in close to my ear Nathan briefly grazed his teeth along my neck in my favourite sensitive spot making me mewl softly and try to press into the contact. ‘These next two are for your insolence. It’s not an attractive quality Stella, and you
will not
nod at me again.’ My lips pressed together to hold in the remarks that flew to my brain as Nathan once again stepped back and spanked me twice, harder this time, before caressing my behind with both his hands. I couldn’t help let out a muted cry, but it was more from the shock of my strange hanging position than any severe pain really.

‘These last four are because you questioned me. Never question me Stella,’ he told me in a tone so dark but delicious that a shudder ran through my entire body. ‘I always have your best interests in mind so if I ask you to do something, you do it. Understand?’

By this point Nathan’s head was close to my neck again, his breath hot on my skin and I realised I was panting wantonly and leaning into him like a desperate strumpet. ‘Yes Sir,’ I breathed between gasps as Nathan landed the final four slaps on my tingling behind with increasing force. Each spank made the throbbing at the apex of my thighs ten times worse, or better, whichever way you want to think of it, but then Nathan’s final two contacts were lower than before and sent such a rush of desire shooting between my legs that I very nearly came.

How peculiar that even in this strange half-hanging, half bound position I could be so turned on that I was practically dripping.

Moving in front of me Nathan slowly removed his trainers, running shorts, and boxers until he was stood before me in all his naked splendidness. My eyes widened as I took him in. Apparently, it was possible to be absolutely livid while also fully aroused. Christ he was so lean and lithe that it never failed to distract me from all other thoughts.

After giving me a second to absorb his stunning maleness, Nathan dropped to his knees and then gripped my thighs painfully hard before he suddenly lowered his face with a dark, lusty look flickering in his eyes. Parting my legs as wide as they would go, he dipped forwards and immediately ran a wet swipe of his tongue up the entire length of my folds, making my legs tense with pleasure and instantly pushing away my lingering concern over the fact that I was still sweaty from my run.

‘You are not allowed to come,’ he stated from his position in between my legs. So that was to be my next punishment, but his hot breath on my skin was doing nothing to cool my desire and not helping in holding me back from the forbidden climax one little bit.

What he was doing to me was exquisite, but over the next minute or so the pressure on my wrists began to get too much. I’d never been particularly strong in my arms and it was getting too much for me as gradually I felt my grip faltering finger by finger, with the rope taking more and more of my weight until it was painfully cutting into my skin.

I hadn’t meant to, but a soft moan escaped my lips. It must have indicated more pain than pleasure because Nathan looked up at me questioningly. As ridiculous as it was I didn’t want him to stop, even with the burning pain in my wrists, but reluctantly I confessed. ‘My wrists …I can’t hold on any longer, it hurts, Sir,’ I explained breathlessly.

Looping his hands under my dangling legs Nathan flicked my knees over his shoulders and raised his body slightly so that I was effectively sitting on his shoulders with my lady bits plastered up against his face. I couldn’t help a smile slipping to my lips, but as provocative as the position was it also eased the pressure on my wrists. ‘Better?’ he enquired. ‘Or shall I stop?’

There was no way in hell I was going to ask him to stop. ‘That’s better Sir, thank you,’ I confirmed breathlessly. ‘Please don’t stop.’ Looking down I blushed, Nathan literally had his face buried between my legs. My sweaty, quivery legs. But my embarrassment was soon forgotten as Nathan took up his teasing again using his tongue and teeth to lick and nip at me until I squeezed my thighs around his head in an attempt at holding back the climax that was now threatening to wash over me. I mustn’t come, not until he gave me permission, and although I’d never actively defied one of his commands I knew without a doubt that with his bad mood today Nathan would definitely punish me if I did.

While the delicious sensations of a near orgasm clenched my insides, Nathan suddenly stood up. In one swift movement, he shifted me from his shoulders into a tight grip around my hips where he wasted no time thrusting himself inside me and groaning so deeply it sounded like a growl next to my ear. Wow, talk about a speedy manoeuvre, I wasn’t even sure how he’d managed that. ‘Wrap your legs around me,’ he ordered gruffly, but I was ahead of him on that, already linking my ankles behind his back as he reached up and undid the rope around my wrists.

