Repeat Offender (Hideaway)

BOOK: Repeat Offender (Hideaway)
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by Elyse Scott


the Custody of the Dom (Hideaway, 1)

















© 2013 by Elyse Scott. All rights reserved.


Before we begin....


is an erotic story intended for readers of 18 years and over. It contains heavy
kink including very graphic medical play, M/M/F, M/M, and BDSM, and may be
offensive to some readers. It also includes play reluctance, and although
everything in this story is done between consenting adults who are enjoying
themselves, if you are at all uncomfortable with reluctance, please don’t read

is a work of fiction only, and in no way do I recommend you try any of this at
home! Please practice safe, sane, and consensual sex, and do your research

part of this story may be reproduced or retrieved by any means, electronic,
mechanical, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

characters and events in this story are fictional, and any similarity to
persons living or deceased is purely coincidental.

that all that’s of the way, I’d like to thank you for purchasing this story. I
hope you enjoy it! Comments and constructive feedback are welcomed at
[email protected].

now, Sam Reilly is back for a second session with Master Dan and the other doms
at The Hideaway, and this time they’re not going to go so easy on her...



Reilly had been sitting alone in the small observation room for what felt like
fifteen minutes or so. The room was lit by flat, fluorescent panels. It was
bare of furniture, the floor was rubber-covered and slightly padded, and a one-way
window with mirrored glass ran the length of one blue-grey wall.

sat on the floor facing the door, with her back against the wall. Beside the
door was a neatly folded, hospital-style blue paper gown. Every time she looked
at it, her stomach did flip flops.

evening, she’d come home from work at seven, and barely had time to change
clothes and eat a light dinner before the doorbell rang and three big, tall
doms were showing her their very convincing Drug Enforcement Division badges.
She grew wet the moment they began reading her her rights, and put her hands
behind her back to be cuffed. She was escorted out to the driveway, where a
huge SUV with blacked-out windows waited. They put her in the back seat, still
cuffed, with a dom either side of her. There was no escape.

of her fell right back into that extraordinary sense of safety that had arisen
the last time she was with the doms, and another part of her was wondering what
the hell she’d gotten herself into. She was driven to The Hideaway in silence.

was the scene she’d arranged on the phone with Master Dan. She was always
surprised by how pleasant and charming and, well,
he was when he
wasn’t in full-on dom mode. She knew that he was kind, utterly professional,
and she could trust him completely. He would push her, but never beyond her
hard limits.

was seeing a psychiatrist for the PTSD she’d brought home as a souvenir of her
journalism assignment in Iraq, and doing much better than the last time she’d
been at The Hideaway. Master Dan had questioned her about that thoroughly but
gently, and seemed genuinely pleased to hear of her progress. By the end of
their conversation she was longing to see him again.

time, she was much more together, and very aware of what she’d let herself in
for. So, as she sat confined in the claustrophobic room, she was somewhere
between nervous and scared. All she knew for sure was that whatever Master Dan
had planned for her tonight, it would be beyond anything she could imagine; and
that was probably a good thing. She was sure if she knew what was coming, she’d
back out.

chased up her back and neck as the door was unlocked, and her mouth fell open
in shock as four tall, powerful doms entered the room. All were focused
exclusively on her. One of them was pushing a medical cart covered by a blue
sterile drape. They all wore expensively tailored shirts, black leather jeans,
and heavy black boots or shoes. Everything about them screamed ‘alpha male’. Master
Dan made her incredibly nervous; it was the kind of nervousness that came from
worrying about what a man thought of her, and that unsettled her almost more
than anything else. She recognized Master Jake, too, but the other doms were
new to her.

dark, and romance-novel handsome, Master Dan looked stunning in his crisp,
white shirt and elaborately-buckled Harley boots. This was his session, and he
took the lead. He picked up the blue paper gown, and came to stand in front of
her, so close that she had to crane her head back to look at him.

he said, by way of greeting, as formally as though they were meeting for the
first time whilst she was being held in a government security facility, and not
as though he’d already given her the dirtiest, most incredible night of her life
barely two months before.

she said, politely. No sense riling him up too soon.

colleagues here are Master Jake,” he indicated the one with the stubble, and
she still thought it suited him; “Master Sean,” he indicated the one with cropped
blond hair; “and Master Aaron,” he indicated the one with wavy red hair and
vivid blue eyes. “Those two gentlemen are Dungeon Monitors. They’re here for
your safety.”

nodded, acknowledging them, and they each nodded in return.

you know why you’re here?”

