No Limits (10 page)

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Authors: Jessie York

BOOK: No Limits
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Chapter 25 – Chace

Drew was true to his word. He was soon released
from his cell and over the coming days, as he started his training, he would find Chace during every free moment he had. Sometimes he would make Chace suck his cock. Other times he would screw Chace in the ass. Each time, Chace played the grudging participant. The truth, however, was that he liked it. A lot. Drew always made sure to give Chace a hand job and, though he often prolonged it by squeezing Chace’s dick and balls and making him suffer, Chace ultimately got his release. Plus, Chace was growing to like his physical intimacy with Drew. He liked the feeling of a warm body against his. One time after they had sex Drew even let Chace cuddle with him. Drew said he was doing it so Chace would feel more like a bitch who had just had sex and he made sure he was playing the male role with his arm around Chace’s shoulders. Still, Chace enjoyed curling up next to Drew. He found the other boy’s masculine scent and the arm around his shoulders strangely reassuring.

Surprisingly, Kyle didn’t question Chace too closely about Drew. Kyle just asked neutrally whether Chace thought Drew might be willing to consider joining their team. When Chace answered cautiously in the affirmative, Kyle nodded and left it at that. Chace was relieved that he didn’t have to share the details of his relationship with Drew.

That all changed one day after Kyle and Chace got back from training. It had been a particularly difficult session and both boys were dripping with sweat. “You know what I’d like right now?” Kyle said as he dropped down in to a chair. “A blow job.”

He was looking at Chace pointedly. “I’ve got a lot of laundry to do for you,” Chace said. “Plus, you wanted me to…”

“Does Drew make you suck his dick too?” Kyle asked.

Chace stopped talking.

“Yeah, I’ve notice how much time you’ve been spending with your boyfriend,” Kyle said. “Don’t be worried, I’m pleased. So tell me, have you started sucking his cock yet?”

When Chace didn’t answer Kyle’s eyes widened in surprise.
“No,” Kyle said. “Is it possible? Is he having sex with you as well?” One look at Chace was all Kyle needed. He started chortling with pleasure. “That’s fantastic!” he exclaimed. “You actually had sex with a guy on your own free will. Hah! Remember when you came here and you were a real man? Now look at you. I’ve turned you into another guy’s bitch.”

Chace glared at Kyle but he couldn’
t dispute that fact.

Kyle nodded at his crotch. “Well? What are you waiting for? Start sucking. You don’t have to, but if you don’t I won’t let you see Drew anymore.”

Chace desperately didn’t want to do it. The thought of not seeing Drew was too much, however. He walked over to Kyle, knelt between the athletic boy’s legs, and pulled his shorts and spandex down. He stared at Kyle’s flaccid cock. He had to admit that it was a very good-looking cock and he liked how Kyle’s skin was darker than Drew’s. It made for a different look. He picked the sweaty member up and stuck it in his mouth. He started to suck and almost choked at how salty it was.

“Good boy,” Kyle said
as he gradually got hard. “I’ve got an idea. After you’re finished I think I’m going to invite Drew over here. It isn’t fair for him to have all the fun with my slave. Plus, I’ve always wanted to turn you into a cum dump. The two of us together can do a much better job at that than one of us alone.”

Chace just hop
ed that Drew would be too shy to have sex with Chace in front of Kyle. It was one thing for Drew to humiliate Chace in private. Surely he wouldn’t want to be seen as gay in front of someone else, Chace reasoned.

Not so. Drew, it seemed, jumped at the chance to take Chace down a few more pegs. Before the day was
out, Kyle had his cock in Chace’s ass while Drew had his cock stuffed into Chace’s mouth. The two of them got into a rhythm so that they were swinging in tandem, Kyle thrusting his cock into Chace’s ass just as Drew rocked back. Then Drew would thrust and Kyle would pull out. The two of them continued like that, laughing and fucking Chace, taking the occasional break and switching positions, for over 30 minutes. By the time they were done Chace’s ass and mouth were raw and he felt like he was stuffed full of their cum.

