One Night with the Prince (9 page)

BOOK: One Night with the Prince
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“Either I let myself fall for him and he for some reason chooses me, then I’ll be stuck here away from my home. Or I’ll let myself fall for him and he doesn’t choose me and I leave heartbroken! Might as well try and stay far from him.” I reasoned. Those tingles didn’t help at all!


She patted my arm.


“Red, maybe you should just go with it?” She suggested. I instantly shook my head.


“No. I can’t go through that. Either way I can’t win. I wasn’t raised like you all were! I can’t be a freaking Queen, and even if I did I won’t to let myself fall! My idea of a good day is ticking someone off who makes me mad! You girls were all raised in proper homes and taught how to be a royal. I wasn’t!” I fumed out. She looked sympathetic at me as we walked back to the rooms to get ready for dinner.


“Anna, if you two are meant to be together then it won’t matter. If you fall for him like you claim, you won’t care about anything else.” She reasoned. I walked silently mulling it over. What she said was right, but I’ve seen what heartbreak can do.


My own mom went through it when my dad skipped town for a young girl that could be my older sister. It was hard for me to see her go through that. She was so depressed for the longest time. Now she’s okay, but why would I want to put myself through that?


Shaking my head I said goodbye to Sydney and went to my room to get dressed for tonight. This should be interesting.




Chapter fourteen






I decided to go with some fitted dark blue jeans, again not wanting to get dressed up for some dumb dinner. I then chose a soft white shirt where the sleeves go to my elbows, and had blue flowers here and there. Pulling on my black converse I heard a knock on my door. When I opened the door I grinned.


“What are you doing here Dem?” I leaned against the doorframe. He smirked at me.


“Every dinner the girls’ personal guard is supposed to escort them to the dining hall. Oh and I heard about how you’re supposed to be with Kia tonight you naughty, naughty girl!” He tisked. I rolled my eyes and smack his head.


“Nothing will be happening tonight!” I defended myself. I was more of a wait for marriage kind of girl. He chuckled like he didn’t believe me, not my problem if he did or not.


“Sure. But you better not steal my man away from me!” He warned. I laughed.


“Sure, okay!” He rolled his eyes chuckling. We walked to the dining hall passing some other girls on the way. When we passed, Elise she sneered at me. I looked serious.


“Sorry I don’t speak wild boar.” I said lightly. Dem laughed next to me and even her guard snickered. She huffed, and couldn’t come up with a comeback. Ha! When we arrived Dem dragged me to where we were sitting before and I scowled at him.


“You did this on purpose!” I hissed under my breath knowing full well that I had to sit next to Zach. He looked innocently at me.


“I just want to sit next to my best friend! Is that a crime?” I could see the amusement in his eyes. I rolled my eyes.


“No it’s not, but when I don’t have to sit next to you and you drag me here, then yeah, I get suspicious.” I narrowed my eyes. He shrugged indifferently. When everyone was seated the doors opened revealing Zach. I choked on my water.


“My son! You finally cut your hair!” The King smiled. Dem and I were in silent hysterics, because we both knew that his new haircut was due to the comment I made earlier. I have to say he looked good. Yummy even- No! Wait, I already admitted to myself that he was indeed yummy, but it doesn’t mean I like him.


“Yes father, I figured it was time to cut it, since it was getting in the way when I trained.” Dem snorted under his breath as Zach sat down.


“Yeah right, more like a certain red head liked shorter hair.” He mumbled quietly. But we both heard him. And funnily enough we both smacked him on the head at the same time. We looked at each other for a moment. He was grinning like an idiot while I was dumbfounded. Dem just rubbed his head and whined.


“Ow! What was that for?” He sounded like a four year old who didn’t get his candy. I rolled my eyes, and at the same time Zach did too.


“Because you’re an idiot.” We both said.


Everyone was watching us with an amused expression, well some of them. The other girls were glaring. I glared at Zach while he was smirking.


“Stop talking at the same time!” We both yelled. I shook my head.


“No you stop!” Again it was at the same time. Now we were both annoyed.




“No you!”


“Stop it!”


“Uhg!” We both sat back in our chairs with a huff. Dem was cracking up while his father and mother was in the same state. I rolled my eyes. I don’t see how that was funny. It was more annoying than a three year old on a sugar high! Then they had finally served dinner, which was spaghetti! Mmmm!


I raised my hand and I looked at the King.


“Um two questions! One, can I call you Julie for short of Julius? You look like a Julie, and two…can I please skip out on tonight?!” I begged. He chuckled at me while I swear Zach looked pained.


“No I would not appreciate Julie…”


“J?” I suggested. He laughed and nodded.


“Alright J it is. And no, you cannot ‘skip out’ as it were. You must follow the rules.” He said in finality. I frowned and stabbed my spaghetti angrily and mumbled.


“Stupid prince! Trying to kiss me! Who does he think he is?” I felt someone shift beside me and lower their mouth to my ear.


“Someone who knows you wanted me to kiss you.” Zach replied angrily. I scowled up at him and then did something unthinkable.


I took a big fork load of my spaghetti and smashed it on his head making sure to squish it in there.  Everyone stopped talking and looked at Zach and I. Dem was crying and howling with laughter, while pounding the table


“Oh my gosh!” Dem hollered while Zach glared at me before taking his dish and aimed it for my head. I ducked and it managed to hit Dem in mid laugh. He sputtered blinking for a few moments before retaliating.


