Only One (15 page)

Read Only One Online

Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Romance, #Football, #actress, #Mystery, #Love, #New Adult, #second chances

BOOK: Only One
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Within the hour we were packed up and on our way home. “So, did you make plans to see that girl again?”

“Pfft! Hell no, she lives in Maryland.”

I slugged his shoulder. “You could at least write to her or keep in touch by phoning her. I could tell you liked her.”

He burst out in laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“Annabelle, of course I liked her. She had tits the size of oranges.”

“Andrew James, that is an awful thing to say about a girl.”

He shrugged like it was no big deal. As a woman, I was completely offended.

“So you and Cole finally figured your shit out?”

I narrowed my eyes and shot him stern look. “Yeah, we finally figured our shit out.”

“You realize Mama and Aunt Lu are probably planning the wedding already?”

“No one is talking weddings yet. It’s only been a week. We’ll see where it goes.”

“One week?” Stunned, he shook his head. “Do you know how long I’ve heard about Cole loving you, but you not loving him back? Shit, that’s all Mama and Lu talk about.”

“Well, you were all wrong. I’ve always loved Cole, I just wanted him to play ball and not worry about me.”

“Are you serious?”

“Why is that so hard to believe? Yes, I left town for me, but more for him. I just figured once he was done, if he still wanted me, we’d find each other.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, AJ! I’m serious. That is what true love is about.”

“Mama is gonna shit when I tell her this.”

“Aargh!” I groaned and then turned up the radio to drown out anything else AJ had to say or ask about Cole.

Chapter 14


Panic didn’t come close to what I was feeling. And now, I felt like the biggest prick in South Carolina. It was entirely my fault. When I looked down and saw her mouth wrapped around my dick, I lost it. I didn’t think. I just did. Now I was off to face her father with my nerves so shot that I wanted to haul off and punch someone. I couldn’t believe I’d left her there wondering what just happened. All I could think about was how I was too young for this. I’ve got my whole life ahead of me, hell, half the time I act like a kid myself, how the hell could I raise one?

For twenty-one years I’d done nothing but run in Annabelle’s direction, but today I ran for the hills. Something I didn’t think I’d ever do, let alone after the most mind-numbing, mind-blowing sex I’d ever experienced. And her face? Fuck! I knew I hurt her with my words. And I knew after the three years she’d been away and how that dickhead had fucked with her and the impact it left. It made me look and feel no better than he was. I was completely ashamed of myself. I mean, what kind of asshole was I? She was finally back right smack next to me, claiming to have always loved me, and I had just walked away.

Woods’ Securities and the man I needed to see sat in the building in front of me while I waited to grow the balls up to go in. My phone rang as I scrubbed my face hard with a shaking hand, thinking about her.

I picked up without paying attention. “Yeah.”

“You sitting out there all day or you coming in?” Josh asked with a hint of laughter in his voice.

I exhaled, resting my head on the steering wheel before jumping out.

Josh was already standing at the entrance with his arms crossed over his chest, which he had pumped out for my benefit, no doubt. A grin settled on his face as I made my way closer. He pointed up and my eyes followed to spot a camera.

“It’s new. We have them inside, like always, but after that fucking picture Dane’s getting ready to go crazy.”

I cleared my throat. “Crazy how?”

“Word of warning, because you’re like family to me. You might want to rethink getting it on with my niece anywhere on her property, since daddy bear installed cameras and security systems on everything. And I mean everything. Even the barn.”

“Thanks for the tip, Josh” I scratched my head, staring at the door, wishing I could turn and run, but knowing it wasn’t happening. “I guess I should head in.”

“Suppose you should. He’s been waiting to kick your ass.”

I turned about to make a break for it, my hand on the doorknob ready to bolt.

He laughed, patting my back. “Don’t worry, I got your back.” Josh shoved me inside and followed until we were standing in front of Dane’s closed door. Josh reached around and knocked.

“Who is it?”

“Lover boy is here,” Josh bellowed.

I heard Dane’s boots coming closer and closer until the door swung open and he looked me square in the eye. Warning laced in his expression. “Sit down, son,” he demanded.

I turned to look over my shoulder at Josh, who was grinning, chomping down on a toothpick.

