One Night with the Prince (6 page)

BOOK: One Night with the Prince
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Chapter ten








I pushed Zach in the pond with all my force. I know it wasn’t his fault I fell in, but still! I was beyond ticked off! And he just so happened to be near me. I was laughing so hard I was hunched over. That is until he came out looking like he stepped out of a magazine. Snap out of it! Uh-oh, judging by his dark look, he’s ticked off! I smiled innocently at him, tossing Dem the towel I had


“I got to go!” I took off, running and laughing. I ran inside hearing laughter behind me, and ran inside the castle all the way into the lobby like place on the first floor below the rooms we’re staying in. But not before changing into pajamas that I found in my closet


“Oh Danny boy would have loved that.” I sighed to myself. Without my own consent I started to tear up. The reality of this situation finally started to set in. I didn’t know for certain when I can see my friends and my mother again.


Sniffing and wiping my eyes I curled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. I missed them like crazy. My mom is probably worried out of her mind that I haven’t called her yet, along with Danny and Missy


They have to let me talk to them right? I won’t tell them my exact situation, but they deserved to know right? I don’t have to worry about school considering I already have enough credit to graduate.
I’m sure Mr. Anderson will miss me.
I thought sarcastically.


My thoughts drifted to Zach. Uhg! Why can’t he stay out of my head? Sure he’s yummy, but he’s the reason I have to stay here. Well the country is, but he’s a big part of it! There’s no winning with him!


Even if we did end up being together, and for some reason he chose me, it still wouldn’t work out! I needed to go back home! I couldn’t stay here and run a freakin country! No way, no how! And then there’s the situation that if I fall for him or develop feelings and he chooses someone else. I can’t win with him, so might as well not try. And when it comes to my night, well, nothing will happen, that’s for sure.


I felt the couch dip slightly and I turned my head on my knees to face the man from my thoughts. Great. He looked at me for a moment and I felt so vulnerable sitting here next to him with tears in my eyes. That’s not a comforting feeling. I sniffled.


“Anna? Are you okay?” He asked. I shivered from the way he said my name. Dang his sexy accent! But seriously? I hate it when people ask if you’re okay when you’re crying. If you’re crying then
you are not okay!


“No. I’m not okay. I’m half way around the world away from home, and I have no idea when I can go back. I miss my mom and two best friends!” I let a single traitor tear escape, and he wiped it away himself. I flinched because I wasn’t expecting it, and I definitely wasn’t expecting the warmth and tingling sensation.


“Here. Call who you need to call. I ask that you don’t go into specifics. Just say it’s a national issue or something. That you are unharmed, and will be home as soon as you can.” He handed me a cell, and I looked at him gratefully. Oh my gosh is he really going to let me do this?! Without thinking I lunged at him and gave him a hug.


I really shouldn’t have done that. He was a boy and that automatically made me awkward, plus he had just the right amount of muscles. I could feel them against his shirt. I knew that if I said another word I’d make an idiot of myself! With that thought I hopped up and left to go upstairs in my room, leaving Zach behind


Once I got into my colorful room I dialed my mom, knowing she needed to know first. On the fifth ring she picked up.


“Hello?” She answered, sounding tired


“Hey mom.” I greeted, sounding equally as tired. She gasped.


“Anna?!You young lady are in so much trouble! I was expecting a call from you hours ago! You had me worried sick! If you think-” I interrupted her


“Mom! Let me explain. I’m in some trouble.” I sighed. She was silent for a moment.


“How on earth did you get a cow now?” She said exasperated. I laughed humorlessly.


“Mom! Not another cow incident! Although that one was awesome. Mom, I, I can’t come home for a while.” I murmured. She didn’t talk for a second.


“Anna, what do you mean can’t come home for a while? What happened?” I could hear the fear and concern in her voice and it made me tear up a little. I took a deep breath.


“There was some misunderstanding. Something to do with my passport and what not. I’ll be okay. The King and his family are letting me stay at their castle until it sorted all out, which could take up to 3 months.” I explained briefly, trying hard not to lie too much.


