Our Cosmic Ancestors (30 page)

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Authors: Maurice Chatelain

Tags: #Civilization; Ancient, #Social Science, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Prehistoric Peoples, #Interplanetary Voyages, #Fiction, #Anthropology, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #History; Ancient, #General, #Occult & Supernatural

BOOK: Our Cosmic Ancestors
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About seventy years ago, Brown was doing some research on Roentgen radiations which had just been discovered at that time. He was not so much interested in X-rays for themselves, but he thought that a key to space flight might be found there. He set up an experiment to determine whether there might be a useful force of some sort exerted by the rays from his Coolidge tube.

Brown mounted his X-ray tube in extremely delicate balance and began testing for results. He was unable to detect any measurable force exerted by the X-rays but suddenly, he became aware of a very strange reaction of the tube itself. Every time it was turned on, the tube seemed to exhibit a motion of its own, a thrust of some sort, just as if it was trying to move.

Brown had discovered a new physical phenomenon resulting from the combination of electric, magnetic, and gravitic forces, very similar to that which seems to be used by flying saucers. He had designed an anti-gravity device which he called a GRAVITOR, and that had nothing to do with X-rays. It was caused by the high voltage being used to produce the rays, which resulted in magnetic and gravitic forces. Brown was still in high school; and in spite of the fact that there were a few accounts of his work in local newspapers, no serious scientist expressed any interest in his fantastic discovery.

It took more than twenty years, and the genius of Albert Einstein, for the scientific world to finally see the unlimited possibilities offered by Brown's gravitor. His device looked like nothing more than a bakelite case some 12 inches long and 4 inches square; but when it was placed on a sensitive scale and connected to a 100,000 volt power source, it proceeded to either gain or lose about one percent of its weight, depending on the polarity used.
Finally, the Navy performed in 1943, in the unmagical surroundings of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, nothing less than a successful experiment in invisibility which looks to me like a manifestation of pure magic. Of course the experiment was immediately classified TOP SECRET by the Naval Office of Scientific Research, but there were some leaks as usual.

According to the witnesses, a Navy destroyer escort was surrounded by powerful magnetic and gravitic fields which made it vanish temporarily, appear in another place for a few seconds, then reappear exactly where it was before. Of course no one will believe it, but it now seems almost certain that it really happened.

Unfortunately, there are now very few witnesses left. Some of them died in the experiment, many went completely crazy, which was not surprising after such an experience, some died mysteriously after the experiment, probably because they knew too much, and a few managed to disappear forever in Canada or Mexico, probably because they thought that their lives were in danger. Only a few had the courage to talk before they died.

Personally, I am convinced that the UFO propulsion system is based on the same physical principle as Brown's gravitor and the Philadelphia experiment, which must be the Unified Field Theory of Albert Einstein. Einstein always claimed that his research in that field was not completed; but I am convinced that it was, that he asked the Navy to test it, and then got scared when he saw the fantastic results and the tremendous military power that could be obtained with it, for which he would be responsible.

I am also convinced that scientific research in that field is still going on here and in other countries, and that it is probably the best kept military secret of all times. This is also probably why official government agencies do not want independent scientists to play with the UFO propulsion system and do everything they can to discourage them. If the Navy could perform such an experiment forty years ago, just imagine what an advanced extraterrestrial civilization could do with the same principle and a few thousand years of research and development.

Actually, what is important is not whether flying saucers actually exist physically, or whether they are just an illusion of our minds. Even it they did not really exist, the result would now be the same because of the tremendous impact they have already made in our social, religious, political, and scientific lives. As someone said before, if they did not exist, we would have to create them to justify their incredible effects.

Personally, I believe that they really exist and I keep trying to find out exactly what they are, where they come from, and why they come and visit us at this particular time in the history of human evolution. Maybe they are just trying to warn us that we are on the eve of a terrible cosmic cataclysm that will destroy almost everything on the surface of the Earth, as it has already happened several times before, a very long time ago. In that case, it might be a good idea to listen to them.


