One Night with the Prince (2 page)

BOOK: One Night with the Prince
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Chapter two





“Weeeee!” I yell as I spun on the computer chair. I was spinning so fast that I fell out with an ‘Oomph!’ and groaned into the cream colored carpet. Gravity is so mean, but man I’m so bored. Watching paint dry sounded exciting right now! I turned over to my giant stuffed penguin.


“Louis? Am I insane?” I asked seriously.


“Yes, yes, you are.” I sat up abruptly; looking shocked, and knelt down beside him.


“Louis? Did you just…talk to me?” Fear crept inside me. Holy crap! Am I really going insane?! Crap!


“No, honey, you’re still sane. Well maybe.” I felt someone’s lips at my ear. I shrieked and spun around to see my laughing mother. I glared at her for a moment before I started squealing and jumping in her arms.


“Mom!” I yelled happily. She chuckled and hugged me tightly back. I get a lot of my looks from her. I had her hair, and eyes. Heck, I was even short like her. I was 5’1 while she was 5’2. She was my rock in my life, especially when my dad left.


“Hey sweetie, I missed you too.” She said into my hair. I can only see her a few times a week if I’m lucky due to her job hours. She works at some company as an editor. It was a small one, but growing. She pulls back and looked into my eyes.


“Now, mind telling me why you were talking to your stuffed penguin at home, and not in school?” She said sternly. I gave a nervous chuckle and scratch the back of my neck.


“Err…” I started, looking down. I hear her sigh as I looked at the carpet in my room that was suddenly very interesting.


“What did you do this time Anna?” She sounds tired. I held my hands up in defense.


“It was just a harmless prank!” I try, but she just shook her head.


“How long?” She asked. I cringed.


“Two weeks?” I said with a timid smile. She groaned, and sits on my bed.


“I would ground you, but seeing as that you get suspended more times than you’re actually in school and somehow manage to keep straight A’s, I really don’t see the point.” She muttered before giving me an amused smile.


“What did you do?” She asked. I laughed. Ah, got to love my mom! She really doesn’t care too much about me getting suspended as long as I kept my grades up. I was lucky to be born with an awesome memory. Some say I should use it for good, but where’s the fun in that?!


Like what would you rather do? Work at a top of the line bank because you can remember a ridiculous amount of numbers or memorize the pin to Mr. Anderson’s lock to his condo, and egg his house? I thought so.


“I may or may not have put a cow on the second floor in school?” I grinned. My mom cracked up laughing, and slapped me on the back.


“Good, one! I heard it’s impossible to get them back down, because they can’t go back down stairs!” She giggled. I laughed with her.


“Yeah, you should have seen it! I put a sign on either side of old Bessie, saying, ‘Anna Rules!’ Ha! And then there was the fact that Mr. Anderson’s face was redder than a cherry blow pop!” I smirked. She shakes her head at me smiling.


“You’re going to send that man into an early grave.” She sighed, slightly amused. She didn’t like him either ever since that parent teacher conference, because he said she was failing as a parent. Yeah, that ended him with a slap to the face. I say I turned out awesome!


“You and I both know you wouldn’t mind that.” I rolled my eyes, and she tried to hide a smile. I laughed and pushed her sideways slightly, making her laugh. She patted my leg.


“C’mon, how about I make us some burgers?” She asked. My eyes light up at the thought of her mouthwatering burgers.


“I would say heck yeah!”


She chuckled at me and made her way to the kitchen. I sighed and fell back on my bed for a moment, before turning over to see Louis.


“You and I will chat later.” I said sternly as I made the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture with my hands. I skipped into the kitchen and sat on a bar stool, watching my mom cook. I already knew not to ask to help, because the last time I ‘helped’, well, let’s just say there’s a reason why we don’t have curtains on the windowsill anymore.


“So when do you have to work again?” I asked, rolling an apple in my hand, keeping them busy so I’m not tempted to ‘help’ her. She was chopping up onions to mix into the meat.


“Tomorrow.” She sighed and I pouted. I loved my mom to bits; she was the best mom I could ever ask for. She washed off her hands.


“I’m sorry Nala.” She gave me a sad smile. I grinned at the nickname she always used for me. My favorite movie of all time was The Lion King, and so my mom just started to call me Nala after the girl lion. I got up and gave her a hug with my head resting on her shoulder.


“It’s okay mom, I know you have to go. I’ll just have to have Louis keep me company.” I shrugged. She laughed and tapped me on the nose, making it scrunch up. She chuckled at my face and went back to cooking.


