Nude Awakening (19 page)

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Authors: Victor L. Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nude Awakening
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Chyna pushed from the sink and walked up to Swagga. “Fuck me before you leave. Please,” Chyna pleaded, grabbing Swagga’s shirt.

Swagga tried to push Chyna’s hands away.

“Just one more time, Swagga,” Chyna pleaded. “Can’t nobody fuck me like you can.”

“Bitch, you buggin’.”

“Am I?” Chyna reached down and grabbed his dick. “Why is it hard? You been looking at my ass? I know you want to fuck me again. This time you won’t have to rush. Come on, baby. Fuck me tonight.” Chyna leaned in and slowly licked Swagga on his chin.

Cindy had to give Chyna an A plus in the game of seduction. She was hiding in the dark living room filming Swagga and Chyna. When she saw Chyna stroking Swagga’s dick, she knew Chyna would break him down. Look at this dumb ass nigga! LaToria sure as hell ain’t gonna want his gay ass back once she see’s this. Yeah, suck that dick, Chyna. Make his bitch ass moan like the bitch he is! She zoomed in on Chyna with the tiny palm-sized Hi-Def camcorder. The focus was on the maleness dangling between Chyna’s legs.








October 6, 2011

Thursday 4:30 p.m. - Miami, Florida


Five days later, life for Trevon was on a positive level. Yesterday, he was given the keys to his own two-bedroom apartment. It had a small fenced in yard, front and back, with all of the windows and doors barred. He would have to get used to the bars, but he knew it was needed in the neighborhood. Kendra had assisted him with getting the utilities turned on. She also sat with him and showed him how to pay the bills. Janelle had dropped by yesterday to check on him. She gave him a housewarming gift in the form of a $1,000 gift card from Target. She said she was happy for him and encouraged him to stay positive.

Last night he had fallen asleep at peace under a roof and in a bed he could call his own. The black and green fabric furniture was brand new along with the 52-inch plasma TV. He was not living the baller status, but he was far from being homeless. He was in the living room talking to his sister, Angie when there was a knock at his front door.

“Hey, sis, let me call you back, okay. Love you.” Trevon got up from the recliner and went to the door. Peeking through the blinds, he saw Kendra’s state owned Ford Taurus. He unlocked the door.

“Hey handsome,” she said. Smiling, she entered the air-conditioned apartment. She was dressed for work. On her cargo belt, she carried her weapon, cuffs, mace and two pairs of rubber gloves.

“You ain’t bring me nothing to eat?” he kidded with her.

Kendra laughed. “You better learn how to cook and stop hitting those fast food joints.” She nodded at the KFC box on the kitchen table.

“I’ll learn. So what’s up?” He sat back down on the recliner.

“Just dropped by to see how you’re doing. I have another guy on my case load that stays in this area. I’ll write this up as an official surprise visit, so no one else will try to give you a hard time.”


“I see you moved the furniture around again.” She stood in front of the TV looking around.

“It’s more roomy this way.”

She nodded. “Let me see your bedroom.” She smiled. “Gotta check for drugs and guns.”

“Yeah, right.” He grinned, getting back to his feet.

“You burning incense? Smells good in here.” She sniffed at the sweet scent while walking down the hallway behind him.

“Nah. Just rubbed some Muslim Oil on the air conditioner vents. A habit from prison.”

“I might have to try that.”

Trevon entered his bedroom coming to a stop at the foot of the bed.

“Nice,” Kendra said. “The color set we picked out looks good in—”

Her words were broken when a small black blur scampered out of the bathroom and under the bed. Kendra took a step back with a scared look on her face. A rat!

“Trevon, I think you have a rodent issue!”

Trevon shook his head. He squatted. “Rex. C’mere, boy!”

Kendra jumped when Trevon’s puppy darted out from under the bed.

“This is Rex.” Trevon stood up with the squirming puppy licking his chin.

“Awwww, he’s adorable. What kind of dog is it?” She reached over to rub the puppy on its shiny black coat.

“A bull mastiff. I just got him today at the mall.” Trevon placed Rex back on the floor. The puppy scampered off into the hallway.

“I’m really happy for you.” She sat on his bed. “I don’t want to see you back in prison.”

“That makes two of us.” He held up two fingers, sitting down beside her.

She smiled. “Have you broken this bed in yet?” She bounced up and down.

“I just moved in yesterday.”

