Only One (6 page)

Read Only One Online

Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Romance, #Football, #actress, #Mystery, #Love, #New Adult, #second chances

BOOK: Only One
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Dane chuckled, turning away from me. “I was just messing with you, kid.” Two-seconds later he was walking away and yelling out to my dad about throwing those burgers on the grill.

Three beers in, the sound of hooves approaching made my heartbeat actually stop for five full seconds. Annabelle sat perched atop of Lance, her previously fake blond hair dyed back to her natural color, shining in the sun.

Hannah tapped my knee with her beer, pulling me from my trance. “Who the hell is that?” she asked. “My God, she’s beautiful,” she said under her breath.

I couldn’t agree more, but I would never share my opinion with Hannah. I cleared my throat before turning to Hannah. “That’s Annabelle. My best friend growing up.”

She bit down on her lip, gaging my reaction. “Oh,” was all she said before tipping her beer back and draining it in one smooth gulp.

My eyes stayed trained on Belly as she dismounted Lance. Her tanned-legs never looked better in a pair of cut-off shorts. God, she wore her favorite beat up brown, cowboy boots. I couldn’t even count the numerous times back in high school I pictured her coming to me wearing nothing but those damn boots and a smile. My eyes slowly worked their way up to the tight-ass Alabama T-shirt I had sent her freshman year, making me wonder why she chose that to wear today, of all days. I swallowed, trying to remind myself to breathe, because I was tied up in every single move she made. My head was screaming to get a fucking grip, considering Hannah was sitting right next to me, watching my every action.

Belly’s eyes found mine not a second later and then shifted to Hannah, who decided to cling to me, obviously making sure Belly knew that she was here with me, staking her claim. Annabelle smiled softly and waved, waiting for my reaction. I gave a curt nod to gesture to her that I noticed her. Annabelle’s smile turned into a small frown before she grabbed Lance’s bridle and steered him toward the stables and away from me.

I wanted to be strong enough to sit still and let everything go, but who the hell was I fooling, anyhow. When Annabelle was within reaching distance, I just gravitated naturally to her. She had the pull that kept me coming back for more, regardless whether it was in my best interest or not. Without looking at Hannah, I said, “I’ll be right back.”

I went to stand but she grabbed hold of my wrist. “Where are you going?”

I peered down. “You’ll be fine. I gotta go say hi to Annabelle.” I felt like the biggest fucking dick as the disappointment and hurt crossed her face. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I won’t be more than five minutes. Go grab something to eat.” I laughed to myself, knowing there were most definitely not going to be any veggie burgers on the menu. But I was confident she’d find something that would keep her satisfied.

Just as my foot stepped into the stable, Belly walked out of the stall, locking Lance in. “She’s real pretty, Cole.” She caught me off guard. I had no idea she’d even seen me come in, but then again she knew me too well.

“Yeah. Thanks.”

She gave Lance a quick pat as he stuck his head out, nudging her. “Did you come in here to lecture me about behaving today? If you did, you’re wasting your time.” She held up the peace sign. “I promise to be on my best behavior.”

I shook my head. “No, Belly, I didn’t. Honestly, I don’t know what I’m doing in here with you when she’s out there, but I guess I just wanted to say hi and all.” She sidestepped around me to grab the broom and started sweeping hay to the side.

I sighed heavily, trying to think of something to say. “You look good.” I walked over, grabbed the broom from her and set it against the stall.

She turned, watching me cautiously.

My hand lifted like it had it’s own mind. A piece of hair suddenly slipped between my fingers. I watched as each strand slipped one by one, like someone had a remote that was controlling me. Quickly I blinked and recovered. “Much better than that fake blond shit.”

She frowned. “Gee, thanks!” she snapped, stepping around me. “I colored it back last night.”

I grabbed her wrists, turning her to face me again, which was probably not the best move, considering the only thing I wanted to do was throw her up against that damn stall and take her right there. “That’s not what I meant. You look pretty either way, but I like you better natural.”

She laughed in my face, hands cocked on her hips. “Well, I’ll be sure to tell my agent when I get back to California.”

I must’ve looked like a giant ass, standing there with my mouth hanging open. “Come again?”

