Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (7 page)

BOOK: Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution
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So if you look around the Christian faith, you won’t find many of those proud people who are puffed up in their own “fleshly” wisdom. So the wisest of atheists isn’t wiser than the dumbest of Christians. Rather, according to the Bible, he or she is a fool (see Psalm 14:1).

Also on the list was a reference to Jephthah, saying that he sacrificed his daughter. Somehow my atheist friend (and he is a friend) thought that, just because the Bible related the incident, God was somehow condoning it. He looked a little taken back when I told him that Jephthah was lacking a little in intellectual capacity. What he did was stupid.

The Scriptures are given to us for our instruction. We can learn life lessons from all the stupid things that men and women did in the Bible.


The Scriptures are given to us for our instruction. We can learn life lessons from all the stupid things that men and women did in the Bible. Noah became drunk and shamed himself. Saul became jealous and destroyed his life. Judas was a hypocrite and ended up killing himself. Peter slept when he should have been in prayer and denied his Lord. David let lust into his heart and committed adultery then murder. These incidents were written for our admonition and we can either humbly learn from them or proudly walk down the same tragic path. The choice is ours.

Do you know what I am trying to communicate with you? It’s that you have a deadly, terminal, terrible disease called “sin,” and that will be the death of you. I know that you don’t believe that. You truly think that you are healthy when you are not. Time will show you the truth of what I am saying, if you let it.

So you tell the good doctor not to mention the symptoms of the disease because they are not pleasant. You would rather he says “ear-tickling” words to his patient.

Any doctor worth his salt will tell you the truth. He will even stick a sharp and painful needle into your wound if he thinks that it will save you from a terrible death. What you see as disparagement is in truth a love and concern for your eternal salvation. You may not see that today, but one day you may. That’s my hope.

My mission as a Christian is to tell you what you don’t want to hear—the truth that you have sinned against God and that the Bible says, “We are all as an unclean thing, and our righteousnesses (the best we can offer God) are as filthy rags.” This is good news, because it means that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves from death, but turn to Him who will save us, because of the cross.

I don’t want you to adopt my worldview. I just want you to be saved from death and Hell. Nothing else.


skeptics have pointed to the fact that the dinosaur existed as proof that God doesn’t. They think that the Scriptures are silent on the subject, but, in what is said to be the oldest book of the Bible, God Himself speaks and talks about an amazing and massive creature.

Look closely at this portion of Scripture from Job 40:15-24 and visualize the creature being described:

Verse 15: “Behold now behemoth.…” Some commentators have in the past believed that the “behemoth” is a reference to a hippopotamus. With due respect, that is ridiculous. This creature moves his tail “like a cedar.” A hippopotamus doesn’t have a tail that is like a large tree (see verse 17). It’s more like a small twig.

Verse 15: “[W]hich I made with you; he eats grass as an ox.”

What Did Dinosaurs Eat? “Although some fans of carnivorous ‘Tyrannosaurus rex’ and ‘Velociraptor’ may find it a bit disappointing—the vast majority of dinosaurs were plant-eaters. Most plant-eating dinosaurs had peg-like or broad, flat teeth designed for snipping or stripping vegetation.”

Verse 16: “Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.” Study the structure of the dinosaur and you will see that its strength is in its huge leg and hip muscles (its loins).

Verse 17: “He moves his tail like a cedar….” A cedar is a massive tree. Skeptics, in an effort to discredit Scripture, have maintained that this is not a reference to an actual tail. However, the Hebrew word translated “tail” is
(Strong’s 02180). In the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) the Greek word used here is
. This is the Greek word for “tail.”

Verse 17: “[T]he sinews of his stones are wrapped together.” “The word ‘armor’ is used to describe the hard, bony shell that some dinosaurs were covered with, rather like a crocodile’s scaly skin or a tortoise’s shell. Some of the best-protected dinosaurs were the plant-eating (herbivorous) ankylosauruses. A paleontologist called Torsten Scheyer from the University of Bonn has been looking at ankylosaurus fossils under a very strong microscope. He’s been able to work out exactly how the armor was made and how strong it would have been. Torsten found that one type of ankylosaurus armor was made in exactly the same way as the materials for bullet-proof vests are made nowadays.”

Verse 18: “His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.” “Interesting facts about dinosaur bones include its complexity as a skeletal network. Since dinosaurs are large creatures, their bones must be strong in order to support its massive weight and size” ( “Just one of Argentinosaurus’s vertebrae was over four feet thick!” (

Verse 19: “He is the chief of the ways of God.…” This is the largest creature that God made: “The biggest dinosaur is probably ultrasauros. We only have a few bones of this late Jurassic [dated by evolutionists at 140 million years ago] plant-eater from
Colorado but they show an animal that was six stories high and may have weighed more than 50 tons” (

Verse 19: “He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.” “Although this mass extinction didn’t happen literally overnight, in evolutionary terms, it may as well have—within a few thousand years of whatever catastrophe caused their demise, the dinosaurs had been wiped off the face of the earth.”

It is no mystery as to why the dinosaur disappeared. The dinosaur’s Creator made his sword to approach him. Verse 20-23: “Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lies under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he drinks up a river, and hastens not: he trusts that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.”