“So.” She laughed. “Who’s your next door neighbor?”
Trevon shrugged. “Haven’t met them yet?”

“Just be careful, okay? I know you’re going to do you, but don’t get caught up with the wrong crowd. Doing porn—stick with it is all I can tell you.” She stood and looked at her watch, knowing she could not stay too long.

“I want to go see my sister up in North Carolina.”

Kendra stood up. “Let me think about it, okay?”

Trevon slid his hands down her waist.

“I can violate your parole for touching me like this, Mr. Harrison.” She grinned.

“Yeah, and if you do, who’s gonna tap this pussy like me?”

Kendra pushed his hands away, laughing. “Let me get out of here before I start tripping.”

Trevon stood up and grabbed ahold of her ass.

“I need a favor,” she said, rubbing his chest. “My baby’s father bought a new bed for my daughter and I want you to help me put it together.”


“Ummm, come by around nine o’clock. Can you make it?”


“And bring some swimming trunks. We can get in the pool when we’re done. If you want to.”

“Will I see you in a thong bikini?” He palmed her ass hard.

Kendra giggled. “If you’ll behave, I might swim naked.” She slid a hand down to grab his dick.

“I want a whole lot more of what you got between your legs.”

At the same time, LaToria and Jurnee were having a quiet meal at Scarpetta on Miami Beach.

“I made a mistake,” LaToria said, picking at her food with a worried look on her face.


“By getting back involved with Swagga. He’s been up under me ever since we got back from our trip.”

“Are you two fucking?”

LaToria lowered her eyes to the table. “Yes. But I haven’t done it with him in two days. He’s been calling me all day, but I won’t answer his calls.”

Jurnee took off her shades. “Why did you give him another chance?”

“I don’t know. But I sure as hell regret it.”

“Been thinking about Trevon?” Jurnee asked. “And don’t lie.”

“Day and night. I want him back.”

“Back? I thought you two were never together.”

“You know what I mean. I just—he got me so open, Jurnee. I’ve never felt like this toward no man. I—even told him about my past and stuff.”

“Everything?” Jurnee asked.

“I didn’t hold nothing back. I just felt so comfortable with him. And it ain’t just the dick.”

Jurnee held up her hand, grinning. “I didn’t say a word.”

LaToria dropped her spoon on the plate. “I miss him, too,” she pouted.

“Call him.”


“See, you’re acting stupid again. You say you want to be with him, but you won’t even call him! Seriously, how do you feel about him?”

“He’s special. What I feel—like I said before—I’ve never felt this way toward any nigga! I think about him in my dreams! I—”

“You’re in love, LaToria. Just come out and face it, okay?”

LaToria had no idea how to deal with matters of the heart. “What do I do?”

Jurnee looked across the table at her lover. She truly wanted to see LaToria happy. “Here’s what you’re going to do. Go and see him at his place. Talk to him and let him know you’re sorry for kicking him out. Then speak from your heart, girl. Just tell him the truth.”

Up in Fort Lauderdale, Swagga was getting pissed by not being able to reach Kandi. Sitting in the recording booth, his mobile phone rang. Thinking and hoping it was Kandi, he answered before the first ring ended.


“Hello, may I speak to Swagga?” The male’s voice was Caucasian with a country twang. He took the phone from his ear to look at the caller ID screen. The number was blocked.

“Dis Swagga! Who is this?” he said, trying to recognize the male voice.

“I can be a friend or I can make your life a living hell.”

“Fuck you! Suck my dick!” Swagga ended the call. He took off his platinum bracelet, then turned the bass up on the soundboard. Behind him, his phone rang again. This time it showed an incoming media message. There was a text message that read: Don’t do that again!

We know your secret. Want to keep it that way? View this clip and we’ll talk.



10/6/11 THUR 8:51 p.m.

Swagga quickly pulled up the video clip. His anger turned to shame when he saw himself fucking Chyna in the ass. The mobile phone rang in his hands. The number was blocked. He sat down on the bed. Taking a deep breath, he answered the call.

“How much you want?”

“Now, we’re talking?”

“Just tell me what you want and I’ll get it.”

“Here’s the deal. If you try to play me, I’ll crush you. Your secret will be on all of the websites from YOUTUBE to FACEBOOK. All of them!”

“Yo, I’m not gonna play you. Just tell me what you want, okay?”