Once my arms were free I slipped them around Nathan’s neck, greedily digging them into the strong muscle of his shoulders for support as he turned us sideways and slammed my back against the mirrored wall causing the whole thing to rattle. Burying his head in the crook of my neck Nathan held me firmly by the hips so I was pinned to the wall, and then began to grind against me, sending curling waves of pleasure spiralling through me.

Oh God, this was heavenly. When Nathan started a faster rhythm that was hitting just the right spot inside me I found myself biting my own lip hard with the effort not to come. Trying to distract myself from my imminent orgasm, I briefly considered his mood again. I knew he was still mad at me, because he was plunging himself inside me almost violently, that plus the fact that he hadn’t kissed me at all indicated to me his lingering annoyance. I had quickly learnt in the early stages of our relationship that we never kissed if he was in a bad mood; it seemed to be his way of denying me something he knew I enjoyed. Mind you, I was enjoying myself quite a lot right now too.

‘Come,’ Nathan suddenly demanded through gritted teeth and I immediately opened the floodgates on my muscles relaxing my almost painfully contracted groin allowing an orgasm like no other to rip through my body like a tidal wave. ‘Fuck!’ As I spasmed around his body, Nathan tensed and also found his release, before finally stilling and resting his head on my shoulder breathing raggedly. We stayed like that for several minutes, not that I could have gone anywhere because I was trapped against the wall and wrapped around him like a limpet, both of us breathing hard and trying to recover ourselves before Nathan finally leant back and eased himself out of me.

I winced at the empty, slightly sore feeling between my legs as I watched Nathan pulling on his running shorts and picking up a large roll of tissue before turning to me. ‘Clean up the mess,’ he instructed bluntly, as he indicated to the drips of sweat and other bodily fluids that surrounded the area where we had just had sex.

Charming. Clearly even sex hadn’t lightened his mood.

Briefly rubbing my wrists I wordlessly took the tissue and after putting my knickers back on to restore a little of my dignity I bent to wipe the floor. After watching me with narrowed eyes Nathan then left the room and I sighed heavily once again feeling rather overwhelmed by the experiences my dominant bad boy was giving me.

Nathan was like a force of nature; once you pissed him off you needed to get the hell out of the area or batten down the hatches and ride out the storm. A grin stretched my mouth, it wasn’t like I particularly minded riding out Nathan’s storms – he was certainly never dull, that was for sure – but I did feel slightly guilty for getting him so annoyed in the first place. A small shrug raised my shoulders. Oh well, I probably wouldn’t see him again tonight and no doubt he’d be over it by the time we met for breakfast in the morning.

My head popped up less than a minute later when Nathan came striding back in taking me completely by surprise. With his strop, I’d thought that he’d retire for the night and be done with me, but apparently not.

‘Leave that, come and sit here,’ he ordered impatiently causing me to widen my eyes in surprise. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but he sounded a little odd. Doing as I was asked I dumped the tissue down on the floor and made my way across to him cautiously. He indicated to a chair with a jerk of his thumb and I lowered myself down next to him where he proceeded to examine my wrists intently with a frown. Glancing down at them again, I saw that although they weren’t really that sore they were actually quite red from where the rope had chafed me. Ah, so this was what was bothering him.

Producing a medical ice pack from his pocket Nathan carefully wrapped it around my wrists as I sat silently, letting him do his thing and tend to me how he wished. It really was a bit too cold on my already sore skin, not that I’d mention that, but then as if reading my mind Nathan removed the ice, wrapped it in a T-shirt – probably the one he’d striped off before running – and then nodded. ‘Keep this on for ten minutes,’ he muttered, before walking over and bending to finish cleaning the floor.