“Oh honey! I’m so sorry. You must be scared! I can fly over there you know! Kick some a-” I laughed, interrupting her rant


“Mom! It’s okay! Yes it sucks that I can’t see you for a while, but at least I’ll be comfortable. And it’ll be a, social and international experience.” I shrugged knowing she can’t see me. She sighed.


“I already miss you Nala. Maybe you can talk to the King and ask if I can visit? I’m sure Danny and Missy would love that as well.” My mom suggested.


“Oh mom! That would be great! I’ll talk to Zach about it!” I smiled. She scoffed.


“Oh? And who is this Zach? For your sake I hope that he’s not this King you were talking about just now.” My mom held warning in her voice. Oh crap! I didn’t mean for that to slip!


“Uh, no, he’s the prince.” I muttered. She squealed


“Oh! Well that’s more acceptable! Ooo! Is he cute?! Wait! How old is he?! Are you being safe?-” I hung up on her. Wow, that was embarrassing! I dialed Danny’s phone next, and he picked up after a few tries


“Hello, you’ve reached the World of Warcraft dome where your wildest fantasies are our realities. How can we help you today?” Danny answered. I stifled a laugh. Only he would answer his phone like that.


“Hey Danny boy!” I grinned feeling so much better now that I can talk to my friends and I talked to my mom


“Red! Oh, so now you call?!You are in big trouble missy!” He warned, sounding so much like my mom. It was scary and funny. I laughed at him


“One, you sounded like my mom just now, and two, I wasn’t able to call.” I answered. He huffed


“Why the heck not, and I’ll take sounding like your mother as a compliment because she’s awesome!” He exclaimed. I chuckled at him and I heard a struggle.


“Fine Missy! You can talk to her! Geez woman!” I laughed as I heard him pass the phone


“Anna?! I miss you!” Missy said into the phone. I smiled.


“Yeah, I miss you guys too. However I won’t be able to come home for a while.” I explained the same story I told my mom. By the time I was done they were both laughing, well Danny was squealing.


“You’re so lucky! Dang you! And now you can flaunt yourself around a prince?! So unfair in my books! We have to come visit you!” He screamed. I winced.


“Okay, ow! Tone down your volume! And my mom already said you guys should come over here sometime. Listen this isn’t my phone, so I have to let you go, but I’ll get a hold of another one soon and talk to you guys later. Love you both.” They both yelled bye and I hung up. I shook my head at them smiling, feeling so much better now.


I got out of my room and tried to find Zach, but couldn’t find him. Huh? Where would he be? He was just here not too long ago. I stopped a butler in the hallway. He looked to be in his 40’s, and had graying brown hair.


“Have you seen Zach, I mean the Prince? He left his phone.” I explained. He shook his head, and left. Wow, big help! I sighed and decided to just find him in the morning. I was walking to my room when I bumped into someone


“Ow!” I cried when I feel on my butt. I heard a chuckle that I know all too well and I sighed


“Hey Dem.” I looked up and saw him smirking down at me, and gave me a once over. Maybe I shouldn’t have worn these shorts or top, but it was really hot. He helped me up, and I dusted myself off.


“Who were you looking for? Could it be, hmm, Zachias?!” He squealed in a girly voice mocking me. I glared at him.


“Ha-ha! No, well yes, but just to return his phone he let me use to contact my mom and friends.” I answered. He grinned.


“You like him! You want to kiss him! You want to marry-” I cut him off by elbowing his ribs during his singing. He did an ‘oomph!’ and chuckled.


“I do not like him! Shut it! I’m going to bed!” I huff and stomped away leaving him behind me laughing. I stomp to my room thoroughly irritated, and flop on my bed. I looked out my window to see the moon rising through the windows that covered an entire wall.


I fell asleep with my mind going blank not wanting to think of anyone else right now. Especially a certain someone.





Chapter eleven




Prince Zachias


When I got to the servant’s quarters through the hidden staircase, to say they were surprised was an understatement! They all looked startled and scared to think I was down here. I smiled at them hoping to reassure them.