Kyle, it seemed, still wasn’t satisfied. He had given Chace a hand job. Then he made Chace stand up and he collected all of
Chace’s cum that dripped out of his cup. It was quite a significant amount. Once Kyle had collected it all, he poured it over Chace’s head. He didn’t let Chace shower. Instead, he decided to turn in early and instructed Chace to sleep with his head between Kyle’s legs. Strangely, Chace was actually pleased to do it. He liked the smell of being so close to the other boy and enjoyed being able to lick Kyle’s cock at will. Stranger still, Drew asked to stay with them, making up some excuse about liking their room better than his own. He slept side by side with Kyle and a couple times when Chace woke up during the night he saw Drew’s hand resting on Kyle’s chest.


Chapter 26 – Riley

Riley’s period was two weeks late. Finally, she had to say something to Aria. She was afraid that if she was pregnant, her training might harm the baby. She prayed that she wasn’t but when Aria made her take a pregnancy test, it came back positive.

“You’re pregnant!” Aria cried excitedly. “I can’t believe you beat me to it. This is so exciting!”

Exciting? Riley was 18-years old. She had never dreamed she would be pregnant at that age.

“Who do you think the daddy is?” Aria asked.

That was the other thing weighing on Aria. She had no idea. She had made love to Luke more times. That meant the probability was greater that the baby would be his. Still, she couldn’t be sure.
She might have gotten pregnant from her time with Tyler.

Surprisingly, Luke took the news that Riley was pregnant remarkably well. “Congratulations!” he said happily.

“You’re not worried?” Riley asked. “The baby will grow up to be an Amazon if it’s a girl or a Gargarean if it’s a boy. You’d actually want a baby to grow up to that? He or she won’t even know his or her mother or father.”

Luke shrugged. “I’m not happy about that,” he said. “I’m just realistic. We can’t really do
anything about our situation or the fact that you’re pregnant. I’m not going to be mad about that when I can’t do anything about it. Plus, I have to admit that the idea of having created a baby with you is pretty exciting. I like the idea that there is going to be a little person that shares both of our genes out there in the world. Isn’t that amazing? No one is going to be able to take the fact that we created a person together away from us. He or she is going to be the best looking little kid in the world. I just hoped the kid gets your smarts.”

“Yeah,” Riley said. She hated what she was about to say next. “Luke, the truth is
, I think the baby is yours, but I can’t be certain.”

Luke’s proud
, beaming smile slipped from his face. “What?” he asked.

“I sort of had sex with one other guy,” Riley said. “It was Tyler. I’m
sorry, I didn’t really have a choice.”

“What do you mean you didn’
t have a choice?” Luke sputtered. “No one here has to have sex if he or she doesn’t want to. That’s the way the Amazons work.”

“I know. It’s, um, hard to explain,” Riley said. “Aria suggested it and I just sort of felt like I had to go along with it.”

Luke’s face was growing red with anger. Riley had never seen him get mad before. She had thought he understood how the Amazons operated. He was a breeder, not her husband. Did he really feel that strongly about it? Why? Was he in love with her?

“I can’t talk to you right now,”
Luke said. “I’m sorry. I just need some time alone to think about this.”

“Luke, please, let’s just
talk about this,” Riley said. “It’s probably your baby.”

“But you can’
t be sure of that,” Luke snapped. “Look, I need some space okay? Get out. I said get out! I don’t want to talk and I don’t want to have sex right now.”

Luke had completely transformed. His face was red with rage and
he was staring at Riley balefully. “Okay,” Riley said, realizing that he was beyond reason in his current state. “Just know that I love you, okay? I’ll come back and check on you tomorrow. Please don’t be mad.”

Luke didn’t say a word to Riley as she knocked on the door and waited for the Amazonian guard to come let her out. She was forced to leave him like
that, his arms crossed and his eyes angrily focused on an unmarked spot on the other side of the cell.

Chapter 27
– Chace

Drew had come up with an idea for an outing.
Somehow, Kyle had managed to get permission for the three of them to go. Chace didn’t care how he had managed that or where they were going. He just wanted to get out of the mansion. Kyle, however, made it clear that Chace would be making no escape attempts.

