Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle) (25 page)

BOOK: Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle)
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Trevor’s brow lifted
. “This goes deeper than a simple attack, Brody. There’s an old vendetta between the two clans. If we could simply outrun them, we would have long ago. Unfortunately, that never works out.”

“Fallon told me a few
things about this other group. They like to cause trouble wherever they go. She’s heard some horrible things about William and his mate, Kathryn. Slater has a contact who confirmed they are making a trip out here.”

“Wait, how do you all know about William?” Trevor asked.

“Fallon says Fiona suspected that William and Kathryn were still alive. It’s why Fallon offered to do the wards for you while you were in San Francisco.”

Trevor gripped the edge of the table and shook his head.
“I didn’t know that.”

likes to help. She looks out for those she considers friends. She trusts you and your people, which means I do too. If there is anything we can do, let us know.” Brody slid a business card across the table. “Evil druids or not, I’m sure Fallon, and a few other people in town, would be happy to help in a magical capacity.”

“I don’t want to drag anyo
ne in that doesn’t need to be.” Which was the truth, even if he wanted to keep Roxy safe. It was only fair to warn the Edenton pack what they might be getting into. “William and Kathryn are evil. They’ve committed heinous acts that make my skin crawl, and I’ve seen some bad shit. You don’t know what you’re getting into.”

“Doesn’t matter. We’ve dealt with worse in the last few months. A couple
of bad druids don’t even compare to the shit we’ve dealt with lately. And frankly, dealing with it sooner, under our terms is a much better strategy than letting them get the upper hand.”

’s brow arched. “I think I need to know what’s been going on.”

Let’s exchange stories. I’m sure we can find a way to help each other.”

Where do you want me to start? You want all the history? Or only what led up to this attack?”

Tell me as much as you think I need to know,” Brody answered.


* * * *


Fallon was already done with the crest. She looked up at Roxy. “Anything else while we’re waiting on the guys?”

Roxy’s mouth curved into a grin. “If it’s not too much trouble, can you do some kind of design around the crest, and add Trevor’s name.
And please don’t start on how it’s never a good idea to have a name on you. He’s my mate. I don’t imagine that will ever change.”

Fallon laughed
softly as her head dipped in a nod. “In the case of mated pairs, I don’t argue, even as new as you two are. Hell, I can feel your bond, it’s that strong. Have any suggestion as to the design?”

She lifted a single shoulder in a shrug.
“You did all of that free hand. I trust your judgment, but maybe something Celtic.”

A slow smile spread on Fallon
’s face. “I have the perfect idea. Are you sure?”

Yup, go for it.”

“You’re going to give me a complex,” Tomahawk
complained from the doorframe he was leaning on.

“Next tattoo, you can do. I promise. I still love your
art, but she’s already here working on me.”

“Mmhmm,” he muttered.

Roxy laughed. “Trust me. I need to talk Trevor into something, but I think we’ll want something more soon. I want to know what he thinks first.”

“Oh, a matching tattoo?” Fallon asked.

“Yes. I feel connected to him in a way that I’ve never felt before. I like ink, so it works.”

’s green eyes sparkled as she looked up and nodded. “I know exactly what you mean. I have a friend heading up here for my wedding. As soon as he does, Brody and I are having interlocking pieces worked.”

“That is awesome,” Roxy replied as new tattoo ideas filled her head.

As she worked, Fallon hedged, “Hey, I have a question, about your situation.”

“Go for it.”

“You didn’t know you were a druid?”

Roxy shook her head, looking up at the ceiling.
“I’ve never done anything magic.”

“Are you sure?”

She shrugged. “I tend to shock people when I’m ticked, or hurt. I always thought it was static electricity.”

“Really?” Fallon snorted a laugh. “Ever heal anyone?”

“Nope.” Roxy shook her head. “I guess I’m only half. I’ve never shifted either. Fiona was trying to help me. I can throw orbs of lightening around, create earthen walls, but that’s about it.”

“Today was your first day trying?” Fallon asked.

“Yeah. Never imagined I was magical, so I had no reason to experiment before.” She wiggled her fingers.

you tried to do too much your first day. Next time you’re up this way, give me a call and we can plan some time. I’ll see if I can help. Fiona’s magic was closer to my mother’s. She had a hard time training me because our skills weren’t similar. Yours sound more like mine.”

