Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

Night of Seduction (24 page)

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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“Yeah, and

t leave anything out,

Miriam said as she
pulled TeKaya to leave.

As they walked
out, the media was in full force in front of the station.

We can exit out the back.

Ty stated as he
pulled out his black berry to call the driver.


TeKaya shook her head.

Jason lives and works in this town. I am not going to run
away from the media or anyone else. I did nothing any one of them
would not have done in the same situation. I

m not
going to allow the media to control my life the way they did

s. I

m going out this
front door with my head held high. Tomorrow we will have a press
conference and explain our side of the story. Let Latoya have her
fifteen minutes of fame tonight. I

ll have my day in

Miriam, Ty, and
Kerri smiled as Jason took TeKaya

s hand and walked out
the door. Camera flashes went off in all directions. Questions were
being thrown at Jason, but he did not give an inch. He placed
TeKaya in the black SUV, as Ty secured the mothers. While in the
car, Ty gave his phone to Jason.

I think you should
take this call.

“Who is

“Mitch Curry
from the morning show.

“Man, I like
Mitch, but I don

t want to deal with
the press right now.

“You do want to
take this call.

Ty said as he turned back in his seat
up front.


Jason said, and then just



he smiled as he looked out the window
contemplating his next move.

I think you just got
an exclusive. Can you be at Eric

s place by

He listened to the reply.


ll see you in the morning.

“Ty, get Sherri
on the phone.


s already at



Jason replied and just

They were
greeted at the gate with another media crowd, but the driver
continued through the gate, which was closed immediately behind
them. The grounds of Eric

s estate created a
safe haven for them all, the moment the latch clicked shut. When
they entered the home, there was a sea of activity going on. A
number of people were in the foyer on cell phones. Another group of
people were in the media room watching different news outlets. A
group of men that could only be security gathered in a corner
taking directions from a woman that looked as fierce as any of the
men. Ty went over to two men in suits and began talking. Miriam,
Kerri, Jason, and TeKaya walked to the back of the house where they
found Eric and Siri waiting. Siri was the first to reach

TK. Are you alright?

she hugged her
sister then took a step back to look at her.


TK said.


Siri asked.

“Stop trying to
find a way to blame yourself for this. I know that

TK looked over at Eric,

How many
different ways has she claimed responsibility for

Eric had to
smile, because TeKaya had nailed her sister to the wall.

At least three so far, but we

ve only been here
about an hour. I

m sure if you give
her more time, she

ll have at least ten

Siri put her
hands on her hips and frowned at Eric. He walked over to his

Everything straight?

“Better. Mitch
Curry from the morning show will have an exclusive in the


s syndicated radio.
Why not television?


m sure Mitch will
have a station or two interested in the exclusive before

“Alright. What
do you need from me?

“Just be there
with me.


After checking
in on Sierra, who was sound asleep in her room at

s house with Gabby next door, Jason finally had a
moment alone with TeKaya. After all she went through today, he knew
without a doubt this was the woman for him. He stood in the doorway
of the room he used whenever he stayed at Eric

s place.
The room had always been a retreat away from home. But never had it
been as beautiful as it was with TeKaya sitting on the bed against
the headboard. Her hair was lose around her shoulders, and she wore
a long, black night gown made of lace and silk. A pair of black
stilettos, completed the heavenly vision.


ve been waiting for you.

She said as she
slipped off the bed and twirled halfway around the bedpost. Eric
was kind enough to let me into your suite. I hope you

t mind.

Classic. That
was the only word he could think of to describe her beauty. She had
the classy look of Audrey Hepburn, the beauty of Lena Horne and the
tenacity of Josephine Baker. The most amazing part of her standing
in this place, at this time was simple

she was his. He
closed the door behind him and walked towards her as she stood her
ground. He stopped right in front of her and traced her face with
his finger.

What could I have
possibly done on this earth for God to favor me so? I will never
know. But, I thank him for giving me you.

She started to
say something but he put his finger to her lips.

Just listen for a moment. Six months ago, I was ready to
give up on finding someone to love or someone to love me.

d stopped looking for you and then you appeared in the
least expected place. But I knew, the moment I saw you, that you
were the one. Since that day, I

ve thought of nothing
else but making you mine. As much as I want you at this moment, and
GOD knows I want you. You said you wanted to wait until we are
married. The last thing I want is for you to regret our first time

TeKaya reached
out and touched his chest. She ran her hand over his chest as if
memorizing the feel of him. Taking a step closer she took his arms
and placed them around her waist.

