Obediently Yours (2 page)

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Authors: Bella Jackson

BOOK: Obediently Yours
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“Hey, Siobhan, we have a problem,” Allison, my program coordinator says as she pokes her head in the door. “Come on in, Ali, what’s up?” I reply as my erotic thoughts are quickly extinguished, forcing my mind to focus on the real world.

After another day of problems and complaints, I get out of my car feeling weary and drained. I enter my house and am greeted by Luna, my gray tabby. “Hey, Luna, how are you today, kitty?” I ask while rubbing her furry little head. I adopted the cat over a year ago after “the breakup” with James. My home was so quiet and my ego so fragile at that time, I needed someone to love who would love me back unconditionally. Luna never tells me to lose weight. My thoughts wander to James’ cruel words telling me that I am too fat. These thoughts dampen my spirit, so I quickly put them back into my bad boyfriend box, slamming the lid down tight.

After throwing in a load of laundry, walking on the elliptical for a half-hour, and laying out my clothes for tomorrow, I pour a bowl of cereal and make a cup of tea. I move into the office and log on to the computer as I eat breakfast food for dinner, my favorite kind of meal.

Anxiously, I click my way onto my favorite website and log in. Sure enough, I see “1 Unread Message” blinking at the top of the screen. Like a child on Christmas morning looking at the blinking lights on the tree, I am giddy with excitement as I click on the message. Also like a child, I spill my tea. Crap! I quickly grab some tissues to dab up the mess. Looking at my screen greedily, I read:





Hi Siobhan,
It is interesting as I read your email to discover that you have the same fantasies of being in a diaper as many strong and independent women I have met online over the years. Clearly, this is not unusual as evidenced by this website and others just like it, so while it is secret, it is not so much a “dirty secret” as you put it. You are not the only career woman who enjoys getting away from real life to be comforted and told what to do by a strong Daddy.
I have met women from all walks of life. Professional women with advanced degrees and high-power jobs, most in their thirties and forties, so you are not alone at all in your fantasies to be controlled and comforted.
I enjoy many aspects of dominance, not only Daddy to little ones, but also roles such as being doctor to patient or Master to submissive. Some of the role-playing I have done is fairly advanced, so we will stick to your role as a little girl and my role as your Daddy for now, if you wish to proceed. You should know that I will have rules for you to obey and I will spank my little girl for failing to follow the rules and disobedience.
There is never any pressure and we will have agreed-upon pre-established deadlines for any tasks I expect you to complete. I couldn’t care less about web cam, so put your fears about this to rest. I will encourage you to ask questions and seek clarification as we move forward. We will start with me sending you some questions to answer with strict honesty so I can get a feel for your interests and preferences. My job as your Daddy Dom is to help you explore your fantasies and make this a mutually beneficial process for both of us. Before you make any decisions about moving forward, I want you to consider the bottom line: I am a strict but fair Daddy and I expect obedience! If you respond back, give me some specific details about what you fantasize when you think about having a Daddy Dom. Be completely honest about what turns you on the most.
By the way, little one, I will expect that you call me Daddy from this point forward.
Hope to hear from you again,
Richard, Your Daddy


I am cognizant that my breathing and heartbeat are fast as I read Richard’s email. I almost cannot believe that this is for real and wonder what the catch is. He certainly seems sincere. I get up to make another cup of tea. Of course, he could be a complete crackpot who preys on women over the Internet. I could end up on the six o’clock news, found dead in a ditch with a slit throat. God, do I have an active imagination or what? I need to stop reading murder mysteries. I’d much rather read my fetish porn anyway.

I return to my computer, teacup in hand, and reread Richard’s email. I hit “reply” and take a few minutes to gather my wits so I can form coherent sentences.





Dear Daddy,
Thank you for your email. I am very excited to talk to you and proceed with being your online baby girl. In all honesty, I am not completely sure how this will work, but I trust that you will lead the way. It is wonderful that you have been able to find others who share the same fantasies and fetishes in the past and I am hopeful that I will be your next online relationship.
I would be happy to answer any questions you have and will be completely honest with you. I love the idea of being given rules that must be obeyed and that there are consequences for disobedience. I get very aroused thinking about you giving me rules to follow and the possibility of being punished if I fail to follow them. I would love to have a dominant Daddy to hold me accountable when I am naughty.
To tell you a bit more about me—right in line with what you were talking about with regard to professional women seeking the comfort of a Daddy, I’m your classic case! I have a high-pressure job running a non-profit agency. My fetish helps me to relax and let go of the days’ stresses. I love to read stories about strong Daddies and the baby girls that they love and discipline. When I am home alone, I fantasize to these stories as I put diapers on and plastic panties, then force myself to drink lots of water until I feel like I have to go pee. I have not actually wet my diapers; I stop just short of that. I imagine Daddy telling me it is okay if I wet my diapers and that he will take care of me. I take the diapers off and slip into a nice, warm bubble bath and, as I wash myself, I imagine it is Daddy’s hands washing me, rubbing and loving me. My soapy fingers slide down to my pussy and I imagine Daddy’s fingers down there rubbing my clit. Sliding his fingers into my soft pussy and stroking and rubbing until I cum.
When I am “naughty,” I stack some pillows in the middle of the bed and lay myself over them so my bottom is nice and high. I imagine Daddy standing over me, telling me how disappointed he is in me, and that he will teach me to obey him. I then take my bath brush and spank my bottom red, picturing Daddy holding the bath brush up high and swinging it down on my bare bottom. I spank my bottom until it gets warm and stingy. I have also used capsaicin cream on my bare bottom to simulate the sting of a spanking. The cream burns my bottom and lasts a long time. I have no control over how long the burn cream will last so I have to endure it, just as if I had endured the stinging burn of a real spanking from Daddy.
So now I am nice and aroused! LOL. I hope to hear from you again soon, Daddy!
Your Baby Girl,


