No Limits (11 page)

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Authors: Jessie York

BOOK: No Limits
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Chace shook his head. How many guys had he just given blow jobs to? 15? 20? His tongue was raw. He was covered in sticky cum. He was spent.

“Are you sure?” Kyle asked. “If you say yes, I’ll let you start with Sean.”

Chace froze. Sean.
His best friend. Chace couldn’t deny it now. He wanted more of his best friend’s body. He slowly nodded.

That was all Kyle needed. He knocked twice on the door and then stood back.

Kyle didn’t put the blindfold back on Chace so this time he saw Tatiana lead Sean and Paul into the closet. She gestured for Chace to get down on all fours. Then she lined up Paul directly in front of Chace’s face. Surprisingly, she led Sean around behind Chace. At least, it was surprising until Chace felt his shorts being whipped off and his best friend’s cock head being maneuvered between his butt cheeks.

eyes opened wide in alarm. He hadn’t intended to get fucked by his own best friend. When he opened his mouth, however, Tatiana smoothly slid Paul’s cock in. And then, while Chace’s mouth was full of cock, he felt his best friend thrust his own cock into Chace’s anus.

Chace got fucked by his best friend as he gave a second guy a blow job. That was just the beginning. When Paul and Sean were finally done with him, Tatiana took them out and led two more guys in. She told them to masturbate and cum all over Chace. Then she led in two more guys and had them
repeat what Paul and Sean had done. This continued as she cycled through every guy on the team one more time.

Tatiana saved the best for last, however. It was her grand finale. Chace was drenched was so much cum that
it seemed like he could barely get up on all fours. His ass felt like it had been fucked by an elephant. His mouth had so much cum in it that Chace had given up trying to spit the stuff out, resigned to the fact that it would still be coating his tongue hours from now. At that moment Tatiana opened the door and Chace saw Jamal. The lean, muscular, hot black boy was naked. His massive cock was already hard as if he had not just blown a load. Chace shrank back when he saw the size of the thing. It really would have been more suited to an elephant or perhaps even a whale. Then Kyle and Drew stepped in front of Chace and lowered their pants to the floor. Their fresh, rigid cocks sprung out. Both of them grinned down at Chace.

“I feel bad for this poor chick,” Jamal mumbled. “My cock is going to split her open.”

Tatiana lined up Jamal’s cock head with Chace’s ass. Chace felt it slowly part his ass cheeks and find his anus. It felt like a super-long pop can that was made of steel. “Go slow at first,” Tatiana said to Jamal. “Charlene wants to feel every inch of your cock going in.”

“If you say so,” Jamal said. “
I still think she doesn’t understand what she’s in for but I’m happy to oblige.”

Kyle and Drew both pressed their cocks against
Chace’s lips. Did they really intend for him to suck them both at once? Chace slowly opened his mouth and they stuffed their cocks in.

That’s when Chace felt Jamal slowly pushing his massive, rigid cock up
Chace’s ass chute. Chace groaned in agony and pleasure. The sound was muffled by the two large cocks in his mouth.

It felt like the three boys were slowly splitting Chace open from each end. It seemed to go on for an eternity. Finally, Jamal let out what sounded like a war cry and filled
Chace’s ass with cum. After he was finished, Tatiana led him from the room. Chace could feel cum dribbling down his thighs. When he squeezed his ass cheeks together, cum came squirting out.

Kyle and Drew were not finished, however.
They kept sawing their cocks into and out of Chace’s mouth. Finally, Drew pulled out and shot and shot his load over Chace’s head while Kyle shot a load down Chace’s throat.

Chace collapsed in a heap. The two other Gargareans who had come along picked him up with stunned expressions on their face. They were very careful
where they placed their hands because barely any part of Chace was not covered in the massive amounts of cum the team of young athletes had produced. Chace’s ass was so sore that he had to limp out with them as they helped him out the back way.

He had never felt so sore, exhausted, and completely and utterly satisfied in his life before.



