No Limits (5 page)

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Authors: Jessie York

BOOK: No Limits
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Chapter 12
– Aria

Aria walked back to the mating pens happily. She was pleased. Her trainee was improving by leaps and bounds. Queen Hippolyta and the other Amazons were very impressed. Now her trainee was learning the ways of love with the boy Aria had captured. If Riley became pregnant with Tyler’s daughter, well, nothing could be better. It would all be because of Aria. She would be held in great esteem by the other Amazons for achieving such accomplishments so quickly. Plus, Riley’s daughter and Aria’s daughter would be sisters – actual biological sisters. That would be nice.

It had almost all gone terribly wrong. Riley had nearly defeated the men that Aria had rounded up to attack the girl. How was Aria supposed to have known that the girl would be so strong and such a fast learner? Besides, Aria thought the idea of attacking new recruits with men and framing the Gargareans was absurd. Perhaps it was true, as Queen Hippolyta had said, that the girls bonded more quickly if they felt threatened by male Gargareans. They eventually all learned the truth, however. The Gargareans were a defeated tribe. Most of them couldn’t even have sex. It was pathetic. Still, Aria had done as she was told. She was not strong enough to defy Queen Hippolyta. Not yet, anyway. Perhaps once she had amassed enough loyal and strong followers like Riley that would change.

Aria knocked on Riley’s cell door respectfully and waited a moment before opening it up. Riley and Tyler were both already dressed and seated on the bench. “Well?” she said with a smile. “Did you two have fun?”

Tyler opened his mouth but Riley answered first. “Yes,” she said. “I had a great time.”

As if anyone who had sex with Tyler would feel otherwise. “Excellent!” Ari
a said. “Tyler, you can go to the strength facilities and get back to work keeping that amazing body in shape. Riley, you come with me.”

“So give me all the details,” Aria said excitedly as they walked. “How was Tyler? Isn’t he magnificent? Isn’t it amazing what he can do with his…

“Oh, we didn’t have sex,” Riley said. “We just talked for the most part.”

Aria stopped walking. “What?” she asked in astonishment.

“Yeah, I said I just wanted to talk and Tyler was fine with that,” Riley said.

“I don’t understand,” Aria said. “Did you not find him pleasing?” Then a terrifying thought occurred to her. “You’re not gay, are you? A lesbian?”

“No,” Riley said. “I just have never…”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Aria said. She could already see Queen Hipployta’s displeasure when she reported on Riley’s first time in the mating pens. Aria looked down at her watch. She didn’t have to report to the queen for another three hours. She still had time to fix this.

“Go back and wait in the cell,” she said firmly.

Riley looked confused. “Why?” she said.

Aria would have given anything to have been able to tell Riley that she had to have sex with Tyler for both their sakes. The Amazonian rules forbade it, however. Such a statement could have been seen as an order. Riley needed to make love with her own free will. “Just go to the cell,” Aria said. She would need to give Tyler a little more encouragement to seal the deal this time.

Chapter 13 – Tyler

“I’m not doing it,” Tyler said.

“Excuse me?” Aria replied incredulously. “You’re saying you’re not going to have sex with a beautiful girl? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” Tyler said. “She just isn’t ready.”

Aria screamed in frustration. Tyler smiled. He liked messing with her head. This time, however, it also happened to be the truth. Riley was hot – ridiculously hot. She had a certain virtue and a hopeful excitement despite her situation that Tyler couldn’t bring himself to corrupt, however. He wouldn’t do it. He was a romantic at heart. Sure, he definitely enjoyed some of the perks of his job as a breeder. He had never had sex with so many different girls so often before. It was amazing. Riley was different, though. She was special.

“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that boy?” Aria said.

“No, that was our last session. This time I thought we would go back to you sucking…”

“You know what I meant,” Aria said. Tyler watched as she absentmindedly stroked the bracelet on her wrist. He enjoyed the fact th
at she wasn’t allowed to have sex with him unless they were alone together in a cell and she was wearing that. It put them on equal footing which, in turn, meant that Tyler had the advantage. As much as Aria wanted to pretend like she was in command, the look in her eyes as he plunged his tool into her always said otherwise.