I rested my face on my hands on the counter, bored to near tears and it was only the first day. The doorbell rang and I all but sprinted to the door, ready for something somewhat exciting. My mom was laughing behind me as I threw open the door. I squealed and dragged my friends inside without as much as a hello.


“Whoa! Someone missed us or is seriously bored.” Danny chuckled. I hit his chest playfully.


“I guess it’s a little bit of both.”


I shrug innocently. I heard my mom scoff.


“Please Nala, you were talking to your penguin!” She laughed. Missy and Danny clicked their tongues at me.


“Well, that stage came earlier than it did last time.” Danny said thoughtfully. Rolling my eyes, I sat back down on the bar stool, spinning around a little, while my friends talked to my mom.


“How are you Sarah?” Missy asked politely. My mom never let my friends call her Mrs. Williams. My mom nodded absentmindedly while throwing her various spices into her mix.


“Good, the editing company is growing since we published that one book Another Night.” She shrugged. Danny gasped.


“No way! I love that book!” He jumped up and down and did a girly shriek. I laughed at him and threw an apple at him to settle him down. He caught it and scowled at me playfully before taking a big bite out of it.


“What’s the news at the school?” I asked. They both shrugged.


“People are still laughing about the cow incident. Oh and by the way it took them 4 and half hours to get the big ’ol Bessie down.” Danny smiles. I laughed at that thought.


“Mr. Anderson seemed pretty placid today, although he always is when you’re not at school.” Missy said thoughtfully.


“Pfft! What are you talking about? He loves me!” I said jokingly. Danny shook his head.


“No Red, he’d love to see you half way across the world. I honestly think I heard him the other day saying he’s throwing a party for when you graduate and leave for good.” He chuckled. I acted offended.


“Well, I might just go to college and get a teaching degree so I can work with him. It’s the least I can do since he’ll miss me that much to throw a going away party!” I smiled evilly. My mom pats the patties into shape.


“I don’t think I’d want my only child going to college to spite her principal although I’m sure you’d do it in a heartbeat if it weren’t for the fact you hate school.” My mom spoke from behind her shoulder. My face scrunched up.


“It’s not my fault I get so bored! I can teach the classes better than any teachers there, and I certainly know more!” I defended myself. Seriously, that’s the downfall of having a memory like mine! You get bored so easily, hence the pranks all the time. Missy nods at me.


“Yeah, they all know that which is why most of them look another way when you do those kinds of things.” She commented.


While dinner was cooking we all decided to head to my room to watch a movie. My room was awesome! So completely me! It had blue green walls and cream-colored carpet-you know the very same carpet my face greeted earlier. I had a queen-sized bed that had a white background while there were palm trees everywhere on it. I loved tropical places!


I also had a small fish tank where I had a coy fish named Stewart and I had taped characters from Finding Nemo on the outside. I swear I think Stewart talks to them sometimes. I shake my head at that thought.


“You choose Danny boy.” I sighed and I pulled Missy with me as we fall back on the bed. She giggled, and I scoffed at Danny as the movie starts playing.


“The House Bunny? Really?” I laughed. He shrugged.


“What? It’s so stupid it’s funny.” Okay, can’t argue with that. I snuggled with Louis, and I saw my stuffed Simba looking envious of Louis.


“Missy? Can you cuddle with Simba? He’s lonely.” I said seriously to her. She chuckled but otherwise grabbed him, making me nod in thanks and continue to watch the movie. I think I’ll plan a new prank tomorrow for when I get back to school. At least that will kill some time. That or practice my awesome dance moves.



Chapter three






“Die, die, die!” I screamed at the screen as I shot down another person on Call of Duty. Yes, I’ve resorted to video games as a source of entertainment. I looked over at Stewart and he was staring at me.


“Don’t judge dude, I’m not the one crushing on Dory.” I gave him a pointed look and he swam away. Yeah, that’s what I thought! I mean who crushes on a sticker? I killed another guy and groaned, throwing the controller down.


“I thought this game was hard! Killing people can only bring me so much entertainment!” I yelled at the ceiling and then turned the game off. I don’t understand how people can play that for hours. Now Sims is a different story! I could spend literally 3-4 hours
building my dream home!


Hmmm, what oh what to do? Well, Danny was telling me how happy Mr. Anderson has been. I should fix that! I whistled as I put on a grey sweatshirt that had 87 on it and skipped down the hall in my black shorts. I picked an apple up, and walked out the door with my bag, and walked my way to school.


It took around twenty minutes to get there, and I walked over to the faculty parking lot. Spotting Mr. A’s car, I skipped over to it, evilly smiling the whole time. I took out a huge roll of Seran Wrap that I had in my bag and got to work.


