Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (10 page)

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Evolution has as much credibility with me as does the flying spaghetti monster. I am amazed at how many people can write so much about a subject that they insist is scientific, but that has no credible scientific basis. I speak as one that once embraced the thoughtless theory. What is also amazing is that its believers hide behind this pseudo-science and look condescendingly down on anyone who doesn’t have the faith that they do. If you don’t believe evolution, you are considered to be an intellectual knuckle-dragger.

The fact that so many supposedly learned men believe the theory reminds me that once upon a time most learned men believed in a flat earth. But their faith didn’t change reality.

When it comes to evolution, I have asked for facts from those who believe its claims, and all I get is that you have to have faith in what has been taught. A good evolutionist believes without a doubt what his professor has told him. He
to believe when the pope of evolution, Professor Richard Dawkins, tells him: “You cannot be both sane and well educated and disbelieve in evolution. The evidence is so strong that any sane, educated person has got to believe in evolution.”

So unbelievers are insane and uneducated. But according to the learned professor, someone who doesn’t believe is even worse
than that. He also said: “It is absolutely safe to say that, if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).”
So infidels (unbelievers) are actually wicked (sinful) if they don’t believe in the theory of evolution. There’s an example of sweeping judgmental intolerant fanaticism.

I have challenged Professor Dawkins to give me his best sermon on why I should believe in the theory he believes, and why he thinks that God “probably” doesn’t exist. But he has a vow of silence when it comes to me, despite the fact that I said I would drop $20,000 in his personal collection plate.

Every day 150,000 people die. That’s a fact of life. But each of us somehow thinks that death is something that happens to other people or at least it will come to us when we are in our late nineties. However, most men die in their early seventies. If you are fifty years old, you have around one thousand weekends left to live. If you are sixty, you have a mere five hundred. Professor Dawkins is sixty-eight years old! That’s why I’m seriously pushing for a debate, because it’s just a matter of time before he goes to meet his Maker.

Still, the devout follower of Dawkins and Darwin will believe anything said to him on believers’ Web sites, or in believers’ books. Evolution’s many adherents simply fortify the truth that human beings are incredibly gullible and will believe anything as long as it’s not in the Bible. How true are the words of Professor Dawkins when he said, “Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.” He has unquestioning faith in evolution. I do not.

I hope that helps you to understand why I don’t even give evolution a “pretense” of acknowledgement. To do so would be to be both disingenuous and foolish to the highest degree.


An atheist wrote, “I’m proud of my family and friends, also of my own achievements. Why is that wrong? Because it relegates God down the importance rung a little? We know He is a jealous God, He says so himself. God has had nothing to do with my achievements. I have never asked Him for help, nor according to Christian doctrine do I deserve help. So He gets no thanks. Not that I’d thank Him anyway—He’s not real.”

This sort of talk is similar to that of a teenager, who after receiving everything he has from his loving mother, stabs her in the back and says, “I have done nothing wrong.” How could anyone reason for a moment with such a person? God gave us eyes to see with, ears to hear with, and a brain with which to think. Yet we are willfully blind, deaf, and dumb to that fact. Every atom that makes up our bodies and every drop of blood in our veins came from God. Everything that gives us the ability to achieve anything came only from the goodness of God.

Of course, the true atheist doesn’t believe that. Neither does he believe in any initial cause. He believes that there’s no God, no Maker, and no Creator. We didn’t make ourselves, so he is stuck with the belief that nothing made everything “in the beginning” and time brought us to where we are now. It all happened because evolution did it. Sure.

How applicable is Scripture for this day and age: “There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its filthiness” (Proverbs 30:12).


It was Epicurus who said, “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence
cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?”

Epicurus seemed to cover every base but the right one. He forgot about something the KJV of the Bible calls “the longsuffering of God.” The Scriptures make it clear that God will punish evil, but we have a problem. We don’t see ourselves as being evil (see Psalm 36:2, Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs 16:2, Proverbs 21:2). Do you think you are evil? Of course you don’t. No one does. We think that we are good people, and by (low) human standards many of us are. However, by God’s standards we are evil to the core—and there’s not just one bad apple.

Here’s God’s point of view of humanity:

As it is written: There is none righteous, no, not one; there is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; they have together become unprofitable; there is none who does good, no, not one. Their throat is an open tomb; with their tongues they have practiced deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes (Romans 3:10-18).


We are warned many times in Scripture that God is going to judge humanity from the standard of moral perfection (see Matthew 5:27-28), and that will put every one of us justly in Hell. Yet, we are told that this same God of perfect justice is rich in mercy. He is patiently waiting for evil sinners to repent and be forgiven.

So don’t mistake the mercy and patience of God for the thought that He’s impotent or doesn’t care about justice. If you die in your sins there won’t be a second chance. Come to your
senses, repent, and trust the Savior today. You will have eternity to thank God that you did.

At the beginning of 2009, an atheist named Kat left a comment on “Atheist Central” saying that I was filled with hatred. I asked her if she could possibly find the time to go through each of my blogs and give me some specifics. She said that she would, but I didn’t hear back from her and presumed that she hadn’t found anything. Three months later she wrote that she had been busy and was still looking.

