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Authors: Cassandre Dayne

On Becoming Her Sir (14 page)

BOOK: On Becoming Her Sir
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Luke nodded once. “I feel the same way. For me, there’s never been another woman that I have let go with, being completely uninhibited to the point I have little left to hide. I’ve always been a sexual creature, but with you the way I can see into your soul every time I fill you with my cock, my seed leaves me breathless. There are times I want nothing more than to see you pregnant, know that we’re bringing a life into this world that is a combination of you and I, qualities that are so incredibly unique. Special.” As he placed his hand on her stomach he groaned and lowered his head. “Then I feel selfish because I don’t want to share you with anyone, not even our little boy or girl. I know that sounds horrible and not an admittance from your Dom.”

“I don’t agree with you and the answer isn’t about shipping me off for another Dom to try and fix whatever you think is wrong,” Jessie breathed and cupped his chin. “I’m not a toy. I’m a woman.”

Luke sighed and kissed the top of her head. “You’re very much a woman, a beautiful, beguiling woman.”

For a few seconds they both remained quiet, drinking in the shared intimacy and as she brushed her thumb across his lips she trembled. He was so vulnerable, but then so was she. They were both raw for a reason neither could understand nor figure out. “Luke, my Sir Luke. I love you and there are days I just want to stay in bed, exploring every inch of you, kissing and touching. What you seem to forget is that you’re a man first, my lover and friend. You’re my Master second.”

“I don’t seem to be doing very well at all.” His cautious smile waned.

“Please stop. Please. I cherish every side of you. I want to share every aspect of my life with you. I want to give you the last little bit of the woman who is terrified, the one who had so much difficulty trusting anyone.” Fleeting memories from the past, some things she’d never told him came rushing into her mind. The ugly box had been padlocked and buried years ago. She hadn’t even thought about the horrors since she’d been with Luke. Why now? A single tear rolled down her cheek and she sniffed, trying to hide the pain resurfacing with a vengeance.

“But?” He grasped her hand, pressing kisses on her open palm.

Her lower lip quivering, she blinked back tears. “But you’re right. I can’t right now. I feel a solid wall between us, one I just can’t see past. I’m not myself any longer, trying so hard to follow the rules and yet the rules seem to change with your moods. I don’t know where we’re going tomorrow or what you need me to do or for us to accomplish, but I do know how important doing this is.”

“Jessie, it’s not the right time to go. I just…”

Placing her fingers over his mouth she shook her head. “Don’t you dare give up on me. Don’t you dare.” A single moment of panic washed over her when he said nothing, his eyes just as cold as they had been before. He was like Jekyll and Hyde and right now she couldn’t take the emotional swings. “Then just…go…away if that’s what you want. Leave me alone and just go.”

Luke remained frozen.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God!
Unsure of what to say or what to do she took two long strides backwards and raced into the house, slamming the French doors with enough force she was certain she’d broken the glass.

Luke caught her easily, pushing her hard against the hallway wall. “You are not going to do this.”

“I’m not doing anything. You’re abandoning us!” Pummeling his chest, she fought hard to get away.

Growling, Luke wrapped his hands around her wrists, jerking both above her head and holding them still with one of his massive hands. “No, I’m not going anywhere.”

“But you can’t handle me. You said that clearly,” Jessie choked, tears streaming down her face.

“Jessie. As you mentioned, you’re not a patient woman. I guess I’ll have to have it for both of us.” The look on his face carnal, he lowered his head, pressing his lips across hers.

The taste of his, the rich scent of her Sir always drove her wild, but for some reason right now he was overwhelming her. Every nerve ending on fire, she was panting and he was merely holding the kiss, reminding her he still ran the show, was in charge. Excitement mixed with the odd combination of fear she was experiencing and her pussy clenched from the wild dichotomy of emotions.

“Never forget I craved you first as a man.” Capturing her mouth Luke pushed his tongue into the far reaches, tasting her essence. He kicked her feet apart and brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek. Issuing a single growl, Luke pressed his hand against her neck, squeezing once before his hand traveled down to her breast, cupping and kneading through the thin material of her dress.