I shut my computer down after sending the email and head to bed, realizing that it is pretty late. I go to sleep that night with dreams about my Daddy Dom. Not before I take my bath brush, pull my panties down, lean over the bed, and give my bottom cheeks a few good swats. Just like in my fantasy, I imagine Daddy is standing behind me holding the bath brush, telling me that I am naughty and need to be given a punishment spanking. I raise the bath brush high and
smack, smack, smack
my bottom cheeks. I feel the sting and warmth spread over my butt as I swing and
smack, smack, smack
again. “Oh it hurts, Daddy,” I say out loud.

I hear Daddy say in my head, “It’s supposed to hurt, little girl. Punishment spankings hurt and are given when you are naughty,” using a deep, dark, and dominant voice.

This simple acted-out scene causes me to have several explosive orgasms. I pull my panties up over my sensitive bottom, put my bath brush back on the dresser, and lie down.

My body totally relaxed, I quickly drift off to sleep, that same deep voice in my head saying, “Good night, baby girl.”

Chapter Two



The next morning, I wake up in a great mood to start a new day. I get to work early and dive into the fifty emails in my work inbox. After an hour of continuous emailing, my mind wanders into my “little zone” as I think about Daddy’s email. It’s interesting that I am already thinking about him as my Daddy. Does this prove that I am a complete deviant or that I am a very lucky woman? I want so badly to log onto my private email and see if he responded. The desire is overwhelming, but I cannot check now. Need to behave. Need to be a grownup woman with grownup responsibilities. Tonight, need to wait until tonight. I grab my grownup to-do list and get to it.

Later that night while sitting at the computer, I open my email and find a response in my inbox.





Hi My Baby Girl,
I was happy to see your email and even happier that you gave such a detailed account of your fantasies as I asked. I am very pleased that you obeyed your Daddy. I am also pleased that you followed my instructions and called me Daddy. As I told you, it is my expectation going forward and will be one of your rules.
I will put a lot of realism into our role-play, but I will not pressure you to meet deadlines, at least not at this point. I have included a list at the end of this email of questions that I would like for you to answer. Take your time, giving honest and thorough answers. I expect good work from you, little one.
In addition to the questions, I have an assignment for you, baby girl. I want you to go into your bedroom, stand in the corner, lower your pants and panties down to your knees so you are bare-bottomed, and stand still facing the corner for three minutes. I want you to experience what corner time feels like because it is one of the techniques I use, especially for punishment of naughty little girls. In this case, it is not punishment, but merely an opportunity for you to get a sense of what this is really like. Try to immerse yourself in the experience and reflect on how it makes you feel. What are you thinking as you stand in the corner with your panties down to your knees like a naughty little girl? How does it feel to obey a command that your Daddy has given you? I expect a full report when you complete your assignment, including exactly what you were wearing and how it made you feel.
I hope you are having a good day and maybe we can talk later. I am usually online most evenings after 7:00. If you feel comfortable with it, you can request me to accept you as a chat friend on instant chat. If you are not comfortable with it at this point, we can continue to email.
P.S. Thanks for the tip about the capsaicin cream. I’ll have to add that as a punishment method for naughty little girls!




Describe your bedroom in detail. All of your punishments will occur in your bedroom. Which corner will be designated as your naughty corner?
How much privacy do you have?
Have you ever been spanked in real life by someone else? Have you ever spanked yourself? What was used/did you use for the spanking? Were you spanked as a little girl or adult?
How often do you masturbate? Describe in detail: position during, toys you use, how wet you get, if you cum or not. Have you ever masturbated in public (in a restroom, car, or in front of anyone) or ever on the Internet while chatting?
Is your period regular? Do you use pads or tampons? What age were you when you got your first period?
Have you ever shaved your pubic area? If so, describe in detail.
Have you ever thought of kneeling before your Master? Describe.
How do you feel about diaper punishment?
. What are the themes of your favorite “dirty” stories?

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