“I want two million. That’s not too much for you to handle, now is it?”

“No, just talk to me. I’ll pay you the money.”

“You have twenty-four hours. Starting now. I want the money in this form. I want one million in hundreds. Half a million in fifties and the last half a million in twenties. Do I need to repeat it?”

“Nah, I got it. A mill in hundred, half in fifties and another half in twenties.”


“Yo, how will I know you won’t leak that film after I pay you?”

“That would be foolish. This two million is just the start. I’ll call you soon.”

Swagga lowered his head. How could this have happened? I got to pay this motherfucker! Swagga replayed the clip. By the unsteady frame, he knew someone had hid and filmed him with Chyna.

Bitch set me up!


Coral Gables, Florida


Stan, the concierge from Cindy’s condo ended the call with Swagga.

“See! I knew this would work!” Cindy stood behind Stan rubbing her hands up and down his bare chest. Stan no longer had to fantasize about fucking Cindy. He was given that pleasure only hours before Swagga showed up and kicked Cindy out.

“What about Trevon?” Chyna asked, sitting at the table with a plate of chicken and rice.

“He doesn’t have any money. He’s a nobody. But he sure as hell got some good dick!”

“I bet it was. Too bad I didn’t get my chance,” Chyna playfully pouted.

Cindy had come up with the plan to blackmail Swagga. She knew he would do anything to keep his new homosexual tendencies from the public. Serves his black ass right for kicking me to the curb!

“Think he’ll give us the money?” Chyna asked as Cindy sat down at the table.

“Positive!” Cindy replied. “His ass would’ve paid more, but this is just for starters.”

Chyna hoped Cindy knew what she was doing. All I want is my money to get this operation done. I’m not too in favor of all this blackmailing mess.

Back at Swagga’s mansion, Yaffa was finding it a challenge not to confront Swagga about Chyna. Until he had the true facts, he was ignoring all of Chyna’s phone calls. Swagga was down in the studio with his producer. Yaffa sat alone in the kitchen cleaning one of his handguns. His mind was working on why Swagga was being so secretive with dealing with Chyna. He was dropping oil into the barrel when Swagga came running down the hall and out of sight. Another set of feet followed him.

“Yo!” Yaffa jumped to his feet.

D-Hot slid to a halt, bending down with his hands on his knees.

“What the fuck is goin’ on?”

“Don’t know!” D-Hot panted hard out of breath. “He was in the booth. Got—got a phone call. Then he—he just snapped. Ran out of the studio. Something ain’t right.”

“Shit!” Yaffa patted his pockets for his keys. “Damn!” He snatched his .380 off the table. His keys to his SUV were in his bedroom. Yaffa was rushing past D-Hot when he motioned him to stop.


“Swagga. He had a gun in his hand.”

“Muthafuck!” Yaffa moved as fast as he could toward the garage. He was slowed down by having to punch in the security code to enter the garage. Once inside, he headed straight for Swagga’s candy orange Audi R8 GT. Bringing the 560 horses to life with a twist of the key made a racy rumble. As the garage door slowly slid up, Yaffa pulled out his cell phone. Working quickly, he pulled up the GPS tracking app to find out where Swagga’s Bentley GT was heading. Once it showed up on the screen, he tossed the phone aside then put the Audi in gear. Smoke billowed from the rear tires, but Yaffa locked the brakes when he pulled up beside his Lexus. Jumping out, he ran around his SUV and yanked the door open. He hit a hidden switch under the dash and a concealed floor panel flipped over in the back of the Lexus. Slamming the door, he rushed to the rear door and reached inside the stash spot, pulling out a deadly looking weapon with considerable length and power.

Back inside the Audi, he looked at his phone and saw the icon for Swagga’s Bentley heading south on I-95. Revving the RPMs he smoked the rear tires with hopes that he could catch up with Swagga.

Swagga manhandled the Bentley GT, weaving past cars at triple digit speeds. Anger was pushing him to react. He could not let his secret get out about Chyna. Glancing down at the indigo blue speedometer, he saw the needle sitting on 150 mph. Racing toward Coral Gables, he was tempted to push the ride up to its top speed of 200 mph.

All this bullshit over that sucka ass nigga Trevon! With no set plan, he slowed to 88 mph. He knew he would get arrested if he was caught speeding and carrying a gun. He picked up the Glock 19, thinking deeply if he would have the heart to use it.




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