Roxy nodded, thinking it through. Fiona hadn’t
specifically told her what kind of magic she was good at, and she hadn’t really considered how many kinds of magic there might be.

She finally answered. “I think I’ll take you up on that. The more I know, the better
. Right?”

“Very true,” Fallon answered.

Tom chuckled. “How hard was it for them to convince you of everything?”

“They didn’t even try until a werewolf gnawed on me and left me for dead. I’m glad Trevor showed up when he did.” She shuddered. “I don’t know what would have happened.”

Fallon gave her a thoughtful look. “You’re a fighter. You would have shifted with the moon and figured it out. That’s what usually happens. I still don’t get why your magic didn’t kick in when you were attacked.”

Roxy frowned, thinking about it for a minute.
“It might have. Boyd was thrown from me for no reason. Several times Dina let go and backed off, while making a pained sound.”

It’s hard to catch all the details when you’re being torn open. It’s very likely you did more damage than you thought.”

“What’s that?” Trevor asked as he slipped past Tomahawk to stand next to Roxy.

“I think maybe I hurt Dina and Boyd, though I didn’t realize it until now, but I can’t be sure.”

“Good. They deserve worse.”

Brody stepped into the room. “Roxy, I have a few questions.”

“Wait, hang on,” Trevor
requested, leaning in to get a better look at the extra Celtic knot work around the piece. “Whose idea was that?” His smile warmed, sending a lick of desire through her.

“Mine. Fallon made it look better than I imagined, but I wanted something extra.”

He looked to Fallon. “Think you can do something like that for me? Doesn’t have to be right now.”

Fallon grinned.
“I have time before my next client. I’m nearly done.”

Roxy shifted her gaze to Brody.
“So, what can I tell you?”


Chapter 28



“You didn’t have to add to your tattoo,” Roxy said as she curled deeper into the passenger seat of Trevor’s Land Cruiser. She tapped her pen on her notebook as she watched him.

“You didn’t have to get yours
at all,” Trevor winked back at her. “Although, I love it, all of it.”

“Yours too. I
wanted to do something special though.” She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down at the paper. “I need to write something for tonight, and I have an idea.”

“I’ll be quiet then,” he
promised as he started the engine.

She lost herself in the words, letting the music flow over her. Every so often she would glance up to watch Trevor.
She studied his strong build, the way his hands wrapped around the steering wheel. She loved the soft smile on his full mouth, the shadow of a beard on his face. She wanted to run her hand over his jaw.

His jade green eyes slid over, catching on hers. The corner of his mouth lifted, causing his dimple to deepen before he looked back at the road.

Inspired, her gaze dropped to her notebook and her pen danced across the paper, words flowing until he tapped her knee. She looked up to find the vehicle parked behind his place.

is eyes darkened as watched her. “We’re here, and I have to admit to my curiosity.”

She shut her notebook, her brow arching.
“You’ll have to wait until it’s my turn to read.”

He gave her big puppy dog eyes, and pushed his lips out in a pout. She shifted, leaning over to nibble on his bottom lip until h
er phone rang, pulling her back to reality.

She answered.
“Hi, Mikey. How are you feeling?”

“Good. I’m out of the hospital, and as long as I take it easy, I was told I could go to your reading tonight.”

“Who told you I was reading?”

Skylar. I’m already at the Jitterhouse. I’m waiting on someone.” There was a sheepish tone to his answer.

“You do realize you aren’t up for Isa’s games. Right?”

Trevor’s eyes widened at the hostility in her tone. She shrugged with as innocent of a look as she could muster.

“Actually,” Mike answered slowly, “
Skylar says there’s someone she wants me to meet. Someone
would approve of.”

“Shit, I didn’t mean
it like that. You just had surgery though, and I know what kind of activities you two get up to.”

“Hmm, you can claim that all you want. I know you can’t stand Isa.”

“With good reason. Look, forget I said anything. I’m worried about my big brother who got out of the hospital five minutes ago. I’ll be there. We’re going to eat first.”

“We, as in you and Trevor?”

“Yes. That all right with you?”