Years ago, when I decided to write this book, I wanted to prove the accuracy of three of my favorite theories that would help explain many great mysteries of the past. Long before I tried to present my ideas, many other men had attempted to explain the same phenomena, but they did not quite succeed, I think, because they started from the wrong assumptions.

The first of my theories states that even tens of thousands of years ago our ancestors possessed amazingly precise scientific knowledge, especially in astronomy and mathematics. But if we accept the official scientific views of today, such advanced knowledge was quite impossible, because at that time man barely knew how to make a crude flint axe and had not even invented the wheel.

My second theory states that this astounding knowledge was given to mankind by extraterrestrial astronauts who came from outer space, with a much higher civilization and culture. It states that, little by little, these astronauts created modern man by insemination and mutation. Our primitive ancestors were thus slowly transformed from Neanderthal men into Cro-Magnon men, the strong and intelligent beings that appeared on Earth about 65,000 years ago.

My third theory states that this unbelievably high scientific knowledge of our ancestors, as well as their religious beliefs and their social customs, almost identical in all four corners of the Earth, had to come from one common source that in relatively recent times seemed to have been situated somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, but in a more distant past was located in the Pacific.

These centres disappeared without a trace in cosmic cataclysms, leaving only distant memories, inherited from a few survivors, which were reflected in ceremonies, sagas, and some sacred texts.

I have tried to prove the accuracy of these theories by using numbers, even though I know that many people dislike numbers and figures. To these readers I offer my apologies, but I had no choice. For the benefit of those who may still doubt the accuracy of the evidence presented in the preceding chapters of this book, I will summarize my facts.

The scientific knowledge of astronomy shown by our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago was far superior to that of astronomers only 300 years ago. Our prehistoric ancestors knew that the celestial dome is fixed and that the Sun, the Moon, and the planets revolve. They had noticed that the triangle formed by the stars Sirius, Procyon, and Betelgeuse is fixed, while other constellations, like the Great Bear, change their relative positions imperceptibly over many thousands of years. That was why the ancient astronomers chose the star Sirius as the base for their long-range calculations.

They knew without doubt that the Earth revolves around the Sun and that the Moon revolves around the Earth. They knew about the existence of the planets Uranus and Neptune even though it is very rarely possible to see Uranus with the naked eye and impossible to see Neptune at all. They also knew that Mars has two satellites, Jupiter four, Saturn seven, and Uranus two. They knew that comets reappeared at fixed intervals. Some astronomers of the past knew about the existence of the planet Pluto, which we
only very recently, and even suspected the existence of another planet beyond Pluto, which they named Proserpine. We still have riot found this distant planet, but many present-day astronomers are quite sure that it does exist.

The ancient astronomers also knew that the two points where the equator intersects the ecliptic at the equinoxes shift in a westerly direction by 1
every 72 years, or by 360
in 25,920 years. This phenomenon, which for thousands of years was known in many parts of the Earth, was forgotten for a long time; and the Christian Church ignored it until only three hundred years ago.

Our ancestors also knew that the period of 25,920 years was the time elapsed for one rotation of the terrestrial axis at 23 1/2
around the celestial axis, and they called this period of time the Great Year. They knew that this rotation explained why the polar star was not always the same and why some circumpolar stars were sometimes visible and sometimes not.

Finally, our ancestors knew that all the planets and satellites in our solar system return to the same position on the celestial vault after 2,268 million days, or after 6.3 million years of 360 days each, a timespan that for modern astronomy equals 6,209,578 years of 365.2422 days each.

In mathematics instead of the decimal system, our ancestors used fractions which were much more precise than our decimals. They did not use the decimal system and had no need for it since they did not have decimal calculators. The use of fractions instead of decimal values allowed them to resolve, for instance, the squaring of the circle, which is the computation of a square with the same perimeter as a given circle. This is considered impossible by our modern mathematicians, who use a value of Pi with an infinite number of decimals. For our ancestors, Pi was the ratio 22:7. Therefore, a circle with a radius of 7 had a perimeter of 44, the same as a square with a side of II.