Jessie moaned into the kiss and arched her back as their tongues entwined. She loved kissing him, craved the simple gesture of pure pleasure. His was an amazing kisser, sultry and passionate, taking his time to explore the dark recesses of her mouth. Today was no different although he had urgency, as if he had to take her, had to be inside of her. Her nipples were hard, pushing painfully against her dress.

Grunting, he broke the kiss and nipped her lower lip. A short laugh slipped from his lips, the tone husky and laced with a practiced danger. “You know I want you.”

“Yes.” Unable to focus she managed to catch his lip between her teeth and bit down until he hissed. The single bead of blood she savored and licked her lips.

“You are incorrigible.” Titling his head, he glanced down the length of her and back up. “You’re wearing entirely too much.”

“Okay. So?” She laughed softly as she struggled to speak when he ground his groin into her hips. The way his cock was throbbing, beating so hard, she knew he was completely in need. And Luke was going to take what he wanted, not ask. Today was all about his domination, his reclaiming of her.

Luke eased back and yanked her arms up higher, stretching her to the point she was on her tiptoes. “Mine. No man will have you unless I say.” Taking three fingers he wrapped them around the top of her dress and ripped down.

The sound was both startling as well as terribly exciting and Jessie moaned as the force tugged her away from the wall. His eye were wild, lust taking him to unusual methods. She loved this side, craved seeing the man she’d fallen in love with.

“Beautiful. You’re so beautiful.” The words nothing but a ragged whisper, he lowered her head and suckled on her nipple.

“Oh yes…I…” When his hand eased between her legs, pressing against her mound she moaned and arched her back as much as she was able. She was hot and wet, her blood pressure rising, and all she wanted was to drop to her knees and suck his cock. Somehow she didn’t think she was going to get the opportunity. She’d never seen him so hungry, so desperate to have her.

Luke swirled his finger around her clit several times, each circle pressing harder until he’d made her so sensitive she threw one of her legs around his. He slid his mouth and tongue across her chest to her other breast, biting down on her nipple.

“Oohhhh!” As he thrust his fingers inside her pussy, her muscles clamped around instantly and she panted, tossing her head back and forth.

As he continued to suck and lick her nipple, his plunges became harder, faster and he grunted like a wild animal.

The sound and smell of them fucking was such an incredible aphrodisiac and Jessie seemed to be melting from his touch. With every deep thrust she issued a whimper. Her arms and legs were tingling and she didn’t care what he did or how he fucked her as long as he did.

Seconds later he eased back, a wild look in his eyes. Licking his lips he let her wrists go, giving her a weighted smile, and slid his hands down to her hips.

In the next three seconds she gasped for air as he impaled her cunt with one hard plunge of his cock. The momentum as well as the angle dragged yelps from her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he yanked her to her toes.

Using the power of his muscular thighs, he lifted her off her feet, forcing her legs around his upper thighs. Luke narrowed his eyes and he exhaled before kissing the tip of her nose. He pressed her against the wall and shifted his hips back and forth.

“God, Luke.” He filled her completely, his cock throbbing deep inside, and she clamped her muscles until he groaned.

“You’re one bad vixen.”


A single growl erupted from his lips as he pulled his shaft out until just the tip was inside. Bending his knees he gave her a heated look and held the stance for a full minute.

“What…” He was on fire and she was panting as the desire overwhelmed her. Her nerves were standing on end and she was ready to beg him to fuck her, drive his cock into her like a wild man. But she didn’t have to.

The hard thrust was followed by second and a third and as Luke developed a rhythm, his dick sliding in and out, he kept his eyes on hers. Peppering a series of kisses across her lips he played out the hard thrusts over and over again.

Her Sir was like a machine, driving inside, every stroke making her see stars.

“Mine. Forever mine,” he breathed into her neck.

She lolled her head back and gave into his amazing passion. As he continued the almost brutal fucking, she moaned softly. “Yes…”

As the actions became more ragged, his legs shaking as he took her hard and fast, he lowered his head and bit down on the side of her neck.

He was marking her, making certain Bart knew the line had been drawn. Closing her eyes she smiled and for the first time in so long, she knew she was going to cum. “I…oh…” Unable to stop the orgasm, her body convulsed as she climaxed. “Aaahh!”