Sir. I’ve turned myself in. I’m admitting culpability in the drug smuggling case,
and I’m a suspect in your investigation again.”

arresting officers advised of your rights?”


me your safeword,” said Master Dan.


looked to the other doms. “Everybody hear that? The safeword is ‘ocean’.” They
nodded. He looked back at Sam. “Use it if you need to, even if you’re not sure.
We can stop and talk about what’s happening and see if you want to go on. Don’t
wait until it’s too late. Got it?”

relaxed a little. “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

nodded. “When you were brought to this room, you were told to strip to your
underwear and put on the examination gown, correct?”

heart began to pound. “Yes, Sir.”

I trust that you have a damn good reason for not doing as you were told.”

eyes flicked to the other doms. They looked like mountains between her and the
door. She looked to Master Jake for a friendly sign, but he looked serious;
ready to step in immediately if she got out of line.

Dan shifted his stance. “I asked you a question.”

didn’t want to undress in front of whoever’s behind that window,” she said. It
fit the role she was playing, and it also happened to be the truth.

didn’t ask what you
to do,” said Master Dan. “We told you very
clearly what you were
to do.” He held out the gown. “Strip now,
down to your bra and underpants, and you won’t be punished.”

was still trying to gather her courage when he bent down, seized her by her
upper arms, and brought her to her feet. He looked into her eyes, and she could
tell he was examining her already, gauging her stress levels. His big hand
encircled her trembling wrist, pressing into her pulse point. How lucky was she
to have found a dom who was also a doctor? He’d even shown her his
certificates, but explained that he only practiced for play, now.

looked down at her wrist, and his expression softened. He brought her arm up,
undid a couple of his shirt buttons, and slid her hand inside. He pressed her
hand firmly over his heart. Its strong, steady rhythm was a balm for her nerves.
In no way was he anxious about how this was going, or upset with her. This was
his show, and nothing would happen if he didn’t want it to. She remembered that
he was utterly in control, and she could place herself in his care without

nodded, and with a smile that showed in his eyes more than anywhere else, he
allowed her to withdraw her hand.

he said, quietly, but with absolute command.

she pulled her sweater up over her head, and he helped her pull it off. She
unbuttoned her shirt, and he slid it down her arms. She bent and removed her
shoes and socks. Only one thing left.

met his eyes, and he nodded. She unfastened her jeans, and pushed them down,
revealing her favorite blue silk panties and bra.

Dan smiled, and gently cupped her face in one hand. “Very good, Sam.”

pleased him, and warmth flooded her. He held up the paper gown, and she slipped
her arms into it. It gaped open at the front, and she tied it closed. She
expected to be told that she was wrong to tie it without permission, but he let
it slide. Perhaps he remembered that being covered and uncovered was one of her

down on your stomach,” he said, mildly.



of the corner of her eye, Sam perceived an increase in tension in the three
doms standing behind Master Dan. She backed up, and immediately the atmosphere
changed. The other doms moved to follow her, but he stalled them with a gesture.

he said, reasonably. “It’s more serious this time. Pleading ‘guilty’ was the
right thing to do, but more evidence is needed to bring this case to trial, and
we’re going to have to collect it in ways that you may find difficult. Be that
as it may, your full cooperation is required.”

Sir,” she said, eyeing her clothes, now clutched in his hand. “You’ve taken
enough from me. I’ve already admitted what I’ve done. This isn’t necessary.”

what’s necessary,” he said, and her breath hitched at the
sudden sharpness and authority of his tone. “These gentlemen here are going to
assist me. They, and the agents and technicians behind that window,” he
indicated the wall to her left, “are required to observe the collection of the
evidence, to ensure it’s clean and gathered in accordance with Drug Enforcement
Division protocols and procedures. This is as much for your protection as it is
for ours.”

Dan went over to the medical cart and picked up a clear tube. A long white
stick with something on the tip was inside it. He wrote her name on the label
in big, clear letters, and uncapped the tube. “I’m afraid that this time
around, the rectal swab isn’t optional,” he said. “Bare your bottom and lie
face down on the floor, Sam.”

thrill ran through her, along with a sharp stab of embarrassment. He was going
to give her what she’d been too self-conscious to ask for last time. Still, it
was a little scary, and her self-consciousness made it near impossible to take
this first step and start the session, even though she longed for him to fulfil
her fantasies, this procedure included.

hadn’t heard the door lock behind the doms when they came in. If she could just
continue to skirt the walls until she got to the door, she could get outside
and buy herself some time to psych herself up and think about what to do next.
Master Jake stepped in front of her. She turned, and the other doms were right
behind her. There were too many of them. Frankly, given their size and
would have been too many, let alone four.

