Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers (73 page)

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Authors: Lillian Faderman

Tags: #Literary Criticism/Gay and Lesbian

BOOK: Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers
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Erotic fantasy
See also
Sexual radicals
Erotic love, past centuries
Etheridge, Melissa
Eugenics movement
Evolution, theories of


Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
Family Values
Farewell to Arms, A
Fat lesbians
Feldman, Maxine
“Felipa” (Woolson)
Female seminaries
Feminine mystique
Feminism; middle-class lesbians and; nineteenth-century; 1940s; reawakening; romantic friendship and; sexologists and; sexual freaks and.
See also
See also
Butch/ femme roles
Field, Michael
Fields, Mary
Financial independence.
Economic independence
First Sex, The
Fish queens
Forel, August
Fox, The
Frederics, Diana
Freedman, Estelle
Freeman, Mary Wilkins
French erotic novels
French literature
Freud, Sigmund
Friedan, Betty
Front marriages
Frye, Ellen


Gabrielson, Guy George
Garden of Eden, The
Garrett, Mary
Gay and Lesbian Democratic Clubs
Gay bars; alcoholism and; butch/femme roles and; class wars and; dangers of; lesbian singers in; middle-class lesbians and; 1930s; 1950s; 1980s; police harassment and; undercover agents in; working-class lesbians and; World War II and; young lesbians and
Gay liberation movement
Gay men: class mixing; front marriages to; heterogenderal pattern; lesbian-feminists and; lesbian unity with in 1980s; radical movement of 1960s; radical sexuality and; sexologists and; wealthy
Gay pride parades
Gay publications, revolution and
Gay revolution: explosion of; lesbian-feminists and; quiet beginnings
Gay rights bills
Gearhart, Sally
Gender behavior, inappropriate
Gittings, Barbara
Glamour dyke
God of Vengeance
Goldman, Emma
Gorman, Harry
Government jobs, dismissals from during McCarthy era
Grahn, Judy
Greenwich Village: butch/femme roles and; gay bars in; 1920s
Gribble, Henry
Grimke, Angelina Weld
Group, The
Gwinn, Mamie


Hall, Radclyffe
Hamilton, Alice
Hampton, Mabel
Hannah, George
Hapgood, Hutchins
Harlem: black lesbians in; white slumming in
Hart, Alberta Lucille
Hays, Matilda
Hellman, Lillian
Hemingway, Ernest
Henry, George
Hickok, Lorena
Hippie phenomenon: communal life and; 1960s
Holman, Libby
Home to Harlem
Homophile Action League
Homophile groups, politically aware
Homophile League of New York
Homophobia; 1920s; 1950s-60s 1970s
Homosexuality, “cure” for.
See also
Gay men; Lesbian(s)
Homosexual rights issues, Germany and
Hosmer, Harriet
Howard, William Lee
Hudson, Lee
Hull, Helen
Hull House
Huneker, James
Hunter, Alberta


Idaho, Bertha
Insane asylums
Intellectuals, in 1920s
“In the Life”
Inversion sexuelle
Irwin, Elisabeth


Jackson, Bessie
Jenny, John
Jenny, Louisa Dupont Carpenter
Johns Hopkins
Johnston, Jill
Joy of Sex, The
Jungian therapists, lesbian “cures” and


Kaplan, Helen
Kelley, Florence
Kerwinieo, Ralph (née Cora Anderson)
Kiki lesbians.
See also
Middle-class lesbians; Upper-class lesbians
King, Bessie
Kinsey, Alfred
Kinship structures, butch/femme roles and
Koertge, Noretta
Korean War
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von


Ladder, The
Ladies Almanack
Lait, Jack
Land trusts
Lang, K. D.
Language: consciousness raising and; sexist
Laporte, Rita
Las Buenas Amigas
Lavender Blue Productions
Lavender color, association with lesbianism
Lavender Jane Loves Women
Lawrence, D. H.
Leave a Light On for Me
Leftists, homophobia during McCarthy era and
Legion of Decency
Lesbian(s): class mixing and; of color; existentialist; 1920s; 1930s; 1940s; 1950s; 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s and; past centuries; post-World War II; scientific classification of; self-definitions of; sexologists’ definition of; as sexual freaks; turn-of-the-century American writers on; twentieth century concepts;
Lesbian archives
Lesbian bars.
Gay bars
Lesbian chic: 1920s; 1980s; roots of
Lesbian continuum
Lesbian culture
Lesbian-feminists; bisexuality and; blueprints for culture; butch/femme roles and; class divisions and; drab-stylelessness of; economic independence and; educational levels/Z36; factionalism and; gay men and; media for culture building; middle-class lesbians and; minority lesbians and; 1970s; 1980s changes; 1980s conservatism and; older lesbians and; political correctness and; radicalism and; relationships with other groups; self-sufficiency and; separatism and; sexuality and; spiritual care and; successes of; women’s movement and
Lesbian health care
Lesbian in America, The
Lesbian Nations
Lesbian revolutions: 1960s; 1970s
Lesbian sex: between devoted companions; relative infrequency of.
See also
Lesbian sex warss
Lesbian slangs
Lesbian styles
Lesbian subcultures; bars and; military and; 1930s; 1940s government-sponsored; 1950s and ’60s; 1980s diversity in; Greenwich Village of the 1920s and; persecution of the 1950s and; working class in 1920s and; World War II and
Lesbian Tide
Le Sueur, Lucille
Levin, Jennifer
Lewis, Edith
Lillie, Beatrice
Literature about lesbians; blacks writing about whites; lesbian-feminists and; 1920s; 1930s anti-lesbianism and; 1980s; sexual revolution and.
See also specific works
Living Sober conventions
Lobdell, Lucy Ann
Lombroso, Cesare
“Long Arm, The” (Freeman)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Look Me in the Eye
Look Under the Hawthorne
Lorde, Audre
Los Angeles, gay bars in 1950s and
Loulan, joann
Loveliest of Friends
Luppies (lesbian yuppies)
Lynch, Lee
Lynd, Helen
Lynn, Kenneth
Lyon, Phyllis


MacLane, Mary
Magazines: lesbian porno; lesbian-feminists and; sexual revolution and
Male homosexuals.
Gay men
Ma Rainey
March Hares
Mariness homosexual policy and
Marks, Jeanette
Marot, Helen
Marriage to men: economic dependency and; educated women in nineteenth century and; front/120; 1930s
Marriage to other women: black lesbians of the 1920s and; 1980s return to; open
Married women, lesbian liaisons and
Martin, Del
Masons and orders
Matriarchal religion
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Mary
McCarthy era
McClung, Isabelle

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