Our Cosmic Ancestors (31 page)

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Authors: Maurice Chatelain

Tags: #Civilization; Ancient, #Social Science, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Prehistoric Peoples, #Interplanetary Voyages, #Fiction, #Anthropology, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #History; Ancient, #General, #Occult & Supernatural

BOOK: Our Cosmic Ancestors
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We have found some of the ruins of Atlantis underwater in the Bahamas. Also, there is no better explanation than the common source of Atlantis to make us understand the astounding similarities between ancient civilisations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, like the Mayan and Egyptian, both of which had pyramids, mummies, close intermarriage, the same basic measurement and calculation techniques, and many other things in common. A large number of serious people do not doubt that Atlantis existed. What is still left for us to find out is its exact location on the map and the exact dates of creation and destruction of the famed civilization.

As one could see from this book, I did succeed in solving some of the problems that were submitted to me during my visit at the astronautical congress in Paris some years ago. Since my specialty was space communications, it seemed logical for me to start by trying to solve the mysteries of flying saucers and extraterrestrial civilizations. But I am also a mathematician, and I had a vague feeling that at least some of these assumptions were correct. One single number - the constant of the solar system - solved more than one of my mysteries and only the first three problems were really difficult to solve. The rest were resolved in a much simpler way because I had developed an efficient calculation technique.

I started with the mysterious number of fifteen digits found in Nineveh and soon discovered that it was the esoteric form, expressed in
seconds, of the much simpler number of 2,268 million days, or just about 6.3 million years. When I discovered later that this time span represented exactly 240 equinoctial cycles, which always played a prominent role in ancient astrology, I immediately realized that by sheer luck I had found the great constant of the solar system, lost for many centuries, and it happened without my even looking for it. My discovery that this solar, or Nineveh, constant had been calculated 64,800 years ago, at the time when Cro-Magnon man suddenly appeared on the Earth, made me feel that I had hit the jackpot.

Up to now, none of our classic theories could satisfactorily explain the sudden appearance of the Cro-Magnon man on Earth. No one using the classic theories of evolution will ever explain how the CroMagnon, immediately upon arrival, could calculate the Nineveh constant based on the planets Uranus and Neptune, which he couldn't even see, and the imperceptible displacement of the equinoctial point that shifts west by only one degree every seventy-two years.

In my opinion, both these mysteries have just one explanation the
of astronauts from another world, who came, just as the Bible tells us, to create, educate, and civilize a new human race in their own image.

Thus, once upon a time, about 65,000 years ago, extraordinary visitors came from another civilization in space, discovered the Earth was a wonderful place to live on, and decided to establish a colony here. But in the beginning they did not like our air and water, and they weren't used to the Earth's gravity. So, these visitors decided to create a hybrid race, so that by cross breeding with humans after a few generations the new race would be perfectly adapted to life on Earth and would carry on at least part of the intelligence and technical know-how of its ancestors from space. To achieve this, the most attractive and the most intelligent young females were inseminated, and this procedure continued with their daughters and granddaughters until the results were acceptable for life on Earth; and the education and civilization of the new race could start.

Another mystery t tried to solve was that of the Mayan calendar. Once I knew the Nineveh constant and the exact periods of revolution and conjunction of planets, it didn't take long to find the only astronomical period that had a duration of about twenty years. I had more trouble with the starting date of the Mayan calendar, but I knew that it too had to be a date of conjunction between two planets other than Jupiter and Saturn. So I tried Uranus and Neptune and discovered the cycle of quadruple conjunction of 4,627 years that is hardly known. After that came the realization that the Mayas, who were obsessed with calculations using enormous numbers, used the number 34,020 million days - a number fifteen times greater than the Nineveh constant - and that this number corresponded exactly to 3.600 Sumerian cycles of precession of the equinoxes.

Then we had the mystery of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, which was based on three different mathematical principles, incompatible if expressed in decimals, but compatible when expressed as fractions. The pyramid was at the same time and astronomical observatory, a standard of weights and measures, and a standard of time. Both its volume and the length of the coffer in its royal chamber were based on the solar constant.

The Maltese cross, the Rhodes calculator, and the navigational systems of the ancient seafarers did not give me much trouble. I found the solutions by accident while trying to solve other problems. As for the signs of the zodiac, the polar rounds, and the universal calendar, I was greatly helped by the research work done by others before me. I have listed their publications in the bibliography at the end of this book.

The last three puzzles - those of the four moons, of Atlantis, and of the extraterrestrial visitors - really fascinated me, because they were at the outer limits between science and complete mystery; and I need more than numbers and computers to solve them. I needed intuition, just as I needed intuition in discovering the Nineveh constant, the secrets of the Mayan calendar, and the mystery of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. /
am convinced that to resolve all this In a few weeks' time would not have been possible without
the help
of some occult power source that Is unknown to
me now and
will probably remain unknown to me forever.

I have been helped in my research just as our ancestors were aided tens of thousands of years ago. Can anyone really think that all that fantastic knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, geodesy, and many other sciences was acquired by mankind without outside help? Frankly, is it not much more logical to accept the idea that all this knowledge was brought by astronauts who came from another world,
just as many legends and the Bible tell us, or that the advancement of mankind was stimulated by some very highly developed cultures located in the Land of Mu or Atlantis, which were visited even earlier by outside civilizations from within the solar system or even from distant galaxies?

About thirty years ago one could question and dismiss such theories as incredible. But in the last three decades we ourselves walked on the moon and drove a jeep on its surface; and our space probes have flown at low altitudes over Venus, Mars, and Mercury and have taken magnificent photographs of the latter two planets. We have a space probe under way that will make a tour of the solar system beyond Saturn and Uranus. And the hypothesis that our ancestors were visited from space by extraterrestrial beings does no longer seem so impossible. Indeed, it now seems very logical. A few more years and a few more space explorations from now, and our children will wonder why such theories seemed so implausible to previous generations.

It is evident that all the theories and hypotheses that I have proposed here are subject to further verification, and it is possible that some will be proven inexact, as is often the case in this kind of research, touching on the outer limits of exact sciences. But that seems to be of lesser importance to me, at least as far as we are concerned now.
What Is important Is to launch and set Into motion new Ideas, so that these can Inspire subsequent generations to make their own discoveries and formulate new theories.

In the past, most men who came up with new thoughts and concept were dismissed as fools, provided they were lucky enough not be be burned alive, as the Roman Catholic Church did to Giordano Bruno in the year 1600, because he was so naive as to believe that the universe was infinite and that many other worlds similar to ours existed, where the inhabitants could live in peace because the Inquisition didn't exist there.

In our times, the honest search for truth is less likely to lead to violent death, but the risk still exists. There are quite a few American UFO researchers who have complained about death threats received either by phone or by mysterious visitors demanding that they cease their activities. Some have actually died under strange circumstances, and all of their archives have disappeared without a trace. That could explain why we will never know the complete truth about all the riddles of the universe.

San Diego, June 1988


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