Chapter 28 – Aria

Aria leaned back into her seat and looked around the long conference room. Amazonian trainers were packed into every little crevice. Thankfully, she had gotten there early and snagged a seat. The warehouse was filling up with more recruits every day and, as more and more came,
Queen Hippolyta appointed additional trainers. Many of them were now looking at Aria with jealousy. Aria had done so well with Riley that they knew Queen Hippolyta had to be thinking of giving Aria another recruit soon. Having two recruits would give Aria more power and that she desperately wanted. Now if Tyler would just get her pregnant the queen’s favor would be secured. Perhaps she should try a different breeder. Luke, maybe. The boy was a total hunk.

The doors to the conference room flung open and Queen Hippolyta stormed in. Aria instinctively sat up straight. She had never seen the queen look so angry
before. It didn’t bode well. The queen’s eyes furiously scanned the trainers and then stopped on Aria.

“One of our breeders has escaped,
” Queen Hippolyta said in a cold voice that clashed with her fiery eyes.

Gasps escaped many of the trainers
’ lips. Queen Hippolyta silenced the few murmurs that arose with an angry stare. Aria wanted to shrink back into her seat. From the way the queen had looked at her, it might be one of her captures, either Tyler or Luke. But how? It wasn’t possible. No boy without powers could break out of the heavily guarded Amazonian warehouse and both Tyler and Luke were 18. If they were Gargareans their powers would have emerged by now.

“Luke Carter is the escapee,” Queen Hippolyta said. Aria’s heart sunk. “Somehow, he manage
d to knock out two of your sisters and escape without a trace. Do you hear me? A breeder has escaped with his balls! I will not have it!”

No one dared speak. Queen Hippolyta glared at them all, daring them to say anything.

Aria shakily pushed herself to her feet. She would have much preferred not to say anything but Luke was her responsibility. If she was to have any hope of mitigating this disaster, she would need to be the one to bring him in. “Your Grace,” Aria said. “Let me recapture him for you. He was my capture in the first place.”

Queen Hippolyta glared at Aria. “Sit down, daughter,” she finally said. “No normal man could have escaped this warehouse.
It is time I told you more about our role in this world and the other supernatural dangers that we face.”

Chapter 29
– Chace

Drew swung a
sword at Chace’s head. Chace dodged it easily. He slammed his fist into Drew’s stomach and then followed up with an uppercut to Drew’s jaw.  Drew collapsed in a heap and dropped the sword. Chace snatched it up and held the point at Drew’s throat. He savored the rare sensation of getting the best of his lover at something.

“Alright, alright, I give up,” Drew said.
“Geeze. How did you get so fast?”

“Just talented,” Chace said. He held his hand out to Drew. Drew grasped it and Chace pulled him up.

When Drew was standing again, he leaned in to Chace’s ear. “I’m going to get even,” he said. “You’re going to suck my cock and then get fucked tonight.”

Chace was okay with that.

Kyle walked into the training room and waved to Chace. “Hey Chace, come here,” he called. I need to talk to you.”

Chace patted Drew on the back
, then gave him a quick pat between the legs, and jogged over to Kyle. “What’s up?” he asked.

“There’s a new recruit in the building,”
Kyle said. “Potentially really powerful. He’s from your old high school so I want you to approach him.”

“What’s his name?” Chace asked in surprise.

“Luke Carter,” Kyle said. “Would you believe that he came in on his own? Yeah, just showed up at the front doors of the mansion. I have no idea how he figured out where we were based but he claims he sensed our power and it called to him. If that’s true, he’s got to be tremendously powerful. I want him on our team.”

Chace was stunned. Luke Carter was one of the most popular guys at
Harken High School and Chace was pretty sure his sister had had a big crush on him. Wow, there really was no telling who was a Gargarean. Surprisingly, Chace had gone to Luke’s big birthday bash at his house. It was the can’t-miss event of the year. That had been months ago. How had he managed to keep his powers secret for so long?

“I want you to get close to him,”
Kyle said. “Find out how he found this mansion. If he’s lying, I want to know about it so I can tell King Telemachus the truth. If not, like I said, I want Luke on our team.”

“I see,” Chace said. “So I’m guessing you’re going to arrange for my cup to turn soft for him.”

“Already done,” Kyle said. “Have fun!”

Chace waited until late in the day to go pay Luke a visit. Luke was still locked up in a cell so Chace got a strong sense of déjà vu from when he had visited Drew. He hoped the result wouldn’t be the same. Well, he sort of hoped that. He had to admit that Luke w
as an awfully good-looking guy.