“It’s okay, just got bored and decided to walk around aimlessly.” I lied. They relaxed slightly but they were still stiff, so I hastily got out of there so I wasn’t imposing.


Once I reached one of the main hallways my father approached me, and gave me a slap on the back.


“Alright son, it is now your first night. Go to your room and get to know Elise.” He grimaced saying her name, and frankly so did I. But the rules were
girl gets one night. At least I can get this done and over with. I nodded reluctantly and headed to my bedroom chambers.


When I got there I sighed and looked around. My room was filled with white and clean blues. I had a king sized four-poster bed that had white netting around it for privacy.


The sheets were navy blue and my walls were all white except for one that had a bright shade of blue. I had a terrace that you could go to through glass double French doors.


My carpet was in cream color, and my bathroom connected to my room was very large. That had a huge Jacuzzi tub, and a shower big enough to fit 10 people and had ceiling sprayers for water.


The tiles were in different shades of blue, and had the family crest on one wall of the shower, which was a lion’s head that had thorn bushes around it and a spear at the bottom.


I changed into some cream-colored pajama pants that had gold pin strips going down the side. They were quite comfortable and I usually don’t sleep with a shirt, but with Elise coming I didn’t want to take any chances. So I put on a plain white t-shirt.


I groaned, not wanting to be here if I had to stay with Elise tonight. I didn’t like her attitude towards Anna today. She seems like the very girl I was talking to my father about last week. Then there were three knocks, and I knew she was here. Great.


A maid came in and opened the door widely for Elise to walk in. She was wearing a very skimpy outfit and a ton of the family jewels. That was another thing you do before coming and having a night with me


You can pick anything to wear, and you get your pick of all of our treasure and jewels. She chose to be dripping in them, which was not a turn on at all. Not to mention the fact she was wearing quite a bit of make-up. All in all she looked desperate.


“Hello Prince Zachias.” She purred. I had to stop from grimacing and gulped down the shiver of disgust. She really had no respect for herself.


“Hello Elise.” I fake smiled. I really didn’t want to do this. She smiled seductively at me and sauntered over to me since I was on the bed.


“I guess I’m pretty lucky that I’m the first girl huh?” She said cheekily. I smiled at her. I was only thinking how I was lucky that this would be over and done with within the next handful of hours


“So tell me about yourself.” I asked, trying to pass time. She grinned and sat a little too close to me, and I felt slightly uncomfortable. She grabbed my hand and though I didn’t want to I was raised a gentleman and I didn’t want to be rude. Plus she’s staying the night with me. Wouldn’t want a tick off a woman sleeping in the same room with you.


“Well, I come from a long line of blue bloods in Britain, and my family has a ton of money…” I tuned her out after that, knowing I didn’t want to listen to it. I just nodded at the right places and smiled. Wow, she was conceited!


All I heard was her talking about how beautiful she is and how much money she has, and all the stuff she has.


Finally after what seemed like forever she stopped and looked at me for a moment before lunging at me and pinned me to the bed while slamming her lips on mine. Okay, what the hell?! She kissed like a fish!


I pushed her off and scrambled away from her and wiped my mouth disgusted. I was angry.


“That was not alright! I am the Prince here, and I will have your respect. And you lunging yourself at me is not respect!” I said thoroughly irritated. She looked angry but nodded.


“I’m sorry Prince Zachias. Please forgive me?” She asked with reluctance. I could tell she did not want to submit herself, but this is my home, and she should respect me. I nodded, and went to my side of the bed.


“Let’s go to bed now. I have a long day tomorrow.” I lied. I wasn’t tired and I didn’t have much to do tomorrow, but I couldn’t deal with her any longer. She pouted trying to look cute, but it didn’t suit her.


“Really? Well, we didn’t have a whole lot of time to get to know each other.” She whined. That was the point. Before I could reply there was a knock at the door.


“Come in!” I asked desperately. The door opened to an amused looking Demetrius.