“Remember,” Kyle said. “You have that
chastity cup on. Even if you do manage to find a way to get away from me, you won’t be able to take that off. Hell, I don’t know what I’m saying. There’s no way you can get free because I’m ordering you not to try. The cup will squeeze your balls to smithereens if you disobey me.”

Drew was acc
ompanied by two other Gargarean guards. They made him wear a silver bracelet so he didn’t have any powers. There was no way he was getting free either.

Chace was blindfolded and put into a van. The van drove for about 45 minutes until it finally stopped. Kyle led Chace out of the van and up a flight of stairs. When he finally took the blindfold off, Chace found himself in a dimly
-lit closet. Drew and the other two guardians were packed in tightly as well. Drew had a look of pure joy on his face.

“Where am I?” Chace asked.

“Shhh!” Kyle ordered. “You’re not to say another word so long as we are in this house, you understand me?”

Chace nodded. He felt his cup tighten threateningly around his balls.

“Good,” Kyle said. “Now, we’re going to play a little game. I’m going to blindfold you again and then a guy is going to walk into this closet. He’s going to have a blindfold on as well so he’s not going to notice that (a) you’re not a chick, as he expects, and (b) that the rest of us are in this closet as well. A girl is going to lead him in here and arrange it so that you can suck his cock. Then, when she leads him back out, I’m going to give you this pad of paper,” Kyle waved a pad of paper he was holding in his right hand, “and I want you to write down the name of the guy whose cock you just sucked. We’ll keep going until you get all the names of all the guys who come in here right.”

Chace was confused. How was he suppo
sed to have any idea who these guys were?

The men saw
the confused look on Chace’s face. Drew smiled evilly. “You already know the guys whose cocks you’re going to be sucking. That’s what makes this little game so much fun. I’ll give you a hint. You were their captain.”

No. It couldn’t be. Chace stared at Drew and Kyle in horror. They had taken him back to his hometown. He looked around the closet. He suddenly recognized it. It was the closet in his best friend and teammate Sean Taylor’s house. He had made out with Rosie
Chavez in here one time. This was a party for his high school soccer team. Kyle had somehow managed to get them to agree to a cock-tasting contest. Kyle and Drew wanted him to give blowjobs to his entire soccer team.

“That’s right,” Kyle said when he saw the look of understanding cross
Chace’s face. “You’re going to be blowing your old soccer buddies. We had a few of our Gargarean lady friends flirt with them. The soccer guys graciously invited them over to your friend Sean’s house for a party. The girls got the guys pretty drunk. The guys think that one of the girls is waiting in here to give them all blowjobs. You remember Tatiana? Yeah, she’s the one who’s going to put the boys’ blindfolds on, tie their hands behind their backs, and lead them in. Now remember, you don’t have to suck any of the guys’ cocks. It’s completely up to you. We’re just giving you the opportunity.”

“Do it,” Drew said eagerly. “I want to see the almighty captain of the
Harken High School varsity soccer team suck his teammates’ cocks. It will be the ultimate annihilation of your manhood.”

“Don’t listen to him,” Kyle said, though he was grinning excitedly as well. “Just think about all the time
s you’ve been in the locker room with those guys. Remember sneaking a peak at their wieners? You can’t tell me you didn’t wonder just once what they would taste like. Perhaps you had just the tiniest, harmless, perverse little daydream. There’s no shame in that. Human beings are curious creatures. But now, now you have a chance to find out. Just think about it, okay? Oh, and one more thing. We’re going to have to tie your hands up as well so you don’t inadvertently signal who you are to them. We wouldn’t want that, would we?”

Chace still couldn’t talk so Kyle put the blindfold over
Chace’s eyes, bound his wrists together with zip ties, turned him around, and pushed him down to a kneeling position. For his part, Chace’s mind was made up. He was not sucking a single teammate’s cock. He couldn’t even entertain the idea. The thought of how happy it would make Drew alone was enough to make Chace dismiss the idea out of hand. Even if they had become lovers, Chace couldn’t give his former arch rival the satisfaction of seeing that. It was the last shred of dignity that Chace had left. He couldn’t let it be taken from him. He wouldn’t give the bastard from Franklin the satisfaction. He would just keep his mouth shut when the first boy was led into the room and that would get the message across to Kyle and Drew to put a stop to this insanity.

