Nude Awakening (4 page)

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Authors: Victor L. Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nude Awakening
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“Welcome to my crib,” Kandi said, opening the door to her spacious three bedroom home. She lived in a gated community with 24-hour security in Coconut Grove, Florida.

“This is nice.” Trevon followed her inside as her heels clacked on the glossy hardwood floor.

“I can’t front,” she said over her shoulder. “Janelle owns this place. Some companies have cars. Amatory has houses!”

“What do you mean?”

Kandi strutted down into the sunken living room, tossing her Fendi bag on the floor by the sofa. She flopped down and reached for the TV remote.

“This is a bonus for bringing a certain amount of bread to the company from the films I made.”

Trevon sat down next to her on a purple crescent moon-shaped leather sofa. “How long have you been living here?”

“Just five months,” she said, removing the heels from her sore feet.

Trevon looked at the 70-inch 3D TV in front of her. The largest he had ever seen. Kandi surfed through the channels until she reached a music video channel.

“Same old videos.” She turned the TV off, then pulled her feet up off the floor. She turned to face Trevon. “Let’s talk.”

Trevon sat back with his arms crossed. “So, Janelle really wants me to move in with you?”

Kandi nodded yes.

“Is it safe to assume she’ll be signing me to a contract?”

“Yeah, or she’s just courting you to fuck her silly.” She laughed. “Just kidding. But for real, I think you’ll get your chance, so don’t blow it.”

Trevon unfolded his arms. He needed to relax!

“If you do stay, I only have one house rule and that’s no smoking up in here.”

“I don’t smoke.”

“Good,” she said, looking at him. He was just . . . so big, but not in a steroid taking type of look. She reached over to rub his arm. “Anybody ever told you that you favor Tyrese Gibson?”

“You’re the first,” he lied, having heard it while he was in prison.

“Didn’t I see some tats on your chest?”

“I have a few.”

She sat up. “Take your shirt off and show me!”

Trevon complied. As he stood up, she took the opportunity to look between his legs. She could just make out an imprint of his dick. She wanted it to get hard again. She wanted it out and in her hands.

“I um . . . keep noticing how much you favor—”

“Nicki Minaj, right?” She rolled her eyes skyward. “I’ve heard it too many times, so please don’t go there.”

Trevon left the subject alone as he removed his shirt. Kandi slowly traced her fingers down his chest. Without her heels on, she stood on even ground at 5’7” and weighed 150 pounds. Using her fingertips, she outlined the hard muscled lines of his chest, touching the letters on his left chest that read ‘For the Strength of You’ and the date, October 25.

“Tell me about this.” She spoke in a low tone, seemingly in a trance. Her hands stayed on his dark smooth skin.

“It’s for my sister and that is her birth date.” He knew the game they were playing by their contact. Her touch sent signals throughout his body that he wanted to answer. Looking down into her top, he noticed she did not have on a bra. There was no doubt of his attraction to her.

“Where is she now?
“Up in North Carolina.”

Kandi nodded, then moved her fingers to the tattoo on his stomach. It was a highly detailed lion’s head. “You a Leo?”

He nodded yes, struggling to keep his hormones in check. He could only picture the temptation he would have to deal with if he moved in with her.

Kandi had the same dilemma going through her mind. Acting on what she was feeling inside, she slid her hands up and down his rippled stomach. She heard him take a deep breath.

“You want to touch me?” she whispered. When he remained silent, she looked up into his face.

Trevon could not believe he had frozen up. Kandi sensed it. She lowered one hand to his, then guided it to her ass.

“Can I see what you’re working with?” She slid her hands back up his chest.

Trevon felt heat coming from her palms. Looking into her eyes, he moved his other hand on her ass. Even with his large hands, he had a lot of ass to explore. He lowered his hands to the bottom roundness of her luscious ass.

“Why are you so tense?” she purred as he squeezed both of her cheeks.

He swallowed. “It’s been a long time, Kandi,” he said, pulling her up against his body. “Plus, I never been with a chick as fine as you.”

“Dang, you never?” She smiled.


“I can’t believe that.” She pushed her breasts against him, deeply enjoying him rubbing all over her soft ass. “So, if I do this”—She rose up on her toes, sliding a hand up and around his bald head, and bringing his lips to meet hers. Playing the aggressor, she pushed her wet tongue against his and lowered her free hand between them, down to his crotch. A moan eased from his lips when she squeezed his dick. She kissed him with a hint of passion, playfully blocking his tongue from sliding inside her mouth.

Trevon breathed heavily as his body reacted to her touch. Kissing her seemed like a need to him. At this moment, he thought about what she did for a living. He thought about the risk of an STD. When Kandi allowed his tongue past hers, it seemed to awaken a dormant part of him. He squeezed and molded her ass while kissing her deep and slow.

