Nude Awakening (2 page)

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Authors: Victor L. Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nude Awakening
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“Do you have any regrets about doing porn?”

“Nope,” she said, glancing at her watch. “I’ll share this with you. Many men have high hopes of being a porn star. It’s not an easy job. If you think it’s all about getting your dick hard and ramming it in and out of a willing female, then you’ll be in for a big surprise. You’ll have to act. You’ll have to sell yourself to the camera. Think you can stop in mid-stroke of the director’s cue? Think you’ll be able to get hard in a room with ten or more faces focused on you? I’m not trying to discourage you. I’m just telling you the true facts of this business.”

“I guess I have much to learn.”

“Just be willing to learn and listen and you’ll go far in this business. You can trust me on that.” Jurnee winked.

“Okay, since you know everything that goes on in this business, what can you tell me to keep in my mind as a golden rule?”

“A golden rule you ask?” She thought for a minute.

“One that you hold the closest.”

“This is all assuming you’ll be signed to Amatory, right?”

“Call it positive thinking,” he said, grinning.

“Well.” She smiled. “If you’re signed, I’ll tell you my golden rule. But right now, I need to get you up to see the boss lady.”

“What do I call her? Janelle or Ms. Babin?”

“Ms. Babin. And with her, it would be a good idea too.”

“Can I keep this?” He stood up with the magazine.

“Sure.” Jurnee winked as he tucked it under his arm. “You can leave that here and come back and get it after your interview, okay?”

Walking down the hall toward the elevator, he enjoyed the backshot. Her ass was soft looking, making him want to squeeze it. The temptation was strong, but Trevon was able to beat it. Reaching the elevator, she boldly reached up to fix his collar. He had no choice but to gaze at her breasts. She showed no protest as he looked.

“There.” She smiled. “Perfect.”

“Thanks,” he muttered, wishing he could spend more time with her.

“Okay. This is where we part. When you get up to Janelle’s floor, just step over to the receptionist desk and she’ll take care of you. And be yourself, okay?”

“I will,” he said as the elevator doors parted.

She took a step back and waved playfully as the doors slid shut. Pulling out her Smartphone, she made a quick call to the receptionist on Janelle’s floor.

“Ruby. Hi, this is Jurnee. If you see Kandi up there tell her to come to my office. It’s urgent.”






“Ms. Babin. Your eleven o’clock interview is here.”

“Thank you,” Janelle said, turning her radio off. “Go ahead and send him in.”

“He’s sexy!” the receptionist, Ruby said through the wireless intercom.

“Don’t let me check his pockets and find your phone number,” Janelle joked.

“Oh, I wish, but my husband would kill me.”

“I hear you. But if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to work.” Janelle pressed the OFF button then tapped a secret key on the keyboard to disengage the lock on the door. It silently popped open on its own. She rose to her feet, tugging at the hem of her white tailored Michael Kors tuxedo jacket. A picturesque smile formed on her dark brown face when Trevon eased inside her office. So far, she was feeling his first impression.

“Come in and have a seat.” She motioned toward a purple leather chair placed in front of her desk. Her light hazel eyes did a quick scan of him from head to toe. Personally, she preferred her men to have hair, but with Trevon, the baldhead suited him.

Trevon sat down. Immediately, he was put off his square by her beauty. Straight, jet-black shoulder length hair, and her flawless dark brown skin without a heavy mask of makeup. The linen pantsuit formed noticeable taut lines over every curve of her body. Diamond stick earrings laced her ears. Janelle Babin was drop dead beautiful.

“Welcome to Amatory Erotic Films,” she greeted him as she walked around the desk with her hand held out. Her presence had Trevon at a loss for words. “I’m so glad you could make it.” She shook his hand. “How are you doing?”

“Fine.” He sat down, eyeing her tight frame as she strolled back around her desk. Her office was twice the size of Jurnee’s. Ornate leather sofas lined both sides of the office. The walls were olive green with numerous framed pictures on the wall. To his left were twenty framed cover arts for films Amatory had produced. Six of them showed Jurnee as the star actress.

“So, we finally meet,” she said enthusiastically. “When you first wrote me two years ago, I had strong doubts that I would ever meet you. I’m glad you stayed in touch with us.”

He cleared his throat. “I, too, want to thank you for giving me this interview, Ms. Babin. I’m still surprised that my letter was even answered in the first place.”

“Oh, we had our doubts, Mr. Harrison. You won’t believe the amount of mail we get from guys locked up. Some want to venture into the business and the rest merely seek to be a pen pal with some of my actresses they have seen in a magazine. Like I just said, you were not the only one to write about doing porn, and I’ll go ahead and tell you what sets you apart. Those pictures you sent with your shirt off caused a few of my actresses to act crazy. I had one girl saying how she would like to lick every part of your body until her taste buds got numb.

“You have two of the three assets that I look for in men that I hire. First, you are extremely handsome. Two, your body! Those years of pumping iron has really paid off for you. And last, we will have to find out at another time.” She smiled, looking down toward his crotch.

“I have your blood test and I’m happy to see there are no signs of any STDs. Now, tell me this. Have you had sex since you’ve been out?”

