Locker 13

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Authors: R.L. Stine

BOOK: Locker 13
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Go ahead and scream.

No one can hear you. You're no longer in the safe world you know.

You've taken a terrifying step …

into the darkest corners of your imagination.

You've opened the door to …



I'm R.L. Stine, and I want to introduce you to Luke Greene. He's that short, wiry seventh-grader standing in front of his locker.

Some kids tease Luke about being too superstitious. He wears a lucky shirt to school, and he never goes anywhere without a lucky rabbit's foot tucked in his pocket.

Luke doesn't mind being teased. He says you can never have enough good luck.

That's why he's so unhappy about his new locker. It's the first day of school, and Luke has been given Locker 13.

Luke is staring at the locker in horror—and he has reason to be worried. Now he's going to need all the lucky shirts, and four-leaf clovers, and good-luck charms he can find.

Because when he turns the lock and pulls open Locker 13, Luke will actually be opening the door to …



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Go Deeper into This Nightmare...

About the Author

Preview: The Nightmare Room #3 My Name is Evil



About the Publisher


“Hey, Luke—good luck!”

Who called to me? The hall was jammed with kids excited about the first day of school. I was excited, too. My first day in seventh grade. My first day at Shawnee Valley Junior High.

I just
this was going to be an awesome year.

Of course, I didn't take any chances. I wore my lucky shirt. It's a faded green T-shirt, kind of stretched out and the pocket is a little torn. But
no way
I'd start a school year without my lucky shirt.

And I had my lucky rabbit's foot in the pocket of my baggy khakis. It's black and very soft and furry. It's a key chain, but I don't want to ruin the good luck by hanging keys on it.

Why is it so lucky? Well, it's a
rabbit's foot, which is very rare. And I found it last November on my birthday. And after I found it, my parents gave me the new computer I wanted. So, it brought me good luck—right?

I glanced up at the red-and-black computer-printed banner hanging over the hall: GO, SQUIRES! SUPPORT YOUR TEAM!

All of the boys' teams at Shawnee Valley are called the Squires. Don't ask me how they got that weird name. The banner made my heart race just a little. It reminded me that I had to find the basketball coach and ask when he was having tryouts.

I had a whole list of things I wanted to do: (1) check out the computer lab; (2) find out about the basketball team; (3) see if I could take any kind of special swimming program after school. I never went to a school with a swimming pool before. And since swimming is my other big sport, I was pretty pumped about it.


I spun around to find my friend Hannah Marcum behind me, looking as cheerful and enthusiastic as always. Hannah has short coppery hair, the color of a bright new penny, green eyes, and a great smile. My mother always calls her Sunshine, which totally embarrasses both of us.

“Your pocket is torn,” she said. She tugged at it, ripping it a little more.

“Hey—get off!” I backed away. “It's my lucky shirt.”

“Did you find your locker assignment yet?” She pointed to a group of kids studying a chart taped to the wall. They were all standing on tiptoe, trying to see over each other. “It's posted over there. Guess what? My locker is the first one outside the lunchroom. I'll be first for lunch every day.”

“Oooh, lucky,” I said.

“And I got Gruen for English,” Hannah gushed. “He's the best! He's so funny. Everyone says you can't stop laughing. Did you get him too?”

“No,” I said. “I got Warren.”

Hannah made a face. “You're doomed.”

“Shut up,” I said. “Don't say things like that.” I squeezed my rabbit's foot three times.

I pushed my way through the crowd to the locker chart. This is going to be an
year, I told myself. Junior High is
not like elementary school.

“Hey, man—how's it going?” Darnell Cross slapped me a high five.

“What's up?” I replied.

“Check it out. You got the
locker,” Darnell said.

I squinted at the chart. “Huh? What do you mean?”

I ran my eyes down the list of names until I came to mine: Luke Greene. And then I followed the dotted line to my locker number.

And gasped.

“No way!” I said out loud. “That can't be right.”

I blinked a few times, then focused on the chart again.

Yes. Locker 13.

Luke Greene ............... #13


My breath caught in my throat. I started to choke. I turned away from the chart, hoping no one could see how upset I was.

How can this be happening to me? I wondered. Locker 13? My whole year is
before it begins!

My heart pounded so hard, my chest ached. I forced myself to start breathing again.

I turned and found Hannah still standing there. “Where's your locker?” she asked. “I'll walk you there.”

“Uh … well … I can deal with it,” I said.

She squinted at me. “Excuse me?”

“I can deal with it,” I repeated shakily. “It's locker thirteen, but I can handle it. Really.”

Hannah laughed. “Luke, you're such a superstitious geek!”

I frowned at her. “You mean that in a nice way—right?” I joked.

She laughed again and shoved me into a crowd of kids. I wish she wouldn't shove me so much. She's really strong.

I apologized to the kids I stumbled into. Then Hannah and I started down the crowded hall, checking the locker numbers, searching for number 13.

Just past the science lab, Hannah stopped suddenly and grabbed something up from the floor.

“Hey, wow! Look what I found!”

She held up a five-dollar bill. “Mmmmm—yes!” She raised it to her lips and kissed it. “Five bucks! Yay!”

I sighed and shook my head. “Hannah, how come you're always so lucky?”

She didn't answer that question.

It seemed like a simple question, but it wasn't.

And if she had told me the answer, I think I would have run away—run as far as I could from Shawnee Valley Junior High, and never come back.


Let's skip ahead two months….

Seventh grade was not bad so far. I made some new friends. I made real progress on the computer animation piece I had been working on for nearly two years. And I actually won a spot on the basketball team.

It was early November, about two weeks into the season. And I was late for practice.

Guys were already on the floor, doing stretching exercises, bouncing basketballs to each other, taking short layups. I crept to the locker room, hoping no one would notice me.

“Luke—get dressed. You're late!” Coach Bendix shouted.

I started to call, “Sorry. I got hung up in the computer lab.” But that was no kind of excuse. So I just gave Coach a nod and started jogging full speed to the locker room to get changed.

My stomach felt kind of tight. I realized I wasn't looking forward to practice today. For a little guy, I'm a pretty good basketball player. I've got a good outside shot and pretty fast hands on defense.

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