Kandi unfastened his belt and wasted no time reaching inside his boxers to stroke his hard flesh. Breaking their kiss, she tugged his pants and boxers down a bit. She gasped at the ebony dick weighing heavy in her hand, having correctly judged that he was packing a nice nine-incher. Slowly, she stroked it with one hand.

“You so big, Daddy,” she said, rubbing under his long hard dick.

Trevon licked his dry lips as Kandi licked all over his chest. She now had both hands on his thick dick. Her pussy moistened.

“Yessss,” he moaned into the top of her fresh smelling hair. Filled with a new drive, he slid his hands up and under her top. Cupping her bare titties filled him with desire. Kandi started a slow hand job, forcing a clear drop of pre-cum to seep from his dick. Suddenly, she imagined his dick between her lips. She wanted to suck it.

“Baby, I wanna—” she began, but was halted by the doorbell.












Kandi hurried to the front door, leaving Trevon in the living room. She had a slim list of visitors who would show up unannounced. I know this motherfucker ain’t at my front door! She stomped barefoot across the floor with an irritated expression on her face. Unlocking the door, she yanked it open without looking through the peephole.

“What are you doing here!” She fumed at the sight of her ex-boyfriend, Swagga and stepped out onto the front porch shutting the door behind her.

“Here to see you,” he said through his mouthful of gold and platinum teeth.

“Damn this bullshit! I don’t even want you calling me, so why would you think I would want to see your ass?” She crossed her arms with her face balled up. The humid air warmed her chilled skin within seconds.

“I know you ain’t still trippin’ ova me fuckin’ Cindy? Fuck that bitch!”

“You played me!” Kandi shouted. “By doing just that— fucking that bitch!”

Swagga looked over his shoulder at his idling midnight blue wide-body kitted Bentley GT. His personal bodyguard, Yaffa leaned against the ride with his black heavily tattooed arms crossed. In plain view, a chrome .45 was holstered on his waist.

“Why you taking it so serious, yo?” Swagga asked while openly looking at her pussy print. “You fuck and suck dick for a living and you actually thought our relationship was on some exclusive type shit?”

“Why did you try to hide it from me and lie about it, huh?”

Swagga shrugged his skinny shoulders. Lifting weights was not his thing. Smoking weed and popping pills was his only routine that came second to his successful rap career. The only two rappers above him were Lil Wayne and Rick Ross.

“Shit is in the past,” he said, towering over her with his 6’2” lanky frame.

“Yeah it is, and I left your ass along with it!”

Swagga laughed. “You buggin’ for real.” His slightest movements caused his long pencil thin dreads to sway.

Kandi hated him. I should have never fell for that wack ass game! Kandi took a step backward when he reached for her hand.

“Oh, you don’t want me touchin’ you now?”

“I don’t even wanna talk to you! You had your chance, but you hurt me.”

Swagga was iced out on both wrists and always wore his custom made platinum chain and chunky medallion. He was only twenty-four years old with three platinum albums to his name.

Grinning, he pulled out a knot of money. “How about I take you shoppin’ and make up for my wrong?”

“I don’t want your money,” she said, crossing her arms.

Back inside Kandi’s house, Trevon had his clothes back on. He was far from slow as he put two and two together. He would bet anything that the visitor was a dude. Why else would she not invite them in? He paced the floor. His curiosity wanted to pull him to the window to see who she was talking to. I’m trying to get a job, not a damn girl! he thought.

Swagga’s ego was hurt as he shoved the money back into his fitted Evisu jeans. “So you gonna handle me like this?”

“Swagga,” Kandi said annoyingly. “It ain’t all about you, and I’m sorry you got me mixed up with one of your um . . . groupie bitches. What we had is over. Yeah, I suck dick and get fucked for a living, and obviously, it ain’t a big deal to you since you are so pressed with getting back with me.”

Swagga laughed. “Damn, you feelin’ yourself, huh?”

“No.” She smiled. “I already have someone inside that’s feeling on me.”

His smile slowly faded. Looking down, be noticed she was barefoot. His jealousy could not be hidden even if he tried.

“Who?” he asked, looking past her shoulder at the front door.

“You don’t know ‘im,” she said, enjoying the fact that she could get up under his skin.

Swagga had four kids by three different women and was still fucking two out of the three. His link to Kandi was built on emotions. Hands down, she had that bomb pussy. Even though he was clowned by his crew for being seen out in public with her, he just could not stay away. The short ten-month affair he shared with her left him with a yearning for freaky sex unmatched by any other female. In his words: Couldn’t no bitch do it better than Kandi!