Verse 24: “He takes it with his eyes: his nose pierces through snares.” This, the biggest creature God ever made, was so tall its nose broke through tree branches: “Although paleontologists claim to have found bigger dinosaurs, Argentinosaurus is the biggest sauropod (four-footed herbivorous dinosaur) whose size is backed up by convincing evidence. This plant-muncher (named after Argentina, where its remains were found) measured about 120 feet from head to tail and weighed over 100 tons.”

What more evidence could any skeptic want that the Bible is inspired by God? Don’t believe all the absurdity that skeptics say about bats not being birds, other untruths such as the Bible saying that the world is flat, and the mockery of Israel’s judicial system. Every one of these many weak arguments has rational explanations for those who are prepared to soften their hearts and listen. There is too much at stake for the skeptic to embrace small-minded arguments as though they were the gospel truth.

The Bible proves itself to be the Word of God, not just because of its scientific, prophetic, and historically accurate facts, but because it points to Him who is knowable and grants everlasting life to all who trust in the Savior. It is the fact that God manifests Himself (see John 14:21) to all who call upon His name that is the ultimate proof of the truth of His Word.


After reading what I had said about the Scriptures speaking of the dinosaur, someone said:

We started out okay. Sort of. Ray even provided citations. Sort of. That could be a first. But then we got to Verse 19: “He is the chief of the ways of God…” This confirms that the dinosaur (or some dinosaur, anyway) was the largest creature that God made??? Really, that’s what that verse means??? By the way, the Blue Whale is the largest. Goodness sakes, I knew that when I was in 4th grade.


Unfortunately, the fourth grade teacher was wrong:

The Whale: “Blues whales are so big they are the biggest creature ever to have lived on earth—even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs! [They are wrong about this. See the below quote about how dinosaurs are bigger]. The largest whale ever measured was a female weighing 171,000 kgs and measuring over 90 ft. The longest whale measured in at over 110ft.”

The Dinosaur: “This plant-muncher (named after Argentina, where its remains were found) measured about 120 feet from head to tail and weighed over 100 tons.”


Don’t believe everything your teacher tells you. Especially when it comes to the unscientific theory of evolution. Keep in
mind that Albert Einstein said: “In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views.”

I care what Einstein liked (and believed) because his name epitomizes intelligence. It is synonymous with the word “genius.” Atheists say that intelligent design isn’t intelligent and that anyone who believes that God exists hates science. So, although Albert Einstein’s view of God is different than mine (he didn’t believe in a
God), it is pleasing to me that he humbly acknowledged the One who gave him life. He was no fool.

I have a little in common with Einstein. We are both Jewish. We both immigrated to the United States. We both believe that we were intelligently designed by God.


I have a little in common with Einstein. We are both Jewish. We both immigrated to the United States. We both believe that we were intelligently designed by God. We are both regularly misquoted by atheists. We both have moustaches. We both kept our hair, and mine has been known to look like his after a restless night’s sleep.

Many times I have been told that I look like Albert Einstein. A few years ago when I was in Phoenix airport boarding a flight to Los Angeles, I gave million-dollar-bill tracts to four Muslim women and a little girl who was traveling with them. They were grateful, and told me that I looked like Einstein.

As they passed me on the plane, I heard them say, “There’s Einstein.” I have to say, it puffed me up a little, to think that they perceived an intellectual likeness. When we landed in Los Angeles,
the little girl walked passed my seat and said in a friendly (and loud) voice “Goodbye, Frankenstein.”

A friend even wrote a song about me, in which there was the line: “When you see a man riding a boy’s bike; when you see an Einstein look-alike…”

There’s only one thing in which I believe I trump the man. In 1982 I found something in the Scriptures that is infinitely more important and has far greater repercussions than the Theory of Relativity. So I think I have more in common with the great genius than most. One other thing: Intellectually, I’m not worthy to wash his socks. But I guess you already figured that. He also said:

I’m not an atheist and I don’t think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.”


accepted that the natural phenomenon of evolution had no end in mind when it created all living things. So it was fortunate for us that gravity just happened to be around to stop everything from spinning into space. But if evolution had nothing to do with gravity, who or what created it? “Chance” or “accident” is too big a leap of blind faith for me. The evolutionist’s version of “just believe” isn’t good enough. I want verifiable, scientific facts.

And while we are looking for facts, I would like evolutionists to explain to me where the other laws that govern the universe came from: i.e., the laws of thermodynamics, of motion, of heat. Why don’t we see chaos everywhere instead of order?

Of course the “scientific” answer will be “We don’t yet know where they came from, but one thing we are sure of, God didn’t create them.”

It was Newton’s law of gravitation that showed science that the gravitational constant is in direct proportion to the product
of the masses divided by the square of the distance apart. However, that doesn’t explain the nature of gravity. Despite its mystery, the brilliant Newton attributed gravity’s origin to the genius of Almighty God. So do I.

When Ben Stein
was asked why he hosted the movie
, he said:

Well, if there’s no intelligent design, where did gravity come from? Where did thermodynamics come from? Where did the laws of motion and mechanics and fluid motion come from?…I could easily see evolution in species, but where did the great laws of the universe and of movement, the governing universe come from? And I thought, well, that’s a really good question and yet, if you even ask that question, you can be disciplined in the academic setting.

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