“You’re going to pay for that Kia!” He yelled and threw his spaghetti in Zach’s face. Haha! They both looked at me and with a nod I was dowsed in sticky, gooey pasta.


The girls around us were squealing and took no part in our little war. J was watching in amusement but I knew he was about to call it to a stop so I took a plate from across from me and grabbed two handfuls before rubbing spaghetti in both their faces.


“Enough!” J announced. We were all frozen before I busted up laughing at the two spaghetti heads beside me. Soon they were laughing too. Sydney, Rachel and Carol were laughing as well, but the other girls were glaring at us for even coming close to them and their expensive dresses.


Sighing out my last laugh, I got up and shook the excess load of noodles off of me. I turned to the maids and butlers apologetically.


“I’m sorry about this. Can I get a mop and broom please?” I asked kindly. Some people gasped and J spoke.


“Anna you don’t have to do this…” I cut him off shaking my head,


“No, no it’s alright. I started it, and even though I’m cleaning this up it was totally worth it.” I said, chuckling to myself. My mom always taught me to respect other hard working people and I was not going to make the castle staff people work that much harder because I made an impulse decision. It was worth it though!


Ignoring the stares the butler handed me a broom with awe like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It wasn’t like I had two broken hand.


“Thanks!” I smiled at him. Again he looked dazed but nodded wordlessly. I looked at Zach and Dem whose jaws were dropped. Wow, were they not used to seeing women who work? That’s a little pathetic if you ask me. Even when I started food fights in schools I always volunteered beforehand to clean it up. It’s the right thing to do.


“Don’t look at me like that. Now you two go get cleaned up before I take this mop and wash off your face with it.” I warned. They shook off their excess noodles and made a run for it, knowing I meant business. I got down on my hands and knees and piled the pasta into the dustpan.


“Just the way she should be.” I heard Elise snicker. I rolled my eyes.


“Yes Elise, I am on the floor picking up the mess I intentionally made. So what? Because even after I’m done with this I still have better friends, and more respect.” I said honestly. The Queen beamed at me and I sent her a warm smile in return. Elise scoffed but said nothing else



I was pacing around my room in nervousness. Why did I have to go tonight? Couldn’t they let it pass knowing I wasn’t supposed to be here?! There was a knock at my door and a maid came in. She was short like me and had short black hair. She looked to be in her early thirties.


“Miss Anna? It is time to get you ready for your night.” She announced with a warm smile. After my volunteering to clean up the mess, the Castle workers have been very nice to me, knowing I don’t look down upon them like some of the girls here.


Sighing begrudgingly I followed her out into the hall. Sydney gave me a thumbs up and I rolled my eyes at her. I didn’t want to do this! The maid leaned in.


“If I may be so bold Miss Anna, I hope you win the heart of Prince Zachias. All the workers here are rooting for you!” She smiled.


“Please just call me Red or Anna. What’s your name?” I asked.


“Jamalin.” She answered.


“Well, Jamie, I’ll call you that, I hope he doesn’t. I don’t belong here.” I answered simply, but even as I said that a strange piercing went to my heart. I tried to shake it off. She led me to a room filled with what looked like sleepwear and jewelry.


“You choose what to wear when I take you to his room.” She gestured for me to pick. I began looking but quickly noticed that they were all nightgowns! Not one pair of sweatpants! I sighed and picked a long gown that was cream colored, since it was the most modest, and covered everything well.


I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea! I decided against the jewelry, since I didn’t see the point and walked out. Jamie looked startled.


“What?” I asked, feeling self-conscious. She shook her head.


“N-Nothing. You look beautiful. Here let me fix your make-up.” I stopped her though.


“Why would I want to wear make-up if I’m sleeping?” I asked, amused. I mean seriously! That would be annoying! She chuckled.


“Okay then. Let’s get you to the Prince!” She announced. I bit back a groan, but followed her. It was just next-door so the girls who get ready aren’t parading around the castle. She knocked 3 times and I heard a muffled, ‘Come in’.


My heart was beating fast in fear and excitement. I tried to squash both of them I was afraid with what might happen, because I seem to loose myself around Zach, and I feel excitement because, well because, I don’t know! Jamie opened the door, and allowed me to go in. With a deep breath I did what I was told.


His room was nice. It looked clean cut I guess you could say. It was white with different shades of blue. But then my breath caught as I saw Zach sitting on his bed. Without a shirt.


Breathe Anna, breathe!
I chanted silently to myself. When I looked at his face again because I didn’t realize I was still checking out his very nice chest. When I saw his face though he was checking me out! I cocked a hip out.


“Done?” I asked, pretending to be annoyed but secretly a little flattered. “And could you put on a shirt?” I asked slightly annoyed. He snapped out of it and I hadn’t noticed Jamie had left. His eyes held me captive, as they smoldered making my stomach flutter.


“Yes. You look beautiful.” He complimented. His voice a little a whisper that made me shiver slightly. No! Stay strong! I couldn’t believe the hold he has on me! Was it just the thought of us totally alone, or the candlelight that was illuminating the room? He got up and began walking over to me
. He was getting too close!
I thought, knowing if he got too close I’d lose myself again.


I dodged out of the way and began to try and look distracted. I heard him sigh as he approached me again from the corner of my eye. I backed away and narrowed my eyes at him.

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