The golden section, or factor Phi, which allowed them to construct triangles or rectangles having the same surface area as a given circle, was expressed by the ratio 196:121. The square root of this number used by our ancient ancestors is 14:11, which equals 4:Pi, or 28:22. Consequently, a circle with a radius of 14:11 has a surface of 56:11, the same square area as a rectangle with sides of 22:7 and 196:121, or a triangle with a base of 44:7 and a height of 196:121.

Angles too were expressed as fractions. These could, depending on the case, represent the functions of sine, cosine, or tangent of the angles. So, sine of 30
was 1/2, sine of 60
was equal to 13/15, and the tangent of the base angle of the Great Pyramid was 14/11, the square root of the Golden Section.

The angle of inclination of the Earth's rotational axis with the axis of the ecliptic was defined by its cosine value, or the fraction 11/12, found in the dimensions of the Kalasaya Temple in Tiahuanaco, which measures 264 x 288 cubits, and in those of many other temples around the world.

But this temple in Tiahuanaco was probably constructed 27,000 years ago, as can be seen by its astronomical layout; and, if nothing else testifies about its age. It is the condition of the ruins which prove to us that much more than 10,000 years have elapsed since it was built. It is therefore evident that our ancestors of 10,000 or more years ago possessed a level of mathematical and astronomical knowledge so superior that they could not have developed it by themselves.

With this conclusion, we arrive at my second theory, namely, the intervention of some extraterrestrial source in human affairs many thousands of years ago. This theory is already generally accepted by the public and also is considered a possibility by part of the scientific community. But it is difficult to get the official scientific establishment to accept it because that could turn upside down all traditional scientific beliefs.

Nevertheless, this theory must be correct, because there is none other than would better explain the sudden appearance of intelligent man and his very advanced scientific knowledge so long ago. Also, there are many proofs of ancient technical knowledge that could only have reached our ancestors by direct transmission from a more highly developed culture. Let me cite a few examples.

Our ancient ancestors knew and used static electricity, electric current, wet-cell batteries, electroplating, and powerful light projectors fed by high-voltage cables. They used platinum, a metal that melts only at 1,753
C, and aluminum, which allegedly wasn't discovered and produced until the nineteenth century.

Our ancestors knew optics. Possibly they even used telescopes and microscopes, because perfectly polished optical lenses, made out of glass or quartz, have been found in various archaeological sites.

It is also very likely that they knew the secret of gravitation and used it to perform levitation - something we cannot even explain today. Without this knowledge of gravitational control, our ancestors could not have built edifices of enormous stone slabs, which have been found all over the world. No modern construction cranes could lift the huge stones of the temple at Baalbek, once the ancient town of Heliopolis, northeast of Beirut, Lebanon.

In several places on the globe somebody traced gigantic figures and geometric designs like those in Nasca, the Maltese cross in the Aegean Sea, or the triangle of France. None of these figures and designs could have been created by humans standing on the ground. Flying machines and possibly electromagnetic navigation devices were needed to trace these huge markers, which could be seen and recognised only from high up in the sky. Humans of that period did not have the technology needed to fly nor the necessary electromagnetic distance-measuring equipment. It seems that the only valid explanation is that these machines were built somewhere else in space and brought here by astronauts to improve and to educate the human race.

My third theory, which states that all terrestrial civilizations evolved from the same source, is probably the easiest to prove. With the exception of some reference in ancient legends, there are no remaining traces of the mysterious Land of Mu, the continent that existed perhaps only 100,000 years ago in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and that certainly will be found some day on the ocean floor. But many clues exist today which prove the existence of Atlantis and its culture that linked east with west, the Eurasian continent with the Americas, until it too disappeared some 12,000 years ago.

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