Read Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution Online
Authors: Ray Comfort
Tags: #Chrisitian
My wife and I watched an old black-and-white version of Charles Dickens’s
A Tale of Two Cities
, and I was moved to a point of tears. The story is set during the French Revolution and is about
a young lawyer named Sydney Carton who loses the woman he loves to another man. Through a series of circumstances the woman’s husband is awaiting the
, and the lawyer gets into the prison, takes his place, and is executed, leaving the husband to go free and be with the one he loves.
Sadly, the movie dropped the fact that the hero was converted to Christianity during the last few days of his life, repeating the words of Jesus, “I am the resurrection and the life.” In fact, resurrection is the dominant theme of the final part of the novel, but not in the movie. The husband is rescued at the last moment and recalled to life; Carton chooses death and resurrection to a life better than that which he has ever known.
What brought me to tears was the secret plan the hero contrived—to give his life for another. Such nobility is rare among humanity. It is the ultimate gift that we can give to another. No greater love has a man than this—that he should lay down his life for his friends.
“The existence of language is one of the many phenomena—of which love and music are the two strongest—which suggest that human beings are very much more than collections of meat.”
Sadly, many see the suffering death of Jesus as simply an example of how we should live. We should live and die as Jesus lived and died—sacrificially. Yet His sinless life reveals how far we fall short of what we should be and in His suffering He was taking the punishment that we deserve. This was something I never understood until I saw my sin in its true light. Calvary is God’s offer of mercy to guilty criminals, and that offer is meaningless until we see our guilt.
once wrote: “I never said we were unreasoning animals; I said we were animals. If you deny that we are then you need to go take a basic science course.” This statement reveals why the believer in the theory of evolution often has the convictions of a religious zealot. It also reveals why those who don’t believe as they do are seen as ignorant knuckle-draggers. If evolution is true, then man is simply an animal. That means he is free to embark on his sexual prowls, because it is nothing but a basic instinct to do so. It’s his procreative nature to fornicate, and therefore not a sin. For the atheist, understandably from his point of view, this is a hill to die on.
As one evolutionist said:
We are humans, yes, we are apes too. What you seem to ignore is that classifications need levels of categories. For instance, chimps are chimps, just like humans are humans, and we both are apes (higher order of classification). The
ape equation, we being animals too, is a natural conclusion, nothing to do with being “sinners.”
Evolution swings open a door for the evolutionist to do whatever he pleases, as long as what he does is within the bounds of a civil law he is ever expanding to accommodate his lower desires.
If man is an animal, he can justify homosexuality and even bestiality, because “other” animals do it. To him, evolution is a license to act like an animal.
The dictionary says that an animal is “any such living thing other than a human being.” The word
means “lowly” or “frail,” while
means that we are aware of our existence. We are unique among God’s creation in that we are not only morally responsible, but we are aware that we are going to die.
There is a basic instinct within all sane human beings that wants to live. So, let me concede slightly and let you call that desire “an animal instinct.” So let’s then obey our basic instinct—turn from our sins, trust in Jesus Christ, and God will make us fit to survive on the Day of Judgment.
I have spoken to countless atheists, and when pressed about the beginning, they say that they don’t know the initial cause...but they choose to believe that it definitely wasn’t God.
The Bible says that the atheist is blind (see 2 Corinthians 4:3-4). What does that mean? To answer that, let me address the above question. The statement “There is no God” is an
statement. For an absolute statement to be true, we need absolute knowledge. If I said, “There is no gold in China,” I need
knowledge that there is no gold in China. I need to know what’s in every riverbed, in every rock, etc., because if there is one ounce
of gold in China, my statement is false. However, I simply need to have seen a Chinese person in China yawn and see his gold tooth to know that there is gold in China.
“There is no God” is an absolute statement and can be said only by someone who possesses omniscience (all knowledge). The best a professing atheist can say is, “With the limited knowledge I have at present, I believe that there is no God, but I really don’t know.” The Christian, however, can know that God exists because he doesn’t need all knowledge. He simply has to come to know Him experientially (an experience commonly known as “conversion”).
If the professing atheist could see that the Christian doesn’t “believe” in God, the argument about His existence would be over. I used to “believe” in God before my conversion. I looked at creation and believed that “in the beginning” there was a Creator because
told me that creation could not create itself.
If it didn’t exist before it came into being, how could it create itself?
It had to have come about by an eternal force, commonly known as “God.”
I have spoken to countless atheists, and when pressed about the beginning, they say that they don’t know the initial cause. They don’t know, but they choose to believe that it definitely wasn’t God. That’s their choice.
However, the key word in this argument is the word “faith.” gives nine meanings for the word. Here is one: “Christian Theology. The trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.” This is a “trust,” as opposed to an intellectual “belief.”
There is an analogy that clearly pulls this together. I can intellectually “believe” that a parachute will save me, but if I don’t put it on, my faith is dead. The parachute won’t help me at all. However,
if I trust it (put it on), then it becomes beneficial. It saves me from the consequences of a ten-thousand-foot fall.
In the same way, I can intellectually believe in God’s existence, but that type of faith won’t benefit me at all. To be saved I have to
in the person of Jesus Christ as my Savior. I have to, as the Bible says, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” When I come to know the Lord, the argument about His existence is over.