She sighed heavily, as she ran her hand through her long mane of hair that I wanted nothing more to feel again. “You know me better than anyone, Cole. I love it here more than anywhere else in the world, but I need to go back and finish what I started. I need to give it another try.”

“No!” I shouted unexpectedly. I mean really, who the hell was I to tell her how to live her life? But to hear her say she wanted to go back was like the crash after the high, the rough landing after a smooth flight. We just got her back. I just got her back.

“Excuse me?” Both hands slammed back down on those beautiful hips of hers. Her boot tapped on the floor while she waited for me to elaborate. When I didn’t she must’ve figured she put me in my place. “Last time I checked, Cole Lucca, you weren’t in charge of me. I come and go as I please. Now, I do believe you came with someone, and she’s out there waiting on you. I know your mama raised you better.”

I had no argument to counter with, since she was right. I had zero hold over her. I just knew if she went back it meant I’d probably never, ever have a chance with her after we’d already lost so many years. My life was in South Carolina, not in a town that sent home a fake version of someone I’d loved once. Hell, still did. Underneath the facade my Belly was still there, but damn it all if she wasn’t trying her best to not show it when I was around. The word ‘no’ had just flown out my mouth before I could stop it.

It was like a bell went off telling me what I already knew as she stood in front of me, holding her ground. Nothing would ever happen between us. It was written all over the face that I still loved to look at and imagined waking up to every morning. And it pissed me off that she could be so cold to me. Like I didn’t matter. Like maybe I never mattered.

I threw my hands up into the air. “You’re right, Annabelle. Do whatever the fuck you want. I’m done trying,” I fumed, storming out of the barn, needing to get some distance.

“Hannah,” I yelled out, knowing I sounded like one pissed off asshole. “Let’s go. We’re leaving now,” I roared.

She looked all around bashfully, but all eyes were on me. My dad patted Hannah’s back, keeping her in her place, and whispered something to her. He crooked his finger, gesturing for me to follow him around front. Once I rounded the corner, still fuming over Annabelle casting me aside, I was thrown up against the side of the house.

“What in the Sam Hill is wrong with you?” my father demanded.

I shrugged the grip he had on my shirt off. “Nothing. Let go.”

He pointed his finger, wagging it back and forth. “Boy, I raised you better. You don’t treat a lady like that. Now I want you to go apologize to the little girl you brought with you. She doesn’t deserve you and Annabelle doing that to her. You got problems with Annabelle, fix them when Hannah isn’t around. You hear me?”

“Yes, sir, I hear you.” I raked my hand through my hair, sighing heavily as I continued to lean against the house. “I know Hannah doesn’t deserve it. Belly just pissed me off so bad.”

He took a step closer to get in my face. “Rein it in and go fix you and your girl a plate of food. Your mama and Aunt Ash would kick your ass after they witnessed that outburst, most certainly if you leave early.”

He was right. I needed to focus on the girl I brought with me. The one who told me that she was falling in love with me. Belly and I were over, and I needed to come to terms with that. She was determined to head back west, and I was heading south to finish school and concentrate on my football and myself.

Chapter 5


How dare he come into my barn and try to control my life.
Some part of me knew that I was behaving like a big old brat toward him. I’d realized what I’d given up on and that pretty girl sitting next to him, claiming him, upset me more than I cared to admit. The kick in the ass was knowing that I was the one responsible for the demise of our fairytale ending. When I really should be making amends for my actions, I just continued to shove him farther away.

It was easier this way, because I knew deep down if I stayed much longer, Cole would persuade me not to leave. I didn’t want to resent him and always wonder what if, and I refused to let myself be the girl who kept the star quarterback from his dreams. All his life he talked about playing for Alabama. I could still remember thinking, even as a little girl, that I’d do anything to make sure that happened.

Before facing reality and Cole’s new girlfriend who, I had to admit, was real pretty, I slipped my finger inside my back pocket to grab a sugar cube for Lance. He nudged me with his nose one more time, letting me know he was ready for another. Smiling, I handed off a second cube. “I’m going to miss you when I leave here, boy.” I scratched his muzzle back and forth just the way he loved it. “What am I gonna do about Cole, huh?”

“I knew I’d find you out here talking to that horse.”

Before I turned and answered my Aunt Lu, I gave Lance a quick pat. “Hey, Aunt Lu.”