Luke threw his head back and roared.

The feel of hot cum spurting deep inside gave her a sense of blissful peace. She belonged to him, would forever be his. The orgasm turned into a wave and her body continued to shake involuntarily. She knew she was going to be spanked for cumming when not allowed, but right now? She didn’t give a shit. The thought made her laugh as he continued pumping into her.

When he stopped shaking he eased her feet to the floor and placed both hands on either side of her, his breathing sounds ragged.

Jessie licked the sweat from her upper lips before licking across the seam of his mouth. The bite on her neck hurt like a son of a bitch but she was so glad he’d created what she knew would be an impressive bruise. The pictures would show her badge of honor off well.

“Bad girl cumming when you weren’t supposed to.”

“Yes, Sir. How can I make it up to you?”

Luke took a step back from her, giving her space. “Clean my cock.”

Dropping to her knees, she took his still throbbing shaft into her hand and instantly engulfed the tip. The taste of their combined cum was delicious, something she craved. Jessie closed her eyes as her tongue went to work, enjoying the sounds of his strangled moans as his body shifted back and forth.

“That’s it. Don’t miss a single spot.”

Minutes later when she was almost finished she looked up at his face, expecting to see a man sated by their powerful moment. When she noticed his glistening eyes she realized, they were far from being healed. In fact, she had a feeling this was just the beginning of a final goodbye.

Chapter Six


Jessie stood outside the rather unassuming brownstone. She’d been standing in the same spot for a full five minutes, wondering why in the hell she’d agreed to the photo shoot in the first place. Luke. Yes, he might need her help given the deal made with Trevone, but the magazine and her involvement was the stretching of the final boundaries. What she’d realized on the drive over was that this really didn’t have anything to do with Bart. This had to do with Luke needing her to trust him on an entirely different level. She checked her watch and it was time to go in, meet the great photographer. At least she was meeting Luke for dinner. Then tomorrow was the beginning of a new chapter, perhaps in her journal, more importantly in their life. Luke… Every time she whispered his name she was taken aback.

The thought gave her a much needed smile. Tonight she planned on giving them both a memorable send off. She glanced down at her outfit and groaned. Model she wasn’t but the simple black dress did well accentuating her body shape, hugging every curve as if made for her. She’d made certain the lacy underwear matched for some reason. My God, she was so out of her element.

Throwing back her head she plastered on a smile and headed for the oversized steel door. The moment her hand touched the smooth surface of the knob she froze in her tracks. She’d worked with clients who were bears both in and out of the corporate conference room and eaten them for supper. Suddenly she was stymied by a simple photo shoot? Really? Not going to happen to this chick. Shoring up her nerves she opened the door.

The sights and sounds were subdued, nothing like what she’d expected. The moment she walked in a lovely woman approached her, an iPad in hand.

“May I help you?”

“Jessie Waters to see…” God, what the hell was his name?

“Zaphyr Porter?” the girl asked as she smiled.

Jessie mouthed the name. “Yes. That’s him.”

“Well he would be a she, but please don’t worry. When I heard Jessie was coming for this shoot I laughed and quickly told my assistant, I don’t need a man.” Holding out her hand, the raven-haired woman smiled. “Forgive the formal name. It’s Zaphne to my friends. My parents were cruel and really wanted a boy. Can you tell? You must be Jezebel Waters. You come highly recommended.”

Jessie was surprised at the woman standing in front of her. While she certainly wasn’t into women, the way the long legged creature was looking at her gave her a start. Zaphne was as tall as she was, same build, but the short-cropped hair and leather outfit stated all Domme. “I’m nobody in this world at least with regard to the glamour life.” Looking around the warehouse she was impressed with the way the expansive space was set up – almost like a soundstage.

“Glamour life? I think you must be thinking of another industry. This one is brutal and eats models for breakfast.” Zaphne laughed. “But no worries. I can tell you’re perfect for the shoot. What we’re looking for is more of a surreal black and white photo scheme, one that allows the reader for a glimpse into the magazine.”

BOOK: On Becoming Her Sir
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