But watch what comes back from professing atheists. They can’t see the absolute simplicity of the issue. The Bible is so right. Atheists are blind, and this blindness is willful. They cannot see because they don’t want to see.
“What do I mean when I express the hope that my ethical code is better than that espoused by the religious? I mean that I hope my ethics have the practical results of causing less harm to life and liberty, and dealing justice as humanely as possible, than any ethical teachings of any church.”
The Christian’s eternal salvation (the fact that he has eternal life) has got nothing to do with his being “good” or having an ethical code. If a criminal is shown mercy by a good judge and his case is dismissed, it wasn’t dismissed on the basis of the criminal’s goodness or his standard of ethics. It was entirely on the basis of the goodness of the
. The sinner (a criminal in God’s eyes) has his case dismissed (has his sins forgiven) because of God’s goodness, not because of anything he has done.
Then, if the criminal has truly seen the kindness of the judge, he will leave his unlawful life behind him. This is done entirely out of appreciation for the judge’s goodness in dismissing his case. That is the gospel in a nutshell. I was guilty of violating God’s Law—which says that He sees lust as adultery, hatred as
murder. His ethical standards are so high, lying lips are an “abomination” (extremely detestable) to Him. Yet His amazing grace (mercy) dismissed the case of a wretch like me.
I now live an ethical life out of an appreciation for mercy. This ethical life may or may not be as ethical as that of an atheist, but that will have no bearing at all on Judgment Day. God will judge the world in perfect righteousness, and only those who have called upon His mercy will be saved from His terrible justice.
It was Sir Isaac Newton who said: “I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily. Opposition to godliness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors.”
Still, there are atheists who do have legitimate difficulties. One wrote: “What does the Bible have to say about the countless people who, through zero fault of their own, never hear the word of God? Do they go to Heaven or Hell?”
Those who have never heard the good news of the Gospel will go to Heaven,
if they have never sinned
. However, if they have ever lied, stolen, committed adultery, been covetous, had sex outside of marriage, looked with lust, hated anyone, been unthankful to God, committed homosexual acts, murdered, blasphemed, failed to love their neighbor as themselves, or failed to love the One who gave them life with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength, etc., then they will end up in Hell. God will give them justice.
The problem is they have sinned (all of us have), and so they
need God’s mercy. So, as Christians, we have a tremendous moral obligation to make sure that they are warned of their danger before they die (see Ezekiel 33:8, Romans 10:14-15). We must plead with those that the Bible calls “unsaved” to come to their senses. We should be as the disciples who, when they
were threatened for preaching the Gospel, said, “We cannot but speak the things we have seen and heard.”
Fortunately, you are not one of those who have never heard. You know that Jesus suffered and died for you. He paid your fine in His life’s blood so that you could leave the Courtroom. That means that God can legally dismiss your case. Now, because of the suffering death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God can allow you to live and escape the damnation of Hell. What you must do to receive that mercy is repent and trust Him. Once you do that, you can take the Gospel to those for whom you are so concerned.
Another asked:
Had any of you been born in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, etc, there is nearly a 100 percent chance that you would be Muslim, and no amount of free will given to you from Jesus would prevent that. You would be doomed to Hell strictly because your parents lived in the wrong country. Think about that the next time you picture your God as all-loving and merciful. If He exists like you say He does, He is allowing millions of souls to go to Hell because they were born into a nation that does not believe in Him. How do you justify this?
God is not all-loving and merciful. To say that that is the sole makeup of His character is to create an idol. That god doesn’t exist except in the minds of those that conceive Him to be like that. The God of the Bible is holy, righteous, full of justice and truth, as well as love and mercy.
The Law of God is the key to understanding the dealings of God with humanity. The Moral Law (the Ten Commandments) shows us that God is morally perfect, and because of His love of justice, He must by nature punish wrongdoing. If a man murders,
justice must be done. If a man rapes, steals, commits adultery, lies, covets, etc., God’s justice hovers over him. Once the Law comes into the equation it shows us that He owes humanity nothing but justice. He has no obligation to bless us with health or save us from death. All that comes by His mercy, something that doesn’t come because we deserve it but because God is merciful.
So, if God sees fit to save someone in America, He does so because of His goodness. If He saves someone in Iraq, India, China, or Japan, He does so because He is good, and He reveals His goodness by sending missionaries to those countries so that they will hear the Gospel. Some countries forbid Christian missionaries from proclaiming the message of everlasting life. Other countries permit it.
The Bible says that no one comes to the Son unless the Father draws Him, and God draws whom He will to Himself whether the person to whom He is extending mercy lives in Iraq, New Zealand, China, Japan, or the United States.
But don’t use that fact as an excuse to stay in your sins. That’s not an option.
Scripture tells us that He commands every one of us to repent (see Acts 17:30-31), because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness.
Recently an atheist gave me a sheet of paper that listed his problems with the Bible. Heading the list was 1 Corinthians 1:26, a verse which he said proved that atheists are smarter than Christians.
Here is the verse: “For you see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.”
He seemed to have skipped over the words “after the flesh.” There are different types of wisdom. There is the wisdom of this world (“after the flesh”), and there is the wisdom of God. The message of the passage is that God has chosen a seemingly foolish message of childlike faith to confound those proud folks who think that they are wise.