“Hey, darling,” she replied as she stepped closer to study my face.

“You planning on running away because of Cole or because of that asshole calling you back to California?”

Shocked that she knew of Aaron, I snapped. “Who told you about him?”

Her hands came up to my face softly, cupping both sides. “Who do you think? You know your mama and I don’t keep secrets.” One night last week mama caught sight of a message he sent when I ran outside for a second to close the windows of my truck before a rainstorm came in. The next day I had a new phone and a new number.

I rolled my eyes, not surprised. I dropped my head, knowing the tears were coming. “I have to try, Aunt Lu. I love acting. I won’t go back to Aaron. I won’t. I promise.” And I wouldn’t. I’d go back and make it on my own until I could find a new gig and a new agent.

“Baby, I understand. I do. It’s not me you need to talk to about all this. I know you’re an adult, but I really don’t think anyone, especially Dane, is going to let you go back there.”

“I…” She hushed me by covering my mouth with her hand.

“Shh. Honey, you looked like hell when you came back home. That’s the only thing Dane’s gonna see when you bring it up again. He’ll see his daughter who let herself get unhealthy to win a part or a photo shoot and for what, baby girl, huh?”

I raised my chin, wiping back the tears. “It’s what I want to do. Daddy always said don’t quit anything once you start it, well, that’s what I’m doing.”

“No, sugar, what you’ll be doing is starting the process of losing yourself again. Do you have any friends out there anymore to look after you?”

“Of course I do. I made friends at the restaurant I worked in.”

Aunt Lu tucked a piece a hair behind my ear. “All right, honey.”

“What’s going on out here?” Mama yelled as she entered the stables and caught us.

Aunt Lu wiped a tear that was slipping down my cheek and smiled softly before turning. “Absolutely nothing. I was telling Annabelle how good it was to have her home again.”

Mama walked over and placed her Corona on the ledge of one of the empty stalls. “Damn right, it is.” She approached us both, smiling, but I could tell she knew we’d been talking about something by the look she shot Aunt Lu. “How was your ride?”

I turned to look at Lance. “It was good. It feels so good to ride again.” I’d been home for a few weeks now and I had taken Lance out each day.

She smiled brightly. “I’m glad. Daddy and I were talking last night, and we thought it’d be great for you to go the beach and relax for a week or two. Lily and AJ can go with you and spend some time swimming, surfing, doing whatever you kids want. What do you think?”

It did sound good, especially if it meant steering clear of Cole and his latest conquest for a few weeks. “Sure, Mama. I’ll ask them, and maybe we’ll head out sometime next week.”

She rubbed my shoulder, keeping eye contact. “Good. Now let’s get something to eat. Uncle Charlie and Daddy have been cooking up a storm, and Esther brought over her baked beans that you love so much.” Esther had been our neighbor my whole life and made the best beans in Charleston county.

I smiled, latching my arms around both of them, leading us out to face what I was hiding from.

Cole was sitting in one of our plastic lawn chairs with his girlfriend sitting pretty as a picture between his legs, sipping on a light beer. Mama and Lu were cackling about some local town gossip about how Mrs. Benson was turning into a cougar since she found out her husband had been cheating on her for the last ten years. I turned and caught Hannah staring at me.

Cole was talking to my Uncle Josh, not paying attention to us, but his girlfriend didn’t take her eyes off of me. I knew by the look on her face she was trying to figure out just what I meant to Cole and what he meant to me. Cole pulled her in tighter, attempting to break the stare-down we’d been in, once he noticed. Knowing that I gave up that right the moment I stepped onto that plane to California. I caved and smiled in her direction, breaking the friction.

I had no idea if he’d told her anything about me or even if he loved her, but I wanted him to be happy, even if it meant pushing him away from me. Even if it meant losing the one friend I cherished more than anything, I’d do it. He deserved to be with someone who could give him the love he wanted. In my heart of hearts I knew he wouldn’t love anyone as much as I believed he loved me, but I had to give him the chance to find out. He needed his dream of being the number one quarterback to ever grace Alabama, and I needed to be number one at something. Maybe I would succeed, maybe I wouldn’t, but I’d be damned if I’d go down without busting my ass first.

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