Chace heard the door to the closet creak open all too soon. “Just a few more steps,” he heard Tatiana say.

“Tell her I’m sorry,” a male voice said drunkenly. “I haven’t had a chance to change since practice. I probably don’t smell too good.”

Tatiana hurriedly shushed the boy but it was too late. Chace had instantly recognized the voice. It belonged to Sean.

Chace had to admit that his best friend was a good-looking guy. He had brown hair and matching chestnut brown eyes. He was medium height with an incredibly lean build and rock hard abs. When Chace and Sean were walking down the hall at school together, every girl they passed swooned. They were untouchable – the kings of the high school. Furthermore, they had been friends since elementary school. They had grown up together. They had played sports together and chased girls together. They had no secrets from each other, at least until Chace was kidnapped.

Chace had never seen Sean’s cock. Perhaps he had wondered at one time or another whether his best friend was better endowed than he was. So what? That didn’t mean anything. He certainly had never wanted to suck Sean’s cock. That was ridiculous.

Sean’s pelvis bumped into Chace’s face and Sean stopped walking. Chace could feel his best friend’s mesh soccer shorts against his cheek. He smelled Sean’s unique, musky, manly smell. Sean didn’t smell bad. He smelled amazing. And then, suddenly, Chace got hard.

What had Kyle and Drew done to him? They had trained his cock to get hard after just getting a whiff of a dude. Come to think of it, neither of them had let him ejaculate in days. They wanted him to be horny
for this. He couldn’t blame them now, though. They weren’t forcing him to do anything. It was as if Chace and Sean were alone together. Chace could choose to find out what his best friend was packing or not. It was all on Chace’s shoulders.

“Well? Is she going to get started?” Sean asked.

Chace’s curiosity and libido were overwhelming. He couldn’t stand to smell his hot friend anymore without finding out what was between his legs. He had already given guys blowjobs and let them fuck him. What was one more blowjob? He was going to do it. But how? Sean still had his soccer shorts on. Even if Chace had been allowed to talk, there was no way he would have asked Tatiana to lower Sean’s shorts. That would have revealed who Chace was. Chace couldn’t stand his best friend associating Chace with cock sucking, even if it meant that Chace would get found and set free from the Gargareans. Sean’s hands were tied behind his back. No, there was only one way that Sean’s shorts were coming off. Chace was going to have to take them off with his teeth.

Chace pressed his face against the waistband of Sean’s shorts and was surprised to discover that Sean wasn’t wearing a shirt. Well, that would just make it easier for him. He carefully pressed his face into the hot skin at Sean’s waist and then bit
the waistband. He lowered his head, taking the shorts off.

When Chace lifted his head again his cheek brushed against Sean’s thigh. He felt the warm spandex Sean was wearing. That gave him an idea. What the hell? If he was going to do this, he might as well go all the way. He stuck his tongue out and let it trail up Sean’s inner thigh until it reached his best friend’s package. Then Chace rested his tongue on Sean’s balls and took a big lick. He savored the taste of the spandex, which tasted of Sean’s balls and sweat.

“Oh yeah,” Sean said. “Naughty girl.”

Chace winced at being called a girl but he wasn’t about to stop there. He kept lick
ing, enjoying the foreign and forbidden taste his friend’s manhood. Then, after he had got his share of licking in, he bit the waistband of Sean’s spandex and lowered the spandex to the floor with his head. When he raised his head back up, Sean’s cock bumped into his nose and then came to rest on his lips.

Chace opened his mouth an
d let his best friend’s cock in.

The taste of Sean’s
cock was amazing. It had a slightly different flavor than Drew’s and Kyle’s. It was a good size too and it quickly swelled up even more as Chace started sucking.