“No such luck,” he said, forcing himself to relax at the level of her blunt talk.

“What about masturbation?” she asked with a straight face.

Trevon shifted in the chair.

“Nothing to be ashamed of, Mr. Harrison. Hell, I had to break myself off twice last night just to go to bed.”

Trevon pictured the vivid erotic sight of her playing in her pussy. Rubbing his baldhead, he admitted that he had jacked off two days ago.

Janelle smiled. “Women view men such as yourself as a rare stone. You’re like a virgin. Fifteen years is a long time to go without sex. Just that fact alone would be a strong marketing tool. My vision is to capture your very first sexual act on film!”

Trevon leaned forward as his heart rate sped up. “You’re giving me the position?”

She wagged her finger. “Rule number one. Patience is a must. If we can reach an agreement, I can set the filming to begin within two weeks. There will be legal items that need to be taken care of and they can’t be passed over. Remember, above all else, this is a business, okay? Here at Amatory, all of our filmed scenes are done practicing safe sex.” She allowed her words to sink in before she continued. “I do have a few questions I would like to ask you.” She turned toward the keyboard then adjusted the flat widescreen monitor.

“First question. Have you ever had any sexual relations with a member of the same sex?”

“Nope, and I’m not going to start.” He frowned.

“Just routine questions, Mr. Harrison. No need to take it personal,” she said easily.

“My bad.”

“It’s all good. But let’s move on. Okay, have you ever had sex filmed? Any homemade sex tapes?”


She nodded while typing. “Have you ever had anal sex with a female?”


“Really?” She paused.

“I’m telling the truth.” He shrugged.

“Okay, what about a threesome?”

“I can only wish.”

“How about you and another guy with one female?”

“Um . . . I ran a train on a few girls. But I never did it with another man in the same bed, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

“That’s what I was getting at,” she said, grinning. “How do you feel about double penetration?”

“Well um, like I said, I never did it, but I’ve seen a few pictures and read about the experience.”


“I won’t knock it, so I’m game to try it . . . and anal sex.”

“Good answer,” she said, sitting back and crossing her arms. “How do you feel about eating pussy?”

“I can hold my own.”

“I hope so. If not, you’ll learn.”

“I’m open to learning all that I can,” he said, feeling pre-cum seeping from his dick. Talking about sex with her fine ass was messing with his head.

“Did you know a woman can climax from anal sex if it’s done right?” She was speaking from experience, not hearsay.


She nodded yes. “Sexually, I see that you are behind when it comes to the knowledge of sex. No need to feel bad. I’m sure you won’t mind being taught.”

He was about to respond, but her iPhone rang.

“Hold that thought for one moment.” She answered the call and surprised him by switching flawlessly to Spanish. He had no other option but to admire her sexy looks. The suckable glossy lips. Perfect straight white teeth and in Trevon’s view, she sorta favored the singer Keri Hilson. He was caught looking at the outline of her titties when she ended the call.

“Sorry about that, but I have to go meet my lawyer.” She took another scan of him, getting a closer look at his clothes. None of the items were up to her standards.

“Is everything okay?” he asked.

“Yes. But I’ll need to finish this interview at another time.”

Trevon could not mask the disappointment on his face.

“How did you get here?” she asked.

“A cab. I don’t have a car yet.”

She bit her bottom lip, pondering. Making up her mind a few seconds later, she pressed the TALK button to speak to her receptionist.

“Could you please send Kandi up to my office now?”

“I’m on it,” Ruby said in return.

“Thank you.” Janelle then turned her attention back to Trevon. “I’m terribly sorry about this.” She sounded sincere.

“Will you be setting another interview for me?” He hoped she would.

“Sure. In fact, I’ll make sure to tell Jurnee to reschedule my itinerary to fit you in at the soonest. Are you free for the rest of the day?” she asked.

“Me? Yeah.”

“Well, if you’re up to it, I have a surprise for you.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’m throwing a party at my place tonight and I’d like you to attend.”

Trevon looked down at his cheap clothes. “I’ll need to change because—”

“I’ll take care of that—” She paused. “If you’ll allow me. It’s part of my surprise. Just accept it as a welcome home gift.”

“And the interview?”

“Patience,” she reminded him.

“I’m working on it.” He smiled. Building up the courage, he asked her how she earned her position.

“Hard work, foremost,” she said, turning her computer off. “I used to be a fashion model a few years ago. My ex-boyfriend released one of our personal sex tapes and it ruined my career. Instead of denying the tape, I decided to capitalize off it once I saw how the tape was selling. This company was formed off that tape and two more that I starred in and produced myself.”

Trevon envied the lucky men who had fucked her in front of the camera.

“In case you’re wondering—” She smiled. “I do all of my work from behind this desk and behind the camera.”

“Ms. Babin,” the receptionist broke in over the intercom. “Kandi is on her way up.”

“Thank you,” Janelle replied. “Before I forget. Can you alert the guards that I’ll be leaving soon and to make sure that nobody is blocking my car in?”

“I’ll call them now,” Ruby replied.

“Thank you.”