“So what do you suggest we do?” Aria finally asked. “She needs to have sex with a boy or Queen Hippolyta is going to be unhappy with me. If she’s unhappy with me, she’ll be unhappy with you. You belong to me, remember? Do you know what she does with boys she’s not happy with? Let’s just say that no males leave this warehouse.

Tyler didn’t know whether Aria was making that up or not but he didn’t want to test the queen. “Look,” he said. “If Riley is waiting for a magical moment to give up her virginity,
then give it to her. Go find her Prince Charming and bring him back here for her.”

Aria thought about that. “You know, that’s actually not a bad idea,” she said. She stood up and walked over to Tyler. She put her hand between his legs and grabbed his cock through his sweatpants. “Do you think you can give me a quick bit of inspiration?”

“I’ll do my best but I can’t promise it’ll be quick,” Tyler said with a smile. He picked Aria up and laid her down on the bench. Then he started taking off her pants. The things these Amazons made him do.

Chapter 14
– Riley

“Alright Riley, we need to have a girl talk,” Aria said as she approached Riley in the weight room.

Riley completed one more pull-up and dropped to the ground. She was amazed by how strong she was even though she didn’t bulk up. It was a girl’s dream; being super strong and toned without carrying around extra muscle mass. She had never been able to do a full pull-up before. Now with her Amazonian strength she could do dozens at a time.

“What kind of girl talk?” Riley asked warily. She was worried that Aria would be angry that she hadn’t done anything sexual with Tyler.

Riley’s time with Tyler had been fantastic. He had been so sweet and understanding. By the end of it, she had truly grown to like him and thought of him as a friend. He wouldn’t get in trouble for not having sex with her, would he?

“You looked worried. Don’t be,” Aria said soothingly. “I just want to get to know you better. You know, girl to girl. For example, did you have any boyfriends back at your high school? I had one at my high school. He was amazing. Captain of the swim team, amazing body, looked fantastic in a swim suit.”

Riley blushed. “No,” she said. “I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

“Ah,” Aria said.
“How about a crush, then? Come on, you must have had at least one crush.”

Riley’s mind immediately turned to Luke Carter. Her blush deepened. “Not really,” she lied.

“Oh yes, I saw that look,” Aria said with a smile. “Spill it. Who’s the special guy?”

“Okay, as long as you promise not to tell anyone,” Riley said.

Aria nodded. “Cross my heart,” she said.

“His name is L
uke Carter,” Riley said. “It’s a stupid crush. He’s like way, way out of my league. He’s the captain of the school football team. He’s super sweet and cute and just an all-around amazing guy.”

“I know the type,” Aria said. “Why didn’t you ever date
him? He’s not gay or anything like that, is he?”

“No,” I said quickly.
“Definitely not. He’s had lots of girlfriends. He’s just, like I said, out of my league.”

Aria looked down at her watch. “Ah, silly me,” she said. “I just remembered that I have another appointment to get to. You keep working out, I’ll check on you later.”

Riley watched Aria march off purposefully. What an unusual conversation. Then again, Riley had learned that there were a lot of unusual things about the Amazons. She jumped up, grabbed the pull-up bar, and went back to her workout.

Chapter 15
– Chace

“Are you done my laundry?” Kyle called out.

“Yes,” Chace said through gritted teeth. He was appalled that he actually had to do the asshole’s laundry. He felt like a frickin’ housewife from the ‘60s as he folded Kyle’s underwear as instructed and ironed his shirts. Chace dropped the last pair of socks in the drawer.

“Yes what?” Kyle prompted

Oh, right. “Yes sir,” Chace said angrily. He wished he could pummel the guy.

“Good. Come here,” Kyle commanded.

Chace sullenly walked over to where Kyle was sitting in a leather chair facing the outside wall. The room was significantly larger than Kyle’s previous closet-sized room. This one extended past two windows, had a private bathroom, and had two tiny adjoining rooms for a lieutenant’s junior Gargareans. Chace had not had a chance to look at them too closely yet so he hadn’t picked out which one would be his.

Kyle was sipping tea that Chace had made and reading a book. “I need to put my feet up,” Kyle said. “Kneel down so I can rest them on your back.”

“You’re joking,” Chace said.

Kyle raised his eyebrows. Chace knew what that look m
eant. Kyle wasn’t joking. Chace also knew that meant his balls were going to start getting squeezed if he didn’t obey quickly. Chace knelt down.