Chace rapped on the cell door twice and then cracked it open. As usual,
a Gargarean guard waited just long enough for him to step inside before yanking the door shut and bolting it.

Chace made out a dark figure sitting on a bench in the corner. “Luke,” he said. “It’s me. Chace Morgan. How are you?”

“Chace?” Luke asked uncertainly. “Is that really you? I heard you had been kidnapped. Oh no, have I gotten myself in with the same people?”

Chace went through the same excruciating process he had with Drew where he relived everything that had happened to him and confirmed all the crazy things Luke had been told about the Gargareans.

As they talked, Chace’s eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. He could now make out Luke’s gorgeous face and even his sensitive, puppy-dog eyes. He could see Luke’s muscular chest rise and fall under his shirt. He felt his cock starting to swell up in excitement.

“How are you doing?” Luke asked suddenly. “
I’m sorry, I’ve been talking about myself this entire time but you’re a captive as well. Are you making out okay? Everything alright? They’re treating you well?”

“Yeah, really well,” Chace said.

“Are you missing your sister?” Luke asked. “I’ve got to imagine that you are. I can’t tell you how upset I was when I heard that you had both been kidnapped. She isn’t here with you, is she?”

“No,” Chace said sadly. “
I miss her a lot. I wish I could just find out how she’s doing. They would never bring her here, though. Girls aren’t allowed here except for a few breeding mates they bring in.”

“Wow, how can you survive?” Luke asked. “How often do they bring the breeding mates in for you?
Once a week?”

Chace didn’t know how to reply to that. His face started to get red.

“What’s wrong?” Luke asked. “Is it two weeks?”

That’s when Chace explained about his cup. He was much more forthcoming then he had been with Drew. The truth was
, he really wanted to get physical with the hot football stud and the sooner the better.

Luke listened impassively to
Chace’s story. Finally, when Chace was finished, Luke stood up. He walked over to Chace and sat next to him on the bench. Then he put his arm around Chace’s shoulders. “I’m sorry, man,” he said. “Don’t worry, okay? We’ll find a way to get you out of that cup.”

Chace said.

Sure,” Luke said. “Is there anything I can do to help? Just let me know.”

Things progressed from there with shocking rapidness
. Luke caught on to what Chace was hinting at and surprisingly was all in. Soon, Chace was bending over and resting his forearms on the bench. His sweatpants were down around his ankles and Luke was massaging his now-soft cup with a big, strong hand.

“I can’t say that I’ve ever done this to a dude before,” Luke said.

“Ever given anal to a chick?” Chace said. “It’s a lot the same.”

“Yeah, I have. Rather recently, as a matter of fact,
” Luke said. Chace felt the stud’s cock head slide between his cheeks. “To tell you the truth, I’m looking forward to this. It is going to be a very fascinating comparison for me.” His hand tightened around Chace’s balls and, using them like a handle, pulled Chace backwards as he thrust his hips forward. His massive cock impaled Chace.

Luke proved to have remarkable endurance and enthusiasm. He fucked Chace from behind, blew his load up
Chace’s ass, and then pulled out and made Chace suck his cock. Somehow, he managed to blow a second load in Chace’s mouth. He hadn’t jacked Chace off, though, and by that time Chace was getting very horny. He started licking Luke’s incredibly-defined lower abs and then his upper one. Soon he was sucking Luke’s chest. Then Luke bent his head down and kissed Chace directly on the lips.

Chace had never kissed a guy before. At first, he was
weirded out by the feeling of stubble against his lips. Then he got to like it. He passionately returned the kiss, wondering as he did whether he could get Drew to try it.

Luke continued fucking Chace until Chace was full of the
stud’s cum. After he was finally done, Luke laughed with pleasure. “Thank goodness for the Morgan family, which has been so generous to my cock,” he said cryptically. “I certainly have enjoyed fucking you senseless. This has been a very unique experience. It’s something I never thought I’d be able to cross off my checklist.”

Luke rubbed his cum-covered cock across
Chace’s face and then patted his head. Chace pulled his pants back up and left, ignoring the Gargarean guards’ smirks as he did and wondering what Luke had been talking about.


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