More recently, she left another comment saying:

“I gave up collecting all of your mean and rude comments to the atheists who post here; all of the mean and hateful things you’ve posted, because it simply became too much…. I can’t do it anymore Ray, I simply cannot keep going through your archives and finding every instance of your cruelty, it hurts my heart way too much…your hatred, your hateful words, your insults and cruelty, cannot be read by me for even one minute longer. This will be my last comment on your blog. I cannot allow myself to be witness to such cruelty any longer.”


Unfortunately Kat didn’t provide even one example. If she was speaking the truth and I have been hateful and cruel, please forgive me. I am not aware of any hatred I have for any human being. My motivation is one of love and always has been. I do admit to mocking atheists, because mockery is a legitimate form of debate according to my rule Book. God Himself mocks evil men who refuse His moral government (see Proverbs 1:26-27). The Bible also calls the professing atheist a “fool” (Psalm 14:1, Psalm 107:17, Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs 14:16, Luke 12:20).

So if you do take the time to go through my writing, you will find many incidents of mockery when it comes to the unscientific
and ridiculous theory tale of evolution (which I once believed). You will find me speaking of the Bible calling atheists fools, of April 1 being National Atheist Day, etc. Any references I have used to moral corruption, filthiness, wickedness of heart, etc., include myself and the rest of humanity (see Romans 3:11-18) and are from the Scriptures. Any comparisons of humanity to pigs, foxes, dogs, sheep, etc., are biblical metaphors. But I am not aware of any hatred or cruelty.

I think that perhaps Kat is a tender-hearted person who doesn’t have the grit to be able to handle healthy debate. May her tender heart be turned toward her Creator.


“[We are being] told that our atheism is an ‘intellectual
embarrassment’ by a man who actually believes that he’s going
to literally fly in the air like some kind of bird one fine day:
‘For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive
and remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with
the Lord’ (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). As an atheist I love it
when Christians try to lecture me about the logic of atheism!”


human beings being able to fly is crazy, think about what this commenter and his fellow unbelievers believe. A staunch atheist believes that there isn’t a “creation,” that nothing was “designed,” neither was it “created” or “made.” He also believes that he has no beliefs, because that would mean that he has some sort of “faith,” which is another word that has connotations about you-know-Who.

When pressed about his beliefs, the average atheist will admit that he believes that 14.5 billion years ago the universe came into being from something. But he doesn’t know what the “something” was, although he is adamant that it wasn’t God. Then, through the miracle of evolution, the something that wasn’t God brought into being everything we see.

Someone once said that (with all our technology) we have trouble trying to figure out who killed JFK. That was only forty-five or so years ago and 14.5 billion years is a long time to be sure of anything. A mere million years ago is a long time, let alone more than fourteen thousand million years, but that is what’s necessary for the miracle of evolution to work. Of course, that figure has been revised a number of times in recent history and no doubt in a hundred years’ time science will laugh at what is now believed.

We have trouble trying to figure out who killed JFK. That was only forty-five or so years ago and 14.5 billion years is a long time to be sure of anything.


I choose rather to call creation “creation,” and to love and serve the Creator who bought creation into being. I have no trouble believing that He made man as male and female, and that He gave them the ability to procreate after their own kind. I have no trouble believing that He brought animals to Noah, flooded the earth to the highest mountain, opened the Red Sea, stopped the mouths of Daniel’s lions, guided the stone from David’s sling, fed the five thousand fresh bread and fish, died on a cruel cross for our sins, and then rose from the dead on the third day.

It’s easy to believe in miracles because I see the unspeakable genius of God’s handiwork every time I watch a bird fly. It has
been one hundred years since we first flew, yet we still can’t make a plane land with the agility of the common sparrow. In most modern landings someone is gripping the armrest, and most thank God when they hear the “thud” as we come back to earth.


Banks are built on faith. You trust the bank with your money. Wall Street is built on trust. Marriage is built on trust. If you lose faith in your marriage partner (you don’t trust him or her) you have in essence lost your marriage. Friendships are built on trust. If I don’t trust you and you don’t trust me, then we have no basis for a friendship.

Trust is what holds a doctor-patient relationship together like hyphenations. Trust is what you exercise every time you swallow a pill or receive a booster shot. Faith is there when you allow your dentist to drill and fill. You trust both his ability and his integrity. It’s there when you let a surgeon operate or when you let a stranger prepare your food in a restaurant or at a drive-through. You trust that his hands are clean and that the food is fresh.

You have trust when you ride a roller coaster or put on a parachute, when you cross a bridge or fly in a plane. You have faith in your car when you drive it, in the gasoline when you pump it, and when you put on its brakes. You trust the driver on the other side of a yellow line will stay on his side of the road. You have trust when you sit down on a chair, drink a can of Coke, bite into a candy bar, or spread ketchup on hot fries. We have faith in history books, science books, newspapers, and often a misplaced trust in politicians. We even trust elevators, knowing that they can let us down.

Trust me, there are some people who don’t know the meaning of trust in God, despite having it written on our currency.
They think that someone who has faith in God “believes” in His existence without a hint of evidence. However, eternal life comes from trusting in the person of Jesus Christ, not simply in a belief in His historical existence. Look at how the Bible differentiates belief from an implicit trust: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is [a belief in His existence—clearly evidenced by creation to all but a fool—see Psalm 14:1, Romans 1:20], and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (trust)” (Hebrews 11:6).

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