indulged the panic this brought on, and bolted for the door and the safety of
the hallway beyond. Master Dan tackled her; his arms were like steel bands
across her chest. “Lie down,” he said, calmly.

fought. Hard. Master Dan nodded, and the other doms stepped in. She enjoyed
letting loose with the big, careful men here in a way that was utterly
unavailable to her anywhere else, and when they’d spoken on the phone following
her first session, Master Dan had told her that he liked it when she challenged
him, because it gave him something to work with, both mentally and physically.

she began to tire, they took control of her arms and legs and forced her to the
floor, where she was turned onto her stomach. Her paper gown loudly tore up the
back. Once she was down, they held her there, panting, allowing her to enjoy
the struggle and the restraint. She was pretty sure her underwear contained the
evidence of how much she was enjoying herself, if not a felony.

her bottom,” said Master Dan.

yanked her paper gown halfway up her back. She heard the sound of latex gloves
being pulled on, and felt firm, sure hands on her buttocks, pulling her panties

was panting with exertion, still powered by adrenalin, fear and excitement. God,
they weren’t even going to bother to take her panties down.

gritted out, trying to throw them off. She had no chance. The padded floor
smelled like rubber and disinfectant.

listen to me,” said Master Dan. His gloved hand was warm on the base of her
spine. “I can’t use lube for this because it’ll ruin the sample, so this may be
a little uncomfortable. Even so, I need you to keep nice and still while the
swab is inserted. If you can’t obey me, I have a needle right here, and the
next time you make a move, you’ll get an ass full of sedative, do you

was absolutely certain that he wasn’t allowed to drug her like that; it was
laid out very clearly in the huge book of Hideaway rules he’d made her read and
sign before their first session, but the threat alone was enough to take her
arousal up another notch. She nodded.

we go, now,” said the dom. “Keep her down, gentlemen; I doubt Sam’s going to
make this easy for us, and I don’t want to risk hurting her. I’m going to
stretch her a little for just a second.”

hands spread her buttocks, and a fingertip pressed in, circling and tugging to
make her more receptive. It was withdrawn, and then something soft and wet
pressed at her anus. Sam struggled against her captors as the bulbous swab was
forced into her body and pushed up inside. She imagined how she must look under
the hands of four powerful doms, her torn gown shoved up, her panties roughly pulled
aside, the long white swab stick protruding from her anus, Master Dan’s gloved
hands keeping her cheeks apart and twisting it inside her, taking the sample
they required.

watching you, Sam,” said Master Dan, and she shuddered with shame and
excitement. This was what it was all about, really. Power. The power to be the
center of attention. To be important enough for them to take the trouble to
force her into submission while they took what they wanted. “Us four and the
agents and technicians behind the window. Not much point in fighting us.”

harsh sob tore out of her, a safety valve for the heightened emotions that had
been building ever since she’d made the appointment for this evening’s session.

if you need to,” Master Dan reminded her, gently. “Somebody check if she’s
lubricating. I need to know she’s enjoying herself.”

am,” she gulped.

wasn’t talking to you, Sam,” he said, sternly.

hand pushed between her legs, and a finger slipped into her vagina and swirled
around, but only for a moment.

running wet,” Master Jake confirmed.

me your finger,” said Master Dan. There was a pause, and then he said, “We’re
going to take a sample of her ejaculate in a little while.”

she’d never put up with anywhere else, like being ordered to be quiet, being talked
about as though she wasn’t there, and allowing a dominant man to make decisions
about what would happen to her body, were thrilling here. Just here, and just
for now. Master Dan, brought her deepest, darkest fantasies to life, and gave
her license to enjoy the hell out of them with no judgments. It was a freedom
she’d never expected to find, and having tasted it, she knew there was no going
back. She was nervous, embarrassed, and turned on in equal measures as he gave
her something she didn’t know she’d been missing until she met him. In turn,
she’d revealed desires, needs, and fears to him with a raw courage she’d never
shown another man.

several minutes, long enough for her to settle into the procedure and enjoy the
penetration, Master Dan withdrew the long swab stick. She heard him drop it
into the specimen tube and get up to put it back on the cart. Then he returned
to stand by her. The doms still pressed her into the floor as though she were a
dangerous suspect, and Master Dan was in no hurry to let her up, especially
when he knew she enjoyed, hell, she
people to keep her safe and
take care of her sometimes.