“I’d very much like it if you didn’t come here anymore.” She reached back for the doorknob.

Swagga wiped his dreads out of his face. “You actin’ like a real bitch, yo!”

“Actin’ is what I do for a living, remember? And for your info, I did it a lot when you were trying to fuck me! Now if you’ll excuse this bitch. I gotta nice juicy, fresh, black dick inside waiting on me.”

Swagga balled up his fist. “Jump off, bitch!” he shouted.

Kandi blew him a kiss and turned to go back inside.

Swagga remained silent inside his Bentley GT as Yaffa drove with one hand.

“Why you even playin’ your face over that bitch is beyond me, my nigga,” Yaffa said as his deep baritone voice filled the interior.

“Fuck dat bitch! She ain’t shit!” Swagga snapped.

“Told you that before we came over here.” Yaffa turned on the two-lane road, then sped off with the tinted windows up. His big frame filled the driver’s seat in an imposing look. With his thick Rick Ross like beard and freshly designed cornrows, he could be judged by his looks. He was thirty-four with no kids. He was licensed to carry the chrome .45 and held no weight in using it when it came to protecting Swagga. At 6’3”, he pushed the scales at 310 pounds.

“That bitch done crossed the wrong nigga!”

“Let that shit fly, bruh,” Yaffa said, scanning the three mirrors. He had to stay on point 24/7. “Call Trina or somebody. You actin’ like you pressed for some pussy, my nigga. What about them two West Indies strippers you had up in the room last night. Call ‘em back over tonight.”

Swagga grinned. “I bet you would want to call ‘em since you fucked ol’ girl.”

Yaffa grabbed his dick. “Doing my job. I was just doin’ a cavity search to make sure she wasn’t stealin’ none of your rings and shit.”

Swagga laughed. “Nigga, please! You was diggin’ her back out ‘cause your black ass was horny. Yeah, I might call them hoes back over to the crib tonight after the party.”

“I know you ain’t bouncin’ to Janelle’s party. You know Kandi and her girl Jurnee will be there.”

“Fuck them hoes! Janelle invited me, so I’m going.”

Yaffa could not debate with Swagga. His job was keeping Swagga alive, not telling him how to run his life.

Reaching I-95 North, they headed back to Fort Lauderdale where Swagga lived on an Oceanfront Estate.

Kandi went to the kitchen to fix a drink before facing Trevon. She figured she would need to offer him an explanation about Swagga. Allowing her nerves to settle, she stood in the open refrigerator drinking from a bottle of fruit punch. The TV was back on. She could hear it from where she stood. A shower is what I need! She tossed the empty bottle in the trash, then made her way back into the living room.

Trevon was messing with his new cell phone when Kandi snuck up behind him easing her hands down his chest.

“Whatcha doing?” she asked, resting her chin on top of his baldhead.

“Trying to figure this phone out,” he said, telling himself not to stress the issue of her visitor.

“I got a better idea.” She pulled the phone from his hands and turned it off. “Come take a shower with me.”

Trevon followed her down the hall and into her bedroom. Kandi showed no shame nor timidness when she pulled her top up and over her head. She faced him topless as he stood in the doorway staring at her huge golden titties that sat up high with thumb-sized dark brown nipples.

“Yes, they’re real,” she said, rubbing her 36D twins.

“I um . . . need to get a change of clothes out of your ride,” he said, ogling the ripe fullness of her breasts. I want to fuck her so bad!

“Hurry up,” she said, tugging the tight spandex bottoms off her plump ass. “I’m going to jump in the shower.”

Trevon turned and hurried out of the room. He knew he was going to fuck her. The urge was there and ignoring it was not an option. He wondered why she was on his dick so hard, not that he had any beef with it. All he knew was this: If she wanted the dick, he would serve it to her red ass.

Kandi was soaping up her titties when Trevon slid the glass shower door open. She smiled at the sight of his light chocolate naked frame. Immediately, her eyes fell between his stout legs.

“Come on in, Daddy,” she said, loving every inch of his flesh. This nigga got it goin’ the fuck on! she thought, biting her bottom lip. Looking down at his feet, she frowned. “Hold up. Why you got those things on?” she pointed at the Gucci sandals on his feet.

“I’m taking a shower so I’m wearing shower shoes,” he said as if it was normal.

“Shower shoes? What the hell are you talking about?”

Trevon explained. “I always wore shower shoes in prison. Niggas be jacking off in the shower, pissing on the floor and all types of shit. Ain’t no telling what type of foot fungus be on them nasty ass floors, so I—”

“Trevon.” She touched his shoulder. “You are not in prison no more, okay? And my shower ain’t got no fungus in it. My shit stay clean. You can take those thangs off ‘cause you ain’t getting up in here with me wearing them.”

