Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers (74 page)

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Authors: Lillian Faderman

Tags: #Literary Criticism/Gay and Lesbian

BOOK: Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers
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McConnell, Vicki
McDonald, Barbara
McGovern, George
McKay, Claude
Medical doctorss-50s treatments and
Medical journals, turn-of-the-century
Medical model, sexologists and
Meese, Edwin
Gay men; Marriage to men
Mental health, minimalist definition of
Mental illnesss views on
Mentors, graduating from women’s colleges and
Metropolitan Community Church
Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival
Middle-class lesbians; butch/femme roles and; Depression and; 1800s; gay bars and; gay liberation movement and; harassment during McCarthy era; “kiki”; lesbian-feminists and; 1970s; 1980s changes; professional pursuits at turn of century and; racial movement and; sexologists and; slumming in Harlem in 1920s; social contacts
Midwest Women’s Festival
Milford-Haven, Marchioness Nadeja
Military service; dismissals from; lesbian-catching tactics and; lesbians in World War II and; witch hunts of the 1950s and
Milk, Harvey
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, Marilyn
Minority lesbians: butch/femme roles and; lesbian-feminists and; 1980s; transvestitism and
“Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself (Hall)
Mitchell, Alice
Moderations shift to
Monogamy: lesbian-feminists’ rejection of; 1980s return to
Moraga, Cherrie
Morality: homophobics and; lesbian “cures” and; New Right and; 1930s anti-lesbianism and; 1940s; pulp novels and
Moral literature
Mortimer, Lee
Moscone, George
Motherhoods acceptance of
Mothering skills, mass
Mount Holyoke
Movies, lesbian theme in
Mygatt, Tracy
Mythmaking, matriarchal


Nachman, Elana
Nathan, George Jean
National Black Feminist Organization
National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gay Men
National Gay Task Force
National Organization of Women
National security, dismissals during McCarthy era and
National Women’s Agency
National Women’s Music Festival
National Women’s Political Caucus
Neff, Wanda Fraiken
Nestle, Joan
New Alliance for Gay Equality
New England Women’s Music Retreat
New Left
New Right
New Sex Therapy, The
Newspapers, publishing arrestees names in
Newton, Esther
New York City: 1920s drag balls and; 1930s, in; 1940s bar scene and; 1980s gay and lesbian liaisons and.
See also
Greenwich Village; Harlem
New York Lesbian Food Conspiracy
New York Lesbian Pride Rally
Nigger Heaven
(Van Vechten)
Niles, Blair
Norma Trist; or Pure Carbon: A Story of the Inversion of the Sexes
North American Conference of Homophile Organizations
Noyes, John


Oakgrove, Artemis
Oberlin Lesbian Society
Odd Girl Out
Older lesbians: class membership affiliations; 1980s
“Old gays”; homes for; 1980s
O’Leary, Jean
Olivia Records
O’Neill, William
On Our Backs
Oneida Community
O’Reilly, Lenora
Otis, Margaret
Outcast, The
Over the Hill


Painted Veils
Paranoid schizophrenia
Parke, Joseph
Parker, Dorothy
Parker, Pat
Patriotism, working during Depression and
Patterson, June
Patton, Marion
Peck, Mary
Peiss, Kathy
Pension plans
Perry, Troy
Persecution, McCarthyism and
Personals ads, in porno magazines
Phelps, Johnnie
Physical education majorss
Pink Panther groups
Police harassment: butch/femme roles and; Daughters of Bilitis and; gay bars and
Political awareness
Political correctness: lesbian-feminists and; 1980s; sex and; women’s music and
Political goals, lesbian-feminist
Political influence
Political networks, underground
Poor White
Popular magazines
Pornography: lesbian interest in; male versus female response to; male writers of; mistrust of; 1980s conservatism and; NOW and
Porter, Katherine Anne
Pound, Louise
Pratt, Caroline
Pride Institute
Prisons; butch/femme arrangements; lesbian slang and; romantic friendship and; turn-of-the-century
Professional women: early twentieth century; education and; establishing own professions; male preserves and; marriage of
Professional Women’s Network
Professors, role models for romantic friendships in
Psychiatric hospitalss
Psychodrama, sexual
Psychopathia Sexualis
Public images, positive
Public opinion, romantic friendship and
Pulp novels


Queer Nation


Radical chic lesbians
Rainbeau Productions
Reagan, Ronald
Rebel lifestyle, heavy drinking and
Rebel sexuality, femmes in 1950s and
Reform work
Rent parties
Republicans, persecution by
Resource centers, lesbian-feminist communities and
Revere, Ann
Reynolds, Smith
Rich, Adrienne
Robertiello, Richard
Robinson, Mabel
Robinson, Victor
Role playing
Romantic friendship; attack on; homophobia of the 1920s and; as mental passion; metamorphosis of; nineteenth century; penal institutions and; public opinion and; women’s colleges and; working class and
Romo-Carmona, Mariana
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Rosse, Irving
Rothman, Ellen
Rubyfiuit Jungle
Rule, Jane
Russell, Bertrand


Sado-masochism, lesbian
Same-sex households
San Francisco: Daughters of Bilitis and; 1930s bar scene; 1940s
San Francisco Gay Pride Parade
Sang, Barbara
Sanger, Margaret
Save Our Children
Save Our Moral Ethics
Schulman, Sarah
Schwarz, Judith
Science fiction novels, women’s
Scientific Humanitarian Committee
Scorpion, The
Scudder, Vida
Self-actualization, in
Seminaries, female
Settlement houses
Sex circuses
Sexologists; attack on romantic friendship; early; feminism and; German; male homosexuals and; medical model and; middle-class women and; moral visions of; readership of; subculture creation and; working-class women and
Sexual conformity, post-World War II
Sexual conservatism
Sexual inversion
Sexuality; adventurousness and; affection versus; butch/femme roles and; committed relationships and; cultural feminists and; cultural socialization and; dangerous or antisocial; lesbian-feminists and; neuroses and; nineteenth century; 1920s liberalization; 1930s; 1960s permissiveness; 1970s; 1980s; radical feminists and; turn-of-the-century.
See also
Lesbian sex
Sexual radicals
Sexual revolution: 1920s; 1960s; 1970s; sexual radicals and
Sexual violence
Shaw, Anna Howard
Shaw, Beverly
Simpson Whipple, Evangeline Marrs
Singer, Rochelle
Sin of Sins
Sister Gin
Slogans, consciousness-raising and
Smith, Bessie
Smith, Mary Roset
Smith, Ruby Walker
Smith College
Socarides, Charles
Social attitudes, fiction as reflection of
Social constructionists
Social freedom, nineteenth-century transvestites and

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