I sat.

Dane reached into his top drawer and tossed me an envelope. “Open it.”

Slowly I pulled out the photo that I knew was going to be in there and gawked at it. I couldn’t look away. “Shit!” I mumbled. I never thought I’d get that image out of my head, but I almost forgot how relaxed and beautiful she looked as I held her in my arms after we played that game. Now, with Dane staring me down and not looking too thrilled with me, I started to squirm in the chair. “Look, Dane, it was all in fun. Belly has had her head fucked with for a few years. I was trying to get her to remember who she is. I’m devastated and sorry someone saw her like that, especially you. It was only supposed to be for me.”

“So, you and Annabelle are officially together? Is that what you’re saying?”

Josh moved behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders like he was holding me down. Unable to speak, I just nodded.

“What about school? What about Belly? You planning on marrying her?” Dane asked. Dane and I were the only two people who called her that nickname. The first time I heard him call her that I thought it was such a funny word, so I started using it, thinking I was teasing her.
What do you want from a five-year old
? Anyway, the name Belly just always stuck with me, just like she did.

The rise and drop of my shoulders was the only way I could respond. My mouth felt like I’d swallowed a million cotton balls, preventing me from answering. Is that what they expected, me to marry her, because we got naked? Dane and Josh were both frustrated, that was obvious by the disgusted grunts that came out of both of them when I said nothing.

“I love Belly,” I blurted out. I felt Josh pat my back like I did the right thing by saying it out loud. “I already told you, Unc…I mean Dane. And she loves me, too, and, no, I have no idea about what is going to happen next, but I do know two things.”

Dane stood and rounded his desk, and then propped himself up against it, standing in front of me. He’d always intimidated me some, but I knew if I backed down, wimped out, he’d lose respect for me. And, I couldn’t have that.

“And those two things would be?” he egged me on.

“I will not allow her to give up her dream of Hollywood, and, and,” I paused.
Here we go
. “As much as I’d love your permission to keep on dating Belly, I don’t need it. I’m doing it anyway. With or without your consent, I know I have Aunt Ashton on my side and a few others, too.” I glanced at Josh, knowing he was one of the folks who supported us.

Josh came around and took his stance next to Dane. Both of them stared me down--arms crossed, no smiles, unreadable expressions. Josh elbowed Dane a second later. I waited for it to come and I even mentally prepared myself for whatever lashing I was about to receive.

They both burst out laughing, tears running down their faces.

I sat here stunned.

Josh grabbed my shoulder. “Boy, relax, would ya? We’re just fucking with you.”

I closed my eyes and exhaled the breath that I’d been holding.

“Cole, we all love you, you know that. I couldn’t ask for a better man for my baby girl, but if you hurt her after we just got her back, well, I won’t be happy. And damn it, keep that shit inside, Cole. You were right out in the open, for Christ sake.”

“Understood, sir.”

“Now what’s this shit about her heading back out there to Hellwood? I ain’t having it.”

“She wants to try, and I just think we should let her. I promise I’ll visit her every chance I get, and she promised to do the same. We won’t lose her. Bottom line is that I won’t allow it this time.”

“And what about you, Cole? What do you get from all this?”

I shrugged. “I just want her to be happy. In a few years, God willing, we’ll still be together, and then I plan on asking her to marry me. If it all works out the way I want it, well, then my answer to your question is her. I finally get Belly. That’s what I get out of it.”

They both cocked their heads to the side, looking at each other’s reaction to my bold statement.

Josh rubbed the scruff on his chin. “I don’t know, son. Sending her off could be it for the two of you. I think it’s a bad idea. Not to mention that ex of hers. Don’t like him one bit. And then there’s the issue of this damn photo sitting right there on your lap.”

I stood up and started to pace the floor. “I was thinking, maybe it was Hannah. I mean, I heard the tone in her voice when I broke it off. She was pissed.”

“This isn’t a jealous chick, Cole. When Annabelle gets home, I’ll hit her up for some names of people who may have it out for her.”

My head shot up. “Aaron. What about her agent? You said you don’t like him. Whenever I mention him she flinches and I can see the bitterness. Her face goes as white as a ghost. Something happened that she’s keeping tight-lipped about.”