Janelle walked to the door to unlock it since her computer was shut down. “I want you to meet someone.” She unlocked the door, then headed back behind her desk.

Trevon turned in the seat just as the door was pushed open. He rose to his feet when he laid his eyes on Kandi.

“Trevon, I’d like to introduce you to Kandi.”

Trevon was again at a loss for words. Kandi entered the office in a pair of blue ice pick heels and skin-tight black spandex Capri pants. The loose blue Jersey shirt draped over her large breasts and exposed her flat belly and pierced navel. He was unable to pull his eyes away from the size of her hips and ass. Dark golden ringlets reached the middle of her back. Her pouty lips were coated with a nude
pink colored gloss that looked wet. Along with her lust-enticing frame, she had a major element that ensnared him. She was a redbone sistah. Her thighs, ass and hips stretched the spandex to its limit. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of tinted designer shades. Trevon rubbed his face to get himself together, no doubt, deeply embarrassed.

Janelle paid close attention to their chemistry. “I need a favor, Kandi,” she said. “Could you please take Trevon to see Larese? He’ll be expecting the visit.”

“Now?” Kandi asked.


“Yeah, I can do it,” Kandi said, brushing a piece of lint off her wide baby-making hips.

“Good and be sure to give me a call when you’re done,” Janelle added and escorted them out of her office.

Out in the hall, Trevon followed the two women toward the waiting elevator. They rode down to the main floor. The women were engaged in their own conversation, leaving Trevon to his thoughts. He second-guessed himself, thinking this environment was out of his league. He was led out through the back door where a black security guard met them. The guard nodded at Janelle and Kandi as they strolled by. Trevon followed in the wake of Janelle and Kandi’s sweet-smelling fragrances. They were still chatting to each other when they stepped out of the building.

Trevon took a few steps then stopped. Squinting from the sun, he laid his eyes on the row of expensive cars and SUVs lined up. For the first time in his life he trained his gaze on an Oregon yellow Lamborghini Aventador. Trevon had seen the new beast in magazines and knew the price tag for the flagship Lambo sat in the range of $380,000. He looked at Janelle in awe when she came to a stop in front of the vehicle. By remote, the driver’s side scissor door slowly raised.

“You’re in good hands with Kandi,” Janelle said before pulling out the key for her ride. Keying the alarm, she waved Kandi and Trevon goodbye, then slid into her car.

Trevon watched her rolling off on chrome with the system bumping “Pieces of Me” by Ledisi. Shit seemed surreal to be around business-minded women pushing three hundred thousand dollar cars. He was so caught up in Janelle that he had forgotten all about Kandi. She regained his attention by calling out his name. Turning, he found her stepping into a diamond black Escalade riding on chrome 28’s. The sun glinted on the chrome mesh grill and rims.

“Ready to go?” She watched him closely as he moved to the passenger side.

Inside the Escalade, Trevon settled in the tan leather seat as Kandi slid off her shades, revealing natural green eyes.

“I like black,” she said out of the blue. “It’s my favorite color . . . and my favorite flavor if you know what I mean.”

Trevon looked at her as she drove toward the gated exit.

“You really did fifteen years in prison?” she asked openly.

“Day for day,” he said, hoping she would not press him to speak about his time in prison. He was having a hard time dealing with his nightmares that kept him up at night. He assumed it was normal since he was fresh out of the joint. Having to discuss it during his awake time was punishment.

Kandi sensed the uneasiness in his reply, so she changed the subject. “I know Janelle is real picky of the men she hires. I see you got the looks and the body.” She paused and smiled at him as she slowed down for a red light. “How big is your dick?”

Trevon looked away, grinning and shaking his head at her blunt candor. “Big enough,” he said. He quickly glanced away out of habit. It was hard on him and he tried to be normal, to act like it was all good. Even now, he was rubbing his wrist. It seemed like he was in the wrong to not be in cuffs and chains. Prison had forced him to be cautious around new faces, but he was finding it hard to place any judgment on Kandi. His weakness would always be a female. Rubbing his face, he tried to relax. He wanted to fit in. He needed to do this to survive in the free world.

Pulling from the light as it turned green, Kandi reached over to rub his knee. “Why are you so tense?” She smiled. “I hope you’re not nervous being around me?”

“Nah, just trying to take things all in.”

“Don’t try too hard, okay? If you do get signed, you’ll be with a good company because Janelle knows what she is doing.”

“How long have you been with Amatory?”

“Four years. I did my first amateur film when I was twenty. I’m twenty-four now and I do enjoy what I do for a living. Maybe one day we can hook up.” She squeezed his knee, then placed both hands on the steering wheel. By voice command, she filled the SUV with music. They found their first common link when the hit by Rick Ross “Aston Martin Music” flowed through the system. Kandi loved hip-hop. She was feisty and hated when things did not go her way. In order for her to make it in this industry, she had to grow some balls of her own. She was a freak on and off the screen, but moved as a true DIVA. She loved looking fly, feeling fly and like her ex-rapper boyfriend once told her, “Stay on your swag.” That was the only advice she took from him. Kandi was over him and did not fuck with him in any form.

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