While I was in the
back of the police car I promised myself I was going to make love
to you as soon as time would allow. My heart has been married to
you for a few months now. In a funny way, Latoya sealed the deal
for me today. There is no way I would let that woman have one more
moment with you. I love you Jason, from that funny lump on the back
of your head, to that callus on the bottom of your foot. Before
this week is out, I want to be your wife and moving into our new
home. Before this year is over, I want to be carrying your child.
Before this night is over I want you to claim me as

Her hands roamed down to his manhood and gently

Make love to me

Taking her face into his hands, he kissed
her, feeding a hunger so deep; it could have saved a small third
world country from starving. Not another word was spoken between
the two. They used their bodies to express their emotions. TeKaya
pulled his t-shirt over his head and marveled at the wide
shoulders, six pack stomach, and trim waistline. She begin kissing
each shoulder, sucked each nipple, than used her tongue to trace
from the center of his chest and circle his navel. Taking her time,
she slipped her hands around his waist under his sweat pants and
over his behind, pushing them down his thighs, allowing his manhood
to spring free. With all the will power she had, she willed herself
to continue until the pants hit the floor. Then slowly rising she
started placing kisses up his legs, continuing up his thighs and
finally the tip of him.

He grabbed her
under her arms, pulling her up to him and took over the seduction
beginning with her shoulders. He slipped the thin straps down her
arms, trailing with his fingers on both arms. The gown slipped over
her breasts and hung around her hips. Feeling the weight of each
breast in his hands, he gathered one then the other, sucking until
he felt her knees buckle, or was it his? He wasn

t sure and

t care. All he knew was the taste of her, the feel of
her, and the very essence of her was calling him. Kneeling in front
of her he gathered her tiny waist in his hands and pulled her core
to his nose and he inhaled through the material. What he wanted,
what he had longed for was beneath the piece of fabric that now
hung on her hips. Placing his hands under the material he began to
massage her behind with his fingers and pushed the fabric to the
floor, revealing his most wanted desire. Nothing could have
prepared him for her perfection. No imagination, no dreams

d had over the last few months came close to what
stood before him. He sat back on his heels and scanned her from her
toes up to her eyes. Exquisite was the only word that came to mind.
He reached out and touched the silky hair that was neatly trimmed
at the V of her thighs. With his thumb, he stroked the bud of her
love nest and her knees bent. Without warning he pulled her to his
mouth, spread her thighs, and began to ravish her inner core. His
hands supported her weight where she stood as she began to crumble
from his all out assault. When she grabbed his shoulders and he
heard her gasps, he smiled with the knowledge that he was the
catalyst that caused her to scream. He waited for the sweet reward
of her juices flowing, to quench his thirst. And he was just
getting started.

Standing he
picked her up and gently placed her on the bed. He smiled down at
her almost closed eyelids down to the stilettos that were still on
her feet. She took that orgasm in her stilettos--now

s a woman. He went to the foot of the bed, removed her
shoes, and threw them over his shoulder. She smiled and held her
arms out to him. He shook his head no and gathered her feet in his
hands, kissing the arch on each and sucking the big toe until she
was squirming on the bed. He bent her knees up as he crawled
between her thighs placing a kiss behind each one. Releasing her
legs he laid snuggly in the junction of her thighs, slipped his
hands over hers and entwined their fingers together. Looking into
her eyes, his manhood continued to jerk to attention, with

s radar positioned for the target. But, this was one
time he did not want to rush. He wanted to savor every minute,
every feel, and every touch. Without guidance, he slowly began to
enter her as if it knew exactly where it was suppose to go. The
glorious feeling of her core enclosing so tightly around him,
caused his eyes to close to the shear pleasure. He eased further
into her enjoying the wonder of her until, he



t be. He opened his eyes and stared into her
knowing eyes. She kissed him and smiled. Could this be? Could this
beautiful woman have chosen him above all others? The look of
contentment in her eyes answered the question, unequivocally, she
had. He was now determined to prove himself worthy of such a gift.
He kissed her eyes, her nose and finally her lips, gently probing
his tongue and his manhood into her. Her fingers squeezed his as he
broke through the barrier. He stilled until he felt her moving
slowly, setting her own rhythm and then he followed until he could
no longer stand the torture. Taking over he held her and moved
within her like a man on a mission. He was not going to allow his
explosion until he had drained her of all the sweet loving she had
preserved just for him. It seemed this spirited woman, he had
fallen in love with was not the lay back and take what you give.
No, she was meeting him stroke for stroke, dip for dip and reaching
up for more. It felt as if they were suspended in mid air. The
deeper he plunged, the further up she came. The harder he plumbed
the harder she slammed up to meet his body, until they both
exploded and time stood still.

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