“Good boy,” Kyle said. He plopped his feet down on
Chace’s back.

Chace let his anger simmer as Kyle read.
Chace’s knees and hands began to feel sore and then grew numb. He didn’t say a word, though. He didn’t want to give Kyle the satisfaction. Chace had realized that resistance at this point would only please Kyle and earn Chace more pain. No, he would bide his time and play the good servant. In the meantime, he would be looking for a way to get rid of the damned cup and escape from the nightmarish place.

Although the ultimate goal of escape sustained him, the humiliations Chace was forced to endure risked driving him mad. Every second of the day he could feel the cool metal cup resting against his balls. It felt like he could just reach down and
touch his balls but it was impossible. Every time Chace went into the bathroom Kyle would laugh, saying that it was nice not having to worry that his roommate was doing anything inappropriate behind the closed door. Chace would prepare himself for each new round of laughter as her squatted on the toilet, unable to stand up like a man should.

Kyle yawned. “I’m getting tired,” he said. “I think I’ll be going to sleep.”

Chace stood by attentively as Kyle brushed his teeth in case Kyle needed anything. Kyle had ordered him to stand ready any time that he was not working on other chores.

Kyle finished in the bathroom and pulled his shirt off. Chace couldn’t help but be impressed by Kyle’s rippling abs and lean, muscular physique. For a dude, he actually wasn’t bad looking. That probably meant he got laid a lot. The thought only darkened
Chace’s mood.

Kyle looked like he was set for the night so Chace turned around to select his own room.

“Where are you going?” Kyle asked.

“To bed,” Chace replied. “Lieutenant
,” he added belatedly.

“No in those rooms you’re not,” Kyle said. “You’re going to be sleeping in my bed tonight.”

“What?” Chace exclaimed. His heart started racing. What the hell did that mean? He rounded on Kyle angrily. “That’s disgusting. I’m not doing… whatever sick thing it is that you have in mind.”

“Take it easy,” Kyle chuckled. “We’re just going to be sleeping. It is very important to me, however, that you remember why I am superior. Chace, tell me again why I’m superior.”

They had been through this multiple times. Chace knew what he was supposed to say. “Because my manhood has been defeated and caged whereas yours is free,” he said.

“Precisely,” Kyle said. “I want to drive that point home both while you are awake and while you sleep. Therefore, I have created this little device.” Kyle held up a dog collar and a belt. He dropped his pants to the ground, revealing the spandex undershorts he had been wearing since the morning training session. He buckled the belt tightly around his waist. Then he held the collar out to Chace. Chace noticed that there was a chain a few inches long attached to the collar. “You’re going to put this collar on,” he said. “I am then going to attach it to my belt. If you’re not getting the picture yet, you’re going to be spending the rest of the night between my legs. I’m imagining that your head will be resting on my abdomen or my crotch.”

“That’s… that’s vile,” Chace sputtered. “That’s disgusting. Why would you possibly want that?”

Kyle’s grin grew. “I told you why,” he said. “I want you to remember that my manhood is free and superior. This way, you will be immersed in the feel and smell of my manhood all night long. You will dream of it and when you wake up you will find yourself staring at it. I want to start overwhelming every one of your senses with it. I want you to think of nothing but how inferior you are without your own.”

“No,” Chace said. “Never. I’m not doing it.”

An excruciating pain suddenly hit Chace. He groaned and dropped to his knees.

“That’s a good boy,” Kyle said. He patted Chace on the head and put the dog collar around Chace’s neck. Almost gently, he led Chace by the arm to the bed. He helped Chace get under the covers. Then he clipped the collar to the belt. “Remember,” Chace heard Kyle say from above the covers. “No taking the collar, chain, or belt off. Night!”

face was pressed up against Kyle’s rock hard abs. What was that pressing up against Chace’s cheek? He realized with horror that it was Kyle’s cock. Chace’s face was buried in another man’s groin. As the musky smell of Kyle’s balls wafted up to Chace’s nose, Chace did his best to master his fury. There would be a time for revenge. He didn’t know when, but it would come. It had to.

Chace didn’t sleep a wink all night. Kyle’s sweaty spandex-clad package stuck to
Chace’s face and with every breath Chace took he inhaled Kyle’s distinct musky aroma.


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