“Yeah. I trust him. I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

“Bye, Mikey.”

“Later, Sis.”

“I’ll order pizza,” Trevor told her.


* * * *


Trevor ordered pizza while Roxy slipped into the bathroom for a shower. He was tempted to take a peek at her notebook, but first he wanted a closer look at her tattoo.

He pulled his shirt over his head as he walked into the bedroom,
then kicked off his jeans and the rest of his clothes before stepping into the steam filled room.

Her scent enveloped him as
he stepped in behind her. Trevor slid his hands up her wet skin to cup her breasts. He grazed his lips down the column of her neck.

Her head fell back on his shoulder as a happy sigh escaped her lips.
“You didn’t look in my notebook, did you?”

“Was tempted,” he
admitted, “but you said I had to wait. I’m behaving. Do I get a reward?”

She pressed her
round ass against his hardening flesh. “Definitely.”

“Good answer.” He shifted his hips, sliding against her slick core. Trevor dropped his hand to press his
length against her, rubbing the pad of his finger over her sensitive pearl.

Her hands slapped the wall as she rocked herself against him, the most sensual noises coming from her parted lips. He caught her ear in his teeth and sucked.

Her gasp made him pause, then she asked, “Wait, I can’t get pregnant?”


“Can’t catch anything?”


“Don’t need condoms then, not that we used one last time.”

He purred against her ear. “You have a way of making me forget everything but you. I’m sorry.”

She turned her face to kiss him. “No need to worry now.”

He rubbed harder, pressing against her heat.

“Please,” she begged.

“Come for me,
A Chroí
,” he commanded.             

“Need you, Trevor,” she moaned.

He pinched her nipple and her body shuddered as orgasm took her. Her arms caught her as she bent forward, leaning into the wall. He slid in deep as her inner walls wrapped around him.

“Hard. Need hard,” she cried.

“Tell me if it’s too hard.”

She barked a laugh and slammed her
round ass into him. His hands landed on her hips, gripping tight as he drove into her.

“Yes,” she whimpered

He slid nearly out before driving in hard, over and over again until she was chanting his name.

So close, but she wasn’t there.
“Roxy, you’re killing me, babe.”

She thumped her fist against the wall. “Harder.”

He grunted with each thrust, pleasure building until it burst with her release. Banding his arm around her waist, he twisted, pulling her back against his chest as he caught his breath.

“I needed that,” she

“Aye, me too. Now I need to make sure I’m dressed for the
pizza guy.” Trevor shifted her back against the wall, gave her a quick but gentle kiss, and stepped out of the shower. “I’ll have to take a closer look at the tattoo later.”


* * * *


A sudden case of nerves hit Roxy. She had her chosen poem in her pocket, and was ready to read. Something was off though. She pulled Trevor to a stop, and sniffed the air.

Anger settled in and she snarled,
“That’s Dina, isn’t it?”

tilted his head, his nostrils flaring. “Shit.” He pulled out his phone.

It only rang once before Trevor said,
“Hey, Joey. We’re on our way to the Jitterhouse, but Roxy caught Dina’s scent two blocks east of the coffee shop. I need someone to scope out the area.”

“Sure, but what are you doing?”

“Poetry Night.”

“We’ll scout it,” Joey hung up and Trevor slipped the phone into his pocket.

Roxy whispered, “If Mikey wasn’t going, I’d say let’s stay home. I don’t want to disappoint him though.” Her eyes slid shut as she took a slow breath. “Let’s go.” There was a growl in her voice.

“I like it when you get protective, even if it is over your brother,” Trevor

Her eyes cut to him and narrowed.
His dimple appeared as a crooked grin spread on his lips, setting her at ease.

Roxy grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the shop.
“No sense in letting that bitch and her asshole ruin the night. If I see her, I have every intention of beating the shit out of her.”

’s chest heaved as he ground his teeth together, but he held his tongue. Once his breath slowed, he gave her a tight smile.

He calmly explained,
“One on one you can take her. Everything Joey says leads me to believe you can handle her. However, if they bring everyone, you can’t take them all on. And Roxy, she’s not likely to come alone.”

She snapped back,
“I know. Let me have the fantasy of tearing into her. I want to show her what a fair fight is like.”