Soon Sean was moaning in
ecstasy. “This is fucking amazing!” He exclaimed. Tatiana had given up trying to shut him up. Sean was clearly too drunk and having too much fun to be contained. “You’re amazing,” Sean said. “This is the best blow job I’ve ever had. I’ve never found a chick who knows just how to… ah yes!”

Shit. Chace had taken Sean too far. Now it was too late. Sean shot rope after rope of cum int
o Chace’s mouth. Chace was forced to drink his best friend’s cum.

When Sean was finally led out of the closet Drew started cackling. “I knew you
Harken guys were all cock suckers,” he laughed. “I just wish my teammates could see this.”

Chace had intended to stop with Sean. When the next boy was led in, however, Chace couldn’t resist. He instantly recognized Danny
O’Meara’s scent. Danny was the team cutie. Barely 5’6”, Danny was small and as skinny as a reed. He was quick, though, and he had a cute face. All the girls in the school adored him and found any excuse they could to cuddle with him. Danny looked up to Chace like Chace was some sort of god. Chace had always wondered whether Danny was hung or whether his size was proportional to his height. He decided to find out. Danny was more like a girl than a guy anyway. He was too cute to be a manly man. He was so cute that Chace was almost attracted to him. Chace made sure to emphasize the word “almost” to himself.

It turned out that Danny had a decent sized cock and it tasted good. Danny didn’t make a sound as Chace went to work. Chace therefore had no warning when Danny blew his load into
Chace’s mouth. Thus, Danny unknowingly fed his cum to his hero.

Chace knew who the next boy was even before he walked into the closet. Paul Duncan was the team bad boy. He was always rowdy and now was no exception. He kept hooting and hollering about how excited he was after hearing Sean’s cries of excitement and listening to him tell all the guys what a good cock sucker the chick in the closet was.

Chace didn’t want the suck another cock. The problem was, he was fascinated by Paul. Paul was good-looking in a bad-boy sort of way. He was such a loud-mouth that Chace sort of hoped he had a tiny wiener. Unfortunately, when Chace got Paul’s shorts off, that turned out not to be the case. Chace sucked another massive cock. This time, when Paul ejaculated, Chace’s mouth was filled with so much cum that he couldn’t swallow it all. It dribbled down his chin as Paul vocally expressed his approval by declaring Chace the “best cock-sucking chick ever.”

More boys came in and Chace sucked more cock. He couldn’
t tell who his fourth teammate was but he guessed Jake, the quiet and mysterious loner. He knew that his fifth was Tommie, the attractive team goalie. When each new boy came in Chace decided that he would be the last. Then the next would walk in and Chace always found a reason why he should suck just one more dick. Eventually, he lost count. Unfortunately, he did not stop before he got to Jamal, the sole African American boy on the team. What they said about black boys’ cocks really was true. Chace’s jaws were wrenched open as wide as he could go as he took in the massive thing. Worse, Tatiana held the back of his head so he couldn’t back off. When Jamal came, Chace’s mouth was filled with what felt like a bucket load of cum. The cum rolled down his chin in torrents. Jamal still wasn’t done. Tatiana suddenly pulled the cock out of Chace’s mouth and whipped the blindfold off from over his eyes. Chace opened his eyelids just in time to see Tatiana lift Jamal’s cock up to Chace’s face. She pumped cum into Chace’s hair. He barely managed to close his eyes again before she wiped the cock down his face, smearing cum all over. By the time she was done, Chace’s face was dripping with Jamal’s cum. Chace could see it slowly dropping off his eyebrows.

Tatiana whispered something to Kyle before she led Jamal from the room. When they were alone again, Kyle put his head next to
Chace’s ear. “Well, I’ve got good news and bad news,” he said. “The good news is that the boys are really happy with your cock-sucking skills. The bad news is that you didn’t guess all of them right. Therefore, you get to choose whether you want to go for round two, but if you say yes I’m not going to let you choose what the guys do to you. I’m going to let Tatiana decide. Therefore, knowing that, you need to tell me now whether you want to go to round two. Just nod or shake your head.”

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