“Zachias! I need to talk to you right away!” He sounded urgent. I jumped out of bed the chance to leave Elise.


“I’m so sorry Elise! But I must see what this is about.” I wasn’t sorry at all, and dashed out of the room before she could say anything about it. Once we were down the hall he burst out laughing.


“Man! Am I your best mate or what?!” He laughed. I slapped him on the back smiling gratefully.


“Thanks! I owe you! She was all over me! And kissed like a large mouthed Bass.” I shuddered. He laughed out loud again.


“No problem, I kind of figured that you would need help with that one.” He chuckled and handed me my phone. What?


“Oh I got it off Anna, when she told me that you, mister nice guy, let her use your precious phone.” He fluttered his eyelashes at me teasingly. I mocked punched him as we continued down the hall. He stopped and leaned against a column.


“So, want to tell me why you were in the lady’s sleeping quarters when the rules clearly say you’re not allowed?” He teased with his infamous smirk. I slyly smiled at him back, and he gave me a freakin noogie while laughing!


“I knew it Kia! You like the feisty red head!” He teased letting go of me while I fixed my hair glaring at him but he could see I was joking


“Shut up! Okay, yes I like her, but she definitely doesn’t like me!” I shook my head at the thought of her. How can she not like me? I’ve never met a girl before who doesn’t immediately like me! I’m used to girls throwing themselves at me, in hopes for money and popularity like having a title. Demetrius shook his head smiling with an amused expression on his face


“Oh please! She likes you too! She just won’t admit it. She will eventually because there is a pool with her name on it.” He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. I looked at him puzzled.


“What does a pool have to do with this?” I asked confused. He chuckled.


“Don’t worry about that right now. You’ll know soon enough.” He grinned. I just shook my head at him. He’s always up to something. A young maid walked by and Demetrius winked at her. She blushed and giggled, scurrying away.


“Just how many of the women help here have you bedded?” I asked highly amused. He shrugged.


“Enough to keep me a happy man.” He winked. I wagged my finger like my mother used to do.


“Now, sonny, you know that you shouldn’t do that!” I acted like an elderly person. He laughed and nodded.


“You’re one to talk!” He said sarcastically. I shrugged.


“I put it out there beforehand that I’m not looking for a relationship. If they comply, who am I to turn them down? Besides, I haven’t acted like that since the last scandal a few years ago. I learned my lesson.” I say slyly. We stopped outside by the very pond I was pushed in just hours ago.


“I feel sorry for you mate.” Demetrius sighed. I looked at him questioningly


“Why?” I asked. He shrugged


“You’re going to have to bat all those girls away from you. And you certainly can’t sleep with more than one without having a full out brawl between all of them. So, you really shouldn’t have sex with any of them unless you’re in love with a certain one.” He explained.


I never thought of that! I shook my head,I was a lot more mature than how I was a few years ago. I didn’t want to cause shame to the throne by sleeping around


“Whatever. I wouldn’t want to do that anyways. I have my eyes on a certain someone and if I just sleep around with the other women, she’ll never trust me. Plus you know I’ve learned my lesson.” I said, looking out into the starry sky with the moon full in the sky casting a silver glow to everything.


“Oh? And I think I know who this certain someone is. It has to be…Elise!” He laughed. I nodded.


“Oh yeah, because that’s why I was glad you rescued me from her.” I said sarcastically. He patted my shoulder.


“Nah, man. I’m glad you have your eyes set on Red. But keep this in mind, you’ll have to really win her over big time. All she’s thinking right now is going home, and if you choose her, and she doesn’t fully love you, she’ll never want to stay here.” He said seriously.


I didn’t think about that. Of course! I’m such an idiot! Why would she want to stay with me when she feels nothing for me? I have to win her over. Demetrius mussed up my hair with a grin.


“Good luck mate. And cut that hair of yours will you? It’s way too long!” He shuddered laughing and walked away laughing, leaving me with my thoughts. I leaned against the wooden column of the tent and looked towards the castle thinking.


“How am I supposed to win someone over when they don’t want to be?” I asked quietly to myself.

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