No Attachments (29 page)

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Authors: Tiffany King

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult

BOOK: No Attachments
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Nathan pulled into the familiar driveway and my heart pinched w
ith happiness at the sight of the cottage. At the moment, I was so happy we had decided to wait. It only seemed right that we would rediscover each other here.

made quick work of unpacking the Range Rover while I got the cats settled inside.

I stepped out to the porch to see if Nathan needed any help. My heart began to race as he slowly approached with the smile that still melted everything inside me. It felt like forever since we'd last stood on this very same spot together. The last time we were here betrayal and lies had threatened the shaky relationship we had. Now, honesty and love bound us together. What started out as a no-attachments bargain had turned into the love story I thought would never be mine. We had no idea what our future held, but we were certain that as long as we had each other, we could face anything.

"Are you ready?" Nathan asked, reaching for my hand and leading us toward our future—together.


YA Titles by Tiffany King

The Saving Angels Series

Meant to Be (Book 1)

Forgotten Souls (Book 2)

The Ascended (Book 3)

Wishing For Someday Soon

Forever Changed

Unlikely Allies

Miss Me Not

Jordyn: A Daemon Hunter Novel Book 1


Where to find Tiffany King


Twitter: @

Tiffany King

Tiffany King


Please enjoy this excerpt from



Faster We Burn


(Fall and Rise, Book Two)





Chelsea M. Cameron






I told myself that I wasn’t attracted to Stryker Grant the first time I saw him. Between the pierced lip and eyebrow, his torn (not on purpose) jeans, and his bleached hair, he was the opposite of every guy I’d ever wanted. Plus, he was dressed as a vampire, fake fangs and all.

My boyfriend, Zack, and I were on again, and I was enjoying being in the center of so much activity, so much life. Then Zack did what he always did and pushed it too far.
In the middle of a crowded Halloween party, no less. I tried to chalk it up to him being drunk, but that was quickly becoming an overused excuse.

Stryker was there quicker than you could say “damsel in distress.” I totally had Zack handled, but Stryker wouldn’t let it go.

Plus, there was the whole drama of Zan getting Zack home and everyone fussing over me like I was five. Then, Stryker called me “sweetheart” in a way that made me clench my teeth.

Even without the fake fangs, I didn’t see it.

I didn’t figure it out until he showed up at my door the next day, asking for the stupid vampire cape he’d given me the night before when I was cold.

“Here,” I said, shoving it at him. He took it, but didn’t leave. Audrey had finally gotten me out of my pink dress and into my sweats, and I wasn’t in the mood to entertain; especially after the look on Lottie’s face when I told her I’d slept with her boyfriend. But, they had to eat and get groceries sometime.

“Listen,” he said, and I knew where this was going. I was going to put a stop to it before anything happened. He chewed the side of his lip that was pierced with a silver ring. His clothes were filthy, and his boots were so covered in dirt I didn’t know what color they were originally. Not that I was one to talk. I didn’t even have contacts in, displaying instead the dorky glasses I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing in public.

“Look, you saved me; you made sure I didn’t freeze to death. Congratulations. You can go now.” I moved to shut the door in his face, but he put his arm out to stop me.

“That wasn’t what I was going to say.” He put his foot in the doorway, and leaned into the room. “What I was going to say is that you’re an idiot.” He folded the cape over his arm.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard what I said. You’re. An. Idiot.” He enunciated the last three words and leaned closer to me until our faces were only separated by a few inches. For the first time, I met his eyes and saw they were green. How had I not noticed that before?

“And what makes you qualified to say that? You don’t even
me.” Seriously, who did he think he was?

“I may not know you, specifically, but I’ve known girls just like you before. You’re the girl who has what everyone thinks is this perfect pink life. The girl who spends all her time trying to be something she’s not.
The girl who’s barely hanging on. You’re an idiot because you think you can keep it up, and you’re an idiot to think that you have to.” I watched the lip ring move as he talked so I wouldn’t look into his eyes again.

“Whatever.” I tried to shove the door closed again, but he was still in my way. “Get out of my room.” I was so done with guys and their testosterone trips.

He held up his hands and backed away, as if I were freaking out for no reason.

“I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, sweetheart.” The way he said “sweetheart” pissed me off, just like it had the first time.

He pivoted on his heel.

“See you around,” he said with a wave over one shoulder.

“Never would be too soon,” I yelled at his back. I could still hear the sound of his laughter, even after I’d slammed the door and pressed my forehead against it so I could just breathe for a second.

The last thing I needed in my life was another guy. Especially one that told me I was an idiot.

But, of course, that was exactly why I opened my door and dashed down the stairs until I found him in the lobby, leaning against the wall beside the door to the stairs. As if he had been waiting for me.

He was messing with his lip ring again, but other than that, he was all
swagger. He raised his pierced eyebrow.

“Is this never?” he said.

I shook my head.

“You’re wrong.
About me. I’m not pretending to be anything,” I said.

“Sure,” he said, a smile playing on his lips.