Sam, that’s all done,” he said. “I know that was a little frightening, so as a
reward I’m going to give you a choice of how you provide us with a clean urine
sample. You may either stand and urinate into a jug that I’ll hold between your
legs, or else I can insert a catheter. It’s up to you.”

way, he was going to make her complicit in doing something extremely embarrassing.

stand,” she said, unsettled by how wobbly her voice was. At least that way she
retained some control over her body, though she knew it would be short-lived.

right,” said Master Dan. “Gentlemen, help Sam to her feet.”

stood her up gently, giving the slight dizziness time to go away before
releasing her.

turn to this wall and brace your hands against it.” Master Dan had a clear
glass measuring jug in his hand.


Aaron and Master Sean, sit down behind Sam, so that you can watch the urine
come out, and vouch that she’s given her sample without trickery,” said Master
Dan. “Master Jake, hold Sam’s gown up around her waist while I pull her panties

stubbly dom did as asked. She caught his eye, and he gave her a friendly wink.
She gave him a small, nervous smile. “I-I don’t know if I can do this with all
of you...” she whispered, as Master Dan pulled her silk panties down her legs,
and she stepped out of them.

Jake rubbed her back comfortingly. “We know it’s not easy. Just do your best,

your legs wide,” said Master Dan. She did, but he gave her right foot a gentle
kick. “Wider.”


hands were between her legs, fitting the glass receptacle over her vagina. “I
need at least four ounces from you,” he said. “If you can’t do it this way,
we’ll use the catheter. Whenever you’re ready, Sam.”

closed her eyes, and honestly tried to go. Nothing happened. She tried harder,
and the harder she tried, the more her body refused to comply. Shame and
self-consciousness started to build, compounding the problem. He would punish
her if she didn’t go. Master Dan took her pulse, and rubbed her shoulder. “No
rush, kiddo.”

knew her face was red, and her eyes brimmed with tears of frustration.

difficult,” said Master Jake, after a few minutes. “Is there any way
we can help Sam to relax and get this done?”

my nipples?” The quiet plea was out of her mouth before she could stop it. The
doms laughed, but she didn’t feel they were mocking her.

right, Dan, she’s adorable,” said Master Aaron.

Dan thought she was adorable? She knew she had gone bright red.

Dan smiled. “Do you need your nipples sucked, Sam?”


cupped her breast through her gown. “I’m glad you told me what you want, even
though you weren’t asked, and we’ll have to address that later. Since Master
Jake seems so eager to help, perhaps he’d like to do the honors,” said Master
Dan.”Master Aaron, would you take over the job of holding Sam’s gown up above
her waist?”

dom complied.

Jake’s eyes met Sam’s for just a moment; not asking permission, exactly, but
checking that she wasn’t panicked at the suggestion that he intervene. He took
her wrist and moved her arm so that he could stand between her and the wall. He
looked steadily and kindly into her eyes as he undid the ties on her paper
gown, gradually opening it enough to expose her chest and stomach. She tried
not to flinch as he slipped his hands under her gown, over her ribs.

now,” he said. “Let’s see those beautiful breasts.”

swallowed and nodded, and he undid the front clasp of her bra. It fell open,
but still confined her. Her breath slowed, deepening in anticipation as the dom
inspected her visually, and she saw the naked hunger in his eyes.

Jake smiled at her and dropped a kiss on the top of her head, even as his hands
freed her breasts from their silk cups. His thumbs brushed over the tips of her
nipples, and then he grasped them between his fingers. He twisted and tugged at
them gently, pulling and teasing until the sensitive nubs were swollen and

she breathed. He ducked his head low, and latched onto her left nipple. Her
hands came up to hold onto his shoulders. His warm, wet tongue darted out to
flick, probe and swirl, and then he gave the same treatment to the other side. He
took his time, not rushing at all. His large hands were firm on her sides,
occasionally brushing up and down, soothing her.

me, Sir,” she whispered, pretty sure the request would only compound her
punishment later, but not caring.

darlin’. I’ll milk you,” said Master Jake. He seemed to understand what she

other doms stood close by, watching intently as Master Jake drew her right nipple
into his mouth and began suckling gently, then harder, and more noisily. She
closed her eyes, and gasped softly as his fingers pinched and pulled at her other
nipple. He sucked at her greedily, as though taking nourishment from her body.
She cried out in helpless need, the jug between her thighs preventing her from
creating any friction down there.

Jake pulled off of her breast for a moment and pressed his forehead to hers. “Let
go for me, honey. I know you can do it.” He lowered his head and latched back

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