“God, I love you,

She smiled back at him, feeling better already.
“Love you too.”

Trevor hurried past her to get the door. She rolled her eyes as she walked
by, brushing her fingers along the top of his waistband.

He purred in response,
and walked up behind her to put his hands on her waist. Dipping his head, he whispered in her ear. “I’m never going to have my fill of you. I want you already.”

A shiver traveled down her spine.
“If my brother wasn’t here, I would have skipped Poetry Night.”

already sat in her favorite booth across from Skylar and Tyler.

Roxy slid in next to her brother and gave him a gentle one armed hug
“Hey, Mikey. How are you feeling?”

He winced a little.
“I’m good, but I should warn you that Jordan brought me. He’s still here.”

“Oh, okay.” Roxy managed a weak smile.

“I think he’s really moved on.” Mikey leaned back and took a look around the cafe. “I haven’t seen him since we got here.”

bumped her shoulder with his. “What would you like to drink, Rox?” he asked sweetly, breaking the tension.

Vanilla breve. Tell him it’s Roxy’s. Brent will give me plenty of vanilla.” She grinned.

A smirk lifted one corner of his mouth
before he gave her a quick kiss and left the booth.

laid her hands flat on the table and leaned forward. “What is it, Roxy? What’s bothering you?”

The dreaded conversation.
The one she knew was coming, but Trevor tried to convince her wouldn’t. Roxy put on a brave smile. “Nothing.”

“Is it that Jordan is here?”

“Maybe.” Actually, that was a portion of it, and happened to be a safe topic. “It’s a little weird knowing he’s here after everything.”

shrugged. “I met his new girl. They seem perfect for each other.”

Tyler turned to
Skylar, and agreed, “They seem to work. Not in love, but they are connected. Hey, it’s new. Give them a chance.”

“I’m all for him moving on. I
came to the realization that I’m the one who’s been holding him back.” She closed her eyes with a wince. “You know how I always try to help him get it together, then he starts trying to get back together with me so I shut him down until he starts moping and then it goes round and round until I’m dizzy? Yeah, well I’m not doing that anymore.”

Skylar smiled.

“You do look happier,” Tyler told her.

Mike groaned. “It’s weird seeing you with anyone after you were alone for so long. I used to think that maybe you and Jordan would work things out.”

There was a topic Roxy wanted to avoid, even if she couldn’t. She gave her brother a grim smile.
“Only because he’s always been your closest friend.”

“What can I say? He’s always been there for me, even with all the shit he’s been through.”

“I know, which is why I haven’t shut Jordan out. Mikey, this is his last chance. He seems to have turned things around, and I’m happy for him. I hope it lasts, or at the very least he moves on from me. I won’t help him pick himself up if he falls back down again.”

“I know.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I think he gets it. He told me he wants you to be happy.”

Roxy dropped her gaze to her hands. “I hope so.”

“And you and Trevor
? I’ve never seen you like that with anyone. Not even Jordan.”

Roxy turned toward Mikey and told him honestly
, “I love him. He’s everything I ever wanted and more.”

His brow arched, a frown pulling at his mouth.
“You met him Saturday for crying out loud.”

“More like Sunday morning.” Roxy shrugged. “I know
this is fast, but he’s the one. Please, be happy for me.”

Mikey looked over her shoulder and shook his head.

Roxy followed his gaze. Trevor’s eyes locked on hers and he mouthed,
I love you, A Chroí.

She blew him a kiss before grinning at Mikey.

“As much as I hate to burst your bubble, you thought you loved Jordan,” Skylar pointed out.

Roxy’s head whipped in her direction
. “Night and day. What I felt for Jordan was like one tiny star in a black sky. What I feel for Trevor is the sun on a summer day.”

Skylar squealed, bouncing in her seat. “Okay, okay, you’ve convinced me.”

Tyler put his arm around Skylar and winked at Roxy. “Didn’t need to convince me.”

“I hope you’re right,” Mikey told her. “I worry about you. I know you think Trevor is the one, but what if he isn’t?”

While she understood Mikey’s concern, Trevor had completely washed her doubt away. Explaining that to Mikey was impossible without going into things he couldn’t understand.

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