Read "Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich Online

Authors: Diemut Majer

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Eastern, #Germany

"Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich (76 page)

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FIG. 11 Circular decree of the district magistrate of the district Kempen, government district Łód
, June 18, 1941. Instytut Zachodni Pozna

FIG. 12 Memorandum from SS-Gruppenführer Heydrich to Reich Minister Lammers with handwritten notation from Lammers: “I have promised the R(eichs) F(ührer) SS to give a lecture on this. Please examine [the] matter promptly. Proceedings with W. in the F(ührer’s) h(ead)qu(arters) in V-M [i.e., lecture file],” September 18-October 4, 1941. Bundesarchiv R 43 II/396.

FIG. 13 Draft of a Führer decree (not promulgated) from the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) (enclosure to memorandum in fig. 12), September 18, 1941. Bundesarchiv R 43 II/396.

FIG. 14 Notation from the Reich Chancellery renouncing further pursuit of the suggestion of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), October 23, 1941. Bundesarchiv R 43 II/396.

FIG. 15 Execution of three death sentences carried out by officials of Hohensalsa Gestapo in Kutno on the orders of the Special Court Leslau; the three victims had been convicted of black-marketeering in flour and sugar, June 9, 1941. From a photo album of an unidentified official of Einsatzkommando 3/V and the Gestapo in Hohensalza, Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce, Warsaw, reproduced in
Der Stern
47 (1979): 108 f.

FIG. 17 Report concerning the shooting by the police of a Jew fleeing from the Warsaw ghetto; the shooting occurred without legal proceeding (“nach den bestehenden Richtlinien verfahren” [according to existing instructions]), February 22, 1943. Instytut Zachodni Pozna

FIG. 16 Information sheet of the
press agency of the
leadership Wartheland concerning court decisions, series 3, March 16, 1942. Archiwum Pa
stwowe Pozna
, Reichsstatthalter No. 468.

FIG. 18 Notation from the director of Section I/50 in the office of the
in the Warthegau in Posen, SS-
Höppner, concerning the Germanization of Polish children with instructions for submission of the same to the director of Department I and “resubmission after acknowledgment of the decree to the Youth Welfare Offices, presumably 1 July 1944,” June 10, 1944. Archiwum Pa
stwowe Pozna
, Reichsstatthalter No. 1174.

BOOK: "Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich
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