Trevon looked down at his feet. She was right. Damn, I’m bugging. He slid his feet out of the shower shoes, then stepped into the shower with Kandi. Playfully, she turned her back toward him. “See anything you like?” she said, handing the soapy rag over her shoulder.

Trevon looked at her wide ass and small waist. Before he even had the time to admire her body, his dick grew hard and solid.

“I feel you do,” she said when she felt the tip of his dick poling against her ass. She inched backward causing his dick to slip up and settle into the soft crevice of her ass. “That feels real good.” She licked her lips, then reached down to rub her pussy as the shower sprayed onto her titties and belly. His dick was hot and throbbing against her ass.

Trevon grabbed his dick with one hand and teased her by sliding it up and down the length of her wet crack. Getting bold, he pushed the tip between her soft ass cheeks.

“I like that,” she said, opening her meaty pussy lips. “Mmmm.”

Trevon dropped the soapy rag, then reached around her to fondle her breasts. “Your ass so phat!” he said against the back of her neck.

Kandi knew she was in the wrong. Janelle told her about the plan to save Trevon’s first piece of pussy for the film. This nigga got me so open! I wanna fuck him so damn bad! He kept teasing her by sliding his dick up and down her ass.

Trevon lowered his mouth behind her ear and started kissing her there. She melted back into his body as his hand continued to tweak her nipples. His dick was now between her legs. She closed them, trapping his dick under her pussy and between her soft inner thighs. She reached back and circled an arm around his baldhead. She gasped and looked down to see his dick sliding between her thighs.

Trevon moaned against her neck when her hand gripped a few inches of his dick. He could feel her wet pussy on the top of his piece.

“Wait Daddy.” She panted. “We shouldn’t . . . be doing this.”

“I want you!” He squeezed her left breast.

“I want you too,” she whined.

Trevon released her and turned her around. “What’s up? You playing games with me now?”

“No.” She shook her head, looking down between his legs. “I know what Janelle told you about saving yourself for the film.”

He closed his eyes. This is some straight up bullshit! he shouted in his head.

Kandi wanted to help him out. She knew he wanted some pussy and her attraction to him was strong. Fuck this shit! she vented.

Trevon had to keep his cool. Just as he opened his eyes, he felt her hands rubbing and stroking his dick.

“Do you want to cum?” Kandi licked his chest before he spoke. “Janelle said she wanted to save your first piece of pussy for the film. But as for this—”

Trevon felt his breathing change as she leisurely lowered to a squat. Picking up the rag, she proceeded to wash him. She did it slowly, rubbing the fruit scented rag over his balls. His long dick sat on her shoulder. He ran his fingers through her hair as she began washing his shaft. Soaping up her hands, she took him to the edge by rubbing it up and down. Trevon gasped and moaned. Washing the soap off, she remained in her position. She looked up into his face with his dick in her grasp.

“Yes! Please suck my dick! Look at those lips. I hope I don’t cum too fast. Fuck it, I just want to cum! Trevon laid his eyes on hers as she brushed her closed lips over his tip. His slick pre-cum clung to the corner of her sweet, silken lips. She did it twice more, each time forcing more pre-cum to exit. Her eyes lowered to what she held. She licked her lips, tasting him. With the water pelting her back, she gripped his shaft causing his dick to swell.

“Welcome back to the free world,” she purred.

Trevon instantly rose up on his toes as Kandi licked the tip. She did it unhurried with all of her tongue. His hand flew to the towel rack for support as her wet mouth slid over his throbbing tip. He had truly forgotten how good it felt to have his dick touched and sucked. Kandi kept to her promise. She laid her hands on her knees, bobbing her lips over his dick with no hands.

“Ooohhh . . . please . . . d-d-don’t stop.” He tripped over his words as she sucked him.

She was focused. Sucking and humming. Of his nine-inches, she ate up seven. When his moans changed to a chorus, she moved her hands into the circle. Cupping and rubbing his balls while pumping his shaft had his knees shakey. She was in her zone now. Sucking and pumping and rubbing his balls all at once.

“Mmmmmmm,” she purred, making her tongue firm under his erection as it slid in and out of her mouth. She loved how the friction of his tight skin made her lips tingle. Above her, he was groaning and saying twisted words that she did not understand. In and out. In and out. Lick, kiss, in and out. In and out. Slow. Fast.

Trevon felt his neck roll. He could not hold back any longer. Kandi sensed what was about to happen. She lightly raked her nails over his balls.

“Ohhhh . . . Kandi . . . I’m gonna cum!” he panted. “Ooohhh shhhit!”

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