. This was quite a turnabout for the books. I was shocked, first his apparent concern for me, and now cleaning up so I wouldn’t have to do it later. A small affectionate smile twitched on my lips as I watched him work, his frown line remaining in place the entire time. Who are you and what have you done with my inconsiderate dominant?

Depositing the tissues in the bin Nathan walked towards me and opened the door that led to the bedroom corridor. ‘Come, you’ll be more comfortable resting in your room.’

Once I was sat comfortably on my bed, Nathan fussed about me checking the ice packs repeatedly to check that they were still wrapped firmly around my wrists and then with a tight nod he left the room without saying a single word. The man was such an enigma. Huffing out a lengthy breath, I shook my head at his neurotic ways, I mean who ties someone up and spanks them only to panic about some small bruising afterwards? It was like he was a complete walking contradiction.

Musing over Nathan and his peculiarities, I sank back into the pillows, closed my eyes and let the coolness of the icepack relax me for a few minutes.

I must have dropped off to sleep because a knock on my door woke me and after glancing at the clock to see that quarter of an hour had passed I blearily looked over to see Nathan peering around the door. He seemed to be bearing gifts again as he had a tube of something in his hands, but I was more distracted by his freshly showered appearance, his blond hair still wet and brushed back from his face and his heavenly scent hitting my nostrils, reminding me of just how much I loved his shower gel – or perhaps it was his aftershave, I didn’t know. Freshly showered Nathan in all his spicy musky glory was my favourite scent on the planet.

‘You kept them on,’ he said with an approving nod at the ice packs. Removing them Nathan frowned again and gently poked at my wrists. ‘It wasn’t meant to bruise,’ he muttered in a low tone that I suspected was as much of an apology as I was going to get.

‘I don’t think it will bruise, my skin’s just pink from the cold ice,’ I murmured, trying to placate him. They really didn’t hurt at all.

‘I have some arnica cream here; you can leave it on overnight. Grab a shower and I’ll put it on for you,’ Nathan said holding up the tube.

‘Just leave it on the side. I’ll be fine, honestly.’ But the forceful look on Nathan’s face made me sigh with resignation and push myself from the bed in the direction of the en-suite. Sometimes it was just easier to give in than fight him.

Soaping myself up and washing felt strange knowing that Nathan was sat just next door so I had a pretty speedy shower, wrapped myself firmly in my towel and then emerged into the bedroom. I paused awkwardly as I stood in my bedroom still just wrapped in a towel with Nathan watching me intently from the bed. All my clothes were in the drawers across the other side of the room, should I select what I wanted and go back to the bathroom to dress? It seemed a bit of a waste of time, but with Nathan watching me like a hawk I suddenly felt hugely self-conscious.

Flicking my gaze back to the bed I saw Nathan suppressing a smile at my dilemma,
, but then he flashed me his custom dark and dangerous look instead. ‘I’ve seen you naked so many times now, Stella, surely you’re not embarrassed?’

His words were like a challenge to me, well fine, two could play at that game. Turning to my dressing table, I kept the towel firmly wrapped around myself as I vigorously brushed my hair and planned what to do, then with my idea set I walked across the room towards my chest of drawers and casually let the towel slip from my body and pool on the floor. I couldn’t see Nathan’s face, but I gained a lot of satisfaction from the gasp I heard from him as I stepped into a particularly sexy pair of black lace French knickers. As stupid as it was I loved the fact that he seemed to be just as affected by me as I constantly was by him.

Reaching back into the drawer I dug around for a minute until I found the matching bra and then took my time to wiggle my hips as I made a show of sliding my arms into the bra and reaching behind myself to fasten it.

My little tease had got me so preoccupied that I hadn’t heard Nathan move, but suddenly his arms were wrapping around me from behind and pulling me firmly against him trapping my arms, and half-done bra, at my sides. ‘Fuck, Stella, the things you do to me,’ he hissed, burying his head in my neck as his hands explored the fine silk of my lingerie. Likewise, buddy, I thought, as my eyes rolled closed on a moan.

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