30 minutes, and 300 ft. of clear wrap later, I had managed to wrap the stuff all around his car. Even underneath so he can’t open any of his doors. I took out a tube of red lipstick and wrote on his wind shield ‘Love, your favorite student!’


I ran out of there fast before anyone could see me, and got home in record timing, laughing the whole way. Man I wish I could be there to see his face! Ooo! I know how I could! I whipped out my cell phone and texted Danny and Missy.


Get out into the parking lot before Anderson does. Go to his car but be inconspicuous about it, and wait for him. Make a vid of it ;)-


I chuckled as I got into my house, a few seconds later Danny answers.


lol okay, what did you do?
-Danny Boy


You’ll see ;)-


Oh no, what did you do? But yes of course I’ll get a video of it, you know I luv u


Okay ttyl, can’t w8! -
Danny boy


Like I said to Danny, you’ll c, and thanx, much luv 2 u 2!-


I know I had a couple hours to kill before school is out so I decide to crank up the radio, and do some dancing! I tuned in and start doing the sprinkler to Dance with me by 3oh3.


“Get your hands up!” I yelled with the radio, and do other classic moves like the bus stop, and cabbage patch. Ha! Got to love those! I grabbed a broom and started doing air guitar as I hopped on the counter of the island in the middle of the kitchen.


“I’m killer than Thriller! Stiffer than a zombie!” I loved that part! I swing my head around doing the guitar solo, and having a killer time doing it! Soon though the song came to an end and the announcer radio dude comes on.


“That was Dance with Me, by 3oh3, and this is 96.4 the Hot Noise. Well, ladies and gents, I have an opportunity of a lifetime! We’re having a contest to win a trip to Bantaniomos! All-expense paid trip for a week! 12th person to call in with the correct answer wins! Question is: How many countries are there total in the world? CALL IN NOW! Number is 1-888-555-6745 Good luck!”


Hey! I knew that! I grabbed my phone thinking,
what the heck might as well try!
I dialed in and waited. Suddenly the announcer came back on.


“Okay, we have our 12th caller! What’s your name and what’s your answer?” He asked. Awww! It wasn’t me but maybe this person gets it wrong?


“Hi I’m Stacie from Kentucky and is it 200?” She asked.


“Ooo! No, sorry wrong answer! Let’s try the next caller…” Suddenly my line gets picked up! Holy crap!


“Hey you’re on the air with Hot Noise! Do you have the correct answer?” He asked me.


“Um…195?” I said. I heard bells and whistles from the radio.


“Congratulations! You’ve won! Tell us what’s your name, and what state are you from?” He asks. I started jumping up and down and smiling like an idiot.


“My name is Anna Williams, and I’m from Montana.” I said, feeling so excited I wanted to burst! A free trip?! Grant you I’ve never heard of this country but still!


“Well you missy, are going to Bantaniomos! Stay on the line and we’ll get the details to where to send your ticket and form.” I said okay, and we go off air. They patch me through another person in the station and soon I have written down my itinerary and they have my address to send the ticket to!


I was now squealing and jumping around wildly! I can’t believe I won! Me! I won the contest! Hmm, I better do some research on this country called Bantaniomos. I flew upstairs; ignoring the looks I was getting from Louis and turned on my laptop, and went on Google.


After a few minutes I found a promising site. Clicking on it I gasped. It looked gorgeous! It was so tropical! The beaches looked amazing and everyone looked friendly! Looks like there was a monarchy there.


King Julius Christamos with Queen Lillian. They have two sons. One who was next in line was named Prince Zachias and the other was named Prince Caidius. They showed no pictures of them though. With a shrug, I kept reading.


They had interesting clothing. Especially the girl’s clothes; they seemed so colorful! It truly looked like a wonderful place to live! And I get to go there! It’s like a really early 18th birthday present for me which was on August 12th.


After a long time researching, I stored it all to memory. Then I heard laughter from down the hall. Looks like my friends are here! Danny bangs open my door with cell in hand.


“Y-You c-couldn’t stay away c-could you?” He gasped. I took his cell and eagerly looked at the video.


The camera zooms in on Mr. A’s car and I hear Danny.


“My, my, my! What have you done Miss Anna?” He laughed. He gets a better angle, as the devil himself walked out. He pauses as he sees his car, then his face went to my favorite color of red, and the surrounding students started to laugh.


He looked so angry I swear I saw steam! I was cracking up watching this as he fails to rip off the wrap.


“Oh my gosh! I am too good!” I choke out. We were all laughing together when I remembered what I won.


“Guys! Guess what!?” I screamed. They cringed and covered their ears. I laughed at their faces.


“What?” Danny asked wearily.


“I’m going on a vacation!” I yelled.



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