“Already thought of him. Checked airlines, and he has an alibi placing him sitting pretty in L.A.,” Dane answered. He shook his head. “Unless he hired someone and they’re doing his dirty work for him. We haven’t figured it out yet.” He walked around to his desk and sat. “Whoever it is will fuck up soon enough, and we’ll catch him.”

I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

He held out his hand for the photo, but I tightened my grip. “All due respect, Dane. I’d rather keep it.” Being away from Annabelle in college, I wanted to keep this picture under my pillow and stare at it every night before I went to sleep, and there was no way I wanted anyone else to see her like this.

“All due respect, son. Hand it the fuck over. It’s evidence.”

I swallowed my pride, along with my embarrassment, and handed it over after tucking it back inside the envelope.

As I walked toward the door, I heard Josh mumble something.

“Hey, Cole,” Dane yelled out.


“Ashton and your mama have no clue about this picture. I want to keep it that way. No need to scare them.”

“Agreed,” I acknowledged before walking out to my Jeep and breathing a sigh of relief that the meeting had gone as smoothly as it had.

I felt like I was being attacked when I made my way through my own front door. Mama and Aunt Ashton were climbing the walls, waiting for me to come inside and answer questions about my few days with Belly.

I held up my hands in a truce before they could even start on me. I kissed both on their cheeks and grabbed the milk out of the fridge. I chugged it back, even though my mama hated when I did that. I trained my eyes on the pair of them looking like they were about ready to burst. I laughed, shaking my head. “You two are ridiculous. You do know that, right?”

Disappointment and maybe even a little panic crossed over both their faces.

“Well, uh, how did it go with the roof?” Aunt Ashton asked.

“All done. It looks good. Although it didn’t really need replacing for like oh, I don’t know, five more years.”

They simultaneously rolled their eyes.

“And Annabelle? How was she?” Mama chimed in.

“Belly? She was fine, I guess. We didn’t do much talking.”

“What?” they both screeched.

I grinned so big it hurt. “What we were doing didn’t require talking.” I turned, looking at both of their mouths dropping open.
Let them stew on that
. “I got to take a shower. I’m going to take Belly out for dinner.”

I swore on my life as I made my way up the stairs I could hear them jumping up and down and thanking the lord that I just admitted to getting down and dirty with Annabelle.

When I pulled my Jeep in front of the barn I hesitated a heartbeat, knowing I had to explain myself. I apologized once, but I still felt like a complete slime for the brush-off I’d given her earlier.

When I stepped into her living area I heard the shower running. Annabelle had made the once rugged barn that Dane use to live in more feminine than the last time I’d been in here. Throw blankets and flowers were scattered all about. The sound of her favorite country station echoed through, along with her voice singing a tad off-key. A piece of me wanted to jump in there with her, but after my earlier reactions, it was probably wiser to refrain, not to mention there was a damn camera nestled up in the corner of the room, recording everything.

Deciding it was best to let it lie, I reached in the fridge to grab a beer. Twisting off the cap and settling back on her sofa, I listened to hear the shower turn off. I smiled, picturing her wet, long hair dripping over her breasts that I couldn’t get enough of.

My eyes flicked to the camera and then to the backroom. Fuck it! They knew her innocence was long gone at this point, and quite frankly picturing her wet and naked had my boy downstairs not giving two shits about a camera.

She was in the small bedroom, wrapped in a towel, swaying and singing to Dierks Bentley, I couldn’t take watching her anymore. I grabbed her from behind to surprise her. Big mistake. Her elbow landed in my gut, her scream was so loud it pierced straight through me, and then she brought me to my knees with the final blow to my balls.

“Oh, my God, Cole! Are you okay?” She knelt on the floor next to me.

I couldn’t answer. The pain was too intense, too fucking numbing. I couldn’t breathe or speak. My stomach was churning and I wanted to vomit at the extreme pain and had this feeling that my balls were retracting into my body as she watched over me.

“What’s going on? Annabelle?” AJ yelled out as he ran inside.

Our eyes met briefly, while I lay holding onto my nuts. AJ looked between us like he had no idea what game we were playing.

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