I took a step toward him and he moved away from the wall and toward me. “I don’t owe you anything.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Good. Now we’ve got that straight –” I grabbed his shirt and yanked him toward my mouth. Luckily, I’d had a lot of practice, so my aim was good, and his lips crashed against mine perfectly. He froze for a moment in surprise, but that didn’t last long. The cape fell to the floor as his arms captured me, pulling me close. It wasn’t a sweet kiss; it was a demanding, get-your-clothes-off kind of kiss. It was a kiss that made me want to wrap my legs around him and take him back to my room.

I heard people walking by and making comments, but I was too preoccupied with the feel of his velvety mouth on mine and how the metal of his lip ring warmed with the contact from my mouth.

He slowed the kiss and finally we broke apart. Both of us were breathing heavily. Green eyes seared into mine, locking me in place.

“What was that for?” He took a step back, but didn’t let go of me.

I shrugged one shoulder as I tried to get my breath back. “I’ve never kissed a guy with a lip ring. I was curious.”

A pucker formed between his eyebrows as he studied me, searching for the real reason. He wasn’t going to find it because I didn’t even know the reason.

“And?” he finally said.

“And now I know.” I tried to back away, but he had both arms wrapped around me, trapping me.

“You ever fucked a guy with a lip ring?” he said.

I shook my head side to side once.

He raised his pierced eyebrow again. “Want to try?”

I fisted my hands in his shirt and gave him another fierce kiss.

Just don’t call me an idiot




I wasn’t planning on getting laid when I went to see her, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to say no when she kissed me like that. Plus, I had a thing for girls with glasses, and she still had that whole damaged thing going for her. I finally let her go, and she grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs to her room.

“We don’t have much time, they’re watching me like I’m going to lose it,” she said, making sure the door was closed before she ripped the elastic out of her hair and pulled her sweatshirt off. Underneath she was just wearing a tank top, no bra. “I’m not going to lose it. I’m
going to lose it.” She pulled her pants off in one quick motion and I realized I was just standing there, still fully-clothed. I also realized she had a shit ton of pink things. In fact, there were so many pillows on the bed, I wasn’t sure if there would be room for me.

She walked until she was right in front of me and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. “I’m not going to lose it, got it?”

“Got it,” I said. She pulled my shirt up and I helped her get it over my head. After only a moment to assess my tattoos, her hands were on my belt.

“Good.” She kissed me again, and we fell onto her bed.

“Too many pillows,” I said against her mouth as I reached behind and chucked some of them on the floor.

“Mmm,” she said, pulling off her tank top. I tossed more pillows until I could finally flip her over so she was on her back under me. She broke the kiss.

“Don’t have one.” I had one in the truck, but I didn’t think I needed to put it in my pocket like I would have if I’d gone out to a bar.

“Top drawer,” she said pointing over her head at her desk. I reached and pulled one out, ignoring the fact that the condoms were probably left over from Zack.

We both got the rest of the way naked and the sex was quick and hot and hard. I knew her neighbors were probably getting an earful, but the sounds she made were
so sweet as her fingernails dug into my back and she begged me for more. Her legs wrapped around me and she rose up to meet me, demanding more, faster, harder. There was also a hint of desperation in it. Of hurt. Of anger.

Of pain.

I finally felt her come around me and I held out for as long as I could after her, but it wasn’t very long.

,” I groaned, holding myself up so I didn’t collapse on her. Our eyes locked and she gave me a quick kiss. She moved so I could lie on my back beside her on the small bed. I turned so I could look at her.

She had a beautiful body. Sweet curves and soft angles. A few freckles dotted their way along her stomach. I hadn’t gotten to taste them.
Yet. I reached out to trace them but she grabbed my wrist.

“Don’t. Just because we had sex doesn’t mean I want you to touch me.” She let me have my wrist back and I moved farther from her as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Do you want me to go?” I said.

“Yes.” I sighed and sat up so I could climb over her, but she put her hand on my shoulder. “No.”

“Which is it? Yes or no?”

She took a shaky breath and stared at the ceiling again.
As if she didn’t want to look at me anymore now that it was over. A tear slid down her cheek, followed by another. She tried to wipe them away so I wouldn’t see, but I did. It wasn’t the first time a girl had cried after sex with me, but this time hit me like a truck.

“Hey,” I said reaching down to wipe one for her, but she moved her face.
Fine. I tried to go again, but I couldn’t leave a crying girl. I pulled my boxers and pants back up, found a blanket on the end of the bed and covered her with it.

“I’m sorry I called you an idiot. Even though you were being one,” I said. I knew that wasn’t the reason she was crying, but I still felt like a dick for adding insult to injury.

“I’m not crying because you called me an idiot,” she said between sobs. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”

I grabbed a tissue from a box that was covered in fuzzy pink material. “Yeah, you do.”

“Shut up,” she said, blowing her nose. “You’ve fucked me, now you can go. I just wanted to get laid, I didn’t want to have a heart-to-heart with a guy I don’t even know or like.”

If that’s what you want.” I pulled my pants up, climbed over her and found my shirt. I’d never even taken my shoes off.

She sobbed again, but she’d asked me to leave and that was what I was going to do. You fuck a girl and she asks you to leave, you get your ass out the door.

I looked back once at Katie curled up under the blanket, holding onto herself as if she was going to break apart. Her wide, wet eyes found mine and begged.

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